1.10. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

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Awareness of cybersecurity practices, especially in the context of using public Wi-Fi and online services.

A. Basic Level


In a dimly lit room, two cybercriminals plotted. “We need the 密码 (password, mìmǎ) to bypass their 安全 (security, ānquán) system,” whispered one, eyes fixed on his screen.

“The 网络 (network, wǎngluò) is vulnerable,” the other said, typing rapidly. “Once we access their 数据 (data, shùjù), we’ll have control over the 用户 (users, yònghù).”

“Make sure to avoid any 防火墙 (firewall, fánghuǒqiáng) alerts,” cautioned the first. “Use the 漏洞 (vulnerability, lòudòng) you found yesterday.”

The second nodded, his fingers moving swiftly. “I’m uploading the 恶意软件 (malware, èyì ruǎnjiàn) now. This will give us complete 访问 (access, fǎngwèn) to their system.”


密码 mìmǎ password
安全 ānquán security
网络 wǎngluò internet
隐私 yǐnsī privacy
保护 bǎohù protection
数据 shùjù data
访问 fǎngwèn access
账户 zhànghù account
病毒 bìngdú virus
防火墙 fánghuǒqiáng firewall
攻击 gōngjī attack
风险 fēngxiǎn risk
信息 xìnxī information
下载 xiàzài download
加密 jiāmì encryption
认证 rènzhèng authentication
监控 jiānkòng monitor
链接 liànjiē link
软件 ruǎnjiàn software
更新 gēngxīn update
漏洞 lòudòng vulnerability
备份 bèifèn backup
恶意软件 èyì ruǎnjiàn malware
用户 yònghù user



密码 请设置复杂的密码。 Qǐng shèzhì fùzá de mìmǎ. Please set complex passwords.
安全 网络安全非常重要。 Wǎngluò ānquán fēicháng zhòngyào. Network security is very important.
网络 网络连接应保持安全。 Wǎngluò liánjiē yìng bǎochí ānquán. Internet connections should be kept secure.
隐私 保护个人隐私是必要的。 Bǎohù gèrén yǐnsī shì bìyào de. Protection of personal privacy is necessary.
保护 保护数据免受损害。 Bǎohù shùjù miǎn shòu sǔnhài. Protect data from damage.
数据 数据应加以安全存储。 Shùjù yìng jiāyǐ ānquán cú chǔ. Data should be stored securely.
访问 保护账户不被未授权访问。 Bǎohù zhànghù bù bèi wèi shòuquán fǎngwèn. Protect accounts from unauthorized access.
账户 账户安全不能忽视。 Zhànghù ānquán bùnéng hūshì. Account security cannot be ignored.
病毒 电脑病毒会造成损失。 Diànnǎo bìngdú huì zàochéng sǔnshī. Computer viruses can cause damage.
防火墙 防火墙帮助阻挡攻击。 Fánghuǒqiáng bāngzhù zǔdǎng gōngjí. Firewalls help block attacks.
攻击 网络攻击越来越常见。 Wǎngluò gōngjí yuè lái yuè chángjiàn. Cyber attacks are becoming more common.
风险 上网时要意识到风险。 Shàngwǎng shí yào yìshí dào fēngxiǎn. Be aware of the risks when surfing the Internet.
信息 个人信息需要保密。 Gèrén xìnxī xūyào bǎomì. Personal information needs to be kept confidential.
下载 下载文件要确保安全。 Xiàzài wénjiàn yào quèbǎo ānquán. Downloading files needs to be secure.
加密 加密可以保护数据。 Jiāmì kěyǐ bǎohù shùjù. Encryption protects data.
认证 两步认证增加安全性。 Liǎng bù rènzhèng zēngjiā ānquán xìng. Two-step authentication increases security.
监控 网络活动需要监控。 Wǎngluò huódòng xūyào jiānkòng. Internet activity needs to be monitored.
链接 不要点击可疑链接。 Bùyào diǎnjī kěyí liànjiē. Don’t click on suspicious links.
软件 软件需要定期更新。 Ruǎnjiàn xūyào dìngqí gēngxīn. Software needs to be updated regularly.
更新 及时更新防止安全漏洞。 Jíshí gēngxīn fángzhǐ ānquán lòudòng. Timely updates prevent security breaches.
漏洞 软件漏洞需要修补。 Ruǎnjiàn lòudòng xūyào xiūbǔ. Software vulnerabilities need to be patched.
备份 定期备份重要数据。 Dìngqí bèifèn zhòngyào shùjù. Back up important data regularly.
恶意软件 恶意软件会损害系统。 Èyì ruǎnjiàn huì sǔnhài xìtǒng. Malware can damage the system.
用户 用户应当提高安全意识。 Yònghù yīngdāng tígāo ānquán yìshí. Users should raise security awareness.

