Most of the following manuals are all years old and no longer up to date. They only answer the question: What did we know about this or that topic in year X?
COVID-19 (2021)
What did we know about COVID-19 in January 2021? (534 pages)
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps and Christian Hoffmann

COVID-19 (2020)
What did we know about COVID-19 on March 29, 2020? (140 pages)
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps and Christian Hoffmann

Oliena Studio (2019)
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps + Monica Limoncino + Maurizio Melis

- EspaƱol: Free PDF | Print
- Italiano: Free PDF | Print
- Sardu: Free PDF | Print
- English: Free PDF | Print
OLIENA (2018)
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps, Monica Limoncino and Maurizio Melis

Open Language Interface for Enhanced Network Activity
Language recovery after stroke
Free app + free PDF (278 pages)
The Amedeo Worlds (2015)
Comments on the Amedeo Literature Service.
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps

Influenza (2006)
What did we know about influenza in 2006?
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps, Christian Hoffmann, Wolfgang Preiser, et al. 2006

HIV and AIDS (2004)
What did we know about HIV and AIDS in 2004 (German, 712 pages)?
(Find the current edition here.)
By Christian Hoffmann, Bernd Sebastian Kamps, et al.

HIV Medicine (2003)
What did we know about HIV in 2003 (351 pages)?
See also the Spanish, Italian and Romanian editions.
By Christian Hoffmann, Bernd Sebastian Kamps, et al.

SARS (2003)
What did we know about SARS in 2003?
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps, Christian Hoffmann, et al.

Amedeo (1998)
By Bernd Sebastian Kamps (1997-2022)

The Medical Literature Guide
> 50.000 subscribers
Web site
HIV and AIDS (1998)
What did we know about HIV and AIDS in 1998 (German, website)?
By Reinhard Brodt, Eilke Brigitte Helm and Bernd Sebastian Kamps.

AIDS / HIV.NET (1991-2008)
Bernd Sebastian Kamps et al. 1991-2008

Since 2009: HIV-Buch, von Christian Hoffmann et al.
German website