Dialogue 33



你每天都出去吗? Nǐ měitiān dū chūqù ma? Do you go out every day?
不,天气太冷了,不想出门,不过有时候我会去图书馆。 Bù, tiānqì tài lěngle, bùxiǎng chūmén, dàn yǒu shíhòu wǒ huì qù túshū guǎn. No, it’s too cold to go out, but sometimes I go to the library.
你在亚琛的什么地方,街的名字叫什么? Nǐ zài yà chēn de shénme dìfāng, jiē de míngzì jiào shénme? Where are you in Aachen? What’s the name of the street?
我不知道,我查一下地图。哦,叫Velmanplatz。 Wǒ bù zhīdào, wǒ chá yīxià dìtú. Ó, jiào Velmanplatz. I don’t know. I’ll check the map. Oh, it’s called Velmanplatz.
这里是不是有一块很大的绿地? Zhèlǐ shì bùshì yǒuyīkuài hěn dà de lǜdì? Isn’t there a big green space here?
对,街对面就是一个公园,还有一个小湖。 Duì, jiē duìmiàn jiùshì yīgè gōngyuán, hái yǒu yīgè xiǎo hú. Yes, there’s a park across the street and a small lake.
今天天气怎么样? Jīntiān tiānqì zěnme yàng? How’s the weather today?
今天是晴天。不过不知道明天怎么样,一会儿阴天一会儿晴天的。 Jīntiān shìqíngtiān. Bùguò bu zhīdào míngtiān zěnme yàng, yīhuǐ’er yīn tiān yīhuǐ’er qíngtiān de. It’s sunny today. But I don’t know about tomorrow. It’ll be cloudy and sunny.
而且别看现在太阳很大,顶层很热,但一出门就会特别冷。 Érqiě bié kàn xiànzài tàiyáng hěn dà, dǐngcéng hěn rè, dàn yī chūmén jiù huì tèbié lěng. And don’t look like it’s sunny and hot at the top right now, but it’s going to be especially cold once you go out.
你是什么时候去冰岛玩? Nǐ shì shén​​me shíhòu qù bīngdǎo wán? When are you going to Iceland?
我十一月四号去玩。 Wǒ shíyī yuè sì hào qù wán. I’m going to play on November 4th.
你们之后会在冰岛做什么? Nǐmen zhīhòu huì zài bīngdǎo zuò shénme? What will you be doing in Iceland afterward?
我们的导游包了一辆商务车还有一位司机,他已经安排好了行程。 Wǒmen de dǎoyóu bāole yī liàng shāngwù chē hái yǒu yī wèi sījī, tā yǐjīng ānpáile xíngchéng. Our guide has chartered a commercial bus and a driver who has already organized the trip.
你之后会回德国吗? Nǐ zhīhòu huì huí déguó ma? Will you go back to Germany afterwards?
看情况吧。 Kàn qíngkuàng ba. It depends.
看情况?看什么情况? Kàn qíngkuàng? Kàn shénme qíngkuàng? Depends? On what?
看我跟我男朋友的感情。 Kàn wǒ gēn wǒ nányǒu de gǎnqíng. On my relationship with my boyfriend.
这些天你还在迷茫吗? Zhè jǐ tiān nǐ hái zài mímáng ma? Are you still confused these days?
本来没有,但今天有了。 Běnlái méiyǒu, dàn jīntiān yǒule. I wasn’t, but today I am.
因为在西班牙也有一个男生喜欢我。 Yīnwèi zài xībānyá yěyǒu yīgè nánshēng xǐhuān wǒ. Because there’s a boy in Spain who likes me too.
情况很复杂。 Qíngkuàng hěn fùzá. It’s a complicated situation.
对,很复杂。我跟我男朋友说过这个男生,然后他就特别生气。 Duì, hěn fùzá. Wǒ gēn wǒ nányǒu shuōguò zhège nánshēng, ránhòu tā jiù tèbié shēngqì. Yes, it’s complicated. I told my boyfriend about this guy and he got really angry.
最开始我跟这个男生只是朋友,我也想一直跟他像朋友一样相处,不过这么想的可能只是我一个人。 Yī kāishǐ wǒ gēn zhège nánshēng zhǐshì péngyǒu, wǒ yě xiǎng yīzhí gēn tā xiàng péngyǒu yīyàng xiāngchǔ, bùguò zhème xiǎng de kěnéng zhǐshì wǒ yīgèrén. At first I was just friends with this guy and I wanted to be friends with him all the time, but I’m probably the only one who thinks that way.
总之就是情况有些复杂,我也不知道。 Zǒngzhī jiùshìqíngkuàng yǒuxiē fùzá, wǒ yě bù zhīdào. Anyway, it’s just a bit of a complicated situation, I don’t know.
我跟你差不多大的时候,记得很多有意思的故事。 Wǒ gēn nǐ chàbùduō dà de shíhòu, jìdé hěnduō yǒuqù de gùshì. I remember a lot of interesting stories from when I was about your age.
给我说一个呗,我也想当个吃瓜群众。 Gěi wǒ shuō yīgè bei, wǒ yě xiǎng dāng gè chī guā qúnzhòng. Tell me one, I’d like to be a fan.
你需要跟随你的心。 Nǐ xūyào gēnsuí nǐ de xīn. You need to follow your heart.
对,但是我想到一个很好玩的事情,中文有一个字, Duì, dànshì wǒ xiǎngdào yīgè hěn hǎowán de shì qíng, zhōngwén yǒu yīgè zì, Yeah, but I thought of something funny. There’s a word in Chinese.
“怂”就是“从”和“心”组合在一起。我们有时候会拿这个字开玩笑。 `sǒng’jiùshì `cóng’hé `xīn’zǔhé zài yīqǐ. Wǒmen yǒu shíhòu huì ná zhège zì kāiwánxiào. “Go” is a combination of “follow” and “heart.” We sometimes make fun of this character.
比如有人让你跟一个很壮的人比一比掰手腕,有的男生不想去,就会说:我这可不是认怂,我只是决定跟随我的心。 Lìrú yǒurén ràng nǐ gēn yīgè hěn zhuàng de rén bǐ yī bǐ bāi shǒuwàn, yǒu de nánshēng bùxiǎng qù, jiù huì shuō: Wǒ zhè kě bùshì rèn chàng, wǒ zhǐshì juédìng gēnsuí wǒ de xīn. For example, if someone asks you to arm wrestle with a very strong man, some guys don’t want to go, so they say, “I’m not admitting that I’m a wimp, I’ve just decided to follow my heart.
那这件事情你要怎么解决? Nà zhè jiàn shì qíng nǐ yào zěnme jiějué? How are you going to solve this thing then?
我不知道,因为之前我跟西班牙的男生说我要去德国了,他就说,我懂了,你选择了他,没有选择我。 Wǒ bù zhīdào, yīn wéi zhīqián wǒ gēn xībānyá de nánshēng shuō wǒ yào qù déguóle, tā jiù shuō, wǒ dǒngle, nǐ xuǎnzéle tā, méiyǒu xuǎn wǒ. I don’t know, because when I told the Spanish guy before that I was going to Germany, he was like, I get it, you chose him and not me.
前两天他跟我说他已经好几天没有好好睡觉了,然后我今天就发短信安慰他,让他自己照顾好自己,好好吃饭好好睡觉。 Qián liǎng tiān tā gēn wǒ shuō tā yǐjīng hǎo jǐ tiān méiyǒu hǎohǎo shuìjiàole, ránhòu wǒ jīntiān jiù fā duǎn xìn ānwèi tā, ràng tā zìjǐ zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ, hǎo hào chīfàn hǎohǎo shuìjiào. Two days ago he told me he hadn’t slept properly for days and then I texted him today to comfort him and tell him to take care of himself, eat well and sleep well.
我男朋友知道了之后又开始生气了。 Wǒ nányǒu zhīdào liǎo zhīhòu yòu kāishǐ shēngqìle. My boyfriend got angry again when he found out.
还跟我说,你不是说不跟这个男生聊天了吗?怎么还在跟他发短信? Hái gēn wǒ shuō, nǐ bùshì shuō bu gēn zhège nánshēng liáotiānle ma? Zěnme hái zài gēn tā chuán jiǎnxùn? And said to me, didn’t you say you don’t talk to this boy anymore? Why are you still texting with him?
你们认识多久了? Nǐmen rènshí duōjiǔle? How long have you known each other?
差不多六个月。 Chàbùduō liù gè yuè. Almost six months.
他原来是我朋友的朋友。 Tā yuánlái shì wǒ péngyǒu de péngyǒu. He was a friend of my friend.
那天我朋友说麻将三缺一,一定要拉我过去,我没有办法,只好去了,之后就认识了他。 Nèitiān wǒ péngyǒu shuō májiàng sān quē yī, yīdìng yào lā wǒ guòqù, wǒ méi bànfǎ, zhǐhǎo qùle, zhīhòu jiù rènshí tāle. That day my friend said mahjong was three short of one and had to drag me over, so I had no choice but to go, and I met him after that.
今天你给我发消息的时候,我还在忙,因为我有一个朋友想要卖掉房子。 Jīntiān nǐ chuán xùnxí gěi wǒ de shíhòu, wǒ hái zài máng, yīnwèi wǒ yǒu yīgè péngyǒu xiǎng yào mài diào fángzi. When you messaged me today, I was still busy because I have a friend who wants to sell his house.
然后另一个朋友跟我说,他有一个罗马的朋友想要在卡利亚里买房子。所以我在介绍他们互相认识。 Ránhòu lìng yīgè péngyǒu gēn wǒ shuō, tā yǒu yīgè luómǎ de péngyǒu xiǎng yào zài kǎ lì yǎ lǐ mǎi fángzi. Suǒyǐ wǒ zài jièshào tāmen hùxiāng rènshí. Then another friend told me that he has a friend in Rome who wants to buy a house in Cagliari. So I was introducing them to each other.
你知道所有西班牙大区的中文名字吗? Nǐ zhīdào suǒyǒu xībānyá dà qū de zhōngwén míngzì ma? Do you know the Chinese names of all the Spanish regions?
不知道,只知道一些特别有名的。而且中文名一般跟原名没有太大的区别。 Bù zhīdào, zhǐ zhī dào yīxiē tèbié yǒumíng de. Érqiě zhōngwén míng yībān gēn yuánmíng méiyǒu tài dà de chābié. No, only the famous ones. And the Chinese names are usually not too different from the original names.
比如说Madrid,中文叫“马德里”就完全音译过来,Malaga,“马拉加”,还有人名,比如Hans,译过来是“汉斯”,“斯”经常用在外国的地名和人名上。 Bǐrú shuō Madrid, zhōngwén jiào “mǎdélǐ” jiù wánquán yīnyì guòlái,Malaga,“mǎ lā jiā”, hái yǒurénmíng, bǐrú Hans, yì guòlái shì “hàn sī”,“sī” jīngcháng yòng zài wàiguó dì dìmíng hé rén míng shàng. For example, Madrid, which is called “Madrid” in Chinese, and Malaga, which is translated phonetically, and people’s names, such as Hans, which is translated as “汉斯”, “斯”, “斯”, “”, “”. “S” is often used in foreign places and people.
你还记得我写的那本翻译成六国语言的书吗?我发现我还没有学习过它的中文版。 Nǐ hái jìdé wǒ xiě dì nà běn fānyì chéng liù guó yǔyán de shū ma? Wǒ fāxiàn wǒ hái méiyǒu xuéxíguò tā de zhōngwén bǎn. Do you remember the book I wrote that was translated into six languages? I realized I haven’t studied the Chinese version of it.
我觉得读汉字比读拼音好,因为汉字本身就可以帮你理解和记忆。 Wǒ juédé dú hànzì bǐ dú pīnyīn hǎo, yīnwèi hànzì běnshēn jiù kěyǐ bāng nǐ lǐjiě hé jìyì. I think reading Chinese characters is better than reading Pinyin because the characters themselves help you understand and memorize.
我小时候记汉字就是闭上眼睛在脑海里写这个字,然后我就记住了。 Wǒ xiǎoshíhòu jì hànzì jiùshì bì shàng yǎnjīng zài nǎohǎi lǐ xiě zhège zì, ránhòu wǒ jiù jìdéliǎo. When I was a kid, I memorized Chinese characters by closing my eyes and writing the character in my head, and then I remembered it.
我也是脑海里有一个模糊的字的图像,不过会越来越好的。 Wǒ yěshì nǎohǎi lǐ yǒu yīgè móhú de zì de tú xiàng, bùguò huì yuè lái yuè hǎo de. I also have a vague image of the character in my head, but it gets better.
那我们下次课是什么时候? Nà wǒmen xià cì kè shì shénme shíhòu? So when’s our next class?
看情况,如果没有意外的话是周一。 Kàn qíngkuàng, rúguǒ méiyǒu yìwài dehuà shì zhōuyī. It depends. If there are no surprises it’s Monday.
我希望你可以有最好的结果,因为你值得。 Wǒ xīwàng nǐ kěyǐ yǒu zuì hǎo de jiéguǒ, yīnwèi nǐ zhídé. I wish you the best because you deserve it.
谢谢谢谢🥰 Xièxièxiè xiè 🥰 Thank you thank you thank you 🥰



