2.11. Beyond the City – Exploring Rural and Coastal Areas

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Transportation to more remote areas, vocabulary for scenic spots, nature reserves, and coastal areas. Includes phrases for boat rides, hiking, and rural tourism.

A. Basic Level

Tourists, both from China and abroad, explore the serene 乡村 (countryside | xiāngcūn) and vibrant 海滨 (seaside | hǎibīn) areas. In a lush 自然保护区 (nature reserve | zìrán bǎohùqū), groups eagerly 徒步 (hike | túbù) along scenic 路径 (paths | lùjìng), their cameras ready for 摄影 (photography | shèyǐng) and 观鸟 (birdwatching | guānniǎo).

Adventurers eagerly 登山 (mountain climb | dēngshān) and 野营 (camp | yěyíng) near crystal-clear 山 (mountains | shān) and 湖 (lakes | hú). Meanwhile, families enjoy 乘船 (boating | chéngchuán) along the coastline, their laughter echoing over the waves.

In these remote areas, the tourists find a blend of tranquility and adventure, their 导游图 (tourist maps | dǎoyóu tú) guiding them through China’s natural wonders.


乡村 xiāngcūn village
海滨 hǎibīn seaside
自然保护区 zìrán bǎohù qū nature reserve
风景区 fēngjǐng qū scenic area
徒步 túbù hiking
登山 dēngshān mountain climbing
chuán boat
野营 yěyíng camping
海滩 hǎitān beach
乘船 chéng chuán take a boat
农家乐 nóngjiālè rural tourism
户外 hùwài outdoors
探险 tànxiǎn adventure
导游图 dǎoyóu tú guide map
钓鱼 diàoyú fishing
摄影 shèyǐng photography
观鸟 guānniǎo bird watching
烧烤 shāokǎo barbecue
自行车 zìxíngchē bicycle
shān mountain
路径 lùjìng path
地图 dìtú map
包车 bāochē charter a vehicle



乡村 乡村风光秀丽宁静。 Xiāngcūn fēngguāng xiùlì níngjìng. The countryside is beautiful and peaceful.
海滨 海滨日出景色迷人。 Hǎibīn rì chū jǐngsè mírén. The beachfront sunrise view is stunning.
自然保护区 这是著名的自然保护区。 Zhè shì zhùmíng de zìrán bǎohù qū. This is a famous nature reserve.
风景区 这个风景区游客众多。 Zhège fēngjǐng qū yóukè zhòngduō. This scenic area is crowded with tourists.
徒步 我们计划徒步穿越这片森林。 Wǒmen jìhuà túbù chuānyuè zhè piàn sēnlín. We plan to hike through this forest.
登山 登山是一项挑战性活动。 Dēngshān shì yī xiàng tiǎozhàn xìng huódòng. Hiking is a challenging activity.
湖上的小船很迷人。 Húshàng de xiǎochuán hěn mírén. The boat on the lake is charming.
野营 我们在山谷里野营。 Wǒmen zài shāngǔ lǐ yěyíng. We camped in the valley.
海滩 这片海滩非常适合游泳。 Zhè piàn hǎitān fēicháng shìhé yóuyǒng. This beach is perfect for swimming.
乘船 我们乘船去对岸。 Wǒmen chéng chuán qù duì’àn. We take a boat to the other side of the river.
农家乐 农家乐体验田园生活。 Nóngjiālè tǐyàn tiányuán shēnghuó. The farmhouse experience is idyllic.
户外 他们喜欢户外活动。 Tāmen xǐhuān hùwài huódòng. They love the outdoors.
探险 这是一次森林探险。 Zhè shì yīcì sēnlín tànxiǎn. This is a forest adventure.
导游图 导游图帮我们找路。 Dǎoyóu tú bāng wǒmen zhǎo lù. The guide map helps us find our way.
钓鱼 湖边是理想的钓鱼地。 Hú biān shì lǐxiǎng de diàoyú de. The lake is ideal for fishing.
摄影 这里是摄影爱好者的天堂。 Zhèlǐ shì shèyǐng àihào zhě de tiāntáng. It is a paradise for photographers.
观鸟 这个区域非常适合观鸟。 Zhège qūyù fēicháng shìhé guān niǎo. This area is great for bird watching.
烧烤 我们晚上在海滩上烧烤。 Wǒmen wǎnshàng zài hǎitān shàng shāokǎo. We had a barbecue on the beach in the evening.
自行车 乡间小路适合骑自行车。 Xiāngjiān xiǎolù shìhé qí zìxíngchē. The country roads are good for biking.
山上的空气很清新。 Shānshàng de kōngqì hěn qīngxīn. The air is fresh in the mountains.
这个湖波光粼粼,非常美丽。 Zhège hú bōguāng lín lín, fēicháng měilì. This lake is sparkling and very beautiful.
路径 这条路径直通山顶。 Zhè tiáo lùjìng zhítōng shāndǐng. The trail goes right to the top of the mountain.
地图 地图上标出了所有景点。 Dìtú shàng biāo chūle suǒyǒu jǐngdiǎn. All the sights are marked on the map.
包车 我们包车去了一个偏远的村庄。 Wǒmen bāochē qùle yīgè piānyuǎn de cūnzhuāng. We chartered a bus to a remote village.

