Beloved Life | EP09

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Beloved Life

Episode 9


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00:01:48 该喂奶了 Gāi wèinǎile 喂奶  wèinǎi: breastfeeding Time to breastfeed
00:01:49 您把孩子给我吧 nín bǎ háizi gěi wǒ ba You can give me the baby.
00:01:50 来 来 láilái Come on, come on.
00:01:57 阿姨 āyí Auntie
00:01:58 冰箱里有我吸出来存的奶 bīngxiāng lǐ yǒu wǒ xī chūlái cún de nǎi 冰箱  bīngxiāng: refrigerator In the fridge there is breast milk I sucked and saved.
00:02:00 你拿给我妈 nǐ ná gěi wǒ mā Please give it to my mom.
00:02:01 你奶水不多 nǐ nǎishuǐ bù duō Your breast milk is not much.
00:02:03 自己的娃才勉强够 zìjǐ de wá cái miǎnqiáng gòu Just barely enough for your own baby.
00:02:05 怎么还给吸出来了呢 zěnme hái gěi xī chūláile ne Why did you suck it?
00:02:07 先让大孙子吃吧 xiān ràng dà sūnzi chī ba Feed my grandson first.
00:02:08 妈 您最近情绪不好 mā nín zuìjìn qíngxù bù hǎo you have been in a bad mood recently
00:02:10 下奶难你先让他吃吧 xià nǎi nán nǐ xiān ràng tā chī ba It’s hard to get milk. You should let him have first.
00:02:13 拿过去 ná guòqù Give it to him.
00:02:15 xíng Okay
00:02:24 兰姐 来上班来了 lán jiě lái shàngbān láile Sister Lan, you’re here for work.
00:02:26 duì Yes.
00:02:27 今天情况怎么样 jīntiān qíngkuàng zěnme yàng How did it go today?
00:02:28 我跟你说 wǒ gēn nǐ shuō Let me tell you
00:02:29 千古奇观 qiāngǔ qíguān 千古  qiāngǔ: eternal

奇观  qíguān: wonder

You can’t imagine.
00:02:30 这儿媳妇跟婆婆一起生孩子 zhè’er xífù gēn pópo yīqǐ shēng háizi Daughter-in-law gives birth with mother-in-law.
00:02:32 还偏安排在了同一个病房呢 hái piān ānpái zàile tóng yīgè bìngfáng ne And they are even in the same ward.
00:02:34 这么厉害 zhème lìhài Holy crap!
00:02:35 我天 wǒ tiān Oh my god!
00:02:37 这小叔跟自己亲侄儿一起长大 zhè xiǎo shū gēn zìjǐ qīn zhí er yīqǐ zhǎngdà 侄  zhí: nephew The brother-in-law and his own nephew gonna grow up together.
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00:02:40 不知道的人家还以为是亲兄弟呢 bù zhīdào de rénjiā hái yǐwéi shì qīn xiōngdì ne For people who don’t know they’re gonna think they’re blood brothers.
00:02:42 是 所以我说这四十八岁了生什么孩子啊 Shì suǒyǐ wǒ shuō zhè sìshíbā suìle shēng shénme háizi a Yeah why did she have a baby at 48-years-old?
00:02:46 奶都没了 丢死人了 nǎi dōu méile diū sǐrénle 丢死人了  diū sǐrénle: What a shame! She can’t even have milk. Shame on her.
00:02:48 就是 jiùshì Totally agree.
00:02:49 说什么呢 shuō shénme ne What are you talking about?
00:02:50 吓死我了 xià sǐ wǒle 吓死  xià sǐ: scare to death I’m scared to death
00:02:51 杜医生能不能不要这么凶啊 dù yīshēng néng bùnéng bùyào zhème xiōng a 凶  xiōng: ferocious, terrible Dr. Du please don’t be so horrid.
00:02:53 你们活干完了吗 nǐmen huó gàn wánle ma Have you finished your work?
00:02:54 在这儿胡说八道 zài zhè’er húshuō-bādào You’re talking nonsense here
00:02:59 怎么说话呢 zěnme shuōhuà ne How could you say that?
00:03:00 谁胡说八道啊 shéi  húshuō-bādào a Who were talking nonsense?
00:03:01 连个护工都做不好 lián gè hùgōng dōu zuò bù hǎo You can’t even do a good job as a carer.
00:03:03 没见识还要嚼舌根 méi jiànshì hái yào jiáo shé gēn 嚼  jiáo: chew

舌  shé: tongue

If you don’t know anything, you still have to chew your tongue.
00:03:05 不想干趁早走人 bùxiǎng gàn chènzǎo zǒurén 趁  chèn: take (opportunity)

趁早  chènzǎo: before it’s too late

走人  zǒurén: leave

Leave now if you don’t want to work.
00:03:06 你有见识 nǐ yǒu jiànshì You’re educated.
00:03:07 但你没人要 dàn nǐ méi rén yào But nobody wants you.
00:03:08 说话这么难听 shuōhuà zhème nántīng 难听  nántīng: be crude; sound awful You’re so mean.
00:03:10 怪不得李骏骁不要你呢 guàibùdé lǐjùnxiāo bù yào nǐ ne No wonder Jun Li does not want you
00:03:21 李骏骁 lǐjùnxiāo Li Junshi
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00:03:23 你是不是有毛病 nǐ shì bùshì yǒu máobìng Do you have a problem
00:03:24 我们分个手连新来的护工都知道了 wǒmen fēn gè shǒu lián xīn lái de hùgōng dōu zhīdàole Even the new carer knows we broke up.
00:03:27 你是管不住自己的嘴吗 nǐ shì guǎn bù zhù zìjǐ de zuǐ ma Can’t you shut your mouth up?
00:03:30 新来的护工 xīn lái de hùgōng The new carer?
00:03:31 就是平时老给你热饭的那个护工 jiùshì píngshí lǎo gěi nǐ rè fàn dì nàgè hùgōng The carer who always warms up your food.
00:03:33 素质太低了 sùzhì tài dīle So ill-mannered.
00:03:35 在背后说患者的是非 zài bèihòu shuō huànzhě de shìfēi 背后  bèihòu: behind the back

是非  shìfēi: right and wrong

She was gossiping about the patients.
00:03:36 被我撞见了 就嘲笑我 bèi wǒ zhuàngjiànle jiù cháoxiào wǒ 撞见  zhuàngjiàn: catch (erwischen)

嘲笑  cháoxiào: laugh at

When I saw her, she laughed at me.
00:03:38 说是你不要我 shuō shì nǐ bù yào wǒ and said you dumped me.
00:03:39 你到底跟别人说了什么 nǐ dàodǐ gēn biérén shuōle shénme What exactly did you tell the others?
00:03:49 素质低的人 sùzhì dī de rén Low-quality people
00:03:51 duì That’s right.
00:03:52 就是这个素质低的人 jiùshì zhège sùzhì dī de rén It’s this ill-mannered carer
00:03:54 每周都给你打电话问你吃得好不好穿得好不好 měi zhōu dōu gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà wèn nǐ chī dé hǎobù hǎo chuān dé hǎobù hǎo who called you every week asks if you eat well and wear enough clothes.
00:03:58 就是这个素质低的人每天用自己辛辛苦苦赚的钱 Jiùshì zhège sùzhì dī de rén měitiān yòng zìjǐ xīn xīnkǔkǔ zhuàn de qián It is this low-quality person who spends his hard-earned money every day
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00:04:01 每个月往你家里寄土特产 měi gè yuè wǎng nǐ jiālǐ jì tǔ tèchǎn 寄  jì: post, mail

土  tǔ: soil; land

特产  tèchǎn: specialty

to buy local speciality and couriers to your family every month.
00:04:04 就是这个素质低的人知道我们两个分手之后自己在家里哭了几天几夜 Jiùshì zhège sùzhì dī de rén zhīdào wǒmen liǎng gè fēnshǒu zhīhòu zìjǐ zài jiālǐ kūle jǐ tiān jǐ yè It’s this ill-mannered carer who cried day and night at home after knowing we broke up.
00:04:08 后来跑出去拼命挣钱又跑回来问我 Hòulái pǎo chūqù pīnmìng zhèng qián yòu pǎo huílái wèn wǒ 跑出去  pǎo chūqù: run out of And then she went out to earn more money and came back to ask me
00:04:12 说你是不是因为我们家穷才不跟我好的 Shuō nǐ shì bùshì yīnwèi wǒmen jiā qióng cái bù gēn wǒ hǎo de if the reason you didn’t get along with me was because our family was poor?
00:04:15 杜帝 你还有心吗 dù dì nǐ hái yǒuxīn ma Du Di, do you still have a heart?
00:04:18 就是你嘴里 jiùshì nǐ zuǐ lǐ You’re the one who said
00:04:18 这个低素质的人她给你打了几年的电话 zhège dī sù zhì de rén tā gěi nǐ dǎle jǐ nián de diànhuà This ill-mannered carer you mentioned is the one who called you for several years.
00:04:23 你也不是没有见过她的照片 nǐ yě bùshì méiyǒu jiànguò tā de zhàopiàn You’ve also seen her photos.
00:04:25 而她现在在这儿工作了一个多月了 ér tā xiànzài zài zhè’er gōngzuòle yīgè duō yuèle And now she has worked here for over a month.
00:04:28 你真的不知道 nǐ zhēn de bù zhīdào You really don’t know?
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00:04:29 你听不出来她是我姐姐吗 nǐ tīng bù chūlái tā shì wǒ jiějiě ma You really can’t tell she is my sister?
00:04:34 我已经跟我姐姐说了 wǒ yǐjīng gēn wǒ jiějiě shuōle I’ve already told my sister
00:04:37 她知道我们两个分手了 tā zhīdào wǒmen liǎng gè fēnshǒule She knows that the two of us broke up
00:04:40 当然 dāngrán Of course.
00:04:42 分手嘛 很正常 fēnshǒu ma hěn zhèngcháng Breaking up is quite normal.
00:04:45 我也不会去跟别人乱讲 wǒ yě bù huì qù gēn biérén luàn jiǎng I won’t say anything bad about it.
00:04:47 倒不是因为我要脸 dào bùshì yīnwèi wǒ yào liǎn It’s not that I am shamed of it
00:04:50 而是我觉得我跟你谈过恋爱也不是什么值得夸耀的事 Érshì wǒ juédé wǒ gēn nǐ tánguò liàn’ài yě bùshì shénme zhídé kuāyào de shì 谈过恋爱  tánguò liàn’ài: have a relationship

夸耀  kuāyào: boast

it’s because I don’t think having a relationship with you is something to be proud of.
00:05:10 怎么了 zěnmele What’s wrong?
00:05:12 这个垃圾桶 zhège lājī tǒng 桶  tǒng: can; bucket This trash can
00:05:12 不小心弄翻了 bù xiǎoxīn nòng fānle I accidentally knocked it over
00:05:15 吴医生 wú yīshēng Dr. Wu
00:05:15 你可不能做这个 nǐ kě bùnéng zuò zhège You can’t do this
00:05:17 一会儿你这衣服脏了 yīhuǐ’er nǐ zhè yīfú zāngle Your clothes will get dirty later
00:05:18 还得消毒呢 hái dé xiāodú ne you need to disinfect it.
00:05:19 没事 méishì It’s okay.
00:05:30 想不到你这么干干净净漂漂亮亮的女医生 xiǎngbùdào nǐ zhème gàn gàn jìng jìng piào piàoliang liàng de nǚ yīshēng I can’t believe that such a clean and pretty doctor like you
00:05:33 还帮我们干这种事 hái bāng wǒmen gàn zhè zhǒng shì is doing this for us.
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00:05:35 这有什么的 zhè yǒu shé me de Don’t mention it.
00:05:36 你也经常帮我呀 nǐ yě jīngcháng bāng wǒ ya You always help me too
00:05:38 谢谢你啊 xièxiè nǐ a Thank you.
00:05:39 姐姐 这个桶还好 jiějiě zhège tǒng hái hǎo Sister, this bucket is fine.
00:05:41 尤其那个里面可都是医疗垃圾 yóuqí nàgè lǐmiàn kě dōu shì yīliáo lājī But that one contains medical waste.
00:05:44 千万注意 qiān wàn zhùyì So be careful.
00:05:46 很危险 hěn wéixiǎn It’s dangerous.
00:05:47 你可千万要小心点 nǐ kě qiān wàn yào xiǎoxīn diǎn You must be cautious.
00:05:48 我懂的 wǒ dǒng de I know.
00:05:49 学得真快啊 xué dé zhēn kuài a You learn quite fast.
00:05:52 那我走了啊 nà wǒ zǒule a I am leaving.
00:06:16 姐姐 对不起 jiějiě duìbùqǐ Sister, I’m sorry.
00:06:19 你可别叫我姐姐 nǐ kě bié jiào wǒ jiějiě Don’t call me sister.
00:06:21 我受不起 wǒ shòubù qǐ I can’t stand (afford) it.
00:06:22 我这种没文化 wǒ zhè zhǒng méi wénhuà I’m an uneducated person.
00:06:23 没见识的人 méi jiànshì de rén I have no knowledge
00:06:25 怎么配当你这种大医生的姐姐呢 zěnme pèi dāng nǐ zhè zhǒng dà yīshēng de jiějiě ne How can I be the sister of a great doctor like you?
00:06:30 真的对不起 zhēn de duìbùqǐ I’m really sorry.
00:06:32 我不知道你会来 wǒ bù zhīdào nǐ huì lái I didn’t know you’d come.
00:06:34 那你知道我会来又怎样 nà nǐ zhīdào wǒ huì lái yòu zěnyàng So what if you knew I would come?
00:06:37 你瞧不起我们这样的人 nǐ qiáobùqǐ wǒmen zhèyàng de rén You look down on people like us,
00:06:39 总归就是瞧不起 zǒngguī jiùshì qiáobùqǐ 总归  zǒngguī: after all always look down on
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00:06:40 不是这样的 bùshì zhèyàng de That’s not true.
00:06:44 我请你吃饭吧 wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfàn ba Let me buy you dinner.
00:06:47 你一直都那么照顾我 nǐ yīzhí dōu nàme zhàogù wǒ You’ve always taken care of me.
00:06:49 还没有机会好好谢谢你呢 hái méiyǒu jīhuì hǎohǎo xièxiè nǐ ne I haven’t got the chance to thank you.
00:06:51 谁稀罕你这一顿饭呀 shéi xīhan nǐ zhè yī dùn fàn ya 稀罕  xīhan: care about Who cares about your dinner?
00:06:54 真的对不起 zhēn de duìbùqǐ I’m really sorry.
00:06:57 你能原谅我吗 nǐ néng yuánliàng wǒ ma Can you forgive me?
00:06:58 我不是故意的 wǒ bùshì gùyì de I didn’t mean it.
00:06:59 原谅 yuánliàng Forgive?
00:07:01 我做不到 wǒ zuò bù dào I can’t do it.
00:07:03 我觉得我弟这辈子最倒霉的 wǒ juédé wǒ dì zhè bèizi zuì dǎoméi de 倒霉  dǎoméi: unlucky I think the worst thing my brother did in his life
00:07:05 就是在大学的时候追了你 jiùshì zài dàxué de shíhòu zhuīle nǐ Is that when he was in college
00:07:07 没追吴医生 méi zhuī wú yīshēng He didn’t go after Dr. Wu
00:07:37 发什么呆呢 fā shénme dāi ne What’s wrong with you?
00:07:38 我没事 wǒ méishì I’m fine
00:07:43 你今天不太对劲呀 nǐ jīntiān bù tài duìjìn ya You don’t look good.
00:07:46 怎么了 zěnmele What’s up?
00:07:48 偷看什么呢 tōu kàn shénme ne What are you peeking at?
00:07:49 没看什么 méi kàn shénme Nothing.
00:07:50 我看 wǒ kàn Give it to me.
00:07:54 师姐 shījiě Sister
00:07:55 你脾气硬也就算了 nǐ píqì yìng yě jiùsuànle It’s okay if you’re hard-tempered.
00:07:56 怎么 头还这么硬 zěnme tóu hái zhème yìng but why is your head so hard?
00:07:59 怪我啊 你躲什么 guàiwǒ a nǐ duǒ shénme Blame me! Why are you hiding?


Previous entries

吸 xī: draw in; suck
娃 wá: baby
勉强 miǎnqiáng: with troublee and need
胡说八道 húshuō-bādào: talking nonsense
见识 jiànshì: experience
怪不得 guàibùdé: no wonder
素质 sùzhì: character
赚 zhuàn: earn, make a profit
拼命 pīnmìng: desperately, by all means; risk one’s life
值得 zhídé: be worth
耀 yào: shine; radiance
翻 fān: turn over; rummage
消毒 xiāodú: sterilization
医疗 yīliáo: treat
配 pèi: match; marry
顿 dùn: [meal]
对劲 duìjìn: normal; well-suited
偷偷 tōutōu: secretly
躲 duǒ: hide
显示 xiǎnshì: demonstrate
畸形 jīxíng: deformed
恢复 huīfù: recover
幸亏 xìngkuī: fortunately
劝 quàn: advise, encourage
对劲 duìjìn: normal; well-suited
练手 liànshǒu: practice
操心 cāoxīn: concern
扔 rēng: throw away
康复 kāngfù: recover
岗位 gǎngwèi: post (work)
床位 chuángwèi: bed
分配 fēnpèi: distribution
绝 jué: absolutely
实验室 shíyànshì: laboratory
克服 kèfú: overcome
延长 yáncháng: extend
病房 bìngfáng: ward
使用 shǐyòng: use
老实 lǎoshí: honest

10 January

9 January

8 January

7 January

6 January

5 January

逆转 nìzhuǎn: reverse
外观 wàiguān: appearance
论坛 lùntán: forum
几乎 jīhū: almost
想方设法 xiǎngfāngshèfǎ: move heaven and earth
蜡黄 làhuáng: sallow (fahl)
外人 wàirén: outsider; foreigner
收拾 shōushí: clean up, tidy; punish
蛾子 ézi: moth
办公室 bàngōngshì: office
盒饭 héfàn: lunch box
重回 chóng huí: return to
贵干 guìgàn: business
问候 wènhòu: send regards
登 dēng: go up; publish; pedal
三宝殿 sānbǎo diàn: Three Treasure Palace
殿 diàn: palace
胆 dǎn: gallbladder
让步 ràngbù: make concessions
级别 jíbié: level
复杂性 fùzá xìng: complexity
周转 zhōuzhuǎn: turnover
担负 dānfù: take the burden, take on
重任 zhòngrèn: important task
退让 tuìràng: make a concession

4 January 2023

喂奶 wèinǎi: breastfeeding
冰箱 bīngxiāng: refrigerator
千古 qiāngǔ: eternal
奇观 qíguān: wonder
侄 zhí: nephew
丢死人了 diū sǐrénle: What a shame!
吓死 xià sǐ: scare to death
凶 xiōng: ferocious, terrible
嚼 jiáo: chew
舌 shé: tongue
趁 chèn: take (opportunity)
趁早 chènzǎo: before it’s too late
走人 zǒurén: leave
难听 nántīng: be crude; sound awful
背后 bèihòu: behind the back
是非 shìfēi: right and wrong
撞见 zhuàngjiàn: catch (erwischen)
嘲笑 cháoxiào: laugh at
寄jì: post, mail
土 tǔ: soil; land
特产 tèchǎn: specialty
跑出去 pǎo chūqù: run out of
谈过恋爱 tánguò liàn’ài: have a relationship
夸耀 kuāyào: boast
桶 tǒng: can; bucket
总归 zǒngguī: after all
稀罕 xīhan: care about
倒霉 dǎoméi: unlucky