Find Yourself | EP03

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Find Yourself

Episode 3



Errors of the day

温柔 wēnróu gentle
暂时 zhànshí for a while
交代 jiāodài instruction
合并 hébìng combine; merge
生理 shēnglǐ physiology
浪费 làngfèi waste
社会 shèhuì society
实验 shíyàn laboratory
完美 wánměi perfect
身上 shēnshang on the body
抢救 qiǎngjiù rescue
过程 guòchéng process
评分 píngfēn score
突发情况 túfā qíngkuàng emergency
监测 jiāncè monitor
冷静 lěngjìng quiet, cool-headed
证据 zhèngjù evidence
关键 guānjiàn key, crux
时刻 shíkè moment
颅 lú skull
窘迫 jiǒngpò very poor
大概 dàgài general idea
浪费 làngfèi waste
孕育 yùnyù be pregnant with
啥 shà what
羡慕 xiànmù admire; envy
夭折 yāozhé die young
建议 jiànyì propose
遗传 yíchuán inherit
高手 gāoshǒu expert
双方 shuāngfāng both sides
成功 chénggōng successful; success
团结 tuánjié unite
视 shì look at, inspect
项目 xiàngmù project
进展 jìnzhǎn progress
顺利 shùnlì smooth
董事 dǒngshì director
掌握 zhǎngwò control
健康 jiànkāng healthy
谈判 tánpàn negotiate
佳 jiā fine, best
琐事 suǒshì triviality
过度 guòdù excessive
注射 zhùshè inject
焦虑 jiāolǜ anxious
状态 zhuàngtài condition

Previous Entries

录 lù: record; copy
拯救 zhěngjiù: save
饶 ráo: forgive
屋子 wūzi: room; house
漏 lòu: leak
逆 nì: go against; adverse
小心 xiǎoxīn: careful
成年 chéngnián: grow up, mature
年代 niándài: period, decade
锅 guō: pot, bowl
搞定 gǎodìng: sort out
不堪 bùkān: cannot stand; extreme
怪不得 guàibùdé: no wonder
债务 zhàiwù: debt
爱心 àixīn: loving; affection

姐夫 jiěfū: brother-in-law
款 kuǎn: sum of money
麻辣 málà: spicy
烫 tàng: very hot; scold
惹 rě: provoke
家伙 jiāhuo: guy; tool, weapon
保持 bǎochí: maintain
上司 shàngsi: superior
下属 xiàshǔ: subordinate
脸色 liǎnsè: expression; complexion
扣 kòu: deduct
考勤 kǎoqín: check attendance
凶 xiōng: ferocious; terribly
保持 bǎochí: maintain
溜 liū: sneak off
规定 guīdìng: regulation
转 zhuǎn: turn
联系 liánxì: connect
招呼 zhāohū: call, greet
吹 chuī: blow

倾向 qīngxiàng: tendency; incline
款 kuǎn: style; amount of money; signature
趁 chèn: take (opportunity)

26 February

25 February

24 February

23 February

22 February

姨妈 yímā: tante; period
吵来吵去 chǎo lái chǎo qù: argue
主 zhǔ: main (Haupt-)
管家 guǎnjiā: housekeeper
最在行 zuì zài háng: be best at
菜品 càipǐn: dish (restaurant)
美食 měishí: delicacy
导航 dǎoháng: navigate
形容 xíngróng: describe
笨蛋 bèndàn: idiot
摘 zhāi: pick (abnehmen)
尾款 wěi kuǎn: final payment; balance

21 February

结尾 jiéwěi: end
早就 zǎo jiù: anymore; a long time
早退 zǎotuì: leave early
松手 sōngshǒu: let go
松开 sōng kāi: leave, let go
对待 duìdài: treat
私下 sīxià: privately
友好 yǒuhǎo: friendly
联谊 liányì: gathering
门禁 ménjìn: curfew
规定 guīdìng: stipulate
长相 zhǎngxiàng: appearance; features
散发 sànfà: give off
花香 huāxiāng: the sound and scents of nature
联系方式 liánxì fāngshì: contact information
舍得 shědé: be able to give up
宅 zhái: home; house
妖 yāo: evil spirit; wicked

20 February

话痨 huà láo: chatterbox
痨 láo: tuberculosis
心事 xīnshì: preoccupation
战争 zhànzhēng: war
老虎凳 lǎohǔdèng: tiger stool
凳 dèng: stool
辣椒 làjiāo: chilli pepper
二锅头 èrguōtóu: liquor
水泥 shuǐní: cement
板着脸 bǎnzhe liǎn: stern face
坏话 huàihuà: say bad words
早恋 zǎoliàn: puppy love
为重 wéizhòng: focus; as a priority
回首 huíshǒu: look back
欠下 qiàn xià: owe
债 zhài: debt
捣乱 dǎoluàn: make trouble; disturb
当 dāng: act as
援助 yuánzhù: help; assistance

19 February

连夜 liányè: overnight
面壁 miànbì: face the wall
舔 tiǎn: lick
担心 dānxīn: worried
劣根性 liègēnxìng: deep-rooted bad habits
劣 liè: bad
既使 jìshǐ: even if
重修旧梦 chóngxiū jiùmèng: revive an old dream
旧 jiù: old

18 February

现场 xiànchǎng: scene
凌晨 língchén: before daybreak
昂贵 ángguì: expensive
面霜 miànshuāng: facial cream
图片 túpiàn: picture
品牌 pǐnpái: brand
走秀 zǒuxiù: catwalk
秀 xiù: elegant; outstanding; talent
款 kuǎn: style; amount of money; signature
官网 guānwǎng: (official) website
预订 yùdìng: order
中 zhòng: win
彩票 cǎipiào: lottery ticket
节目 jiémù: program, show