Will high temperature and drought become the new normal in the future?

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7 September 2022

高溫乾旱 是否成爲今後新常態?

Gāowēn qiánhàn shìfǒu chéngwèi jīnhòu xīn chángtài?

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY6scklFd4I

Transcription + Word List

Audio and transcription source: Deutsche Welle


0:00 0:00   0:00
欧洲正面临着50年来的最严重干旱 Ōuzhōu zhèng miànlínzhe 50 niánlái de zuì yánzhòng gānhàn 面临  miànlín: face

干旱  gānhàn: arid

Europe is facing the worst drought in 50 years
0:03 0:03   0:03
本应处于夏季汛期的中国长江流域也遭遇了1961年以来的最严重旱情 Běn yìng chǔyú xiàjì xùnqí de zhōngguó chángjiāng liúyù yě zāoyùle 1961 nián yǐlái de zuì yánzhòng hànqíng 本应  běn yìng: should have

处于  chǔyú: be in a position

夏季  xiàjì: summer season

汛期  xùnqí: flood season

流域  liúyù: bassin

遭遇  zāoyù: suffer, experience

旱情  hànqíng: drought

China’s Yangtze River basin, which is supposed to be in summer flood season, is also experiencing the worst drought since 1961
0:11 0:11   0:11
农业歉收 Nóngyè qiànshōu 农业  nóngyè: agriculture

歉收  qiànshōu: poor harvest

agricultural crop failure
0:12 0:12   0:12
航运受阻 Hángyùn shòuzǔ 航运  hángyùn: shipping

受阻  shòuzǔ: blocked

shipping disrupted
0:13 0:13   0:13
发电量骤减 Fādiàn liàng zhòu jiǎn 发电  fādiàn: electricity generation

量  liàng: measure

骤  zhòu: suddenly

减  jiǎn: decrease


electricity generation plummeted
0:16 0:16   0:16
如此艰难的夏天 Rúcǐ jiānnán de xiàtiān 如此  rúcǐ: so, such

艰难  jiānnán: hard

Such a tough summer
0:18 0:18   0:18
是否会成为今后的新常态 Shìfǒu huì chéngwéi jīnhòu de xīn chángtài 是否  shìfǒu: yes or not, whether

成为  chéngwéi: become

今后  jīnhòu: from now on

常态  chángtài: normalcy, normal state


Will it become the new normal going forward
0:22 0:22   0:22
观众朋友大家好 Guānzhòng péngyǒu dàjiā hǎo 观众  guānzhòng: spectator

大家  dàjiā: everybody

Hello, friends of the audience
0:23 0:23   0:23
欢迎收看德国之声,一看你就懂节目 Huānyíng shōukàn déguó zhī shēng, yī kàn nǐ jiù dǒng jiémù. 收看  shōukàn: look TV

节目  jiémù: program

Welcome to Deutsche Welle, you will understand the program at first glance
0:27 0:27   0:27
根据欧盟委员会8月下旬公布的一项科学报告 Gēnjù ōuméng wěiyuánhuì 8 yuè xiàxún gōngbù de yī xiàng kēxué bàogào 根据  gēnjù: according

欧盟  ōuméng: European Union

委员会  wěiyuánhuì: commission

下旬  xiàxún: last decade of a month

公布  gōngbù: announce

项  xiàng: [task]

科学  kēxué: science, scientific

报告  bàogào: report


According to a scientific report published by the European Commission in late August
0:31 0:31   0:31
今年夏天北半球的异常高温降水减少所引发的旱灾 Jīnnián xiàtiān běibànqiú de yìcháng gāowēn jiàngshuǐ jiǎnshǎo suǒ yǐnfā de hànzāi 北半球  běibànqiú: Northern hemisphere

异常  yìcháng: unusual

高温  gāowēn: high temperature

降水  jiàngshuǐ: precipitation

减少  jiǎnshǎo: reduce

引发  yǐnfā: initiate

所引发的  suǒ yǐnfā de: triggered by

旱灾  hànzāi: drought


Drought triggered by unusually high temperatures and reduced precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere this summer
0:37 0:37   0:37
是欧洲500多年来最为严重的一次 Shì ōuzhōu 500 duō nián lái zuìwéi yánzhòng de yīcì 最为  zuìwéi: the most is the most severe in Europe in more than 500 years
0:41 0:41   0:41
这份报告指出当前欧洲有近2/3的地区处于干旱警报状态 Zhè fèn bàogào zhǐchū dāngqián ōuzhōu yǒu jìn 2/3 dì dìqū chǔyú gānhàn jǐngbào zhuàngtài 当前  dāngqián: currently

处于  chǔyú: be in a position

警报  jǐngbào: alarm

状态  zhuàngtài: condition

The report states that nearly two-thirds of Europe is currently under drought warning
0:48 0:48   0:48
而干旱的原因简而言之就是 Ér gānhàn de yuányīn jiǎn ér yán zhī jiùshì 简而  jiǎn ér: in short

言之  yán zhī: in a word

And the causes of drought are, in short
0:52 0:52   0:52
天太热 Tiān tài rè   it’s too hot
0:52 0:52   0:52
雨太少 Yǔ tài shǎo   too little rain
0:54 0:54   0:54
从今年5月起欧洲各地就不断遭受热浪侵袭 Cóng jīnnián 5 yuè qǐ ōuzhōu gèdì jiù bùduàn zāoshòu rèlàng qīnxí 各地  gèdì: everywhere

遭受  zāoshòu: suffer

浪  làng: wave

热浪  rèlàng: heat wave

侵袭  qīnxí: invade

Heat waves have been hitting Europe since May of this year
0:59 0:59   0:59
导致河流湖泊的地表水蒸发量急剧上升 Dǎozhì héliú húbó de dìbiǎo shuǐ zhēngfā liàng jíjù shàngshēng 导致dǎozhì: lead to

河流  héliú: river

湖泊  húbó: lake

地表  dìbiǎo: surface

蒸发  zhēngfā: evaporate

量liàng: measure, quantity

急剧  jíjù: rapidly

上升  shàngshēng: increase


Resulting in a sharp rise in evaporation of surface water from rivers and lakes
1:03 1:03   1:03
同时由于大气环流的改变降雨量却明显少于往年 Tóngshí yóuyú dàqì huánliú de gǎibiàn jiàngyǔ liàng què míngxiǎn shǎo yú wǎngnián


同时  tóngshí: at the same time

由于  yóuyú: as a result of

大气  dàqì: atmosphere

环流  huánliú: circulation

改变  gǎibiàn: change

降雨  jiàngyǔ: precipitation

却  què: however

明显  míngxiǎn: obvious

于  yú: in

往年  wǎngnián: the past years


At the same time, due to changes in atmospheric circulation, the rainfall is significantly less than in previous years.
1:10 1:10   1:10
连续三个月的旱情使得多瑙河等河流的水位纷纷创下了历史新低 Liánxù sān gè yuè de hànqíng shǐdé duōnǎohé děng héliú de shuǐwèi fēnfēn chuàngxiàle lìshǐ xīndī


连续  liánxù: go on without stopping

旱情  hànqíng: drought

使  shǐ: make

多瑙  duōnǎo: Danube

水位  shuǐwèi: water level

纷纷  fēnfēn: one after the other

创下  chuàngxià: set a record

历史  lìshǐ: history, historical

新低  xīndī: new low

Three consecutive months of drought have caused water levels in rivers such as the Danube to hit record lows
1:17 1:17   1:17
甚至二战期间沉入水底的军舰也得以重见天日在北美地区 Shènzhì èrzhàn qíjiān chén rù shuǐdǐ de jūnjiàn yě déyǐ chóngjiàntiānrì zài běiměi dìqū


甚至  shènzhì: even

二战  èrzhàn: World War II

期间  qíjiān: period of time

沉入  chén rù: sink into

水底shuǐdǐ: bottom of the sea

军舰  jūnjiàn: war ship

得以  déyǐ: enable

重见  chóngjiàn: see again

天日  tiānrì: day light

重见天日  chóngjiàntiānrì: to get back to life

Even warships that sank during World War II have been brought back to life in North America
1:24 1:24   1:24
今年夏天也出现了创纪录的高温干旱 Jīnnián xiàtiān yě chūxiànle chuàng jìlù de gāowēn gānhàn 出现  chūxiàn: appear

创  chuàng: set, create

纪录  jìlù: record

This summer has also seen record heat and drought
1:28 1:28   1:28
在德克萨斯州北部的恐龙谷州立公园 Zài dé kè sà sī zhōu běibù de kǒnglóng gǔ zhōulì gōngyuán 德克萨斯  dé kè sà sī: Texas

州  zhōu: state

北部  běibù: North

恐龙  kǒnglóng: Dinosaur

谷  gǔ: valley

州立  zhōulì: state-managed

公园  gōngyuán: park

At Dinosaur Valley State Park in North Texas
1:32 1:32   1:32
干涸的河床上 Gānhé de héchuáng shàng 干涸  gānhé: dried up

河床  héchuáng: river bed

On a dry riverbed
1:34 1:34   1:34
赫然出现了1亿年前的恐龙脚印 Hèrán chūxiànle 1 yì nián qián de kǒnglóng jiǎoyìn 赫然  hèrán: impressively

脚印  jiǎoyìn: footprint

A 100 million year old dinosaur footprint appears
1:38 1:38   1:38
在中国本应处于夏季汛期的长江流域 Zài zhōngguó běn yìng chǔyú xiàjì xùnqí de chángjiāng liúyù See above at 0:03. In the Yangtze River Basin, which should have been in the summer flood season in China
1:42 1:42   1:42
现在也同样因为高温干旱而出现了反常枯水期 Xiànzài yě tóngyàng yīnwèi gāowēn gānhàn ér chūxiànle fǎncháng kūshuǐqī 同样  tóngyàng: same, similar

高温  gāowēn: high temperature

干旱  gānhàn: arid

反常  fǎncháng: unusual

枯  kū: dried-up

期  qī: period


now also has an abnormal dry period due to high temperatures and drought
1:47 1:47   1:47
比如长江支流嘉陵江的水位急剧下降 Bǐrú chángjiāng zhīliú jiālíngjiāng de shuǐwèi jíjù xiàjiàng 比如  bǐrú: for example

支流  zhīliú: tributary

江  jiāng: river

水位  shuǐwèi: water level

急剧  jíjù: rapidly

下降  xiàjiàng: drop


For example, the water level of the Jialing River, a tributary of the Yangtze, has dropped sharply
1:52 1:52   1:52
让600年前的一组佛像重见天日 Ràng 600 nián qián de yī zǔ fóxiàng chóngjiàntiānrì 组  zǔ: [group]

佛像  fóxiàng: Buddha statue

chóngjiàntiānrì: to get back to life

Bringing back to life a 600-year-old group of Buddha statues
1:56 1:56   1:56
沉船 化石 佛像 Chénchuán huàshí fóxiàng 沉  chén: sink

船  chuán: ship

沉船  chénchuán: shipwreck

化石  huàshí: fossil

Shipwreck – Fossil – Buddha Statue
1:58 1:58   1:58
考古学家们自然是喜出望外 Kǎogǔ xué jiāmen zìrán shì xǐchūwàngwài 考古  kǎogǔ: archeology

自然  zìrán: naturally

喜出望外  xǐchūwàngwài: be overjoyed at unexpected news

Archaeologists are naturally overjoyed
2:01 2:01   2:01
但是面对这般的极端干旱 Dànshì miàn duì zhè bān de jíduān gānhàn 般  bān: sort

极端  jíduān: extreme

But in the face of such an extreme drought
2:04 2:04   2:04
绝大多数人都是愁眉苦脸 Jué dà duōshù rén dōu shì chóuméikǔliǎn 绝  jué: extremely

多数  duōshù: majority

愁  chóu: be anxious

眉  méi: eyebrow

苦  kǔ: bitter

脸  liǎn: face

愁眉苦脸  chóuméikǔliǎn: pull a long face

The majority of people were sad
2:07 2:07   2:07
根据欧盟委员会的预测欧洲今年夏季的玉米大豆等农作物收成将比近五年平均值低12%到16% Gēnjù ōuméng wěiyuánhuì de yùcè ōuzhōu jīnnián xiàjì de yùmǐ dàdòu děng nóngzuòwù shōuchéng jiāng bǐ jìn wǔ nián píngjūn zhí dī 12% dào 16% 委员会  wěiyuánhuì: commission

预测  yùcè: prediction

玉米  yùmǐ: corn

大豆  dàdòu: soybean

农作物  nóngzuòwù: crop

收成  shōuchéng: harvest

将  jiāng: would

平均  píngjūn: average

值  zhí: value

低  dī: low

According to the European Commission, this summer’s crop of corn, soybeans and other crops in Europe will be 12 to 16 percent lower than the five-year average
2:19 2:19   2:19
中国政府也出台了100亿元人民币的补贴以帮助受灾的稻农 Zhōngguó zhèngfǔ yě chūtáile 100 yì yuán rénmínbì de bǔtiē yǐ bāngzhù shòuzāi de dào nóng 出台  chūtái: come out

补贴  bǔtiē: subsidy

帮助  bāngzhù: help

受灾  shòuzāi: disaster-affected

稻  dào: paddy; rice

稻农  dào nóng: rice farmer

The Chinese government has also introduced 10 billion yuan in subsidies to help rice farmers affected by the disaster
2:25 2:25   2:25
在俄乌战争导致乌克兰粮食出口受阻的情况下 Zài é wū zhànzhēng dǎozhì wūkèlán liángshí chūkǒu shòuzǔ de qíngkuàng xià 俄乌  é wū: Russian-Ukrainian

俄罗斯   èluósī: Russia

乌克兰  wūkèlán: Ukraine

战争  zhànzhēng: war

导致dǎozhì: lead to

粮食  liángshí: food, cereals

出口  chūkǒu: export

受阻  shòuzǔ: block, hamper

情况  qíngkuàng: situation


Amid the Russian-Ukrainian war that has hampered Ukraine’s grain exports
2:30 2:30   2:30
欧洲 中国这两个产粮大户同时受灾势必让全球粮市场雪上加霜 Ōuzhōu zhōngguó zhè liǎng gè chǎn liáng dàhù tóngshí shòuzāi shìbì ràng quánqiú liáng shìchǎng xuěshàngjiāshuāng 产  chǎn: produce

粮  liáng: grain

大户  dàhù: important customer

同时  tóngshí: at the same time

受灾  shòuzāi: disaster-affected

势必  Shìbì: necessarily

全球  quánqiú: the whole world

雪上加霜  xuěshàngjiāshuāng: make matters worse

雪上  xuěshàng: on the snow

加霜  jiāshuāng: add frost



The simultaneous disasters of Europe and China, two major grain producers, are bound to worsen the global grain market
2:39 2:39   2:39
工业方面莱茵河多瑙河的内河航运在欧洲物流体系中具有举足轻重的地位 Gōngyè fāngmiàn láiyīn hé duōnǎohé de nèihé hángyùn zài ōuzhōu wùliú tǐxì zhōng jùyǒu jǔzúqīngzhòng dì dìwèi 工业  Gōngyè: industry

方面  fāngmiàn: side, aspect

内河  nèihé: inland river

航运  hángyùn: shipping

物流  wùliú: logistic

体系  tǐxì: system

具有jùyǒu: have

举足轻重  jǔzúqīngzhòng: play a key role

地位  dìwèi: position


In industry, inland shipping on the Rhine and Danube plays a pivotal role in the European logistics system
2:46 2:46   2:46
这些河流水位偏低迫使货船不得不减小载货量以防搁浅 Zhèxiē héliú shuǐwèi piān dī pòshǐ huòchuán bùdé bù jiǎn xiǎo zài huò liàng yǐ fáng gēqiǎn


河流  héliú: river

偏低  piān dī: low

迫使  pòshǐ: necessitate

货船  huòchuán: cargo ship

不得不   bùdé bù: have no other choice

减  jiǎn: reduce, substract

载  zài: transport

货  huò: goods

量  liàng: measure

载货  zài huò: cargo

载货量  zài huò liàng: cargo capacity

防  fáng: prevent

搁浅  gēqiǎn: be stranded


Low water levels in these rivers force ships to reduce their cargo capacity to prevent grounding
2:53 2:53   2:53
许多依赖水运的工厂被迫减产甚至停产 Xǔduō yīlài shuǐyùn de gōngchǎng bèi pò jiǎnchǎn shènzhì tíngchǎn 许多  Xǔduō: many

依赖  yīlài: depend

迫  pò: force

减产  jiǎnchǎn: production reduction

甚至  Shènzhì: even

停  tíng: stop

Many factories that depend on water transportation are forced to reduce or even stop production
2:59 2:59   2:59
更糟糕的是河流水位降低导致许多水电站不能正常发电 Gèng zāogāo de shì héliú shuǐwèi jiàngdī dǎozhì xǔduō shuǐdiànzhàn bùnéng zhèngcháng fādiàn 糟糕  zāogāo: worse, terrible

降低  jiàngdī: reduce

水电站  shuǐdiànzhàn: hydroelectric power station

正常  zhèngcháng: normal

发电  fādiàn: electricity generation

To make matters worse, lower river levels have caused many hydropower plants to fail to generate electricity properly
3:04 3:04   3:04
传统的煤电厂甚至核电厂也因为缺乏足够凉足够多的冷却水源而被迫降低发电功率 Chuántǒng de méi diànchǎng shènzhì hédiàn chǎng yě yīnwèi quēfá zúgòu liáng zúgòu duō de lěngquè shuǐyuán ér bèi pò jiàngdī fādiàn gōnglǜ 煤  méi: coal

电厂  diànchǎng: power station

核  hé: nucleus

核电厂  hédiàn chǎng: nuclear power plant

缺乏  quēfá: lack

足够  zúgòu: enough

冷却  lěngquè: cool

凉  liáng: cool

降低  jiàngdī: reduce

功率  gōnglǜ: power (Leistung)

Conventional coal plants and even nuclear plants have been forced to reduce their power generation due to a lack of cool and sufficient cooling water.
3:13 3:13   3:13
在中国的水电大省四川以及重庆这个问题尤其突出 Zài zhōngguó de shuǐdiàn dà shěng Sìchuān yǐjí Chóngqìng zhège wèntí yóuqí túchū 水电  shuǐdiàn: hydropower

省shěng: province

以及  yǐjí: as well as

尤其  yóuqí: especially

突出  túchū: acute, noticeable

The problem is particularly acute in China’s major hydropower provinces of Sichuan and Chongqing
3:19 3:19   3:19
地方政府不得不出台为期数星期的工业限电措施以防电网崩溃 Dìfāng zhèngfǔ bùdé bù chūtái wéiqí shù xīngqí de gōngyè xiàn diàn cuòshī yǐ fáng diànwǎng bēngkuì 地方  Dìfāng: local

出台  chūtái: come out

为期  wéiqí: for a period of time

限电  xiàn diàn: blackout

措施  cuòshī: measure

以防  yǐ fáng: to prevent

电网  diànwǎng: grid

崩溃  bēngkuì: collapse

Local governments had to introduce weeks-long industrial power restrictions to prevent grid collapse
3:25 3:25   3:25
包括许多德资企业在内的大部分工厂被迫停工 Bāokuò xǔduō dé zī qǐyè zài nèi de dà bùfèn gōngchǎng bèi pò tínggōng 包括  bāokuò: include

资  zī: money; ability

企业  qǐyè: enterprise

部分  bùfèn: part

Most factories, including many German-owned companies, were forced to shut down