1. 2. Navigation and Travel Apps

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Learning about apps for maps, public transportation, and local travel guidance.

A. Basic Level


Sweetheart, the internet is like a giant 地图 (map | dìtú),” the grandfather explained to his young granddaughter. “It helps us find 路线 (routes | lùxiàn) to different places. Imagine using it to plan a 目的地 (destination | mùdìdì) for a trip, or to figure out how to take 公共交通 (public transportation | gōnggòng jiāotōng), like 公交车 (buses | gōngjiāochē) or 地铁 (subway | dìtiě). Just like checking the 时间表 (timetable | shíjiānbiǎo) for a 火车 (train | huǒchē), the internet guides us on our journey, whether we’re 步行 (walking | bùxíng) or riding 自行车 (bicycles | zìxíngchē), and even helps us find places to stay and 景点 (scenic spots | jǐngdiǎn) to visit.

地图 dìtú map
路线 lùxiàn route
目的地 mùdìdì destination
导航 dǎoháng navigation
公共交通 gōnggòng jiāotōng public transportation
公交车 gōngjiāochē bus
地铁 dìtiě subway
火车 huǒchē train
出租车 chūzūchē taxi
时间表 shíjiānbiǎo schedule
车票 chēpiào ticket
车站 chēzhàn station
站点 zhàndiǎn stop
方向 fāngxiàng direction
距离 jùlí distance
交通 jiāotōng traffic
到达 dàodá arrival
出发 chūfā departure
行程 xíngchéng itinerary
步行 bùxíng walk
自行车 zìxíngchē bicycle
住宿 zhùsù accommodation
景点 jǐngdiǎn attraction
推荐 tuījiàn recommendation
全球定位系统 quánqiú dìngwèi xìtǒng GPS


地图 我用地图找到了那个地方。 [map | dìtú]

Wǒ yòng dìtú zhǎodàole nàgè dìfāng.

I used a map to find the place.

路线 我们需要规划一条到机场的路线。 [route | lùxiàn]

Wǒmen xūyào guīhuà yītiáo dào jīchǎng de lùxiàn.

We need to plan a route to the airport.

目的地 这个应用可以帮你找到最佳目的地。 [destination | mùdì de]

Zhège yìngyòng kěyǐ bāng nǐ zhǎodào zuì jiā mùdì de.

This app helps you find the best destination.

导航 手机导航帮我们避开了交通堵塞。 [navigation | dǎoháng]

Shǒujī dǎoháng bāng wǒmen bì kāile jiāotōng dǔsè.

Mobile navigation helps us avoid traffic jams.

公共交通 公共交通是城市出行的便捷方式。 [public transportation | gōnggòng jiāotōng]

Gōnggòng jiāotōng shì chéngshì chūxíng de biànjié fāngshì.

Public transportation is a convenient way to get around the city.

公交车 我每天乘公交车上班。 [bus | gōngjiāo chē]

Wǒ měitiān chéng gōngjiāo chē shàngbān.

I take the bus to work every day.

地铁 地铁是一种快速穿越城市的交通方式。 [subway | dìtiě]

Dìtiě shì yī zhǒng kuàisù chuānyuè chéngshì de jiāotōng fāngshì.

The subway is a form of transportation that travels quickly through a city.

火车 我计划乘火车旅行。 [train | huǒchē]

Wǒ jìhuà chéng huǒchē lǚxíng.

I plan to travel by train.

出租车 我们在街角拦了一辆出租车。 [taxi | chūzūchē]

Wǒmen zài jiējiǎo lánle yī liàng chūzūchē.

We stopped a cab on the corner.

时间表 查看火车的时间表很重要。 [schedule | shíjiān biǎo]

Chákàn huǒchē de shíjiān biǎo hěn zhòngyào.

It’s important to check the train schedule.

车票 我在线上买了车票。 [ticket | chēpiào]

Wǒ zàixiàn shàng mǎile chēpiào.

I bought my ticket online.

车站 车站离我们的酒店很近。 [station | chēzhàn]

Chēzhàn lí wǒmen de jiǔdiàn hěn jìn.

The station is close to our hotel.

站点 这个公交站点非常繁忙。 [stop | zhàndiǎn]

Zhège gōngjiāo zhàndiǎn fēicháng fánmáng.

This bus stop is very busy.

方向 请按照地图上显示的方向行驶。 [direction | fāngxiàng]

Qǐng ànzhào dìtú shàng xiǎnshì de fāngxiàng xíngshǐ.

Please follow the directions shown on the map.

距离 从这里到酒店的距离大约是五公里。 [distance | jùlí]

Cóng zhèlǐ dào jiǔdiàn de jùlí dàyuē shì wǔ gōnglǐ.

The distance from here to the hotel is about five kilometers.

交通 这个城市的交通非常拥挤。 [traffic | jiāotōng]

Zhège chéngshì de jiāotōng fēicháng yǒngjǐ.

The traffic in this city is very congested.

到达 我们计划明天下午到达那里。 [arrival | dàodá]

Wǒmen jìhuà míngtiān xiàwǔ dàodá nàlǐ.

We plan to reach there tomorrow afternoon.

出发 我们一大早就出发了。 [departure | chūfā]

Wǒmen yī dà zǎo jiù chūfāle.

We left early in the morning.

行程 我们的行程包括几个城市。 [itinerary | xíngchéng]

Wǒmen de xíngchéng bāokuò jǐ gè chéngshì.

Our itinerary includes several cities.

步行 沿着河边步行非常宜人。 [walking | bùxíng]

Yánzhe hé biān bùxíng fēicháng yírén.

Walking along the river is very pleasant.

自行车 许多人喜欢骑自行车出行。 [bicycle | zìxíngchē]

Xǔduō rén xǐhuān qí zìxíngchē chūxíng.

Many people like to travel by bicycle.

住宿 我已经预订了住宿。 [accommodation | zhùsù]

Wǒ yǐjīng yùdìngle zhùsù.

I have booked accommodation.

景点 这个城市有很多有名的景点。 [sights | jǐngdiǎn]

Zhège chéngshì yǒu hěnduō yǒumíng de jǐngdiǎn.

The city has many famous sights.

推荐 这款应用可以推荐旅行路线。 [recommendation | tuījiàn]

Zhè kuǎn yìngyòng kěyǐ tuījiàn lǚxíng lùxiàn.

The app can recommend travel routes.

