我的房东送给了我一只小熊当做离别礼物。 | Wǒ de fángdōng sòng gěile wǒ yī zhǐ xiǎoxióng dàngzuò líbié lǐwù. | My landlord gave me a bear as a parting gift. | |
现在我有两只小熊了。 | Xiànzài wǒ yǒu liǎng zhī xiǎoxióngle. | Now I have two bears. | |
另一只是我室友给我的生日礼物。 | Lìng yī zhǐshì wǒ shìyǒu gěi wǒ de shēngrì lǐwù. | The other one is a birthday gift from my roommate. | |
由deepl制作。 | Yóu deepl zhìzuò. | Made by deepl. | |
由这个公司提供材料。 | Yóu zhège gōngsī tígōng cáiliào. | Materials provided by this company. | |
有一件很神奇的事情,我不是很认识这些字,也听不太懂,但是当我一边听一边读这些字的时候,我发现我能理解它们。 | Yǒuyī jiàn hěn shénqí de shìqíng, wǒ bùshì hěn rènshí zhèxiē zì, yě tīng bù tài dǒng, dànshì dāng wǒ yībiān tīng yībiān dú zhèxiē zì de shíhòu, wǒ fāxiàn wǒ néng lǐjiě tāmen. | One amazing thing is that I don’t know the words very well and I don’t understand them very well, but when I listen and read the words, I find I can understand them. | |
这对我来说是一个很棒的惊喜。 | Zhè duì wǒ lái shuō shì yīgè hěn bàng de jīngxǐ. | That was a great surprise for me. | |
看电视剧真的很有趣。 | Kàn diànshìjù zhēn de hěn yǒuqù. | It was really interesting to watch the drama. | |
我有一个朋友,他是中国人,但是因为他从小在西班牙长大,所以中文很差。 | Wǒ yǒu yīgè péngyǒu, tā shì zhōngguó rén, dànshì yīnwèi tā cóngxiǎo zài xībānyá zhǎng dà, suǒyǐ zhōngwén hěn chà. | I have a friend who is Chinese, but because he grew up in Spain, his Chinese is very poor. | |
而且他们家人一般都说西班牙语,就比如那天我和他表哥一起去出去玩,还有别的朋友,然后我发现他跟他表哥两个人聊天都是用西班牙语。 | Érqiě tāmen jiārén yībān dōu shuō xībānyá yǔ, jiù bǐrú nèitiān wǒ hé tā biǎo gē yīqǐ qù chūqù wán, hái yǒu bié de péngyǒu, ránhòu wǒ fāxiàn tā gēn tā biǎo gē liǎng gèrén liáotiān dū shì yòng xībānyá yǔ. | And their families usually speak Spanish, like the other day I went out with his cousin and other friends, and then I noticed that he and his cousin were both talking in Spanish. | |
我就跟他说我有一个德国朋友,每天都学中文,而且他还能看中国的电视剧。 | Wǒ jiù gēn tā shuō wǒ yǒu yīgè déguó péngyǒu, měitiān dū xué zhōngwén, érqiě tā hái néng kàn zhòng guó de diànshìjù. | I told him that I have a German friend who learns Chinese every day and he can watch Chinese TV shows. | |
他就非常震惊的说天呐,他的中文比我还好,我都看不了中国的电视剧。 | Tā jiù fēicháng zhènjīng de shuō tiān nà, tā de zhōngwén bǐ wǒ hái hǎo, wǒ dū kàn bùliǎo zhōngguó de diànshìjù. | He was very shocked and said gosh, his Chinese is better than mine and I can’t even watch Chinese TV shows. | |
你妈妈回国了,那你们怎么联系呢? | Nǐ māmā huíguóle, nà nǐmen zěnme liánxì ne? | Your mom is back in China, so how do you contact each other? | |
我们用微信联系,因为在中国,除了一些特殊的地方,其他地方都链接不了外网,也用不了whatsapp。 | Wǒmen yòng wēixìn liánxì, yīnwèi zài zhōngguó, chúle yīxiē tèshū dì dìfāng, qítā dìfāng dōu liànjiē bùliǎo wài wǎng, yě yòng bùliǎo whatsapp. | We use WeChat to contact each other, because in China, except for some special places, you can’t link to the extranet and you can’t use whatsapp. | |
我期待我们可以无障碍交流的那一天。 | Wǒ qídài wǒmen kěyǐ wú zhàng’ài jiāoliú dì nà yītiān. | I look forward to the day when we can communicate without barriers. | |
我希望我有心灵感应。 | Wǒ xīwàng wǒ yǒu xīnlíng gǎnyìng. | I wish I had telepathy. | |
我楼上很热,但是当我下楼之后,就会凉快下来。 | Wǒ lóu shàng hěn rè, dànshì dāng wǒ xià lóu zhīhòu, jiù huì liángkuai xiàlái. | It’s hot upstairs for me, but when I go downstairs, it cools down. | |
我知道,我男朋友在德国租的房子也是在楼顶,冬天都特别热,而且白天总是有太阳直射进屋子里,感觉都不用开暖气了。 | Wǒ zhīdào, wǒ nán péngyǒu zài déguó zū de fángzi yěshì zài lóu dǐng, dōngtiān dū tèbié rè, érqiě báitiān zǒng shì yǒu tàiyáng zhíshè jìn wūzi lǐ, gǎnjué dōu bùyòng kāi nuǎnqìle. | I know that the house my boyfriend rented in Germany is also on the roof and it’s extra hot all winter and there’s always direct sunlight coming into the house during the day, so it feels like you don’t even have to turn on the heat. | |
他的第二次考试是什么时候? | Tā de dì èr cì kǎoshì shì shénme shíhòu? | When is his second exam? | |
好像在十月。 | Hǎoxiàng zài shí yuè. | I think it’s in October. | |
我最近一直在搬东西。 | Wǒ zuìjìn yīzhí zài bān dōngxī. | I’ve been moving my stuff lately. | |
因为我在malaga租的房间只到六月底。 | Yīnwèi wǒ zài malaga zū de fángjiān zhǐ dào liù yuèdǐ. | Because the room I rented in malaga only lasts until the end of June. | |
你怎么搬的呢? | Nǐ zěnme bān de ne? | How did you move? | |
我每周都会回家,就会用行李箱装一点东西。 | Wǒ měi zhōu dūhuì huí jiā, jiù huì yòng xínglǐ xiāng zhuāng yīdiǎn dōngxī. | I go home every week and just pack a little something in my suitcase. | |
六月三十日,这个日有时候不用。 | Liù yuè sānshí rì, zhège rì yǒu shíhòu bùyòng. | June 30th, this day is sometimes not used. | |
比如今天是正月十五。 | Bǐrú jīntiān shì zhēngyuè shíwǔ. | For example, today is the 15th day of the first month. | |
正月是阴历里面的第一个月。 | Zhēngyuè shì yīnlì lǐmiàn de dì yī gè yuè. | The first month is the first month inside the lunar calendar. | |
今天是个好日子。 | Jīntiān shìgè hǎo rìzi. | Today is a good day. | |
今天是六月十六日。 | Jīntiān shì liù yuè shíliù rì. | Today is June 16. | |
有可能是数据丢失导致那个音频我没有成功发出去。 | Yǒu kěnéng shì shùjù diūshī dǎozhì nàgè yīnpín wǒ méiyǒu chénggōng fā chūqù. | It’s possible that data loss caused that audio I didn’t send out successfully. | |
我希望我没有把它删掉。 | Wǒ xīwàng wǒ méiyǒu bǎ tā shān diào. | I hope I didn’t delete it. | |
我看看已发送邮箱里面有没有。 | Wǒ kàn kàn yǐ fāsòng yóuxiāng lǐmiàn yǒu méiyǒu. | I’ll see if it’s in the sent mailbox. | |
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