Dialogue 25



今天,我想向你介绍马可。 Jīntiān, wǒ xiǎng xiàng nǐ jièshào mǎ kě.   Today, I would like to introduce you to Marco.
 他是我在卡利亚里最好的朋友之一。 Tā shì wǒ zài kǎ lì yǎ lǐ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu zhī yī.   He is one of my best friends in Cagliari.
 马可是卡利亚里大学的一名建筑学教授。 Mǎ kěshì kǎ lì yǎ lǐ dàxué de yī míng jiànzhú xué jiàoshòu. 建筑  jiànzhú: architecture; building Marco is a professor of architecture at the University of Cagliari.
 他是Elisa(伊丽莎)的父亲。 Tā shì Elisa (yī lì shā) de fùqīn.   He is Elisa’s (Eliza’s) father.
 伊丽莎出生于1998年,比你晚6个月。 Yī lì shā chūshēng yú 1998 nián, bǐ nǐ wǎn 6 gè yuè.   Elisa was born in 1998, six months after you.
 2015年,当我在写一本意大利语手册时,Elisa帮我写了一些文字。 2015 nián, dāng wǒ zài xiě yī běn yìdàlì yǔ shǒucè shí, Elisa bāng wǒ xiěle yīxiē wénzì. 手册  shǒucè: manual; handbook

文字  wénzì: script; writing

In 2015, when I was writing a manual in Italian, Elisa helped me with some of the text.
 所以我把它叫做 “与Elisa一起学意大利语”。 Suǒyǐ wǒ bǎ tā jiàozuò “yǔ Elisa yīqǐ xué yìdàlì yǔ”. 叫做  jiàozuò: (be) called


That’s why I called it “Learning Italian with Elisa”.
 这里是链接。 Zhèlǐ shì liànjiē. 链接  liànjiē: Link Here is the link.
Elisa现在是 „艺术美学“ 的学生。 Elisa xiànzài shì „yìshù měixué “de xuéshēng. 艺术  yìshù: art Elisa is now a student of “Aesthetics in Art”.
 我希望每周能和马可一起去慢跑两次。 Wǒ xīwàng měi zhōu néng hé mǎ kè yīqǐ qù mànpǎo liǎng cì. 慢跑  mànpǎo: joggen I hope to go jogging with Marco twice a week.
 我希望我们能做到,因为他告诉我他的左脚很疼。 Wǒ xīwàng wǒmen néng zuò dào, yīnwèi tā gàosù wǒ tā de zuǒ jiǎo hěn téng.   I hope we can do it because he tells me his left foot hurts.
你为什么笑? Nǐ wèishéme xiào?   Why are you laughing?
我突然想到了我自己。 Wǒ túrán xiǎngdàole wǒ zìjǐ.   I suddenly thought of myself.
前两周我朋友就打电话问我,要不要一起跑步,我答应了。 Qián liǎng zhōu wǒ péngyǒu jiù dǎ diànhuà wèn wǒ, yào bùyào yīqǐ pǎobù, wǒ dāyìngle.   My friend called me a fortnight ago and asked if I wanted to run together, and I said yes.
结果到现在,我都没有去跑步。 Jiéguǒ dào xiànzài, wǒ dū méiyǒu qù pǎobù.   As a result, I haven’t gone for a run until now.
一直在想,从未行动。 Yīzhí zài xiǎng, cóng wèi xíngdòng. 一直  yīzhí: die ganze Zeit; immer schon, bisher

从未  cóng wèi: never

行动  xíngdòng: move about

Always thinking, never acting.
昨天发生了一件有惊无险的事情。 Zuótiān fāshēngle yī jiàn yǒu jīng wú xiǎn de shìqíng. 惊  jīng: startle; erschrecken A scary (but without danger) thing happened yesterday.
我昨天搭乘我妈妈的病人的车回malaga, Wǒ zuótiān dāchéng wǒ māmā de bìngrén de chē huí malaga, 搭乘  dāchéng: fahren I took my mum’s patient’s car back to malaga yesterday.
因为那个病人从Malaga来到marbella找我妈妈治病,我刚好可以搭个顺风车。 yīnwèi nàgè bìngrén cóng Malaga lái dào marbella zhǎo wǒ māmā zhì bìng, wǒ gānghǎo kěyǐ dā gè shùnfēng chē. 治  zhì: cure; control; exterminate; punish

刚好  gānghǎo: luckily; just right

顺风  shùnfēng: travel downwind

Because the patient had come from Malaga to marbella to see my mum for treatment, I was able to hitch a ride.
那天的路一半下雨,一半晴天。 Nèitiān de lù yībàn xià yǔ, yībàn qíngtiān. 晴天  qíngtiān: sunny day The road was half rainy and half sunny that day.
当我们在高速路上的时候,突然开车的叔叔说,诶?是不是冒黑烟了? Dāng wǒmen zài gāosù lùshàng de shíhòu, túrán kāichē de shūshu shuō, éi? Shì bùshì mào hēi yānle? 高速  gāosù: rapid

冒  mào: give off; von sich geben

When we were on the highway, suddenly the uncle who was driving said, “Eh? Is there black smoke?
我们赶紧在旁边停车,下车检查没有发现什么问题,以为是错觉。 Wǒmen gǎnjǐn zài pángbiān tíngchē, xià chē jiǎnchá méiyǒu fāxiàn shénme wèntí, yǐwéi shì cuòjué. 赶紧  gǎnjǐn: quickly

错觉  cuòjué: illusion


We rushed to stop next to him and got out to check that nothing was wrong, thinking it was an illusion.
因为刮着大风,所以尾气被吹散,看不清楚。 Yīnwèi guāzhe dàfēng, suǒyǐ wěiqì bèi chuī sàn, kàn bù qīngchǔ. 尾气  wěiqì: exhaust

散  sàn: zerstreuen; loose

Because of the strong wind, the exhaust was blown away and could not be seen clearly.
我们再次启动了汽车,发现真的在冒黑烟,就又停靠在路边。 Wǒmen zàicì qǐdòngle qìchē, fāxiàn zhēn de zài mào hēi yān, jiù yòu tíngkào zài lù biān. 启动  qǐdòng: start

停靠  tíngkào: stop at

We started the car again and found that it was really emitting black smoke, so we pulled over to the side of the road again.
我们打开了引擎盖散热,过了差不多二十分钟,我们打着双闪,慢悠悠地开起来。 Wǒmen dǎkāile yǐnqíng gài sànrè, guòle chàbùduō èrshí fēnzhōng, wǒmen dǎzhe shuāng shǎn, mànyōuyōu de kāi qǐlái. 引擎  yǐnqíng: engine

盖  gài: cover

散热  sànrè: Wärmeabgabe

双闪  shuāng shǎn: double flash

慢悠悠  mànyōuyōu: slowly; leisurely

We opened the hood to dissipate the heat and after almost twenty minutes, we put on our double flashes and drove slowly.
因为不敢开太快,一提速就冒黑烟,就一直维持在60迈左右。 Yīnwéi bù gǎn kāi tài kuài, yī tísù jiù mào hēi yān, jiù yīzhí wéichí zài 60 mài zuǒyòu. 提速  tísù: speed up

维持  wéichí: maintain

迈  mài: mile

We kept it around 60mph because we didn’t want to go too fast and the black smoke would come out when we picked up speed.
我们准备下高速路时,我一回头,发现有辆警车在后面跟着我们,护送我们走了一段路。 Wǒmen zhǔnbèi xià gāosù lù shí, wǒ yī huítóu, fāxiàn yǒu liàng jǐngchē zài hòumiàn gēnzhe wǒmen, hùsòng wǒmen zǒule yīduàn lù. 回头  huítóu: turn around; return

警车  jǐngchē: Polizeiwagen

护送  hùsòng: escort

When we were about to get off the highway, I turned around and noticed a police car following us and escorting us for a while.
我们后来就没有走高速,而是从小路。所以花了两个小时才回到Malaga。 Wǒmen hòulái jiù méiyǒu zǒu gāosù, érshì cóng xiǎolù. Suǒyǐ huāle liǎng gè xiǎoshí cái huí dào Malaga. 而是  érshì: instead We then took the side roads instead of the highway. So it took two hours to get back to Malaga.
你姥姥是什么时候出生的? Nǐ lǎolao shì shénme shíhòu chūshēng de? 出生  chūshēng: be born When was your grandmother born?
我不知道我姥姥是什么时候出生的,因为那段时间很多人都不知道自己的生日,只知道自己出生的季节。 Wǒ bù zhīdào wǒ lǎolao shì shénme shíhòu chūshēng de, yīnwèi nà duàn shíjiān hěnduō rén dōu bù zhīdào zìjǐ de shēngrì, zhǐ zhīdào zìjǐ chūshēng de jìjié.   I don’t know when my grandmother was born because a lot of people in those days didn’t know their birthday, only the season they were born.
我们第一册需要六章,很多人都在等我们的新书。 Wǒmen dì yī cè xūyào liù zhāng, hěnduō rén dōu zài děng wǒmen de xīn shū.   We needed six chapters for the first book and a lot of people were waiting for our new book.
他们说,哦! 你说过一周左右书就可以出版了,可是现在,书在哪里? Tāmen shuō, ó! Nǐ shuōguò yīzhōu zuǒyòu shū jiù kěyǐ chūbǎnle, kěshì xiànzài, shū zài nǎlǐ? 出版  chūbǎn: publish They said, “Oh! You said the book would be ready in a week or so, but now, where is it?
我们怎么做广告呢? Wǒmen zěnme zuò guǎnggào ne? 广告  guǎnggào: advertising How are we going to advertise it?
要发给中国大使馆吗? Yào fā gěi zhōngguó dàshǐguǎn ma? 大使馆  dàshǐguǎn: embassy Should we send it to the Chinese Embassy?
不不不,那太正式了。 Bù bù bù, nà tài zhèngshìle. 正式  zhèngshì: official No, no, no, that’s too formal.
要在抖音上发广告吗? Yào zài dǒu yīn shàng fā guǎnggào ma?   Are we going to advertise it on Jitterbug?
我没有抖音。 Wǒ méiyǒu dǒu yīn.   I don’t have Shakeology.
因为我玩游戏,已经很浪费时间了,所以,如果还刷抖音的话,感觉自己一天都在玩。 Yīnwèi wǒ wán yóuxì, yǐjīng hěn làngfèi shíjiānle, suǒyǐ, rúguǒ hái shuā dǒu yīn dehuà, gǎnjué zìjǐ yītiān dōu zài wán. 浪费  làngfèi: waste Because I play games and already waste time, so it feels like I’m playing all day if I’m still swiping Shakeology.
你每天玩多久游戏?是那种一个小时到了就不再多玩一分钟吗? Nǐ měitiān wán duōjiǔ yóuxì? Shì nà zhǒng yīgè xiǎoshí dàole jiù bù zài duō wán yī fēnzhōng ma?   How long do you play the game a day? Is it the kind of game where you don’t play another minute when an hour is up?
不,看情况。比如我前几天很忙,我就把每日任务做完,然后就退出游戏,差不多十五分钟。 Bù, kàn qíngkuàng. Bǐrú wǒ qián jǐ tiān hěn máng, wǒ jiù bǎ měi rì rènwù zuò wán, ránhòu jiù tuìchū yóuxì, chàbùduō shíwǔ fēnzhōng. 任务  rènwù: task

退出  tuìchū: sich ausklinken

No, it depends. For example, if I’m busy the other day, I’ll finish my daily tasks and then quit the game for almost fifteen minutes.
如果我考完试了,感觉需要放纵一下,我大概会玩两三个小时,不过第二天我就会回归正常的时间,差不多半小时左右。 Rúguǒ wǒ kǎo wán shìle, gǎnjué xūyào fàngzòng yīxià, wǒ dàgài huì wán liǎng sān gè xiǎoshí, bùguò dì èr tiān wǒ jiù huì huíguī zhèngcháng de shíjiān, chàbùduō bàn xiǎoshí zuǒyòu. 放纵  fàngzòng: indulge; undisciplined

回归  huíguī: return

正常  zhèngcháng: normal

If I’ve finished exams and I feel like I need to indulge a bit, I’ll probably play for two or three hours, but the next day I’ll go back to my normal time, almost half an hour or so.
因为游戏并不是十分吸引我,我也不对游戏上瘾。 Yīnwèi yóuxì bìng bùshì shí fēn xīyǐn wǒ, wǒ yě bùduì yóuxì shàngyǐn. 吸引  xīyǐn: attract

上瘾  shàngyǐn: be addicted to

Because games don’t really appeal to me and I’m not addicted to them.
那你大概什么时间玩呢? Nà nǐ dàgài shénme shíjiān wán ne?   And what time do you play around?
差不多晚上十点钟。 Chàbùduō wǎnshàng shí diǎn zhōng.   About ten o’clock at night.
有一些词我不是很明白,比如有些很简单的词,我明白他的意思,但是在录音里面,我听不出来。 Yǒu yīxiē cí wǒ bùshì hěn míngbái, bǐrú yǒuxiē hěn jiǎndān de cí, wǒ míngbái tā de yìsi, dànshì zài lùyīn lǐmiàn, wǒ tīng bù chūlái.   There are some words that I don’t understand very well, like some simple words that I understand, but I can’t hear them in the recording.
比如”自己”。有时候你说的太快我就只能听见一个字。 Bǐrú “zìjǐ”. Yǒu shíhòu nǐ shuō de tài kuài wǒ jiù zhǐ néng tīngjiàn yīgè zì. 听见  tīngjiàn: hear; vernehmen For example, “myself”. Sometimes you speak too fast and I can only hear one word.
所以我现在在训练自己。 Suǒyǐ wǒ xiànzài zài xùnliàn zìjǐ. 训练  xùnliàn: train That’s why I’m training myself now.
别着急,因为我们中国人自己也会遇到这种事情。比如一个很简单的字–“好”,如果我们一直看这个字,它就会慢慢变得陌生。 Bié zhāojí, yīnwèi wǒmen zhōngguó rén zìjǐ yě huì yùdào zhè zhǒng shìqíng. Bǐrú yīgè hěn jiǎndān de zì –“hǎo”, rúguǒ wǒmen yīzhí kàn zhège zì, tā jiù huì màn man biàn dé mòshēng.   Don’t be anxious, because we Chinese also encounter this kind of thing ourselves. For example, if we keep looking at a very simple word – “好” – it will slowly become unfamiliar.
这确实是一件奇怪的事情。 Zhè quèshí shì yī jiàn qíguài de shìqíng.   It is a strange thing indeed.
下次我会跟你说我现在在读的这本书。 Xià cì wǒ huì gēn nǐ shuō wǒ xiànzài zài dú de zhè běn shū.   Next time I’ll tell you about this book I’m reading now.




建筑 jiànzhú: architecture; building
手册 shǒucè: manual; handbook
文字 wénzì: script; writing
叫做 jiàozuò: (be) called
链接 liànjiē: Link
艺术 yìshù: art
慢跑 mànpǎo: joggen
一直 yīzhí: die ganze Zeit; immer schon, bisher
从未 cóng wèi: never
行动 xíngdòng: move about
惊 jīng: startle; erschrecken
搭乘 dāchéng: fahren
治 zhì: cure; control; exterminate; punish
刚好 gānghǎo: luckily; just right
顺风 shùnfēng: travel downwind
晴天 qíngtiān: sunny day
高速 gāosù: rapid
冒 mào: give off; von sich geben
赶紧 gǎnjǐn: quickly
错觉 cuòjué: illusion
尾气 wěiqì: exhaust
散 sàn: zerstreuen; loose
启动 qǐdòng: start
停靠 tíngkào: stop at
引擎 yǐnqíng: engine
盖 gài: cover
散热 sànrè: Wärmeabgabe
双闪 shuāng shǎn: double flash
慢悠悠 mànyōuyōu: slowly; leisurely
提速 tísù: speed up
维持 wéichí: maintain
迈 mài: mile
回头 huítóu: turn around; return
警车 jǐngchē: Polizeiwagen
护送 hùsòng: escort
而是 érshì: instead
出生 chūshēng: be born
出版 chūbǎn: publish
广告 guǎnggào: advertising
大使馆 dàshǐguǎn: embassy
正式 zhèngshì: official
浪费 làngfèi: waste
任务 rènwù: task
退出 tuìchū: sich ausklinken
放纵 fàngzòng: indulge; undisciplined
回归 huíguī: return
正常 zhèngcháng: normal
吸引 xīyǐn: attract
上瘾 shàngyǐn: be addicted to
听见 tīngjiàn: hear; vernehmen
训练 xùnliàn: train
