Tell Me Who You are… in Chinese!

Coming soon…



By Ke Yuan Zhang & Bernd Sebastian Kamps


Chapter 1: Memes and viral videos

Basic Level

你喜欢哪个抖音明星?- 王境泽,太搞笑了。他的一句“真香”火遍全网。 Nǐ xǐhuān nǎge dǒu yīn míngxīng?- Wángjìngzé, tài gǎoxiàole. Tā de yījù “zhēnxiāng” huǒ biàn quán wǎng. Which Jitterbug star do you like? – Wang Jingze, he’s so funny. His phrase “It smells so good” is all over the internet.
你会跟风做舞蹈挑战吗?- 舞蹈挑战还是算了吧,我觉得太尴尬了。 Nǐ huì gēnfēng zuò wǔdǎo tiǎozhàn ma?- Wǔdǎo tiǎozhàn háishì suànle ba, wǒ juédé tài gāngàle. Would you follow the dance challenge? – I don’t think I’d do a dance challenge, I think it’s too embarrassing.

Selected words

抖音 dǒuyīn TikTok
明星 míngxīng star
王境泽 Wáng Jìngzé Wang Jingze
搞笑 gǎoxiào funny
真香 zhēn xiāng really nice
火遍全网 huǒ biàn quán wǎng become popular all over the internet
跟风 gēnfēng follow the trend
舞蹈 wǔdǎo dance
挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge
尴尬 gāngà awkward

Chapter 2…

and more will be available soon.