我正在创作下一版本的aiology。 | Wǒ zhèngzài chuàngzuò xià yī bǎnběn de aiology. | I am working on the next version of aiology. | |
我们这本书的主题是人工智能的娱乐用途。 | Wǒmen zhè běn shū de zhǔtí shì réngōng zhìnéng de yúlè yòngtú. | The theme of our book is the entertainment uses of AI. | |
你对哪个章节感兴趣? | Nǐ duì nǎge zhāngjié gǎn xìngqù? | Which chapter are you interested in? | |
我的话,学习和教育。因为我经常用它辅助我学习 。 | Wǒ dehuà, xuéxí hé jiàoyù. Yīnwèi wǒ jīngcháng yòng tā fǔzhù wǒ xuéxí. | In my case, learning and education. Because I use it a lot to assist me in my studies . | |
这个章节怎么样,他介绍了一个很有意思的功能,就是创造一种全新的语言。 | Zhège zhāngjié zěnme yàng, tā jièshàole yīgè hěn yǒuyìsi de gōngnéng, jiùshì chuàngzào yī zhǒng quánxīn de yǔyán. | How about this chapter, he introduces a very interesting feature, which is the creation of a whole new language. | |
我的天哪,我从来不知道还有这种功能? | Wǒ de tiān nǎ, wǒ cónglái bu zhīdào huán yǒu zhè zhǒng gōngnéng? | My goodness, I never knew there was such a feature? | |
你可以看到我共享的屏幕吗? | Nǐ kěyǐ kàn dào wǒ gòngxiǎng de píngmù ma? | Can you see the screen I’m sharing? | |
不能,我现在只能看到两个屏幕。 | Bùnéng, wǒ xiànzài zhǐ néng kàn dào liǎng gè píngmù. | No, I can only see two screens right now. | |
你在哪里,在marbella吗? | Nǐ zài nǎlǐ, zài marbella ma? | Where are you, in marbella? | |
不,我在malaga的朋友家里。 | Bù, wǒ zài malaga de péngyǒu jiālǐ. | No, I’m at a friend’s house in malaga. | |
我这次回家把我的手烫伤了。 | Wǒ zhè cì huí jiā bǎ wǒ de shǒu tàngshāngle. | I burned my hand this time coming home. | |
你怎么弄的? | Nǐ zěnme nòng de? | How did you do that? | |
我做饭的时候,油太热了,把菜放进去的时候油溅起来了。 | Wǒ zuò fàn de shíhòu, yóu tài rèle, bǎ cài fàng jìnqù de shíhòu yóu jiàn qǐláile. | When I was cooking, the oil was too hot and it splashed when I put the dish in. | |
菜好吃吗?还是完全是个灾难? | Cài hào chī ma? Háishì wánquán shìgè zāinàn? | Was the food good? Or was it a total disaster? | |
哈哈哈有点像是案发现场。 | Hāhā hā yǒudiǎn xiàng shì àn fāxiànchǎng. | Hahaha kind of like a crime scene. | |
最后不算太难吃,也不算好吃。 | Zuìhòu bù suàn tài nán chī, yě bù suàn hào chī. | In the end it wasn’t too bad, and it wasn’t really good. | |
不算这个词非常常见。 | Bù suàn zhège cí fēicháng chángjiàn. | The word not really is very common. | |
比如不算贵。 | Bǐrú bù suàn guì. | Like not really expensive. | |
不算,大概就是, 是,但不完全是。算不上,称不上的意思。 | Bù suàn, dàgài jiùshì, shì, dàn bù wánquán shì. Suàn bù shàng, chēng bù shàng de yìsi. | Not really, probably means, yes, but not exactly. Not really, not really. | |
漏水这事儿怎么样? | Lòushuǐ zhè shì er zěnme yàng? | What about the water leak? | |
进水口那边漏水了,我们把水闸关掉了。 | Jìn shuǐkǒu nà biān lòushuǐle, wǒmen bǎ shuǐzhá guān diàole. | There was a leak at the inlet and we turned off the sluice. | |
我经历了两天没有水的生活。 | Wǒ jīnglìle liǎng tiān méiyǒu shuǐ de shēnghuó. | I went through two days without water. | |
我都是提前把水接好再把水关掉。 | Wǒ dū shì tíqián bǎ shuǐ jiē hǎo zài bǎ shuǐ guān diào. | I always hooked up the water ahead of time and then turned it off. | |
因为我们是独栋别墅,所以自来水公司说水管我们自己负责。 | Yīnwèi wǒmen shì dú dòng biéshù, suǒyǐ zìláishuǐ gōngsī shuō shuǐguǎn wǒmen zìjǐ fùzé. | Since we are a single-family house, the water company said we are responsible for the water pipes. | |
是谁发现的这个问题? | Shì shéi fāxiàn de zhège wèntí? | Who discovered this problem? | |
我邻居发现的,他是一个园丁。 | Wǒ línjū fā xiàn de, tā shì yīgè yuándīng. | My neighbor found it, he’s a gardener. | |
自来水,水龙头,这两个词都很有意思。 | Zìláishuǐ, shuǐlóngtóu, zhè liǎng gè cí dōu hěn yǒuyìsi. | Tap water, tap water, both interesting words. | |
我这周很多朋友都约了我一起吃饭。 | Wǒ zhè zhōu hěnduō péngyǒu dōu yuēle wǒ yīqǐ chīfàn. | A lot of my friends have asked me to have dinner with them this week. | |
你还要搬几次家。 | Nǐ hái yào bān jǐ cì jiā. | How many more times are you going to move. | |
我已经搬了五次了好像,再搬两次。 | Wǒ yǐjīng bānle wǔ cìle hǎoxiàng, zài bān liǎng cì. | I’ve moved like five times already, two more. | |
哦,我想问你一个问题,电视剧中那个卖帽子的男人,他说是不是,说成四不四。 | Ó, wǒ xiǎng wèn nǐ yīgè wèntí, diànshìjù zhōng nàgè mài màozi de nánrén, tā shuō shì bùshì, shuō chéng sì bù sì. | Oh, I want to ask you a question, the man in the TV show who sells hats, does he say, say it as four not four. | |
对,有口音,应该是南方的。 | Duì, yǒu kǒuyīn, yīnggāi shì nánfāng de. | Yes, there is an accent, it should be from the south. | |
甚至有个绕口令: | Shènzhì yǒu gè ràokǒulìng: | There’s even a tongue twister: | |
四是四,十是十,十四是十四,四十是四十。 莫把四说成十,休将十字说成四。 若要分清四十和十四,经常练说十和四。 | Sì shì sì, shí shì shí, shísì shì shísì, sìshí shì sìshí. Mò bǎ sì shuō chéng shí, xiū jiāng shízì shuō chéng sì. Ruò yào fēnqīng sìshí hé shísì, jīngcháng liàn shuō shí hé sì. | Four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty. Don’t say four as ten, don’t say cross as four. If you want to distinguish between forty and fourteen, practice saying ten and four often. | |
你确定是台湾的口音吗? | Nǐ quèdìng shì táiwān de kǒuyīn ma? | Are you sure it’s a Taiwanese accent? | |
我觉得有点像,因为很嗲。 | Wǒ juédé yǒudiǎn xiàng, yīnwèi hěn diē. | I think it’s a little bit like that, because it’s very whispery. | |
可能不是台湾人,但是有人会觉得台湾腔很好听,然后模仿它。 | Kěnéng bùshì táiwān rén, dànshì yǒurén huì juédé táiwān qiāng hěn hǎotīng, ránhòu mófǎng tā. | It may not be Taiwanese, but someone may think the Taiwanese accent is nice and then imitate it. | |
这个男生是个高富帅。 | Zhège nánshēng shìgè gāofù shuài. | This guy is a high roller. | |
还有一个词,白富美,用来形容女生的。 | Hái yǒu yīgè cí, bái fùměi, yòng lái xíngróng nǚshēng de. | There is another word, white rich and beautiful, used to describe girls. | |
你可以说一句台湾话吗? | Nǐ kěyǐ shuō yījù táiwān huà ma? | Can you say a Taiwanese word? | |
你这个人很机车诶~ | Nǐ zhège rén hěn jīchē éi ~ | You’re a biker eh~ | |
我给你讲吼~ | wǒ gěi nǐ jiǎng hǒu ~ | I’ll tell you howl~ | |
他们说话都很嗲,有“诶”,“吼”这种字在话后面。 | tāmen shuōhuà dōu hěn diē, yǒu “éi”,“hǒu” zhè zhǒng zì zài huà hòumiàn. | They speak very whispery, with words like “eh” and “ho” at the end of their words. | |
普通话是以北京语音为标准音,以北方方言为基础方言。 | Pǔtōnghuà shì yǐ běijīng yǔyīnwèi biāozhǔn yīn, yǐ běifāng fāngyán wéi jīchǔ fāngyán. | Mandarin is based on the Beijing dialect, and the northern dialect is the base dialect. | |
所以,南方的一些方言我听着真的跟一门外语一样,我一个字都听不懂。 | Suǒyǐ, nánfāng de yīxiē fāngyán wǒ tīngzhe zhēn de gēn yī mén wàiyǔ yīyàng, wǒ yīgè zì dōu tīng bù dǒng. | So, some of the southern dialects really sound like a foreign language to me, and I don’t understand a word of it. | |
就像我男朋友,他是浙江温州的,当他跟他妈妈打电话时,他们在聊啥我是真的一个字都听不懂。 | Jiù xiàng wǒ nán péngyǒu, tā shì zhèjiāng wēnzhōu de, dāng tā gēn tā māmā dǎ diànhuà shí, tāmen zài liáo shà wǒ shì zhēn de yīgè zì dōu tīng bù dǒng. | Like my boyfriend, he is from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, when he talked to his mother on the phone, I really didn’t understand a word of what they were talking about. | |
而且有的物品在他们那边也有不同的叫法。 | Érqiě yǒu de wùpǐn zài tāmen nà biān yěyǒu bùtóng de jiào fǎ. | And some items are called differently on their side. | |
粤语啊闽南语啊,这些都不算口音,因为是另一种语言。 | Yuèyǔ a mǐnnán yǔ a, zhèxiē dōu bù suàn kǒuyīn, yīn wéi shì lìng yī zhǒng yǔyán. | Cantonese ah Minnan ah, these are not considered accents, because it is another language. | |
德语中很多人喜欢科隆的口音和慕尼黑的口音,不喜欢东德的。 | Déyǔ zhòng hěnduō rén xǐhuān kēlóng de kǒuyīn hé mìníhēi de kǒuyīn, bù xǐhuān dōng dé de. | Many people in German like the Cologne accent and the Munich accent and don’t like the East German one. | |
意大利很多人都喜欢西西里的口音,不喜欢撒丁岛的。 | Yìdàlì hěnduō rén dōu xǐhuān xīxīlǐ de kǒuyīn, bù xǐhuān sā dīng dǎo de. | Many people in Italy like the Sicilian accent and do not like the Sardinian one. | |
我朋友说,在马德里他们觉得安达卢西亚的口音是乡下口音。 | Wǒ péngyǒu shuō, zài mǎdélǐ tāmen juédé āndá lú xīyǎ de kǒuyīn shì xiāngxià kǒuyīn. | My friends say that in Madrid they think Andalusian accents are country accents. | |
在中国人们都喜欢哪里的口音呢? | Zài zhōngguó rénmen dōu xǐhuān nǎlǐ de kǒuyīn ne? | Where do people like accents in China? | |
我个人而,言我喜欢普通话,不喜欢带任何口音,不过要说好听的口音,大概是南方吧。 | Wǒ gèrén ér, yán wǒ xǐhuān pǔtōnghuà, bù xǐhuān dài rènhé kǒuyīn, bùguò yào shuō hǎotīng de kǒuyīn, dàgài shì nánfāng ba. | Personally, I like Mandarin and I don’t like any accent, but for a good accent, it’s probably the south. | |
南方的口音是公认的温柔的口音。 | Nánfāng de kǒuyīn shì gōngrèn de wēnróu de kǒuyīn. | The southern accent is recognized as a gentle accent. | |
北方大部分地区的口音都有点土。 | Běifāng dà bùfèn dìqū de kǒuyīn dōu yǒudiǎn tǔ. | Most of the accents in the north are a bit earthy. | |
河南话听起来不好听,但是河南戏很好听。 | Hénán huà tīng qǐlái bu hǎotīng, dànshì hénán xì hěn hǎotīng. | Henan doesn’t sound good, but Henan opera is very good. | |
北京的口音我真的不好说,挺好听,有时候又觉得有点矫情。 | Běijīng de kǒuyīn wǒ zhēn de bù hǎoshuō, tǐng hǎotīng, yǒu shíhòu yòu juédé yǒudiǎn jiǎoqíng. | Beijing’s accent I really can not say, quite good, and sometimes feel a little pretentious. | |
现在一口京片子的人真的不多了,因为北京大部分都是外地人。 | Xiànzài yīkǒu jīng piànzi de rén zhēn de bù duōle, yīnwèi běijīng dà bùfèn dōu shì wàidì rén. | Now there are really not many people with a Beijing accent, because most of the people in Beijing are foreigners. | |
中央电视台,我们北京可以说成 “装垫台儿”。 | Zhōngyāng diànshìtái, wǒmen běijīng kěyǐ shuō chéng “zhuāng diàn tái er”. | CCTV, we in Beijing can say that we are “pretending to pad the table”. | |
而且北京儿化音很多,比如冰棍,我们说冰棍儿。 | Érqiě běijīng ér huà yīn hěnduō, bǐrú bīnggùn, wǒmen shuō bīnggùn er. | And there are many Beijing childish sounds, such as popsicle, we say popsicle child. | |
_____________ | Wǒ zhèngzài chuàngzuò xià yī bǎnběn de aiology. |