Dialogue 31



嗨,老田,好久不见。 Hāi, lǎotián, hǎojiǔ bùjiàn. Hi, Tian. Long time no see.
是呀,好多天不见了。 Shì ya, hǎoduō tiān bùjiànle. Yeah, it’s been a long time.
不是好多天,是好几个月不见了。 Bùshì hǎojǐ tiān, shì hǎo jǐ gè yuè bùjiànle. Not days, months.
你是不是也没有想到会这么快到亚琛。 Nǐ yě méiyǒu xiǎngdào huì zhème kuài dào yà chēn. You didn’t expect to get to Aachen so soon, did you?
是的,太突然了,他突然就买了机票让我过去。 Shì de, tài túránle, tā túrán jiù mǎile gōngzī ràng wǒ guòqùle. Yes, it was so sudden. He bought me a plane ticket out of the blue.
就感觉事情发展的走向很魔幻。 Jiù gǎnjué shìqíng fāzhǎn de zǒuxiàng hěn móhuàn. It just felt like things were going in a magical direction.
你会在那边待多久? Nǐ huì zài àn biān dài duōjiǔ? How long will you be there?
到29号。那个时候我们一起回到Malaga。 Mǎ lā jiā 29 ōuyuán. Until the 29th. That’s when we’ll go back to Malaga together.
因为我们要跟着旅行团到冰岛进行为期八天的旅行。 Yīnwèi wǒmen yào gēnsuí lǚxíng tuán dào bīngdǎo jìnxíng wéi qī bā tiān de lǚxíng. Because we’re going to Iceland for eight days with a tour group.
上次我跟一个巴西的旅游团玩的很开心,而且可以很好地练习语言。 Shàng cì wǒ gēn yīgè bāxī lǚyóu tuán wán dé hěn kāixīn, érqiě kěyǐ hěn hǎo de liànxí yǔyán. I had a great time with a Brazilian tour group last time, and it was good to practice the language.
对,如果你想找华人旅行社,可以找当地的华人社区,或者在网上。 Duì, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zhǎo huárén cānguǎn, kěyǐ zhǎo dāngdì de huárén shèqū, huòzhě zài wǎngshàng. Yes, if you want to find a Chinese travel agency, you can look for the local Chinese community or online.
在那边怎么样? Zài àn biān zěnme yàng? How’s it going over there?
情况很复杂,最近一直在考虑要不要留在德国。 Qíngkuàng hěn fùzá, zuìjìn yīzhí zài kǎolǜ bùyào liú zài déguó. It’s a complicated situation, and lately I’ve been thinking about staying in Germany.
因为一直在纠结,所以没有办法专心学习,就比如我现在在学德语, Yīn wéi yīzhí zài jiūjié, suǒyǐ méiyǒu bànfǎ zhuānxīn xuéxí, jiù bǐrú wǒ xiànzài zàixué déguó, I can’t concentrate on my studies because I’ve been obsessing about it. For example, I’m learning German right now.
我会担心如果最后我不留在德国,那么我现在做的可能就是浪费时间。 wǒ dānxīn rúguǒ zuìhòu wǒ bù liú zài déguó, nàme wǒ xiànzài zuò de kěnéng jiùshì làngfèi shíjiān. I would worry that if I don’t end up staying in Germany, then what I’m doing now might be a waste of time.
所以我感觉我整个人都要分裂了。 Suǒyǐ wǒ juédé wǒ zhěnggè rén dūhuì fēnlièle. So I feel like I’m splitting up.
所以现在静不下心学习,处在一个很不好的状态。 Suǒyǐ xiànzài jìng bù xiàxīn xuéxí, xiǎngshòu yīgè hěn bù hǎo de zhuàngtài. So now I can’t concentrate on my studies and I’m in a very bad state.
那你妈妈怎么说? Nà nǐ māmā yòu zěnyàng? What did your mom say?
我妈妈不想我去德国,但是如果我真的去了,她也支持我。 Wǒ māmā bùxiǎng wǒ qù déguó, dàn rúguǒ wǒ zhēn de qùle, tā yě zhīchí wǒ. My mom doesn’t want me to go to Germany, but if I do go, she supports me.
我之前去马拉加上大学的时候,为了让我妈妈不孤单,买了一只狗狗陪伴我妈妈。 Wǒ zhīqián qù mǎ lā lián dàxué de shíhòu, wèile ràng wǒ māmā bù gūdān, gěi māmā mǎile yī zhǐ gǒu gǒu péibàn. When I went to university in Malaga before, I bought a dog to keep my mom company so she wouldn’t be lonely.
他说他想让我一年之内学到b2水平,之后去读双元制。 Tā shuō tā ràng wǒ yī nián zhī nèi xué dào b2 shuǐpíng, zhīhòu qù dú shuāng yuán zhì. He said he wanted me to study at b2 level in one year and then go to a dual program.
因为双元制可以一边学习一边拿工资。 Yīnwèi shuāng yuán zhì kěyǐ yībiān xuéxí yībiān ná gōngzī. Because the dual system allows you to get a salary while you study.
这对我来说是一个很大的挑战。 Zhè duì wǒ lái shuō shì yīgè hěn dà de tiǎozhàn. This is a big challenge for me.
学到C1差不多需要两到三年。 Xuéxí C1 dàyuē xūyào liǎng dào sān nián. It takes almost two to three years to learn C1.
预科班是给所有的外国留学生。 Yùkē bān shì wéi suǒyǒu liúxuéshēng ér shè. The preparatory course is for all foreign students.
跟你说一个好消息,我这几个月累计学习中文300个小时。 Rú shuō yīgè hǎo xiāoxī, wǒ zhè jǐ gè yuè lěijì xuéxí zhōngwén 300 gè xiǎoshí. To tell you the good news, I have accumulated 300 hours of Chinese study in these months.
我的听读能力有了很大的进步。 Wǒ de tīng dú nénglì yǒule hěn dà de jìnbù. My listening and reading skills have improved a lot.
现在我读文章的速度是之前的三倍。 Xiànzài wǒ dú wénzhāng de sùdù shì zhīqián de sān bèi. Now I can read articles three times faster than before.
而且我还整理了一万零五百个单词卡片。 Érqiě wǒ hái zhěnglǐle wàn líng wǔbǎi gè dāncí duìyìng. And I’ve organized 10,500 word cards.
哇,好厉害! Wa, hǎo lìhài! Wow, that’s amazing!
步就是一步一步嘛,进步就是一步一步前进。 Bù jiùshì yībù yībù ma, jìnbù jiùshì yībù yībù qiánjìn. Step is one step at a time Well, progress is one step at a time.
如果按生活的舒适度来说,在西班牙生活我会更舒服一些,因为我对西班牙很熟悉,去德国大概就是游戏中的地狱难度。 Rúguǒ àn shēnghuó de shūshì dù lái shuō, zài xībānyá shēnghuó wǒ huì bǐjiào shūfú yīxiē, yīnwèi wǒ duì xībānyá hěn shúxī, qù déguó dàgài jiùshì yóuxì zhōng dì dìyù bān de rùkǒu. In terms of comfort level, I would be more comfortable living in Spain because I know it well, and going to Germany would probably be the hell of a game.
我需要重新学一门语言以及习惯这个环境。 Wǒ xūyào chóngxīn xuéxí yī mén yǔyán yǐjí xíguàn zhège huánjìng. I need to learn a new language and get used to the environment.
他会去西班牙吗? Tā yào qù xībānyá ma? Will he go to Spain?
他已经很明确地说他不会去西班牙,因为西班牙工资没有德国高,他又要重新学西班牙语。 Tā yǐjīng hěn míngquè de shuō tā bù huì qù xībānyále, yīnwèi xībānyá de gōngzī méiyǒu déguó gāo, tā yòu yào chóngxīn xué xībānyá yǔ. He has already made it very clear that he won’t go to Spain because the wages aren’t as high as in Germany and he would have to learn Spanish all over again.
他什么时候考试? Tā shénme shíhòu kǎoshì? When is his exam?
他十号就考试了。 Tā shí hào jiù kǎoshìle. His exam is on the 10th.
他之后会选择什么方向? Zhīhòu tā huì xuǎnzé shénme fāngxiàng? What direction will he choose after that?
他上次说可能会选择外科,但具体是什么我不清楚。 Tā shàng cì shuō kěnéng huì xuǎnzé shǒushù, dàn jùtǐ shì wǒ de wǔdǎo. He said last time that he might choose surgery, but I’m not sure what exactly.
如果电视剧里这个人因为说的太快而发音不标准,让我们听不懂,那么不是我们自己的问题,是这个说话的人的问题。 Rúguǒ diànshìjù lǐ zhège rén yīn wéi shuō de tài kuài ér fāyīn bù biāozhǔn, ràng wǒmen tīng bù dǒng, nàme jiù bùshì wǒmen zìjǐ de wèntí, shì zhège shuōhuà de rén de wèntí. If the person in the TV show can’t pronounce the words because he speaks too fast for us to understand, then it’s not our problem, it’s the speaker’s problem.
因为很多时候因为情绪,语速,口音之类的,会让我们中国人都听不太懂。 Yīnwèi hěnduō shíhòu yīn wéiqíngxù, yǔ sù, kǒuyīn zhī lèi de, huì ràng wǒmen zhōngguó rén dōu tīng bù tài dǒng. Because a lot of times because of emotions, speed of speech, accent and so on, it will make us Chinese people can’t understand much.
千万不要跟他们学。 Qiān wàn bùyào gēn tāmen xué. Don’t learn from them.
就跟写字一样,中文都是一个方块字一个方块字,但是如果有人写的特别潦草,一个字连着一个字,笔画有的会省略,那么我们中国人自己有时候都会看不懂。 Jiù gēn xiězì yīyàng, zhōngwén dōu shì yīgè fāngkuàizì yīgè fāngkuàizì, dànshì rúguǒ yǒurén xiě de tèbié lǎocǎo, yīgè zì liánzhe yīgè zì, bǐhuà de huì shěnglüè, nàme wǒmen zhōngguó rén zìjǐ yǒu shíhòu yě huì kàn bù dǒng. It’s just like writing, Chinese is a square character by square character, but if someone writes in a very scribbly way, one character after another, some strokes are omitted, then we Chinese sometimes can’t understand it ourselves.
所以不是我们的问题,不要担心。 Suǒyǐ bùshì wǒmen de wèntí, bùyào dānxīn. So it’s not our problem, don’t worry.
我得走了,因为我有一个朋友从大陆来,今天我们有一个聚会。 Wǒ dé zǒule, yīnwèi wǒ yǒu yīgè cóng dàlù lái de péngyǒu, jīntiān wǒmen yǒu yīgè jùhuì. I have to go because I have a friend from the mainland and we have a party today.

