DW 230506

6 May 2023

0:00 4月26日中国国家主席习近平 4 Yuè 26 rì zhōngguó guójiā zhǔxí xíjìnpíng 4月26日  sì yuè èrshíliù rì: April 26th

中国国家主席  zhōngguó guójiā zhǔxí: Chinese president

习近平  xí jìnpíng: Xi Jinping

On April 26 Chinese President Xi Jinping
0:03 和乌克兰总统泽伦斯基通了电话 Hé wūkèlán zǒngtǒng zé lún sī jī tōngle diànhuà 乌克兰  wūkèlán: Ukraine

总统  zǒngtǒng: president

泽伦斯基  zé lún sī jī: Zelensky

电话  diànhuà: phone call

and Ukrainian President Zelensky spoke by phone
0:06 这是俄罗斯入侵乌克兰14个月以来两位领导人的首次对话 Zhè shì èluósī rùqīn wūkèlán 14 gè yuè yǐlái liǎng wèi lǐngdǎo rén de shǒucì duìhuà No new words. It was the first conversation between the two leaders since Russia invaded Ukraine 14 months ago
0:12 在德国媒体看来 Zài déguó méitǐ kàn lái 德国  déguó: Germany

媒体  méitǐ: media

看来  kànlái: in the view of

In the eyes of the German media
0:14 也是一次迟来的通话 Yěshì yīcì chí lái de tōnghuà 迟来的  chí lái de: late

通话  tōnghuà: phone call

It was also a long overdue call
0:16 各位好 欢迎回到DW德国之声中文YouTube频道 Gèwèi hǎo huānyíng huí dào DW déguó zhī shēng zhōngwén YouTube píndào 各位  gè wèi: everyone

欢迎  huānyíng: welcome

回到  huí dào: return to

DW德国之声  déguó zhī shēng: Voice of Germany

中文  zhōngwén: Chinese

YouTube频道  YouTube píndào: YouTube channel

Hello and welcome back to the DW Deutsche Welle Chinese YouTube channel.
0:21 自从战争爆发以来 Zìcóng zhànzhēng bàofā yǐlái 自从  zìcóng: since

战争  zhànzhēng: war

爆发  bàofā: broke out

Ever since the outbreak of the war
0:22 西方世界就有不少声音呼吁北京利用其影响力对莫斯科施压 Xīfāng shìjiè jiù yǒu bù shǎo shēngyīn hūyù běijīng lìyòng qí yǐngxiǎng lì duì mòsīkē shī yā 西方  xīfāng: Western

世界  shìjiè: world

不少  bùshǎo: a lot of

声音  shēngyīn: voices

呼吁  hūyù: call for

北京  běijīng: Beijing

利用  lìyòng: use

影响力  yǐngxiǎng lì: influence

莫斯科  mòsīkē: Moscow

施压  shī yā: pressure

There have been many voices in the Western world calling on Beijing to use its influence to put pressure on Moscow.
0:28 泽伦斯基也多次表示过想要和中国领导人进行沟通的意愿 Zé lún sī jī yě duō cì biǎoshìguò xiǎng yào hé zhōngguó lǐngdǎo rén jìnxíng gōutōng de yìyuàn 表示过  biǎoshì guo: has expressed

想要  xiǎng yào: want to

沟通  gōutōng: communicate

意愿  yìyuàn: wish

Zelenski has also repeatedly expressed his desire to communicate with the Chinese leadership
0:34 为什么习近平等了那么久才拿起了电话? Wèishéme xíjìnpíng děngle nàme jiǔ cái ná qǐle diànhuà? 等了  děng le: waited for

那么  nàme: that long

才  cái: then

拿起  ná qǐ: pick up

Why has Xi Jinping waited so long to pick up the phone?
0:38 他希望通过这次对话达成什么样的目标? Tā xīwàng tōngguò zhè cì duìhuà dáchéng shénme yàng de mùbiāo? 希望  xīwàng: hope

通过  tōngguò: through

达成  dáchéng: reach

目标  mùbiāo: goal

What did he hope to achieve through this dialogue?
0:42 而在战事持续陷入僵局的背景下 Ér zài zhànshì chíxù xiànrù jiāngjú de bèijǐng xià 战事  zhànshì: war

持续  chíxù: continue

陷入  xiànrù: fall into

僵局  jiāngjú: stalemate

背景下  bèijǐng xià: under the background of

And against the backdrop of the ongoing stalemate in the war
0:46 乌克兰方面又对于中国寄予怎样的期望? Wūkèlán fāngmiàn yòu duìyú zhōngguójìyǔ zěnyàng de qīwàng? 期望  qīwàng: expectation What are the Ukrainian side’s expectations of China?
0:51 从德国以及欧洲的视角来看 Cóng déguó yǐjí ōuzhōu de shìjiǎo lái kàn 视角  shìjiǎo: perspective

欧洲  ōuzhōu: Europe

From the German and European perspective
0:54 中国作为冲突调停人的角色是否可以接受? Zhōngguó zuòwéi chōngtú tiáotíng rén de juésè shìfǒu kěyǐ jiēshòu? 冲突  chōngtú: conflict

调停人  tiáotíng rén: mediator

角色  juésè: role

接受  jiēshòu: accept

Is China’s role as a mediator in the conflict acceptable from the German and European perspective?
0:58 又是否能够带来实质性的改变呢? Yòu shìfǒu nénggòu dài lái shí zhí xìng de gǎibiàn ne? 实质性的改变  shízhìxìng de gǎibiàn: substantial change And will it make a real difference?
1:01 本期节目 咱们就一起来看看对此「德媒怎么说」《慕尼黑信使报》:只是一线希望 Běn qí jiémù zánmen jiù yī qǐlái kàn kàn duì cǐ `dé méi zěnme shuō’#“mìníhēi xìnshǐ bào”: Zhǐshì yīxiàn xīwàng 本期节目  běnqī jiémù: this episode

一起  yīqǐ: together

看看  kànkàn: look at

德媒  déméi: German media

怎么说  zěnme shuō: how to say

In this episode, let’s take a look at what the German media have to say about this.
1:10 我们先来看看在习泽通话之后 Wǒmen xiān lái kàn kàn zài xí zé tōnghuà zhīhòu 慕尼黑信使报  mù ní hēi xìnshǐ bào: Munich Courier

只是  zhǐshì: just

一线  yīxiàn: slight

希望  xīwàng: hope

Let’s take a look at the international reaction to the Xi-Ze call.
1:13 国际各方的反应是怎样的: Guójì gè fāng de fǎnyìng shì zěnyàng de: 通话  tōnghuà: phone call

之后  zhīhòu: after

国际  guójì: international

各方  gè fāng: all parties

反应  fǎnyìng: reaction

Let’s see how the international community reacted to the Xi-Ze call:
1:15 白宫国安委员会发言人柯比(John Kirby)评价 中乌领导人通话是一件好事 Báigōng guó’ān wěiyuánhuì fāyán rén kē bǐ (John Kirby) píngjià zhōng wū lǐngdǎo rén tōnghuà shì yī jiàn hǎoshì 白宫  báigōng: White House

国安委员会  guó ān wěiyuánhuì: National Security Council

发言人  fāyánrén: spokesperson

柯比(John Kirby)  kē bǐ: John Kirby

评价  píngjià: evaluation

好事  hǎoshì: good thing

John Kirby, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said it was a good thing that the Chinese and Ukrainian leaders spoke
1:21 「然而,这是否会引起某种有意义的和平行动或计划 `Rán’ér, zhè shìfǒu huì yǐnqǐ mǒu zhǒng yǒu yìyì de hépíng xíngdòng huò jìhuà 然而  ránhòu: however

是否  shìfǒu: whether

引起  yǐnqǐ: cause

某种  mǒuzhǒng: a kind of

有意义的  yǒuyìyì de: meaningful

和平  hépíng: peace

行动  xíngdòng: action

或者  huòzhě: or

计划  jìhuà: plan

“However, whether this will lead to some kind of meaningful peace operation or plan
1:25 我认为我们现在还无从得知。 」 Wǒ rènwéi wǒmen xiànzài hái wúcóng dé zhī. ‘ 无从  wúcóng: cannot

得知  dézhī: know

I don’t think we can know at this point. “
1:28 他也重申 Tā yě chóngshēn 重申  chóngshēn: reiterate He also reiterated
1:29 除非有乌克兰人民和泽伦斯基总统个人的参与及支持 Chúfēi yǒu wūkèlán rénmín hé zé lún sī jī zǒngtǒng gèrén de cānyù jí zhīchí 除非  chúfēi: unless

人民  rénmín: people

个人  gèrén: individual

参与  cānyù: participation

及以及: and

支持  zhīchí: support

Unless there is personal involvement and support from the Ukrainian people and President Zelenski
1:35 否则任何和平计划都不会是「持久及可信赖的」 Fǒuzérènhé hépíng jìhuà dōu bù huì shì `chíjiǔ jí kě xìnlài de’ 持久  chíjiǔ: lasting

可信赖的  kěxìnlài de: reliable

No peace plan will be “durable and credible.
1:40 欧盟方面对中乌通话表达欢迎 Ōuméng fāngmiàn duì zhōng wū tōnghuà biǎodá huānyíng 欧盟  ōuméng: European Union

方面  fāngmiàn: side

表达  biǎodá: express

The EU welcomed the call between China and Ukraine
1:43 认为这是中国作为联合国安理会成员所应担起的责任 Rènwéi zhè shì zhōngguó zuòwéi liánhéguó ānlǐhuì chéngyuán suǒ yīng dān qǐ de zé rèn 联合国安理会  liánhéguó ānlǐhuì: United Nations Security Council

成员  chéngyuán: member

责任  zérèn: responsibility

China’s responsibility as a member of the UN Security Council
1:48 也是北京「早该迈出」的重要一步 Yěshì běijīng `zǎo gāi mài chū’de zhòngyào yībù 早该  zǎogāi: should have long ago

迈出  màichū: take

一步  yī bù: a step

An important step “long overdue” for Beijing
1:51 北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格对习近平和泽伦斯基的通话表示欢迎 Běiyuē mìshū zhǎng sī tuō ěr téng bèi gé duì xíjìnpíng hé zé lún sī jī de tōnghuà biǎoshì huānyíng 北约  běiyuē: NATO

秘书长  mìshūzhǎng: Secretary General

斯托尔滕贝格  sī tuō ěr tǔng bèi gé: Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the call between Xi and Zelenski
1:57 认为「中国更多理解乌克兰视角是一件好事 Rènwéi `zhōngguó gèng duō lǐjiě wūkèlán shìjiǎo shì yī jiàn hǎoshì 更多  gèng duō: more

理解  lǐjiě: understand

视角  shìjiǎo: perspective

China’s greater understanding of the Ukrainian perspective is a good thing
2:01 但是这并不改变中国至今未能谴责俄罗斯非法侵略战争的事实」 Dànshì zhè bìng bù gǎibiàn zhōngguó zhìjīn wèi néng qiǎnzé èluósī fēifǎ qīnlüè zhànzhēng de shìshí’ 非法  fēifǎ: illegal

侵略  qīnlüè: invasion

战争  zhànzhēng: war

事实  shìshí: fact

But this does not change the fact that China has so far failed to condemn Russia’s illegal war of aggression”.
2:08 泽伦斯基自己在这次通话之后给出的反馈是比较积极的 Zé lún sī jī zìjǐ zài zhè cì tōnghuà zhīhòu gěi chū de fǎnkuì shì bǐjiào jījí de 反馈  fǎnkuì: feedback

积极的  jījí de: positive

Zelensky’s own feedback after the call was more positive
2:14 他先是在推特上发文写道: Tā xiānshi zài tuī tè shàng fāwén xiě dào: 推特  tuītè: Twitter

发文  fā wén: post

First, he tweeted:
2:16 「相信这次通话 `Xiāngxìn zhè cì tōnghuà 相信  xiāngxìn: believe

任命  rènmìng: appoint

驻华大使  zhùhuá dàshǐ: ambassador to China

“I believe that this call
2:18 以及任命乌克兰驻华大使 Yǐjí rènmìng wūkèlán zhù huá dàshǐ No entry and the appointment of the Ukrainian ambassador to China
2:20 将对我们的双边关系发展带来强有力的推动 Jiāng duì wǒmen de shuāngbiān guānxì fāzhǎn dài lái qiáng yǒulì de tuīdòng 双边  shuāngbiān: bilateral

关系  guānxì: relation

发展  fāzhǎn: development

强有力的  qiáng yǒulì de: strong

推动  tuīdòng: promote

will give a strong impetus to the development of our bilateral relations
2:25 随后他又在一次新闻发布会上提及此事 Suíhòu tā yòu zài yīcì xīnwén fābù huì shàng tí jí cǐ shì 新闻发布会  xīnwén fābùhuì: press conference Then he mentioned it in a press conference
2:28 说双方谈到了包括克里米亚在内的 乌克兰领土主权完整和联合国宪章 Shuō shuāngfāng tán dàole bāokuò kè lǐ mǐ yà zài nèi de wūkèlán lǐngtǔ zhǔquán wánzhěng hé liánhéguó xiànzhāng 克里米亚  kè lǐ mǐ yà: Crimea

领土  lǐngtǔ: territory

主权  zhǔquán: sovereignty

完整  wánzhěng: complete

联合国宪章  liánhéguó xiànzhāng: United Nations Charter

He said that the two sides talked about the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including Crimea, and the UN Charter.
2:36 并且听到了中方「对所有这些原则的尊重」 Bìngqiě tīng dàole zhōngfāng `duì suǒyǒu zhèxiē yuánzé de zūnzhòng’ 尊重  zūnzhòng: respect and heard that the Chinese side “respects all these principles”
2:41 泽伦斯基强调,这一点非常重要 Zé lún sī jī qiángdiào, zhè yīdiǎn fēicháng zhòngyào 强调  qiángdiào: emphasize

非常  fēicháng: very

重要  zhòngyào: important

Zelensky stressed that this was very important
2:44 《慕尼黑信使报》发表评论指出 “Mìníhēi xìnshǐ bào” fābiǎo pínglùn zhǐchū 评论  pínglùn: comment The Munich Courier commented
2:47 中乌领导人通话虽然带来了一线希望 Zhōng wū lǐngdǎo rén tōnghuà suīrán dài láile yīxiàn xīwàng The Munich Courier commented that the call between the Ukrainian and Chinese leaders, while offering a glimmer of hope
2:50 但这还不算是真正的调解工作 Dàn zhè hái bù suànshì zhēnzhèng de tiáojiě gōngzuò 调解  tiáojiě: mediation

工作  gōngzuò: work

But this is not a real mediation effort yet
2:54 在对话之后 Zài duìhuà zhīhòu After the dialogue
2:55 中方是否采取实际行动才是最值得关注的 Zhōngfāng shìfǒu cǎiqǔ shíjì xíngdòng cái shì zuì zhídé guānzhù de 实际  shíjì: actual

行动  xíngdòng: action

值得  zhídé: worth

关注  guānzhù: pay attention to

The most important thing to watch is whether the Chinese side takes any real action
3:01 作者Christiane Kühl分析指出 Zuòzhě Christiane Kühl fēnxī zhǐchū 作者  zuòzhě: author

Christiane Kühl  christiane kühl: Christiane Kühl

分析  fēnxī: analyze

The author Christiane Kühl analyzes
3:04 「迄今为止 `Qìjīn wéizhǐ 迄今为止  qì jīn wéizhǐ: so far “So far
3:05 中国仍然没有任何准备放弃亲俄路线 Zhōngguó réngrán méiyǒu rènhé zhǔnbèi fàngqì qīn é lùxiàn 准备  zhǔnbèi: prepare

放弃  fàngqì: give up

亲俄  qīn é: pro-Russian

路线  lùxiàn: route

China is still not ready to abandon its pro-Russian line
3:09 并且转而以中立立场切实推动谈判的迹象 Bìngqiě zhuǎn ér yǐ zhōnglì lìchǎng qièshí tuīdòng tánpàn de jīxiàng 中立  zhōnglì: neutral

立场  lìchǎng: position

切实  qièshí: practical

推动  tuīdòng: promote

谈判  tánpàn: negotiations

and move to a neutral position to actually push for negotiations
3:14 习近平及其外交官们 Xíjìnpíng jí qí wàijiāo guānmen 外交官们  wàijiāo guānmen: diplomats Xi Jinping and his diplomats
3:16 非但没有对普丁发动的侵略战争做出任何批评 Fēidàn méiyǒu duì pǔ dīng fādòng de qīnlüè zhànzhēng zuòchū rènhé pīpíng 非但  fēidàn: not only

没有  méiyǒu: didn’t

对  duì: to

普丁  pǔdīng: Putin

发动  fādòng: launch

批评  pīpíng: criticism

have not criticized the aggressive war waged by Pudin
3:21 反而一直在重复俄罗斯的说辞 Fǎn’ér yīzhí zài chóngfù èluósī de shuōcí 反而  fǎn’ér: on the contrary


yīzhí: always

在  zài: in

重复  chóngfù: repeat

说辞  shuōcí: excuse

Instead, they keep repeating the Russian rhetoric
3:24 指责美国和北约煽风点火导致冲突升级 Zhǐzé měiguó hé běiyuē shānfēngdiǎnhuǒ dǎozhì chōngtú shēngjí 指责  zhǐzé: blame

美国  měiguó: United States

煽风点火  shānfēngdiǎnhuǒ: instigate

导致  dǎozhì: lead to

冲突  chōngtū: conflict

升级  shēngjí: escalate

Blaming the U.S. and NATO for fanning the flames and escalating the conflict
3:29 中乌两国领导人相互通话 Zhōng wū liǎng guó lǐngdǎo rén xiānghù tōnghuà 中乌  zhōng wū: China-Ukraine

两国  liǎngguó: two countries

相互  xiānghù: mutual

通话  tōnghuà: call

The leaders of China and Ukraine spoke to each other
3:32 是改变现状的最起码的步骤 Shì gǎibiàn xiànzhuàng de zuì qǐmǎ de bùzhòu 改变  gǎibiàn: change

现状  xiànzhuàng: status quo

最起码的  zuì qǐmǎ de: minimal

步骤  bùzhōu: step

is the minimum step to change the status quo
3:36 泽伦斯基深知 Zé lún sī jī shēn zhī 深知  shēnzhī: know well Zelensky is well aware that
3:37 习近平是唯一一个能够施加影响 Xíjìnpíng shì wéiyī yīgè nénggòu shījiā yǐngxiǎng 唯一  wéiyī: only

能够  nénggòu: can

施加  shījiā: apply

影响  yǐngxiǎng: influence

Xi Jinping is the only one who can exert influence
3:40 迫使普丁做出让步的人 Pòshǐ pǔ dīng zuò chū ràngbù de rén 迫使  pòshǐ: force

让步  ràngbù: give way

to force Pudin to make concessions.
3:43 至少理论上存在这种可能性 Zhìshǎo lǐlùn shàng cúnzài zhè zhǒng kěnéng xìng 至少  zhìshǎo: at least

理论  lǐlùn: theory

上  shàng: on

存在  cúnzài: exist

这种  zhèzhǒng: this kind

可能性  kěnéngxìng: possibility

This is at least theoretically possible.
3:46 但泽伦斯基也很清楚 Dàn zé lún sī jī yě hěn qīngchǔ 清楚  qīngchǔ: clear But Zelenski is also well aware that
3:49 尽管中国一直在强调其中立立场 Jǐnguǎn zhōngguó yīzhí zài qiángdiào qízhōng lì lìchǎng 疏远  shūyuǎn: alienate

举动  jǔdòng: move

that despite China’s constant emphasis on its neutrality
3:52 但北京却没有做出任何疏远莫斯科的举动 Dàn běijīng què méiyǒu zuò chū rènhé shūyuǎn mòsīkē de jǔdòng 只  zhǐ: only

关注  guānzhù: focus

利益  lìyì: interest

Beijing has not made any moves to alienate Moscow
3:56 习近平只关注中国的利益 Xíjìnpíng zhǐ guānzhù zhōngguó de lìyì 坐视  zuòshì: sit idly by

垮台  kuǎtái: collapse

Xi Jinping is only concerned with China’s interests
3:58 与坐视普丁垮台相比 Yǔ zuòshì pǔ dīng kuǎtái xiāng bǐ 维系  wéixì: maintenance

政权体系  zhèngquán tǐxì: political system

更加  gèngjiā: more

符合  fúhé: conform to

than sitting back and watching the fall of Pudin
4:01 还是维系莫斯科政权体系更加符合北京的利益 Háishì wéixì mòsīkē zhèngquán tǐxì gèngjiā fúhé běijīng de lìyì 总而言之  zǒng ér yán zhī: in summary Beijing’s interests are better served by maintaining the Moscow regime
4:06 总而言之 Zǒng’éryánzhī 必须  bìxū: must

尽量  jǐnliàng: try to

保持  bǎochí: maintain

同  tóng: with

渠道  qúdào: channel

In short
4:08 泽伦斯基必须尽量保持同北京的对话渠道」《日报》:还没到值得高兴的时候 Zé lún sī jī bìxū jǐnliàng bǎochí tóng běijīng de duìhuà qúdào’#“rìbào”: Hái méi dào zhídé gāoxìng de shíhòu 日报  rìbào: newspaper

还没到  hái méi dào: not yet

值得  zhídé: worthy

高兴  gāoxìng: happy

的  de: of

时候  shíhòu: time

Zelensky must try to maintain channels of dialogue with Beijing” Daily News: Not yet time to rejoice
4:18 虽然国际舆论对于习泽通话大多数持积极态度 Suīrán guójì yúlùn duìyú xí zé tōnghuà dà duōshù chí jījí tàidù 舆论  yùlùn: public opinion

大多数  dà duōshù: majority

持  chí: hold

积极  jījí: active

态度  tàidu: attitude

Although international public opinion is mostly positive about the Xi-Zeppel call
4:22 但是在驻北京记者Fabian Kretschmer看来 Dànshì zài zhù běijīngjìzhě Fabian Kretschmer kàn lái 记者  jìzhě: reporter

Fabian Kretschmer  fabian kretschmer: Fabian Kretschmer

But in the opinion of Beijing-based correspondent Fabian Kretschmer
4:26 这一切都还不是值得人们高兴的理由 Zhè yīqiè dōu hái bùshì zhídé rénmen gāoxìng de lǐyóu 这一切  zhè yīqiè: all these

都  dōu: all

还不是  hái búshì: not yet

值得  zhídé: worthy

人们  rénmen: people

高兴  gāoxìng: happy

理由  lǐyóu: reason

none of this is reason for rejoicing yet
4:30 他在《日报》发表的评论文章中写道 Tā zài “rìbào” fābiǎo de pínglùn wénzhāng zhōng xiě dào 发表  fābiǎo: publish

评论  pínglùn: comment

文章  wénzhāng: article

写道  xiědào: write

In an opinion piece published in the daily newspaper, he writes
4:33 仔细观察会发现 Zǐxì guānchá huì fāxiàn 仔细  zǐxì: careful

观察  guānchá: observe

会  huì: will

发现  fāxiàn: discover

A closer look reveals
4:35 这次通话其实更像是北京在外交棋局上走出的巧妙一招 Zhè cì tōnghuà qíshí gèng xiàng shì běijīng zài wàijiāo qíjú shàng zǒuchū de qiǎomiào yī zhāo 更像是  gèng xiàng shì: more like

棋局  qíjú: chess game

巧妙  qiǎomiào: clever

一招  yī zhāo: a move

The call was actually more of a clever diplomatic move by Beijing
4:41 因为这通电话的时机非常微妙: Yīnwèi zhè tōng diànhuà de shíjī fēicháng wéimiào: 时机  shíjī: timing

非常  fēicháng: very

微妙  wēimiào: subtle

Because the timing of the call was very subtle:
4:44 此前不久 Cǐqián bùjiǔ No words Shortly before that
4:45 中国驻法国大使卢沙野 在一次采访中质疑前苏联国家的主权 Zhōngguó zhù fàguó dàshǐ lú shā yě zài yīcì cǎifǎng zhōng zhíyí qián sūlián guójiā de zhǔquán 驻  zhù: stationed

法国  fǎguó: France

大使  dàshǐ: ambassador

卢沙野  lú shāyě: Lu Shaye

采访  cǎifǎng: interview

质疑  zhìyí: question

前  qián: former

苏联  sūlián: Soviet Union

国家  guójiā: country

主权  zhǔquán: sovereignty

Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shanno questioned the sovereignty of the former Soviet state in an interview
4:52 从而引起欧盟的极大不满 Cóng’ér yǐnqǐ ōuméng de jí dà bùmǎn 引起  yǐnqǐ: cause

欧盟  ōuméng: European Union

极大  jídà: great

不满  bùmǎn: dissatisfaction

which caused great discontent in the EU
4:54 作者认为「这对中国来说是一个止损的问题」。 Zuòzhě rènwéi `zhè duì zhōngguó lái shuō shì yīgè zhǐ sǔn de wèntí’. 止损  zhǐsǔn: stop loss

问题  wèntí: issue

The author argues that “this is a stop-gap issue for China”.
4:58 文章分析指出 Wénzhāng fēnxī zhǐchū 分析  fēnxī: analyze

指出  zhǐchū: point out

The article analyzes that
5:00 习近平提出派遣特使出访基辅的建议 Xíjìnpíng tíchū pàiqiǎn tèshǐ chūfǎng jīfǔ de jiànyì 特使  tèshǐ: special envoy

出访  chūfǎng: visit

基辅  jīfǔ: Kiev

建议  jiànyì: suggestion

Xi Jinping’s proposal to send a special envoy to Kiev
5:04 可能是想要达成两个看似互相矛盾的目标: Kěnéng shì xiǎng yào dáchéng liǎng gè kàn shì hùxiāng máodùn de mùbiāo: 目标  mùbiāo: goal

互相  hùxiāng: mutual

矛盾  máodùn: contradiction

may be trying to achieve two seemingly contradictory goals:
5:09 「一是面对布鲁塞尔 `Yī shì miàn duì bùlǔsài’ěr 布鲁塞尔  bùlǔsài’ěr: Brussels “One is to confront Brussels
5:11 他把自己塑造成一个和平调解人 Tā bǎ zìjǐ sùzào chéng yīgè hépíng tiáojiě rén 塑造  sùzào: mould

和平  hépíng: peace

调解人  tiáojiěrén: mediator

One is to confront Brussels,” he said, portraying himself as a peace mediator.
5:14 但到目前为止还无需达成什么实质性成果; Dàn dào mùqián wéizhǐ hái wúxū dáchéng shénme shí zhí xìng chéngguǒ; 实质性  shízhìxìng: substantial

成果  chéngguǒ: result

but so far has not needed to achieve anything substantial;
5:19 二是他也有可能间接地帮助他的老朋友普丁 Èr shì tā yěyǒu kěnéng jiànjiē dì bāngzhù tā de lǎo péngyǒu pǔ dīng 间接  jiànjiē: indirect

帮助  bāngzhù: help

老朋友  lǎo péngyǒu: old friend

The second is that he may also indirectly help his old friend Pudin
5:23 毕竟乌克兰军队目前正在准备大举反攻 Bìjìng wūkèlán jūnduì mùqián zhèngzài zhǔnbèi dàjǔ fǎngōng 军队  jūnduì: army

大举  dàjǔ: in large numbers

反攻  fǎngōng: counterattack

After all, the Ukrainian army is currently preparing a major counter-offensive
5:27 而中国通过其外交干预也许能进一步推迟反攻日程。 」 Ér zhōngguó tōngguò qí wàijiāo gānyù yěxǔ néng jìnyībù tuīchí fǎngōng rìchéng. ‘ 外交  wàijiāo: diplomacy

干预  gānyù: interfere

推迟  tuīchí: postpone

日程  rìchéng: schedule

And China, through its diplomatic intervention, may be able to further delay the counter-offensive schedule. The article
5:34 文章在最后呼吁 Wénzhāng zài zuìhòu hūyù No words The article concludes with a call for
5:35 中国领导人如果想要反驳这些质疑和批评 Zhōngguó lǐngdǎo rén rúguǒ xiǎng yào fǎnbó zhèxiē zhíyí hé pīpíng No words If China’s leaders want to refute these questions and criticisms
5:39 那至少也应该指明「房间里的大象」——莫斯科是侵略者 Nà zhìshǎo yě yīnggāi zhǐmíng `fángjiān lǐ de dà xiàng’——mòsīkē shì qīnlüè zhě 指明  zhǐmíng: indicate

房间  fángjiān: room

大象  dàxiàng: elephant

侵略者  qīnlüèzhě: invader

they should at least identify the “elephant in the room” – Moscow as the aggressor
5:46 到现在中国还在指责北约和美国向乌克兰提供武器是「火上浇油」《法兰克福汇报》:泽伦斯基的策略 Dào xiànzài zhōngguó hái zài zhǐzé běiyuē hé měiguó xiàng wūkèlán tígōng wǔqì shì `huǒ shàng jiāo yóu’#“fǎlánkèfú huìbào”: Zé lún sī jī de cèlüè 指责  zhǐzé: accuse

北约  běiyuē: NATO

提供  tígōng: provide

武器  wǔqì: weapon

火上浇油  huǒshàngjiāoyóu: add fuel to the fire

Even now China is accusing NATO and the US of “adding fuel to the fire” by supplying weapons to Ukraine Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeilenski’s strategy
5:59 《法兰克福汇报》则从另一个角度出发 “Fǎlánkèfú huìbào” zé cóng lìng yīgè jiǎodù chūfā 法兰克福汇报  fǎlánkèfú huìbào: Frankfurt report

泽伦斯基  zélúnsījī: Zelensky

策略  cèlüè: strategy

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Zelenski’s strategy
6:02 分析了乌克兰政府到目前为止对中国的态度 Fēnxīle wūkèlán zhèngfǔ dào mùqián wéizhǐ duì zhōngguó de tàidù No words The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung analyzes the Ukrainian government’s attitude towards China so far
6:06 该报记者Nikolas Busse指出 Gāi bào jìzhě Nikolas Busse zhǐchū 记者  jìzhě: reporter

指出  zhǐchū: point out

According to Nikolas Busse, a journalist of the newspaper
6:08 基辅方面在近几个月里面对北京采取的是现实主义政治路线 Jīfǔ fāngmiàn zài jìn jǐ gè yuè lǐmiàn duì běijīng cǎiqǔ de shì xiànshí zhǔyì zhèngzhì lùxiàn 基辅  jīfǔ: Kyiv

近几个月  jìn jǐ gè yuè: recent months

现实主义  xiànshízhǔyì: realism

政治路线  zhèngzhì lùxiàn: political line

Kiev has adopted a realistic political line towards Beijing in recent months
6:14 这也就解释了为什么中国此前提出的所谓和平计划 Zhè yě jiù jiěshìle wèishéme zhōngguó cǐqián tíchū de suǒwèi hépíng jìhuà 解释  jiěshì: explain

和平计划  hépíng jìhuà: peace plan

This explains why the so-called peace plan proposed by China earlier
6:19 在乌克兰得到的反响远比在欧美主要国家要友好得多 Zài wūkèlán dédào de fǎnxiǎng yuǎn bǐ zài ōuměi zhǔyào guójiā yào yǒuhǎo dé duō 反响  fǎnxiǎng: response

远比  yuǎnbǐ: far more than

欧美  ōuměi: Europe and America

友好  yǒuhǎo: friendly

has received a much more friendly reception in Ukraine than in major European and American countries
6:24 「这一点也不奇怪 `Zhè yīdiǎn yě bù qíguài 奇怪  qíguài: strange “This is not surprising at all
6:26 中国是这个世界上为一个还能够对俄罗斯施加有效影响力的国家 Zhōngguó shì zhège shìjiè shàng wéiyīgè hái nénggòu duì èluósī shījiā yǒuxiào yǐngxiǎng lì de guójiā 影响力  yǐngxiǎnglì: influence China is the only country in the world that can still exert effective influence over Russia
6:33 习近平不会、也不能向普丁发号施令 Xíjìnpíng bù huì, yě bùnéng xiàng pǔ dīng fāhàoshīlìng No words Xi Jinping does not, and cannot, dictate to Pudin
6:36 但是如果没有来自中国的政治和经济上的支持 Dànshì rúguǒ méiyǒu láizì zhōngguó de zhèngzhì hé jīng jì shàng de zhīchí But without political and economic support from China
6:40 普丁的地位可能会更加受到削弱」 Pǔ dīng dì dìwèi kěnéng huì gèngjiā shòudào xuēruò’ Pudin’s position may be further weakened”
6:44 文章进一步分析指出: Wénzhāng jìnyībù fēnxī zhǐchū: The article further analyzes that
6:46 「泽伦斯基的策略得到了回报,他和习近平通了电话 `Zé lún sī jī de cèlüè dédàole huíbào, tā hé xíjìnpíng tōngle diànhuà “Zelenski’s strategy paid off when he spoke to Xi Jinping on the phone
6:50 并且对方已经承诺要派遣特使前往乌克兰 Bìngqiě duìfāng yǐjīng chéngnuò yào pàiqiǎn tèshǐ qiánwǎng wūkèlán and he has promised to send a special envoy to Ukraine
6:54 这体现出两个重要因素: Zhè tǐxiàn chū liǎng gè zhòngyào yīnsù: This reflects two important factors:
6:57 一方面,这位中国领导人 Yīfāngmiàn, zhè wèi zhōngguó lǐngdǎo rén On the one hand, the Chinese leader
6:59 确实愿意在冲突中发挥更加积极的作用 Quèshí yuànyì zài chōngtú zhōng fāhuī gèngjiā jījí de zuòyòng On the one hand, the Chinese leader is indeed willing to play a more active role in the conflict
7:03 也许中国最近在中东取得的外交成功也给他带来了鼓舞 Yěxǔ zhōngguó zuìjìn zài zhōngdōng qǔdé de wàijiāo chénggōng yě gěi tā dài láile gǔwǔ Perhaps he is also encouraged by China’s recent diplomatic successes in the Middle East.
7:08 毕竟美国在该地区的外部执法者地位受到了撼动 Bìjìng měiguó zài gāi dìqū de wàibù zhífǎ zhě dìwèi shòudàole hàndòng After all, the U.S. has been shaken from its position as an external enforcer in the region.
7:12 另一方面 Lìng yī fāngmiàn On the other hand
7:13 习近平没有把所有的鸡蛋都放在俄罗斯这一个篮子里 Xíjìnpíng méiyǒu bǎ suǒyǒu de jīdàn dōu fàng zài èluósī zhè yīgè lánzi lǐ Xi Jinping is not putting all his eggs in one basket with Russia
7:18 他这样做是有底气的 Tā zhèyàng zuò shì yǒu dǐqì de He did so with a sense of confidence
7:20 因为普丁对他的依赖性已经足够大」 Yīnwèi pǔ dīng duì tā de yīlài xìng yǐjīng zúgòu dà’ Because Pudding is dependent on him enough”
7:23 至于中国的调解努力能走多远 Zhìyú zhōngguó de tiáojiě nǔlì néng zǒu duō yuǎn As for how far China’s mediation efforts will go
7:26 目前还无法预测 Mùqián hái wúfǎ yùcè It is impossible to predict yet
7:29 作者总结道 Zuòzhě zǒngjié dào The author concludes
7:30 毕竟俄罗斯和乌克兰在这场战争中所寻求的目标仍然相距甚远 Bìjìng èluósī hé wūkèlán zài zhè chǎng zhànzhēng zhōng suǒ xúnqiú de mùbiāo réngrán xiāngjù shén yuǎn After all, the goals sought by Russia and Ukraine in this war are still far apart
7:36 而且双方在物质上的战争资源也都还没有耗尽 Érqiě shuāngfāng zài wùzhí shàng de zhànzhēng zīyuán yě dū hái méiyǒu hào jìn#“shìjiè bào”: Wèishéme zhōngguó tiáotíng duì wǒmen yǒulì and neither side has yet exhausted its material resources for war
7:46 《世界报》在线版(welt.de)发表署名评论文章指出《世界报》:为什么中国调停对我们有利 “Shìjiè bào” zàixiàn bǎn (welt.De) fābiǎo shǔmíng pínglùn wénzhāng zhǐchū In an op-ed in Welt.de, Le Monde: Why Chinese mediation is good for us
7:50 人们有理由去怀疑北京调解姿态背后的动机 Rénmen yǒu lǐyóu qù huáiyí běijīng tiáojiě zītài bèihòu de dòngjī There are reasons to question the motives behind Beijing’s mediation gesture.
7:54 但问题是——眼下似乎也没有什么别的选项 Dàn wèntí shì——yǎnxià sìhū yě méiyǒu shé me bié de xuǎnxiàng But the point is – there doesn’t seem to be any other option at the moment
7:59 文章开篇写道: Wénzhāng kāipiān xiě dào: The article begins:
8:00 「不管怎么去看 `Bùguǎn zěnme qù kàn “No matter how you look at it
8:01 目前俄罗斯总统普丁 Mùqián èluósī zǒngtǒng pǔ dīng At the moment Russian President Pudin
8:03 应该是没有任何作出让步、实现俄乌持久停火的意愿。 」 Yīnggāi shì méiyǒu rènhé zuò chū ràngbù, shíxiàn é wū chíjiǔ tínghuǒ de yìyuàn. ‘ There should be no willingness at this point to make any concessions that would lead to a lasting ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. “
8:09 尽管从莫斯科的视角来看 Jǐnguǎn cóng mòsīkē de shìjiǎo lái kàn Although from Moscow’s point of view
8:12 战场上的局势发展绝对不容乐观 Zhànchǎng shàng de júshì fāzhǎn juéduì bùróng lèguān the situation on the battlefield is definitely not optimistic
8:15 但是克里姆林宫那边没有任何退让的迹象 Dànshì kèlǐmǔlín gōng nà biān méiyǒu rènhé tuìràng de jīxiàng But the Kremlin shows no signs of backing down
8:19 作者分析认为,退一万步讲 Zuòzhě fēnxī rènwéi, tuì yī wàn bù jiǎng The author’s analysis suggests that, to take a step back
8:22 就算是普丁出人意料地做出了妥协 Jiùsuàn shì pǔ dīng chūrényìliào dì zuò chūle tuǒxié Even if Pudin unexpectedly makes a compromise
8:25 那么谁来保护乌克兰的安全这个问题仍然是悬而未决 Nàme shéi lái bǎohù wūkèlán de ānquán zhège wèntí réngrán shì xuán’érwèijué the question of who will protect the security of Ukraine is still open
8:30 因为在撕毁条约这方面 Yīnwèi zài sīhuǐ tiáoyuē zhè fāngmiàn Because Russia has a “long history” of breaking treaties
8:32 俄罗斯早已是「前科累累」 Èluósī zǎoyǐ shì `qiánkē lěilěi’ Russia already has a “long track record” of breaking treaties
8:35 在1994年的布达佩斯安全保障备忘录中 Zài 1994 nián de bùdápèisī ānquán bǎozhàng bèiwànglù zhōng In the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on security guarantees
8:39 俄罗斯作为缔约方之一 Èluósī zuòwéi dìyuē fāng zhī yī Russia, as one of the parties
8:42 保证尊重乌克兰现有领土的独立和主权 Bǎozhèng zūnzhòng wūkèlán xiàn yǒu lǐngtǔ de dúlì hé zhǔquán pledged to respect the independence and sovereignty of the existing territory of Ukraine
8:47 但违背这样的协议对于莫斯科来说显然是轻而易举的事情 Dàn wéibèi zhèyàng de xiéyì duìyú mòsīkē lái shuō xiǎnrán shì qīng’éryìjǔ de shìqíng But breaking such an agreement is obviously an easy task for Moscow
8:52 即使今天乌克兰和俄罗斯达成了某种停火协议 Jíshǐ jīntiān wūkèlán hé èluósī dáchéngle mǒu zhǒng tínghuǒ xiéyì Even if today Ukraine and Russia have reached some kind of ceasefire agreement
8:57 又有什么实质意义呢? Yòu yǒu shé me shízhì yìyì ne? What would be the real point?
8:58 作者认为 Zuòzhě rènwéi The author argues that
8:59 要想在乌克兰的安全利益、俄罗斯的诉求 和重要的和解姿态之间取得必要的平衡 Yào xiǎng zài wūkèlán de ānquánlìyì, èluósī de sùqiú hé zhòngyào de héjiě zītài zhī jiān qǔdé bìyào de pínghéng it is difficult to strike the necessary balance between Ukraine’s security interests, Russia’s demands and important conciliatory gestures.
9:07 其难度「不亚于用火柴棍来重建纽约的所有高楼大厦和公园」 Qí nándù `bù yǎ yú yòng huǒchái gùn lái chóngjiàn niǔyuē de suǒyǒu gāolóu dàshà hé gōngyuán’ it would be “as difficult as rebuilding all the skyscrapers and parks in New York with matchsticks”
9:14 「尽管如此 西方国家面对这样的一个薛西弗斯式的艰难使命 `Jǐnguǎn rúcǐ xīfāng guójiā miàn duì zhèyàng de yīgè xuē xī fú sī shì de jiānnán shǐmìng “Despite this, the West is reluctant to even try to make an effort in the face of such a difficult Sisyphusian mission.
9:19 连尝试努力一下都不愿意 Lián chángshì nǔlì yīxià dōu bù yuànyì it is surprising that Western countries are unwilling to even try to make an effort
9:22 也是令人惊奇的。 」 Yěshì lìng rén jīngqí de. ‘ It is also surprising. The “Xerxes-style mission
9:24 「薛西弗斯式任务」这个典故来自古希腊神话 `Xuē xī fú sī shì rènwù’zhège diǎngù láizì gǔ xīlà shénhuà The allusion to the “Xerxes-style mission” comes from ancient Greek mythology
9:28 说的是对薛西弗斯的一种惩罚: Shuō de shì duì xuē xī fú sī de yī zhǒng chéngfá: The allusion to the “Xerxes-style task” is from ancient Greek mythology:
9:32 他必须用尽全力将一块巨石推上山顶 Tā bìxū yòng jìn quán lì jiāng yīkuài jùshí tuī shàng shāndǐng He had to push a boulder to the top of a mountain with all his might
9:36 但每次快要到达的时候 Dàn měi cì kuàiyào dàodá de shíhòu But every time he was about to reach it
9:39 巨石又会滑落,滚回山下 Jùshí yòu huì huáluò, gǔn huí shānxià The boulder would slip and roll back down the mountain
9:41 他又得重新开始 Tā yòu dé chóngxīn kāishǐ He had to start all over again.
9:43 如此周而复始却又徒劳无功 Rúcǐ zhōu’érfùshǐ què yòu túláowúgōng And so on and so forth, but in vain.
9:46 即使在乌克兰和俄罗斯之间重建和平这项任务是如此的艰巨 Jíshǐ zài wūkèlán hé èluósī zhī jiān chóngjiàn hépíng zhè xiàng rènwù shì rúcǐ de jiānjù Even though the task of re-establishing peace between Ukraine and Russia is so daunting
9:52 那么西方国家是否打算彻底放手不管了呢? Nàme xīfāng guójiā shìfǒu dǎsuàn chèdǐ fàngshǒu bùguǎnle ne? So are the Western countries going to leave it alone?
9:55 作者发问道 Zuòzhě fāwèn dào The author asks
9:56 难道西方愿意把自己局限于武器提供方的角色中吗? Nándào xīfāng yuànyì bǎ zìjǐ júxiàn yú wǔqì tígōng fāng de juésè zhōng ma? Is the West willing to limit itself to the role of arms supplier?
10:02 中国是否应该成为唯一被交战双方都认可的调停人? Zhōngguó shìfǒu yīnggāi chéngwéi wéi yī bèi jiāozhàn shuāngfāng dōu rènkě de tiáotíng rén? Should China be the only mediator recognized by both sides?
10:08 「至少北京具备给莫斯科施加影响力的必要实力 `Zhìshǎo běijīng jùbèi gěi mòsīkē shījiā yǐngxiǎng lì de bìyào shílì “At least Beijing has the necessary power to exert influence on Moscow
10:13 现在俄罗斯政府已经完全依赖于中国 Xiànzài èluósī zhèngfǔ yǐjīng wánquán yīlài yú zhōngguó The Russian government is now completely dependent on China
10:16 而北京也乐于保持俄罗斯这个小伙伴落后于自己的地位。 」 Ér běijīng yě lèyú bǎochí èluósī zhège xiǎo huǒbàn luòhòu yú zìjǐ dì dìwèi. ‘ And Beijing is happy to keep Russia’s junior partner behind itself. The article
10:22 文章分析指出 Wénzhāng fēnxī zhǐchū The article analyzes
10:23 由于现在俄罗斯彻底战胜乌克兰已经是基本不可能的事情了 Yóuyú xiànzài èluósī chèdǐ zhànshèng wūkèlán yǐjīng shì jīběn bù kěnéng de shìqíngle Since a complete Russian victory over Ukraine is now largely out of the question
10:28 所以习近平有充分的理由 Suǒyǐ xíjìnpíng yǒu chōngfèn de lǐyóu Xi Jinping has good reasons
10:31 通过会谈去寻求一个 Tōngguò huìtán qù xúnqiú yīgè to seek a solution through talks
10:33 对于双方来说都能挽回颜面 Duìyú shuāngfāng lái shuō dōu néng wǎnhuí yánmiàn solution that would save face for both sides
10:36 也都可以接受的解决方案 Yě dū kěyǐ jiēshòu de jiějué fāng’àn acceptable to both sides
10:39 「习近平(进行调解)的动机是否单纯 `Xíjìnpíng (jìnxíng tiáojiě) de dòngjī shìfǒu dānchún “Whether Xi’s motives (for mediation) are pure
10:42 人们当然有理由去怀疑 Rénmen dāngrán yǒu lǐyóu qù huáiyí There is certainly reason to doubt
10:45 但是怀疑又有何意义呢? Dànshì huáiyí yòu yǒu hé yìyì ne? But what’s the point of doubting?
10:47 诚实的中间商本来就很罕见 Chéngshí de zhōngjiān shāng běnlái jiù hěn hǎnjiàn Honest brokers are rare.
10:50 人们的目标仍然是建立一个稳定的秩序 Rénmen de mùbiāo réngrán shì jiànlì yīgè wěndìng de zhìxù The goal is still to establish a stable order
10:53 而在这个格局之中 Ér zài zhège géjú zhī zhōng and in this pattern
10:55 没有任何一方心怀怨恨 Méiyǒu rènhé yī fāng xīnhuái yuànhèn There is no resentment on any side
10:58 随时都要抓住任何机会去用暴力推翻现存的秩序。 」 Suíshí dōu yào zhuā zhù rènhé jīhuì qù yòng bàolì tuīfān xiàncún de zhìxù. ‘ ready to seize any opportunity to overthrow the existing order by violence. And that’s what I think.
11:04 你认为在俄罗斯和乌克兰之间 Nǐ rènwéi zài èluósī hé wūkèlán zhī jiān Do you think that a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine
11:07 实现持久和平是一个几乎不可能完成的任务吗? Shíxiàn chíjiǔ hépíng shì yīgè jīhū bù kěnéng wánchéng de rènwù ma? Do you think that achieving a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine is an almost impossible task?
11:12 中国可以成为一个值得信赖的中间调停方吗? Zhōngguó kěyǐ chéngwéi yīgè zhídé xìnlài de zhōngjiān tiáotíng fāng ma? Can China be a trustworthy intermediary mediator?
11:16 习近平和泽伦斯基的通话 又是否能够部分消除欧洲对于北京的芥蒂 Xíjìnpíng hé zé lún sī jī de tōnghuà yòu shìfǒu nénggòu bùfèn xiāochú ōuzhōu duìyú běijīng de jièdì Will the call between Xi Jinping and Zelenski be able to partially dispel the European suspicion of Beijing?
11:23 给中国在国际政治舞台上提供一些回旋余地呢? Gěi zhōngguó zài guó jì zhèngzhì wǔtái shàng tígōng yīxiē huíxuán yúdì ne? Will the call between Xi and Zelenski partially dispel Europe’s concerns about Beijing and give China some leeway in the international political arena?
11:28 欢迎大家在评论区留言 Huānyíng dàjiā zài pínglùn qū liúyán Please leave your comments in the comment section
11:30 说一说各自的见解 Shuō yī shuō gèzì de jiànjiě Tell us your opinions!
11:33 以上就是本期DW德国之声「德媒怎么说」节目的全部内容了 Yǐshàng jiùshì běn qí DW déguó zhī shēng `dé méi zěnme shuō’jiémù dì quánbù nèiróngle That’s all in this episode of DW Deutsche Welle’s “What the German Media Say”.
11:38 如果您愿意,那咱们就下期节目再见! Rúguǒ nín yuànyì, nà zánmen jiù xiàqī jiémù zàijiàn! # If you want, we’ll see you next time!

