Dialogue 23



大众汽车在中国输给了比亚迪。 Dàzhòng qìchē zài zhōngguó shū gěile bǐyǎdí. Volkswagen lost to BYD in China.
德国汽车业正在改变。 Déguó qìchē yè zhèngzài gǎibiàn. The German auto industry is changing.
德国制造商在中国电动车市场占百分之五  。 Déguó zhìzào shāng zài zhōngguó diàndòng chē shìchǎng zhàn bǎi fēn zhī wǔ  . German manufacturers account for five percent of the electric vehicle market in China.
电动汽车需求在全球激增。 Diàndòng qìchē xūqiú zài quánqiú jīzēng. Demand for electric vehicles is surging globally.
德国汽车业对电动汽车的投资不足。 Déguó qìchē yè duì diàndòng qìchē de tóuzī bùzú. The German auto industry is underinvesting in electric vehicles.
中国政策支持电动汽车。 Zhōngguó zhèngcè zhīchí diàndòng qìchē. Chinese policy supports electric vehicles.
德国制造商需要在电动车上投入更多。 Déguó zhìzào shāng xūyào zài diàndòng chē shàng tóurù gèng duō. German manufacturers need to invest more in electric vehicles.
比亚迪在电动车市场占有优势。 Bǐyǎdí zài diàndòng chē shìchǎng zhànyǒu yōushì. BYD has an advantage in the EV market.
中国电动车市场发展快速。 Zhōngguó diàndòng chē shìchǎng fāzhǎn kuàisù. China’s EV market is growing fast.
德国汽车制造商需改变策略。 Déguó qìchē zhìzào shāng xū gǎibiàn cèlüè. German automakers need to change their strategy.
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我会把这篇文章发给你。 Wǒ huì bǎ zhè piān wénzhāng fā gěi nǐ. I will send you this article.
你这周会回marbella吗? Nǐ zhè zhōu huì huí marbella ma? Are you going back to marbella this week?
对,我周五下午会回去一趟。 Duì, wǒ zhōu wǔ xiàwǔ huì huíqù yī tàng. Yes, I’ll be going back on Friday afternoon.
哦,我不能共享屏幕给你。 Ó, wǒ bùnéng gòngxiǎng píngmù gěi nǐ. Oh, I can’t share the screen with you.
我也不能,说我不是主持人。 Wǒ yě bùnéng, shuō wǒ bùshì zhǔchí rén. I can’t either, say I’m not a host.
哦!现在我可以共享了,不知道为什么。 Ó! Xiànzài wǒ kěyǐ gòngxiǎngle, bù zhīdào wèishéme. Oh! Now I can share, I don’t know why.
我每次整理生词都要花费十五分钟左右,但是有六本书,每本书25课,总体看这是一个很大的工作量,所以我有时候会停滞。 Wǒ měi cì zhěnglǐ shēngcí dōu yào huāfèi shíwǔ fēnzhōng zuǒyòu, dànshì yǒu liù běn shū, měi běn shū 25 kè, zǒngtǐ kàn zhè shì yīgè hěn dà de gōngzuò liàng, suǒyǐ wǒ yǒu shíhòu huì tíngzhì. It takes me about fifteen minutes to sort through the vocabulary each time, but with six books and twenty-five lessons per book, it’s a lot of work overall, so I sometimes stall.
但你看,我现在有了我的朋友Chatty,在他的帮助下,我只需要五分钟左右就可以完成一课的整理。 Dàn nǐ kàn, wǒ xiànzài yǒule wǒ de péngyǒu Chatty, zài tā de bāngzhù xià, wǒ zhǐ xūyào wǔ fēnzhōng zuǒyòu jiù kěyǐ wánchéng yī kè de zhěnglǐ. But you see, I now have my friend Chatty, and with his help, I can finish organizing a lesson in just about five minutes.
对,十分高效。 Duì, shí fèn gāoxiào. Yes, very efficient.
你的考试拥有优先权。 Nǐ de kǎoshì yǒngyǒu yōuxiān quán. You have priority for your exams.
你之前跟我说一课需要10分钟,但是我看来你需要一个小时。 Nǐ zhīqián gēn wǒ shuō yī kè xūyào 10 fēnzhōng, dànshì wǒ kàn lái nǐ xūyào yīgè xiǎoshí. You told me before that a lesson takes 10 minutes, but it looks to me like you need an hour.
所以我不知道你是否还有时间继续下去这个项目。 Suǒyǐ wǒ bù zhīdào nǐ shìfǒu hái yǒu shíjiān jìxù xiàqù zhège xiàngmù. So I don’t know if you have time to continue on with this project.
虽然没有太多,但每周我会争取做一部分,比如下周我有很多考试,我就做一课。 Suīrán méiyǒu tài duō, dàn měi zhōu wǒ huì zhēngqǔ zuò yībùfèn, bǐrú xià zhōu wǒ yǒu hěnduō kǎoshì, wǒ jiù zuò yī kè. There is not much, but I will try to do some of it each week, for example, next week I have a lot of exams and I will do one lesson.
那天我一下课就去了面包店,然后前面有两个人,一个牵着狗的女人,还有一个女人背着一个特别大的包。 Nèitiān wǒ yī xiàkè jiù qùle miànbāo diàn, ránhòu qiánmiàn yǒu liǎng gèrén, yīgè qiānzhe gǒu de nǚrén, hái yǒu yīgè nǚrén bèizhe yīgè tèbié dà de bāo. The other day I went to the bakery right after class and then there were two people in front of me, a woman with a dog and a woman carrying a particularly large bag.
我当时拍了张照片给你,告诉你我已经到这里了。 Wǒ dāngshí pāile zhāng zhàopiàn gěi nǐ, gàosù nǐ wǒ yǐjīng dào zhèlǐle. I took a picture of them at the time to tell you that I had arrived here.
等轮到我的时候,我进去才发现里面有一部分跟我想的不一样,我以为是我把钱付给这个人,然后他找我钱,没想到是我要把钱给这个机器,然后机器找我零钱。 Děng lún dào wǒ de shíhòu, wǒ jìnqù cái fāxiàn lǐmiàn yǒu yībùfèn gēn wǒ xiǎng de bù yīyàng, wǒ yǐwéi shì wǒ bǎ qián fù gěi zhège rén, ránhòu tā zhǎo wǒ qián, méi xiǎngdào shì wǒ yào bǎ qián gěi zhège jīqì, ránhòu jīqì zhǎo wǒ língqián. When it was my turn, I went in and realized that there was a part inside that was different from what I thought, I thought I was paying this man and then he was looking for my money, but I didn’t realize that I was going to give the money to this machine and then the machine was looking for my change.
我当时进去的时候,他就问我,你需要什么? Wǒ dāngshí jìnqù de shíhòu, tā jiù wèn wǒ, nǐ xūyào shénme? When I was going in, he asked me, “What do you need?
我就把你发给我的短信—那一段话给他看,他开始说,没有啊,然后他说等等,我问另一个人。 Wǒ jiù bǎ nǐ fā gěi wǒ de duǎnxìn—nà yīduàn huà gěi tā kàn, tā kāishǐ shuō, méiyǒu a, ránhòu tā shuō děng děng, wǒ wèn lìng yīgè rén. I then showed him the text message you sent me – the paragraph, he started to say, no ah, then he said wait, I ask another person.
之后另一个人来了,就说啊,我知道, 这我还记得,然后他就掏出了一封信,信里包着钱,他就把钱给我说,你挑吧。 Zhīhòu lìng yīgè rén láile, jiù shuō a, wǒ zhīdào, zhè wǒ hái jìdé, ránhòu tā jiù tāo chūle yī fēng xìn, xìn li bāozhe qián, tā jiù bǎ qián gěi wǒ shuō, nǐ tiāo ba. Then the other guy came and said, “Ah, I know, I remember this, and then he pulled out a letter with money wrapped in it, and he gave me the money and said, “Take your pick.
我买了能当时吃完的面包。 Wǒ mǎile néng dāngshí chī wán de miànbāo. I bought the bread that I could finish at that time.
那个巧克力面包还是一样的好吃。 Nàgè qiǎokèlì miànbāo háishì yīyàng de hào chī. The chocolate bread was as good as ever.

