Homework 001



你听说了吗?安达卢西亚缺水严重,很多地方都干旱了。 Nǐ tīng shuōle ma? Āndá lú xīyǎ quē shuǐ yánzhòng, hěnduō dìfāng dōu gānhànle. 安达卢西亚  Āndálúxīyǎ: Andalusia

干旱  gānhàn

Have you heard? Water shortages are severe in Andalusia and many places are in drought.
春雨量创新低,仅达到之前平均值的一半。 Chūnyǔ liàng chuàng xīndī, jǐn dádào zhīqián píngjūn zhí de yībàn. 降雨  jiàngyǔ: Niederschlag

创  chuàng: aufstellen (record)

新低  xīndī: new low

仅  jǐn: only

平均  píngjūn: average

Spring rains are at a record low, reaching only half of the previous average.
那太糟糕了。水库水位下降。 Nà tài zāogāole. Shuǐkù shuǐwèi xiàjiàng. 糟糕  zāogāo: terrible

水库  shuǐkù: reservoir

水位  shuǐwèi: Pegelstand

下降  xiàjiàng: sinken

That’s too bad. Reservoir levels are falling.
农业受到影响,农民面临损失,很多田地都无法灌溉。 Nóngyè shòudào yǐngxiǎng, nóngmín miànlín sǔnshī, hěnduō tiándì dōu wúfǎ guàngài. 如此  rúcǐ: so

面临  miànlín: face, be confronted

损失  sǔnshī: loss; lose

田地  tiándì: field

灌溉  guàngài: irrigate

Agriculture is suffering, farmers are facing losses and many fields cannot be irrigated.
市场上的蔬菜和水果都很贵。 Shìchǎng shàng de shūcài hé shuǐguǒ dōu hěn guì. 蔬菜  shūcài: vegetable Vegetables and fruit are expensive in the markets.
而且,饮用水质量下降。 Érqiě, yǐnyòng shuǐ zhìliàng xiàjiàng. 饮用水  yǐnyòngshuǐ: drinking water

质量  zhìliàng: quality

And, the quality of drinking water has dropped.
旅游业会受影响吗? Lǚyóu yè kuài shòu yǐngxiǎng ma? Will tourism be affected?
这些都是气候变化造成的后果。 Zhèxiē dōu shì qìhòu biànhuà zàochéng de hòuguǒ. 变化  biànhuà: change

后果  hòuguǒ: consequence

These are the consequences of climate change.
缺水要如何改善? Quē shuǐ yào rúhé gǎishàn? 改善  Gǎishàn: improve What is to be done to improve the water shortage?
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