Beloved Life
Episode 6
00:01:38 | 你为什么要变成 | Nǐ wèishéme yào biànchéng | Why do you want to become | |
00:01:39 | 林巧稚啊 | línqiǎozhì a | Lin Qiaozhi ah | |
00:01:43 | 因为 | yīnwèi | Because | |
00:01:47 | 因为我爸爸 | yīnwèi wǒ bàba | Because my father | |
00:01:48 | 就是林巧稚接生的 | jiùshì línqiǎozhì jiēshēng de | was delivered by Lin Qiaozhi. | |
00:01:51 | 原来如此 | yuánlái rúcǐ | So that’s it. | |
00:01:54 | 林巧稚 | línqiǎozhì | Lin Qiaozhi | |
00:01:57 | 她是这个世界上 | tā shì zhège shìjiè shàng | She is the world’s | |
00:01:59 | 最伟大的女人 | zuì wěidà de nǚrén | The greatest woman | |
00:02:01 | 万婴之母 | wàn yīng zhī mǔ | The mother of all babies | |
00:02:03 | 中国 | zhōngguó | China | |
00:02:04 | 妇产科的奠基人之一 | fù chǎn kē de diànjī rén zhī yī | one of the founders of obstetrics and gynecology | |
@001 | _____________ | . | @001 | . |
00:02:08 | 你知道吗 | nǐ zhīdào ma | Did you know that | |
00:02:10 | 在我奶奶心中只有像林巧稚这样的女人才是值得被尊重的 | Zài wǒ nǎinai xīnzhōng zhǐyǒu xiàng línqiǎozhì zhèyàng de nǚrén cái shì zhídé bèi zūnzhòng de | In my grandma’s heart only women like Lin Qiaozhi are worthy of respect. | |
00:02:19 | 其他的女人 | qítā de nǚrén | Other women… My mom. I… We are nothing. | |
00:02:22 | 我妈妈 | wǒ māmā | ||
00:02:24 | 我 | wǒ | ||
00:02:28 | 都不叫人 | dōu bù jiào rén | ||
00:02:30 | 哪儿有那么夸张 | nǎ’er yǒu nàme kuāzhāng | You’re exaggerating. | |
00:02:31 | 你奶奶应该只是感激她 | nǐ nǎinai yīnggāi zhǐshì gǎnjī tā | 感激 gǎnjī: grateful; appreciate | Your grandma is just grateful to her. |
00:02:38 | 从小我奶奶就跟我说 | cóngxiǎo wǒ nǎinai jiù gēn wǒ shuō | Ever since I was young my grandma kept telling me this. | |
00:02:41 | 说很多很多遍 | shuō hěnduō hěnduō biàn | 遍 biàn: all over | |
@002 | . | . | @002 | . |
00:02:45 | 当初我爷爷在北京当兵 | Dāngchū wǒ yéyé zài běijīng dāng bīng | She said when my grandpa was a soldier in Beijing she went to my grandpa and had a premature delivery. It was a difficult labor too. | |
00:02:47 | 她去找我爷爷 | tā qù zhǎo wǒ yéyé | ||
00:02:49 | 然后早产 | ránhòu zǎochǎn | ||
00:02:51 | 还是难产 | háishì nánchǎn | ||
00:02:54 | 如果没有林巧稚 | rúguǒ méiyǒu línqiǎozhì | Without Lin Qiaozhi my dad wouldn’t have survived. | |
00:02:55 | 就没有我爸爸 | jiù méiyǒu wǒ bàba | ||
00:02:58 | 所以她从小就会骂我 | suǒyǐ tā cóngxiǎo jiù huì mà wǒ | So she would scold me from a young age. | |
00:03:01 | 她说 | tā shuō | She said | |
00:03:03 | 你 | nǐ | You | |
00:03:06 | 你学习好有什么用 | nǐ xuéxí hào yǒu shé me yòng | What’s the use of studying well? | |
00:03:08 | 你永远都成不了林巧稚 | nǐ yǒngyuǎn dōu chéng bùliǎo línqiǎozhì | You’ll never become Lin Qiaozhi. | |
00:03:10 | 你永远都变不成她那样 | nǐ yǒngyuǎn dōu biàn bùchéng tā nàyàng | You’ll never become a person like her. | |
00:03:14 | 所以你就 | suǒyǐ nǐ jiù | So that’s why you must become Lin Qiaozhi. | |
00:03:15 | 一定要成为林巧稚 | yīdìng yào chéngwéi línqiǎozhì | ||
00:03:28 | 你 你别哭啊 | nǐ nǐ bié kū a | Don’t cry. | |
00:03:30 | 我没哭 | wǒ méi kū | I’m not crying. | |
00:03:32 | 我从来都不会哭 | wǒ cónglái dōu bù huì kū | I never cry. | |
00:03:35 | 我从来都不哭的 | wǒ cónglái dōu bù kū de | I will never cry. | |
00:03:40 | 你知道有个字 | nǐ zhīdào yǒu gè zì | Have you known this Chinese character? | |
00:03:44 | 左边是个女 | zuǒbiān shìgè nǚ | It’s made up of the “female” character and the “younger brother” character. | |
00:03:46 | 右边是个弟 | yòubiān shìgè dì | ||
00:03:49 | 你知道什么字吗 | nǐ zhīdào shénme zì ma | Have you heard of it? | |
@003 | . | . | @003 | . |
00:03:52 | 这是个什么字 | Zhè shì gè shénme zì | What is this word? | |
00:03:54 | 对啊 | duì a | Exactly. | |
00:03:55 | 这是个什么字 | zhè shìgè shénme zì | What’s this word? | |
00:03:56 | 是个什么字呢 | shìgè shénme zì ní | What is it? | |
00:03:57 | 我也很想知道 | wǒ yě hěn xiǎng zhīdào | I also wanted to know. | |
00:03:59 | 所以我小时候就查呀 | suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎo shíhòu jiù chá ya | So I searched for its meaning when I was young. | |
00:04:01 | 我查很多很多遍 | wǒ chá hěnduō hěnduō biàn | I kept searching. | |
00:04:03 | 它到底是什么字 | tā dàodǐ shì shénme zì | I wanted to know its meaning. | |
00:04:07 | 后来我才知道 | hòulái wǒ cái zhīdào | Later I found out that women with this character in their names were children who never brought joy. | |
00:04:10 | 名字里面 | míngzì lǐmiàn | ||
00:04:10 | 有这个字的女人 | yǒu zhège zì de nǚrén | ||
00:04:13 | 都是没能带来喜悦的 | dōu shì méi néng dài lái xǐyuè de | 喜悦 xǐyuè: happy; joy | |
00:04:18 | 什么招娣啊 | shénme zhāodì a | For example Zhaodi, Daidi, Laidi. | |
00:04:19 | 带娣 | dài dì | ||
00:04:21 | 来娣 | lái dì | ||
00:04:28 | 她们都是被期待是个儿子 | tāmen dōu shì bèi qídài shìgè erzi | They were all expected to be sons. | |
00:04:33 | 如果不是儿子 | rúguǒ bùshì érzi | If not they would have to shoulder the expectation of attracting a son. | |
00:04:35 | 那就背负着 | nà jiù bèifùzhe | 背负 bèifù: carry on one’s back | |
00:04:36 | 引来儿子的期待感 | yǐn lái érzi de qídài gǎn | 引来 yǐn lái: attract
期待感 qídài gǎn: anticipation |
00:04:40 | 只是过去比较多 | zhǐshì guòqù bǐjiào duō | There used to be more of such cases. | |
00:04:44 | 现在慢慢好一些而已 | xiànzài màn man hǎo yīxiē éryǐ | The situation has only improved a little nowadays. | |
00:04:49 | 还有这种事情 | hái yǒu zhè zhǒng shìqíng | I never knew. | |
@004 | . | . | @004 | You don’t have to laugh. |
00:05:11 | 你 你别笑 | Nǐ nǐ bié xiào | Don’t laugh | |
00:05:13 | 我害怕啊 | wǒ hàipà a | I’m scared. | |
00:05:15 | 可是你知道吗 | kěshì nǐ zhīdào ma | But you know what? | |
00:05:19 | 我十八岁的时候就改了名字招娣的娣改成了皇帝的帝 | Wǒ shíbā suì de shíhòu jiù gǎile míngzì zhāo dì de dì gǎi chéngle huángdì de dì | I changed my name when I was 18. The “di” in my name now means “emperor” instead. | |
00:05:27 | 结果把我奶奶嘴上气了这么大一个泡 | jiéguǒ bǎ wǒ nǎinai zuǐ shàng qìle zhème dà yīgè pào | 泡 pào: bubble | My grandma was so angry and she grew a big blister on her lip. |
00:05:30 | 三个多月都没下去 | sān gè duō yuè dōu méi xiàqù | It took more than three months to heal. | |
00:05:32 | 我特别开心 | wǒ tèbié kāixīn | I am very happy | |
00:05:34 | 我超级开心 | wǒ chāojí kāixīn | 超级 chāojí: super | I am super happy |
00:05:36 | 因为我就是想让她知道我不是什么吉祥物我可以做我自己命运的皇帝 | Yīnwèi wǒ jiùshì xiǎng ràng tā zhīdào wǒ bùshì shénme jíxiáng wù wǒ kěyǐ zuò wǒ zìjǐ mìngyùn de huángdì | 吉祥 jíxiáng: lucky; auspicious | I wanted her to know that I was not some kind of lucky charm. I could be the emperor of my own destiny. |
00:05:43 | 你知道吗 | nǐ zhīdào ma | You know what? | |
00:05:44 | 皇帝 | huángdì | The emperor | |
00:05:53 | 原来是这样 | yuánlái shì zhèyàng | So this is how it is | |
00:05:56 | 你别说你喝醉的时候比你醒着的时候可爱多了 | Nǐ bié shuō nǐ hē zuì de shíhòu bǐ nǐ xǐngzhe de shíhòu kě’ài duōle | You know what? When you are drunk you’re much cuter than when you are sober. | |
@005 | . | . | @005 | . |
00:06:02 | 该哭哭该笑笑 | Gāi kū kū gāi xiào xiào | Cry and smile when you want to. | |
00:06:08 | 来吧 | lái ba | Come on | |
00:06:10 | 我们睡觉 | wǒmen shuìjiào | Let’s sleep | |
00:06:12 | 不太好吧 | bù tài hǎo ba | That’s a little… | |
00:06:15 | 来啊 | lái a | Come on. | |
00:06:16 | 不是说让我睡觉吗 | bùshì shuō ràng wǒ shuìjiào ma | You told me to sleep. | |
00:06:19 | 来 | lái | Come on. | |
00:06:20 | 我说的可是真正的睡觉 | wǒ shuō de kěshì zhēnzhèng de shuìjiào | I mean it literally. | |
00:06:24 | 你先睡 | nǐ xiān shuì | You go to sleep first. | |
00:06:25 | 我还有功课没做完 | wǒ hái yǒu gōngkè méi zuò wán | I still have homework to do. | |
00:06:28 | 我的功课还没做完呢 | wǒ de gōngkè hái méi zuò wán ne | I haven’t finished my homework. | |
00:06:30 | 我的功课 我的 | wǒ de gōngkè wǒ de | My homework! | |
00:06:31 | 我的包包呢 | wǒ de bāo bāo ne | Where’s my bag? | |
00:06:33 | 你干吗 | nǐ gànma | What are you doing? | |
00:06:33 | 我的包包 别这样 | wǒ de bāo bāo bié zhèyàng | My bag! Stop it! | |
00:06:36 | 我的包包 | wǒ de bāo bāo | My bag! | |
00:06:37 | 这是我的包 | zhè shì wǒ de bāo | This is my bag. | |
00:06:38 | 你别吐里头 | nǐ bié tǔ lǐtou | Don’t throw up inside. | |
00:06:40 | 你别吐我鞋上啊 | nǐ bié tǔ wǒ xié shàng a | Don’t throw up on my shoes. | |
00:06:43 | 躺下 | tǎng xià | Lie down. | |
00:06:44 | 睡觉 | shuìjiào | Go to bed. | |
00:06:54 | 三十八床 | sānshíbā chuáng | Bed 38 | |
00:06:55 | 明天要检查尿蛋白 | míngtiān yào jiǎnchá niào dànbái | I need to check the patient’s urine protein tomorrow. | |
00:06:59 | 四十九床 | sìshíjiǔ chuáng | Bed 49. | |
00:07:01 | 我要提醒家属明天要来听一下手术的方案 | Wǒ yào tíxǐng jiāshǔ míngtiān yào lái tīng yīxià shǒushù de fāng’àn | 方案 fāng’àn: plan | I need to remind the family members to listen to the operation proposal tomorrow. |
@006 | . | . | @006 | . |
00:07:07 | 可是李飞应该不会帮我吧 | kěshì lǐ fēi yīnggāi bù huì bāng wǒ ba | But Li Fei probably won’t help me. | |
00:07:10 | 没关系 我还有聪睿 | méiguānxì wǒ hái yǒu cōng ruì | It’s okay, I still have Congrui | |
00:07:13 | 聪睿 | cōng ruì | Congrui | |
00:07:16 | 我要提醒聪睿给帝帝买一个这样的枕头 | Wǒ yào tíxǐng cōng ruì gěi dì dì mǎi yīgè zhèyàng de zhěntou | 枕头 zhěntou: pillow | I need to remind Congrui to buy a pillow like this for Di the cat. |
00:07:21 | 这样的话 | zhèyàng dehuà | So that | |
00:07:23 | 帝帝就不用 | dì dì jiù bùyòng | Titi won’t have to | |
00:07:25 | 再睡睿睿的屁股了 | zài shuì ruì ruì de pìgule | to sleep on Rui Rui’s butt anymore | |
00:07:32 | 不行了 | bùxíngle | I can’t take it anymore. | |
00:07:34 | 我扛不住了 | wǒ káng bù zhùle | 扛 káng: shoulder | I can’t take it anymore. |
00:08:13 | 这是什么 | zhè shì shénme | What is this? | |
00:08:14 | 你告诉我这是什么 | nǐ gàosù wǒ zhè shì shénme | Tell me what this is! | |
00:08:16 | 根据这个缝合的水平 | gēnjù zhège fénghé de shuǐpíng | Based on the level of suturing | |
00:08:18 | 我立刻判断出了这是我给两只鞋做了手术 | Wǒ lìkè pànduàn chūle zhè shì wǒ gěi liǎng zhī xié zuòle shǒushù | I immediately figured out that I operated on those shoes. | |
00:08:20 | 但我怎么能告诉他我一喝醉就干这么幼稚的事 | Dàn wǒ zěnme néng gàosù tā wǒ yīhē zuì jiù gàn zhème yòuzhì de shì | 幼稚 yòuzhì: childish; young, naive | But how can I tell him I do such childish things when I get drunk? |
00:08:24 | 我怎么知道 | wǒ zěnme zhīdào | How would I know? | |
@007 | . | . | @007 | . |
00:08:26 | 这个 | Zhège | This… | |
00:08:27 | 你告诉我这是什么 | nǐ gàosù wǒ zhè shì shénme | Tell me what this is! | |
00:08:28 | 这是我上周去拍水下生物买来给装备防水防沙的 | Zhè shì wǒ shàng zhōu qù pāi shuǐ xià shēngwù mǎi lái gěi zhuāngbèi fáng shuǐ fáng shā de | 拍 pāi: shoot
装备 zhuāngbèi: equipment 防 fáng: prevent; defend |
I used that to protect my equipment from water and sand when I was shooting underwater creatures last week. |
00:08:32 | 但我怎么能告诉她 | dàn wǒ zěnme néng gàosù tā | But how could I tell her | |
00:08:33 | 我在干这么幼稚的事 | wǒ zài gàn zhème yòuzhì de shì | I’m doing something so childish. | |
00:08:34 | 我怎么知道 | wǒ zěnme zhīdào | How would I know? | |
00:08:36 | 那这是哪儿 | nà zhè shì nǎ’er | So where is this place? | |
00:08:37 | 我为什么会在这儿 | wǒ wèishéme huì zài zhè’er | Why am I here? | |
00:08:39 | 你 你对我干什么了 | nǐ nǐ duì wǒ gàn shénme le | You… what did you do to me? | |
00:08:40 | 这是我家 | zhè shì wǒ jiā | This is my house. | |
00:08:42 | 你昨天晚上喝醉了 | nǐ zuótiān wǎnshàng hē zuìle | You were drunk last night. | |
00:08:43 | 我不知道你家在哪儿 | wǒ bù zhīdào nǐ jiā zài nǎ’er | I don’t know where you live. | |
00:08:44 | 我就把你带回我家了 | wǒ jiù bǎ nǐ dài huí wǒ jiāle | So I brought you back to my house. | |
00:08:47 | 然后呢 | ránhòu ne | And then what? | |
00:08:48 | 然后你就给我鞋做了手术 | ránhòu nǐ jiù gěi wǒ xié zuòle shǒushù | Then you performed surgery on my shoes. | |
00:08:50 | 昨晚你说你是林巧稚 | zuó wǎn nǐ shuō nǐ shì línqiǎozhì | Last night you said you were Lin Qiaozhi | |
00:08:53 | 然后就 | ránhòu jiù | Then… | |
00:08:56 | 就 就怎么了 | jiù jiù zěnmele | What happened? | |
@008 | . | . | @008 | . |
00:08:58 | 就把我扑倒了 | Jiù bǎ wǒ pū dàole | 扑 pū: beat; rush at | You pounced on me. |
00:09:00 | 不可能 | bù kěnéng | It’s impossible. | |
00:09:01 | 有什么不可能 | yǒu shéme bù kěnéng | What’s impossible? | |
00:09:03 | 你边扑我边说自己是主宰命运的皇帝 | Nǐ biān pū wǒ biān shuō zìjǐ shì zhǔzǎi mìngyùn de huángdì | 主宰 zhǔzǎi: dominate | You pounced on me and said you were the emperor of destiny |
00:09:08 | 我好惨 | wǒ hǎo cǎn | 惨 cǎn: tragic; severe, cruel | I’m so miserable. |
00:09:09 | 完了 | wánle | It’s over. | |
00:09:10 | 这都是我酒后爱说的话 | zhè dōu shì wǒ jiǔhòu ài shuō dehuà | 酒后 jiǔhòu: in a drunken state | These are the things I like to say when I’m drunk. |
00:09:12 | 该不会是真的吧 | gāi bù huì shì zhēn de ba | It can’t be true, right? | |
00:09:14 | 你赔我鞋 | nǐ péi wǒ xié | You’ll pay for my shoes. | |
00:09:15 | 你赔我清白 | nǐ péi wǒ qīngbái | 清白 qīngbái: innocence; clean | You’ll pay for my innocence. |
00:09:16 | 我还没让你赔我清白呢 | wǒ hái méi ràng nǐ péi wǒ qīngbái ne | I haven’t asked you to pay for my innocence! | |
00:09:18 | 鞋你自己拆了不就行了吗 | xié nǐ zìjǐ chāile bù jiùxíngle ma | 拆 chāi: tear open; dismantle | You can remove the sutures on the shoes yourself. |
00:09:19 | 鞋已经损坏了没法穿了 | xié yǐjīng sǔnhuàile méi fǎ chuānle | 损坏 sǔnhuài: damage | They’re too damaged to wear. |
00:09:21 | 二手市场也卖不出去了 | èrshǒu shìchǎng yě mài bù chūqùle | They can’t be sold on the second-hand market. | |
00:09:22 | 这可不是拆了线就能解决的问题 | Zhè kě bùshì chāile xiàn jiù néng jiějué de wèntí | You can’t solve this problem just by removing the sutures. | |
00:09:24 | 你别走 | nǐ bié zǒu | Don’t go. | |
00:09:26 | 这鞋很贵的 | zhè xié hěn guì de | These shoes are very expensive. | |
00:09:27 | 我的清白也很贵 | wǒ de qīngbái yě hěn guì | My innocence is expensive too. | |
@009 | . | . | @009 | I’m innocent. |
00:09:28 | 你赔我 | Nǐ péi wǒ | You pay me back | |
00:09:29 | 赔你个大头鬼 | péi nǐ gè dàtóu guǐ | Compensate you, my ass! | |
00:09:31 | 我警告你 | wǒ jǐnggào nǐ | 警告 jǐnggào: warn | I’m warning you. |
00:09:32 | 这件事情要让别人知道了 | zhè jiàn shìqíng yào ràng biérén zhīdàole | If anyone else knows about this | |
00:09:34 | 我就弄死你 | wǒ jiù nòngsǐ nǐ | 弄死 nòngsǐ: kill | I’ll kill you. |
00:10:01 | 干吗呢 | gànma ne | What are you doing? | |
00:10:03 | 等人 | děng rén | Waiting for someone. | |
00:10:04 | 等谁啊 | děng shuí a | Who are you waiting for? | |
00:10:05 | 李飞还是苏叶 | lǐ fēi háishì sū yè | Li Fei or Su Ye? | |
00:10:06 | 进展怎么样了 | jìnzhǎn zěnme yàngle | How’s it going? | |
00:10:08 | 都不是 | dōu bùshì | Neither | |
00:10:09 | 那 | nà | Then | |
00:10:10 | 难道是等杜帝 | nándào shì děng dù dì | Are you waiting for Du Di? | |
00:10:13 | 你们年轻人今天分明天合的 | jīntiān fèn míngtiān hé de | You young people breakup and reconcile within days. | |
00:10:16 | 累不累啊 | lèi bù lèi a | Don’t you find it tiring? | |
00:10:28 | 等等 | děng děng | Wait a minute | |
00:10:31 | 什么事 | shénme shì | What is it? | |
00:10:33 | 你这么大酒味 | nǐ zhème dà jiǔ wèi | 味 wèi: smell, taste | You smell of alcohol. |
00:10:34 | 昨天喝酒了 | zuótiān hējiǔle | Did you drink yesterday? | |
00:10:36 | 喝酒也要你管 | hējiǔ yě yào nǐ guǎn | It’s none of your business. | |
00:10:37 | 你这衣服也是昨天的衣服 | nǐ zhè yīfú yěshì zuótiān de yīfú | Your clothes are also yesterday’s clothes. | |
00:10:39 | 昨天没回家 | zuótiān méi huí jiā | You didn’t go home yesterday? | |
00:10:40 | 说了不要你管了 | shuōle bùyào nǐ guǎnle | I said it’s none of your business. | |
00:10:43 | 杜帝 | dù dì | Du Di | |
00:10:44 | 我们才分手多久啊 | wǒmen cái fèn shǒu duōjiǔ a | We just broke up. | |
00:10:45 | 你就这样 | nǐ jiù zhèyàng | You’re already doing this? | |
@010 | . | . | @010 | . |
00:10:46 | 就这么着急 | Jiù zhème zhāojí | Must you be this eager? | |
00:10:47 | 我怎么样了 | wǒ zěnme yàngle | How am I doing? | |
00:10:48 | 李骏骁 你说话小心点 | lǐjùnxiāo nǐ shuōhuà xiǎoxīn diǎn | Li Junxiao, be careful what you say | |
00:10:50 | 我们俩已经分手了 | wǒmen liǎ yǐjīng fēnshǒu le | We’ve broken up. | |
00:10:51 | 我干什么不需要你管 | wǒ gàn shénme bù xūyào nǐ guǎn | It’s none of your business. | |
00:11:06 | 怎么迟到那么久啊 | zěnme chídào nàme jiǔ a | Why are you so late? | |
00:11:07 | 没找着合适的鞋子 | méi zhǎozhe héshì de xiézi | I didn’t find a suitable pair of shoes. | |
00:11:15 | 像什么样子 | xiàng shénme yàngzi | What do you look like | |
00:11:16 | 毫无规矩 | háowú guījǔ | 毫无 háowú: none; not at all
规矩 guījǔ: well-behaved; norm |
No rules. |
00:11:17 | 毫无礼数 | háowú lǐshù | 礼数 lǐshù: ritual | No manners |
00:11:18 | 没办法 | méi bànfǎ | I can’t help it. | |
00:11:19 | 从小没爹教 | cóngxiǎo méi diē jiào | 爹 diē: Dad
教 jiào: teach |
I grew up without a father. |
00:11:21 | 你 | nǐ | You | |
00:11:22 | 不要一见面就跟斗鸡一样 | bùyào yī jiànmiàn jiù gēndou jī yīyàng | 斗 dou: fight | Don’t be like a cock fighter when you meet |
00:11:25 | 换肝手术不是小事情 | huàn gān shǒushù bùshì xiǎo shìqíng | Liver transplant is not a trivial matter | |
00:11:28 | 不要情绪激动 | bùyào qíngxù jīdòng | 激动 jīdòng: excite | Don’t get emotional. |
00:11:35 | 怎么有股酒味啊 | zěnme yǒu gǔ jiǔ wèi a | 股 gǔ: [gas] | Why does it smell like alcohol? |
00:11:36 | 你没喝酒吧 | nǐ méi hējiǔbā | You haven’t been drinking, have you? | |
00:11:37 | 你鼻子怎么比狗 | nǐ bízi zěnme bǐ gǒu | Why is your nose better than a dog’s? | |
00:11:39 | 鼻子还灵啊 | bízi hái líng a | 灵 líng: effective | Even better. |
00:11:39 | 放心 我只是去了酒吧 | fàngxīn wǒ zhǐshì qùle jiǔ bā | Don’t worry, I just went to a bar. | |
@011 | . | . | @011 | … |
00:11:41 | 别人吐我身上了 | Biérén tǔ wǒ shēnshangle | Someone threw up on me. | |
00:11:42 | 还没来得及洗澡 | hái méi láidéjí xǐzǎo | 洗澡 xǐzǎo: have a bath | I didn’t have time to shower yet. |
00:11:44 | 你的责任心到底在哪里 | nǐ de zérèn xīn dàodǐ zài nǎlǐ | Where the hell is your sense of responsibility? | |
00:11:46 | 遗传的 | yíchuán de | It’s in the genes. | |
00:11:47 | 没有责任心 | méiyǒu zérèn xīn | No sense of responsibility. | |
00:11:49 | 好了 好了 好了 | hǎole hǎole hǎole | All right, all right, all right. | |
00:11:51 | 确定没喝吧 | quèdìng méi hē ba | Are you sure you didn’t drink? | |
00:11:52 | 没喝 | méi hē | No. | |
00:11:54 | 行 那准备住院吧 | xíng nà zhǔnbèi zhùyuàn ba | Okay, then prepare for hospitalization. | |
00:11:56 | 你的床位 | nǐ de chuángwèi | Your bed. | |
00:11:59 | 你还是给我换个房间吧 | nǐ háishì gěi wǒ huàn gè fángjiān ba | You’d better change the room for me | |
00:12:01 | 不想跟他住一块儿 | bùxiǎng gēn tā zhù yīkuài er | I don’t want to live with him. | |
00:12:02 | 不然手术还没做 | bùrán shǒushù hái méi zuò | Otherwise, before the operation is done | |
00:12:03 | 两个人都被气死了 | liǎng gè rén dōu bèi qì sǐle | We’ll both be pissed off. | |
00:12:04 | 没了 就这一间 | méile jiù zhè yī jiàn | No, this is the only one. | |
00:12:06 | 咱们医院病房有多紧 | zánmen yīyuàn bìngfáng yǒu duō jǐn | How tight our hospital ward is. | |
00:12:08 | 你俩又不是不知道 | nǐ liǎ yòu bùshì bù zhīdào | You two do not know | |
00:12:16 | 杜医生 | dù yīshēng | Dr. Du | |
00:12:18 | 你这拿的什么呀 | nǐ zhè ná de shénme ya | What are you holding? | |
00:12:20 | 我一个朋友让我来帮她开的 | wǒ yīgè péngyǒu ràng wǒ lái bāng tā kāi de | A friend of mine asked me to prescribe it for her. | |
@012 | . | . | @012 | This is… |
00:12:23 | 这种事后避孕药外面每个药房都有 | Zhè zhǒng shìhòu bìyùn yào wàimiàn měi gè yàofáng dōu yǒu | 避孕 bìyùn: contraception
药房 yàofáng: pharmacy |
This kind morning-after pill can be found in any pharmacy out there. |
00:12:26 | 谁特意让你从医院药房开啊 | shuí tèyì ràng nǐ cóng yīyuàn yàofáng kāi a | Who asked you to prescribe it all the way from the hospital pharmacy? | |
00:12:29 | 我这不是顺便嘛 | wǒ zhè bùshì shùnbiàn ma | I’m just passing by | |
00:12:32 | 年轻人别不好意思 | niánqīng rén bié bù hǎoyìsi | Don’t be shy | |
00:12:33 | 赶紧吃 | gǎnjǐn chī | Take it now | |
00:12:34 | 超过七十二小时就没效果了 | chāoguò qīshí’èr xiǎoshí jiù méi xiàoguǒle | 效果 xiàoguǒ: effect; have an impact | It won’t work after 72 hours. |
00:12:36 | 对了 这种药也是有一定失败概率的 | duìle zhè zhǒng yào yěshì yǒu yīdìng shībài gàilǜ de | By the way is not hundred percent effective. | |
00:12:40 | 你是医生 你比我懂 | nǐ shì yīshēng nǐ bǐ wǒ dǒng | You are a doctor, you know better than me | |
00:12:42 | 懂 | dǒng | I know. | |
00:12:48 | 这年轻医生挺开放呀 | zhè niánqīng yīshēng tǐng kāifàng ya | This young doctor is quite open-minded. | |
00:12:51 | 她这前男友还想着复合呢 | tā zhè qián nányǒu hái xiǎngzhe fùhé ne | 复合 fùhé: get back together | Her ex-boyfriend still wants to get back together. |
00:12:53 | 这弄的 | zhè nòng de | What a mess! | |
00:12:55 | 我先给你拿药 | wǒ xiān gěi nǐ ná yào | I’ll get you the medicine first. | |
00:12:55 | 你开 | nǐ kāi | Go ahead. | |
00:12:59 | 最近听说了吗 | zuìjìn tīng shuōle ma | Have you heard? | |
00:13:00 | 她买避孕药那事 | tā mǎi bìyùn yào nà shì | About her buying contraceptive pills? | |
00:13:01 | 听说了 | tīng shuōle | Yes, I heard. | |
00:13:02 | 这是跟哪个医生啊 | zhè shì gēn nǎge yīshēng a | Which doctor is she with? | |
@013 | . | . | @013 | I don’t know… |
00:13:03 | 不会又有男朋友了吧 | Bù huì yòu yǒu nán péngyǒule ba | Does she have a new boyfriend already? | |
00:13:04 | 对呀 | duì ya | Yes. | |
00:13:15 | 听说她买避孕药的事了吗 | tīng shuō tā mǎi bìyùn yào de shìle ma | Have you heard? She bought contraceptive pills. | |
00:13:17 | 是真的吗 | shì zhēn de ma | Is it true? | |
00:13:18 | 绝对是真的 | juéduì shì zhēn de | It’s definitely true. | |
00:13:19 | 她不是没男朋友吗 | tā bùshì méi nán péngyǒu ma | Isn’t she single? | |
00:13:20 | 谁知道 | Shéi zhīdào | Who knows? | |
00:13:21 | 真的 这没准 | zhēn de zhè méizhǔn | It’s true. Maybe | |
00:13:22 | 咋回事啊 | zǎ huí shì a | What’s going on? | |
00:13:34 | 想想你想吃什么呀 | xiǎng xiǎng nǐ xiǎng chī shénme ya | Think about what you want to eat. | |
00:13:40 | 真的 | zhēn de | It’s true. | |
00:13:41 | 听说她只交了李骏骁一个男朋友 | tīng shuō tā zhǐ jiāole lǐjùnxiāo yīgè nán péngyǒu | I heard that she only ever dated Li Junxiao. | |
00:13:44 | 这一分手 玩得挺开嘛 | zhè yī fēnshǒu wán dé tǐng kāi ma | She’s having fun after breaking up. | |
00:13:47 | 她肯定是随便玩玩的 | tā kěndìng shì suíbiàn wán wán de | 随便 suíbiàn: casual; thoughtless | It’s probably just a fling. |
00:13:49 | 这要是认真谈恋爱能这么急急忙忙地买事后避孕药吗 | Zhè yàoshi rènzhēn tán liàn’ài néng zhème jí ji máng mang de mǎi shìhòu bìyùn yào ma | 急急忙忙 jí ji máng mang: in a hurry | If this is a serious relationship, can you buy the after-event pill in such a hurry? |
00:13:54 | 这种事情咱们科室见得还少吗 | zhè zhǒng shìqíng zánmen kēshì jiàn dé hái shǎo ma | We’ve seen plenty of situations like this in our department. | |
00:13:59 | 你还追李骏骁吗 | nǐ hái zhuī lǐjùnxiāo ma | Are you still wooing Li Junxiao? | |
@014 | . | . | @014 | . |
00:14:01 | 追呀 必须追啊 | Zhuī ya bìxū zhuī a | Of course. I must. | |
00:14:03 | 他多可怜啊 | tā duō kělián a | He is so pitiful. | |
00:14:04 | 还想着给前女友道歉 | hái xiǎngzhe gěi qián nǚyǒu dàoqiàn | He even wanted to apologize to his ex. | |
00:14:05 | 结果前女友早就有新人了 | jiéguǒ qián nǚyǒu zǎo jiù yǒu xīnrénle | But his ex is already seeing someone else. | |
00:14:08 | 这个注意休息啊 | zhège zhùyì xiūxí a | Take care of yourself. | |
00:14:09 | 多静养 | duō jìngyǎng | Rest more | |
00:14:10 | 李医生 | lǐ yīshēng | Dr. Lee | |
00:14:12 | 今天晚上有空吗 | jīntiān wǎnshàng yǒu kòng ma | Are you free tonight? | |
00:14:15 | 杜帝一早去药房开事后避孕药 | dù dì yīzǎo qù yàofáng kāi shìhòu bìyùn yào | Du Di went to the pharmacy this morning and prescribed contraceptive pills. | |
00:14:17 | 全科室的人都知道了 | quán kēshì de rén dōu zhīdàole | Everyone in the department has known. | |
00:14:21 | 对不起 李医生 | duìbùqǐ lǐ yīshēng | I’m sorry, Dr. Lee. | |
00:14:23 | 我不是故意让你尴尬的 | wǒ bùshì gùyì ràng nǐ gāngà de | I didn’t mean to embarrass you. | |
00:14:24 | 你等一下 | nǐ děng yīxià | Wait a minute | |
00:14:38 | 苏叶 | sū yè | Su Ye | |
00:14:40 | 下班后见 | xiàbān hòujiàn | See you after work | |
00:14:58 | 今晚 拿下他 | jīn wǎn ná xià tā | Tonight, take him down. | |
00:15:05 | 又来活了 | yòu lái huóle | Here we go again | |
00:15:07 | 这日子什么时候是个头啊 | zhè rìzi shénme shíhòu shìgètóu a | When will the days come to an end? | |
00:15:18 | 宝宝你想听谁的诗啊 | bǎobǎ o nǐ xiǎng tīng shuí de shī a | Baby. Whose poem do you want to hear? | |
00:15:23 | 雪莱好那等你这次宫缩结束以后啊 | Xuě lái hǎo nà děng nǐ zhè cì gōngsuō jiéshù yǐhòu a | Shelley. OK. After this wave of uterine contractions is over | |
@015 | . | . | @015 | Shelley… |
00:15:27 | 我念给你听好吗 | wǒ niàn gěi nǐ tīng hǎo ma | 念 niàn: read | I’ll read it to you, okay? |
00:15:30 | 来 宫缩来了 | lái gōngsuō láile | Come on, the contraction is coming. | |
00:15:31 | 来 准备使劲啊 | lái zhǔnbèi shǐjìn a | Come on, get ready to push! | |
00:15:36 | 来 加油啊 | lái jiāyóu a | Come on, come on. | |
00:15:40 | 不错 不错 | bùcuò bùcuò | That’s good. | |
00:15:42 | 孩子大小也合适 | háizi dàxiǎo yě héshì | The baby is the right size. | |
00:15:43 | 你也挺会使劲的 | nǐ yě tǐng huì shǐjìn de | You’re good at pushing too. | |
00:15:45 | 真不错 | zhēn bùcuò | That’s good. | |
00:15:46 | 这呀 | zhè ya | That’s… | |
00:15:47 | 都是我老公的功劳 | dōu shì wǒ lǎogōng de gōngláo | 功劳 gōngláo: contribution | It’s all my husband’s fault |
00:15:48 | 他一直陪我去上学习班 | tā yīzhí péi wǒ qù shàng xuéxí bān | He accompanied me to classes. | |
00:15:51 | 我妈和婆婆要给我大补 | wǒ mā hé pópo yào gěi wǒ dà bǔ | My mother and mother-in-law wanted to give me a lot of supplements | |
00:15:53 | 是他坚持要营养搭配 | shì tā jiānchí yào yíngyǎng dāpèi | 搭配 dāpèi: combine, pair up | He insisted on nutritional balance. |
00:15:56 | 还陪我去锻炼 | hái péi wǒ qù duànliàn | He also went to exercise with me | |
00:15:58 | 所以我的身体啊一直特别健康 | suǒyǐ wǒ de shēntǐ a yīzhí tèbié jiànkāng | So my body is always very healthy. | |
00:16:01 | 都像你们这么理性就好了 | dōu xiàng nǐmen zhème lǐxìng jiù hǎole | If only everyone can be this rational. | |
00:16:03 | 这样呀 孩子也安全 | zhèyàng ya háizi yě ānquán | This way, the children are safe. | |
@016 | . | . | @016 | … |
00:16:05 | 我们也省心 | Wǒmen yě shěng xīn | 省心 shěng xīn: not need to worry | We don’t need to worry either. |
00:16:08 | 老公 | lǎogōng | Honey | |
00:16:09 | 我爱你 | wǒ ài nǐ | I love you. | |
00:16:11 | 我也爱你啊 老婆 | wǒ yě ài nǐ a lǎopó | I love you, too, honey. | |
00:16:14 | 我找到了 | wǒ zhǎodàole | I found it. | |
00:16:16 | 我读给你听啊 | wǒ dú gěi nǐ tīng a | I’ll read it to you | |
00:16:17 | 泉水总是向河水汇流 | quánshuǐ zǒng shì xiàng héshuǐ huìliú | The spring always sinks into the river | |
00:16:20 | 河水又汇入海中 | héshuǐ yòu huì rù hǎizhōng | And the river flows into the sea | |
00:16:23 | 天宇的轻风永远融有 | tiānyǔ de qīng fēng yǒngyuǎn róng yǒu | The light breeze of the sky is always blended with | |
00:16:26 | 一种甜蜜的感情 | yīzhǒng tiánmì de gǎnqíng | A sweet feeling | |
00:16:28 | 世上哪有什么孤零零 | shìshàng nǎ yǒu shé me gūlínglíng | There is no such thing as solitude in this world | |
00:16:30 | 万物由于自然律 | wànwù yóuyú zìrán lǜ | All things, by the law of nature | |
00:16:33 | 都必融汇于一种精神 | dōu bì róng huì yú yīzhǒng jīngshén | Must all merge in one spirit | |
00:16:35 | 何以你我却独异 | héyǐ nǐ wǒ què dú yì | Why are you and I different? | |
00:16:38 | 你看高山在吻着碧空 | nǐ kàn gāoshān zài wěnzhe bìkōng | Look at the mountains kissing the blue sky | |
00:16:42 | 波浪也相互拥抱 | bōlàng yě xiānghù yǒngbào | And the waves embrace each other | |
00:16:44 | 你曾见花儿彼此不容 | nǐ céng jiàn huā er bǐcǐ bùróng | You have seen the flowers disdain each other | |
00:16:47 | 姊妹把弟兄轻蔑 | zǐmèi bǎ dìxiōng qīngmiè | Sisters scorn their brothers | |
00:16:49 | 阳光紧紧地拥抱大地 | yángguāng jǐn jǐn de yǒngbào dàdì | The sunlight embraces the earth tightly | |
@017 | . | . | @017 | . |
00:16:51 | 月光在吻着海波 | Yuèguāng zài wěnzhe hǎi bō | The moonlight is kissing the waves of the sea | |
00:16:54 | 但这些接吻又有何益 | dàn zhèxiē jiēwěn yòu yǒu hé yì | But what good is all this kissing | |
00:16:57 | 要是你不肯吻我 | yàoshi nǐ bù kěn wěn wǒ | If you won’t kiss me | |
00:16:59 | 恭喜你啊 是个女儿 | gōngxǐ nǐ a shìgè nǚ’ér | Congratulations, it’s a daughter. | |
00:17:01 | 做妈妈了 | zuò māmāle | You’re a mother. | |
00:17:02 | 老婆 你真棒 | lǎopó nǐ zhēn bàng | Honey, you’re great. | |
00:17:06 | 三千一百五十克 | sānqiān yībǎi wǔshí kè | Three thousand one hundred and fifty grams. | |
00:17:08 | 好胖啊 | hǎo pàng a | You’re so fat. | |
00:17:09 | 六斤多 | liù jīn duō | More than six pounds | |
00:17:13 | 来 接触 | lái jiēchù | Come on, touch it. | |
00:17:16 | 真可爱 | zhēn kě’ài | So cute | |
00:17:17 | 交给家属了 | jiāo gěi jiāshǔle | I’ll pass her to the family members. | |
00:17:18 | 老婆 | lǎopó | Honey | |
00:17:20 | 谢谢你啊 | xièxiè nǐ a | Thank you | |
00:17:21 | 让我多了一个小情人 | ràng wǒ duōle yīgè xiǎo qíngrén | for giving me a little lover. | |
00:17:25 | 以后啊你就会把给我的爱分给她了 | yǐhòu a nǐ jiù huì bǎ gěi wǒ de ài fēn gěi tāle | In the future you will give your love for me to her instead. | |
00:17:29 | 那不可能给她的爱是多出来的爱 | nà bù kěnéng gěi tā de ài shì duō chūlái de ài | That’s impossible. She will receive the extra love. | |
00:17:33 | 给你的爱永远不变 | gěi nǐ de ài yǒngyuǎn bù biàn | The love for you will never change. | |
00:17:37 | 你俩太甜了 | nǐ liǎ tài tiánle | You two are so sweet. | |
00:17:38 | 今天你俩是最甜的一对 | jīntiān nǐ liǎ shì zuì tián de yī duì | You two are the sweetest couple today. | |
@018 | . | . | @018 | . |
00:17:40 | 刚结婚没多久吧 | Gāng jiéhūn méi duōjiǔ ba | You just got married not long ago, right? | |
00:17:42 | 我们啊 都结婚十年了 | wǒmen a dōu jiéhūn shí niánle | We’ve been married for ten years | |
00:17:45 | 从大学毕业一直到现在 | cóng dàxué bìyè yīzhí dào xiànzài | since we graduated from university. | |
00:17:48 | 从大学就开始谈恋爱 | cóng dàxué jiù kāishǐ tán liàn’ài | You’ve been together since university. | |
00:17:50 | 到现在一定遇到很多困难吧 | dào xiànzài yīdìng yùdào hěnduō kùnnán ba | You must have faced a lot of difficulties. | |
00:17:53 | 是啊 | shì a | That’s right. | |
00:17:55 | 毕业之后不知道要去哪个城市 | bìyè zhīhòu bù zhīdào yào qù nǎge chéngshì | After graduation we didn’t know which city to go to. | |
00:17:58 | 折腾了很久 | zhētengle hěnjiǔ | It took us a long time. (I’ve been tossing and turning for a long time.) | |
00:18:00 | 不过我们都挺过来了 | bùguò wǒmen dōu tǐng guòláile | But we persisted through it all. | |
00:18:03 | 那有什么秘诀吗 | nà yǒu shé me mìjué ma | 秘诀 mìjué: secret | Do you have any secret? |
00:18:05 | 要坚定 | yào jiāndìng | 坚定 jiāndìng: steadfast, firm | Be firm. |
00:18:07 | 不管发生什么一定要和她在一起 | bùguǎn fāshēng shénme yīdìng yào hé tā zài yīqǐ | No matter what happens you must be with her. | |
00:18:10 | 在这个前提下什么都不是问题了 | zài zhège qiántí xià shénme dōu bùshì wèntíle | 前提 qiántí: premise, precondition | Under this premise nothing will be a problem. |
00:18:14 | 吵架 坚决不说分手 | chǎojià jiānjué bù shuō fēnshǒu | Quarrel firmly do not say break up | |
00:18:17 | 冷战的时候不要考虑别人的追求 | lěngzhàn de shíhòu bùyào kǎolǜ biérén de zhuīqiú | During cold wars we never considered other people’s pursuits. | |
@019 | . | . | @019 | . |
00:18:21 | 总之爱是需要信念坚定的 | Zǒngzhī ài shì xūyào xìnniàn jiāndìng de | 信念 xìnniàn: belief | In summary love needs faith. |
00:18:33 | 李医生 | lǐ yīshēng | Dr. Lee | |
00:18:34 | 手机震半天了 | shǒujī zhèn bàntiānle | The phone is vibrating for half a day | |
00:18:35 | 是不是有人急事找你啊 | shì bùshì yǒurén jíshì zhǎo nǐ a | Is there someone urgent to see you? | |
00:18:46 | 喂 姐 | wèi jiě | Hello, sister? | |
00:18:48 | 小弟 | xiǎodì | Little brother | |
00:18:49 | 你怎么才接电话啊 | nǐ zěnme cái jiē diànhuà a | Why did you answer the phone so late? | |
00:18:51 | 我在高铁站外面 | wǒ zài gāotiě zhàn wàimiàn | I’m outside the high-speed train station. | |
00:18:52 | 我迷路了 | wǒ mílùle | 迷路 mílù: to be lost | I got lost. |
00:18:57 | 来 快进来 | lái kuài jìnlái | Come on in. | |
00:19:08 | 这么小 | zhème xiǎo | It’s so small. | |
00:19:09 | 怎么住啊 | zěnme zhù a | How can I live here? | |
00:19:10 | 你们城里人也太可怜了吧 | nǐmen chéng lǐ rén yě tài kěliánle ba | You city people are so pitiful. | |
00:19:13 | 不接地气 | bù jiēdì qì | It’s fine if it’s so high up (You’re not grounded) | |
00:19:13 | 没个院子也就算了 | méi gè yuànzi yě jiùsuànle | Even if you don’t have a yard | |
00:19:15 | 这点地方连身子都转不开 | zhè diǎn dìfāng lián shēnzi dōu zhuǎn bù kāi | 转 zhuǎn: turn | But it’s so small here I can’t even move freely. |
00:19:17 | 姐 | jiě | Sister | |
00:19:18 | 就这儿一个月还三千呢 | jiù zhè’er yīgè yuè hái sānqiān ne | Here is still three thousand a month | |
00:19:20 | 三千 | sānqiān | Three thousand | |
00:19:22 | 你一个月工资 | nǐ yīgè yuè gōngzī | Your monthly salary | |
00:19:23 | 不是才七八千吗 | bùshì cái qībāqiān ma | Isn’t it only seven or eight thousand? | |
00:19:24 | 三千去了一半 | sānqiān qùle yībàn | Half of 3,000 is gone | |
@020 | . | . | @020 | . |
00:19:25 | 那你平常吃啥穿啥喝啥呀 | Nà nǐ píngcháng chī shà chuān shà hē shà ya | 平常 píngcháng: usually | What do you have left for food drinks |
00:19:28 | 来来来 快坐快坐 | láilái lái kuài zuò kuài zuò | Come on, come on, sit down. | |
00:19:30 | 咱们先不说这个 | zánmen xiān bù shuō zhège | Let’s not talk about that first. | |
00:19:32 | 你怎么突然来了 | nǐ zěnme túrán láile | Why are you here all of a sudden? | |
00:19:35 | 姐夫呢 | jiěfū ne | Where is brother-in-law? | |
00:19:37 | 我 | wǒ | I’m… | |
00:19:38 | 来旅游 | lái lǚyóu | I’m on a trip. | |
00:19:39 | 你姐夫他忙 | nǐ jiěfū tā máng | Your brother-in-law is busy. | |
00:19:41 | 打工呢 | dǎgōng ne | He’s working. | |
00:19:51 | 你来城里这么多年了 | nǐ lái chéng lǐ zhème duōniánle | You’ve been here for many years. | |
00:19:52 | 我也是第一次来嘛 | wǒ yěshì dì yīcì lái ma | It’s my first time here too | |
00:19:54 | 我跟你说 | wǒ gēn nǐ shuō | Let me tell you | |
00:19:55 | 今天我一下高铁 | jīntiān wǒ yīxià gāotiě | Today when I get off the high speed train | |
00:19:56 | 好家伙 我就迷路了 | hǎo jiāhuo wǒ jiù mílùle | 家伙 jiāhuo: gosh | gosh, I got lost |
00:19:57 | 没见过那么多人 | méi jiànguò nàme duō rén | I’ve never seen so many people | |
00:19:59 | 那么多车 | nàme duō chē | So many cars | |
00:20:00 | 不过幸亏我迷路了你来接我 | bùguò xìngkuī wǒ mílùle nǐ lái jiē wǒ | But it was a good thing I got lost and you came to pick me up. | |
00:20:03 | 不然我拿的都是你那个旧地址 | bùrán wǒ ná de dōu shì nǐ nàgè jiù dìzhǐ | 地址 dìzhǐ: address | Otherwise I only have your old address. |
00:20:05 | 说不定还得摸错了呢 | shuō bu dìng hái dé mō cuòle ne | I might end up at the wrong place. | |
00:20:08 | 旅游 | lǚyóu | Travel | |
@021 | . | . | @021 | . |
00:20:10 | 这么多年也没看你有这个闲情逸致啊 | Zhème duōnián yě méi kàn nǐ yǒu zhège xiánqíngyìzhì a | 闲情逸致 xiánqíngyìzhì: be in a carefree mood
逸 yì: leisurely; escape |
In all my years of knowing you I have never seen you go on a tour. |
00:20:13 | 都是在拼命打工 | dōu shì zài pīnmìng dǎgōng | You’re always hard at work. | |
00:20:15 | 说实话 | shuō shíhuà | Be honest. | |
00:20:20 | 我上一个工作结束了 | wǒ shàng yīgè gōngzuò jiéshùle | My last job is over. | |
00:20:22 | 新的还没找 | xīn de hái méi zhǎo | I haven’t found a new one yet. | |
00:20:24 | 我听你说跟杜帝分手了 | wǒ tīng nǐ shuō gēn dù dì fēnshǒule | I heard you broke up with Du Di. | |
00:20:26 | 我心里着急啊 | wǒ xīnlǐ zhāojí a | I was worried. | |
00:20:28 | 我寻思 | wǒ xúnsi | 寻思 xúnsi: ponder | I thought about it. |
00:20:29 | 你这嘴又笨又直的 | nǐ zhè zuǐ yòu bèn yòu zhí de | 直 zhí: straight | You’re clumsy and straightforward with words. |
00:20:31 | 你是不是说什么话得罪人家啦 | nǐ shì bùshì shuō shénme huà dézuì rénjiā la | 得罪 dézuì: offend | Did you say something wrong to offend her? |
00:20:33 | 我想着过来撮合一下 | wǒ xiǎngzhe guòlái cuòhé yīxià | 撮合 cuòhé: mediate; matchmake | I thought I could come help with mediation. |
00:20:35 | 你们说不定还能和好吧 | nǐmen shuō bu dìng hái néng héhǎo ba | 你们说不定 nǐmen shuō bu dìng: you might | Maybe the two of you can reconcile again. |
00:20:37 | 我们不可能了 | wǒmen bù kěnéngle | It’s impossible for us. | |
00:20:39 | 怎么不可能 | zěnme bù kěnéng | How impossible? | |
00:20:39 | 李骏骁 你要负责任人家跟你几年了 | lǐjùnxiāo nǐ yào fù zérèn rénjiā gēn nǐ jǐ niánle | Li Junxiao, you have to be responsible, she’s been with you for years. | |
00:20:43 | 好好的都要结婚了 | hǎohǎo de dōu yào jiéhūnle | Marriage is just around the corner. | |
@022 | . | . | @022 | . |
00:20:45 | 怎么说分就分 | Zěnme shuō fèn jiù fēn | Why did you break up all of a sudden? | |
00:20:46 | 你是不是有别的女人了 | nǐ shì bùshì yǒu bié de nǚrénle | Are you seeing someone else? | |
00:20:48 | 咱们家可不兴这样啊 | zánmen jiā kě bù xīng zhèyàng a | We don’t condone that in this family. | |
00:20:55 | 坏了 | huàile | Oh, no. | |
00:20:56 | 我给忘了 | wǒ gěi wàngle | I forgot. | |
00:20:59 | 喂 | wèi | Hey! | |
00:21:01 | 对不起啊 | duìbùqǐ a | I’m sorry. | |
00:21:03 | 我姐姐突然来了 | wǒ jiějiě túrán láile | My sister came in unexpectedly. | |
00:21:04 | 我刚接的她 | wǒ gāng jiē de tā | I just picked her up. | |
00:21:06 | 今天晚上就不能跟你吃饭了 | jīntiān wǎnshàng jiù bùnéng gēn nǐ chīfànle | I can’t join you for dinner tonight. | |
00:21:10 | 对对对 | duì duì duì | Yes. | |
00:21:11 | 要不这样 改天吧 | yào bù zhèyàng gǎitiān ba | How about another day? | |
00:21:14 | 今天实在是对不起 | jīntiān shízài shì duìbùqǐ | I’m really sorry about today. | |
00:21:18 | 这是哪个女人 | zhè shì nǎge nǚrén | Who is this woman? | |
00:21:21 | 姐 | jiě | Sister. | |
00:21:22 | 不是你想的那样 | bùshì nǐ xiǎng dì nàyàng | It’s not what you think. | |
00:21:23 | 你刚来 | nǐ gāng lái | You just arrived. | |
00:21:24 | 以后我们慢慢聊 | yǐhòu wǒmen màn man liáo | Let’s talk about it later. | |
00:21:25 | 你饿不饿 | nǐ è bù è | Are you hungry? | |
00:21:27 | 我知道有好几家餐馆特别好吃 | wǒ zhīdào yǒu hǎojǐ jiā cānguǎn tèbié hào chī | I know some restaurants with great food. | |
00:21:29 | 咱们出去下馆子 | zánmen chūqù xiàguǎn zi | Let’s go out to eat. | |
00:21:30 | 下什么馆子呀 | xià shénme guǎnzi ya | What kind of restaurant? | |
@023 | . | . | @023 | . |
00:21:31 | 一块钱的菜能给你炒出二十块钱来 | Yīkuài qián de cài néng gěi nǐ chǎo chū èrshí kuài qián lái | 炒 chǎo: stir-fry; speculate | Restaurants will charge 20 yuan for 1 yuan worth of vegetables. |
00:21:33 | 我看看你家有啥 | wǒ kàn kàn nǐ jiā yǒu shà | Let me see what you have at home | |
00:21:35 | 姐给你做饭去 | jiě gěi nǐ zuò fàn qù | I’ll cook for you | |
00:21:36 | 姐 | jiě | Sister | |
00:21:39 | 行 | xíng | Okay. | |
00:21:40 | 你别急 我跟你说 | nǐ bié jí wǒ gēn nǐ shuō | Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. | |
00:21:41 | 二十分钟菜就能好啊 | èrshí fēnzhōng cài jiù néng hǎo a | The food will be ready in 20 minutes. | |
00:21:48 | 姐 | jiě | Sister | |
00:21:48 | 要不我出去看看哪儿有快捷酒店 | yào bù wǒ chūqù kàn kàn nǎ’er yǒu kuàijié jiǔdiàn | 快捷 kuàijié: quick | how about I go out and book a room for you |
00:21:50 | 我去给你开间房 | wǒ qù gěi nǐ kāijiān fáng | 开间房 kāijiān fáng: economy hotel ?? | at an economy hotel? |
00:21:52 | 费那个钱干吗还住酒店 | fèi nàgè qián gànma hái zhù jiǔdiàn | Why are you wasting money? I don’t need a hotel room. | |
00:21:54 | 我打个地铺就行了 | wǒ dǎ gè dìpù jiùxíngle | 铺 pù: lay; spread
地铺 dìpù: on the floor |
I’ll just sleep on the floor. |
00:21:55 | 打地铺怎么能行呢 | dǎ dìpù zěnme néng xíng ne | How can you do it on the floor? | |
00:21:56 | 怎么不行 | zěnme bùxíng | Why not? | |
00:21:57 | 我吃苦吃惯了 | wǒ chīkǔ chī guànle | 吃苦 chīkǔ: put up with hardship
惯 guàn: be used to |
I’m used to suffering |
00:21:59 | 这好歹还有个屋顶呢 | zhè hǎodǎi hái yǒu gè wūdǐng ne | 屋顶 wūdǐng: roof | At least there is a roof here |
00:22:00 | 没屋顶的我都睡过 | méi wūdǐng de wǒ dū shuìguò | I have slept without a roof | |
00:22:02 | 没事 | méishì | It’s okay. | |
00:23:15 | 来了 | láile | Here we go. | |
00:23:16 | 这些啊 | zhèxiē a | These… | |
00:23:16 | 吴医生回来啦 | wú yīshēng huílái la | Dr. Wu is back | |
@024 | . | . | @024 | … |
00:23:17 | 亲爱的们 我回来啦 | Qīn’ài demen wǒ huílái la | Dear friends, I’m back! | |
00:23:20 | 聪睿姐回来啦 | cōng ruì jiě huílái la | Sister Congrui is back! | |
00:23:21 | 不是应该休息一个月吗 | bùshì yīnggāi xiūxí yīgè yuè ma | Shouldn’t you take a month off? | |
00:23:23 | 你这是坐小月子 | nǐ zhè shì zuò xiǎo yuèzi | You’re having a babymoon | |
00:23:25 | 怎么一个星期就回来工作了 | zěnme yīgè xīngqí jiù huílái gōngzuòle | Why are you back here after just a week? | |
00:23:27 | 我不回来 | wǒ bù huílái | I didn’t come back. | |
00:23:28 | 让别人抢我的功劳吗 | ràng biérén qiǎng wǒ de gōngláo ma | Let others take credit for my work? | |
00:23:34 | 聪睿啊 | cōng ruì a | Congrui. | |
00:23:34 | 你回来可真是太好了 | nǐ huílái kě zhēnshi tài hǎole | It’s good to have you back. | |
00:23:36 | 你不知道啊 | nǐ bù zhīdào a | You don’t know that. | |
00:23:37 | 某些人轮转去计划生育病房 | Mǒu xiē rén lún zhuàn qù jìhuà shēngyù bìngfáng | Someone was sent to the Family Planning Department ward. | |
00:23:39 | 天天手术做不停 | tiāntiān shǒushù zuò bù tíng | They’re doing surgery all day long. | |
00:23:40 | 态度也不好 | tàidù yě bù hǎo | and her attitude is terrible. | |
00:23:41 | 被患者家属给投诉了好几次 | bèi huànzhě jiāshǔ gěi tóusùle hǎojǐ cì | 投诉 tóusù: complain | The patient’s families complained about her several times. |
00:23:43 | 我还听别人说啊她要被扣奖金 | wǒ hái tīng biérén shuō a tā yào bèi kòu jiǎngjīn | 扣 kòu: deduct | I also heard that her salary bonus will be deducted. |
00:23:46 | 这就叫做弄巧成拙 | zhè jiù jiàozuò nòngqiǎochéngzhuō | 巧 qiǎo: skilful
拙 zhuō: clumsy 弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō: be too clever for one’s own good |
This is called going for wool and coming home shorn. |
00:23:50 | 是吗 | shì ma | Really? | |
@025 | . | . | @025 | I’m sorry. |
00:24:09 | 手术同意书签好了 | Shǒushù tóngyì shūqiān hǎole | 书签 shūqiān: bookmark | He has signed the consent form. |
00:24:15 | 你有什么想跟我说的吗 | nǐ yǒu shé me xiǎng gēn wǒ shuō de ma | Do you have something you want to tell me? | |
00:24:22 | 什么意思 | shénme yìsi | What do you mean? | |
00:24:24 | 就是万一 | jiùshì wàn yī | Just in case. | |
00:24:26 | 万一我死在手术台上 | wàn yī wǒ sǐ zài shǒushù tái shàng | In case I die on the operating table. | |
00:24:37 | 死就死吧 | sǐ jiù sǐ ba | Let’s just die. | |
00:24:39 | 死了我就可以 | sǐle wǒ jiù kěyǐ | Then I can finally see your mom again. | |
00:24:40 | 去见你妈妈了 | qù jiàn nǐ māmāle | ||
00:24:45 | 你确定我妈想见你吗 | nǐ quèdìng wǒ mā xiǎng jiàn nǐ ma | Are you sure my mom wants to see you? | |
00:24:53 | 你确定你没什么 | nǐ quèdìng nǐ méi shénme | Are you sure you have nothing to tell me? | |
00:24:54 | 跟我说是吗 | gēn wǒ shuō shì ma | ||
00:25:06 | 你妈妈有一个东西在 | nǐ māmā yǒu yīgè dōngxī zài | Your mother has something…. | |
00:25:09 | 什么东西 | shénme dōngxī | What’s that? | |
00:25:14 | 没什么东西 | méi shénme dōngxī | Nothing. | |
00:25:16 | 你别不说呀 | nǐ bié bù shuō ya | Tell me. | |
00:25:18 | 你不说我怎么知道 | nǐ bù shuō wǒ zěnme zhīdào | How could I decide if I want you to live or not unless you tell me? | |
00:25:20 | 一会儿我是希望你走 | yīhuǐ’er wǒ shì xīwàng nǐ zǒu | ||
00:25:21 | 还是不希望你走 | háishì bù xīwàng nǐ zǒu | ||
00:25:27 | 刘主任 可以开始了 | liú zhǔrèn kěyǐ kāishǐle | Director Liu, you can start now. | |
00:25:28 | 等会儿 我还有事呢 | děng huì er wǒ hái yǒushì ne | Wait. I’m not done here. | |
@026 | . | . | @026 | I have things to do… |
00:25:29 | 别等了 | Bié děngle | We cannot wait. | |
00:25:30 | 手术时间是固定的 | shǒushù shíjiān shì gùdìng de | The operation time is fixed. | |
00:25:32 | 等不了 | děng bùliǎo | We can’t wait. | |
00:25:32 | 走 推进去 | zǒu tuī jìnqù | Let’s push it in. | |
00:26:21 | 你怎么还在这儿 | nǐ zěnme hái zài zhè’er | Why are you still here? | |
00:26:23 | 我刚刚送新生儿过来呀 | wǒ gānggāng sòng xīnshēng ér guòlái ya | I just sent the newborn here. | |
00:26:30 | 那是一个小时之前的事 | nà shì yīgè xiǎoshí zhīqián de shì | That happened an hour ago. | |
00:26:32 | 你在这儿站了一个小时 | nǐ zài zhè’er zhànle yīgè xiǎoshí | You’ve been standing here for an hour. | |
00:26:34 | 都一个小时了 | dōu yīgè xiǎoshíle | It’s been an hour? | |
00:26:38 | 我不是刚刚才过来吗 | wǒ bùshì gānggāng cái guòlái ma | Didn’t I just come here? | |
00:26:39 | 你快回去吧 聪睿 | nǐ kuài huíqù ba cōng ruì | You should go back, cōng ruì. | |
00:26:41 | 快回去吧 | kuài huíqù ba | Go back quickly. | |
00:26:42 | 你说咱小葫芦 | nǐ shuō zán xiǎo húlu | If our baby was born he would have been so cute. | |
00:26:43 | 要是生出来了 | yàoshi shēng chūláile | ||
00:26:46 | 得多可爱呀 | dé duō kě’ài ya | ||
00:26:48 | 你说会像这个胖嘟嘟的 | nǐ shuō huì xiàng zhège pàng dūdū de | 嘟嘟 dūdū: doodle | Do you think he would be chubby like this baby or thin like this one? |
00:26:51 | 还是会像这个 | háishì huì xiàng zhège | ||
00:26:53 | 细长条的呀 | xìcháng tiáo de ya | 细长 xìcháng: slender | |
00:26:55 | 你说他是单眼皮还是双眼皮啊 | nǐ shuō tā shì dānyǎnpí háishì shuāng yǎnpí a | 单眼皮 dānyǎnpí: single eyelid
双眼皮 shuāng yǎnpí: double eyelid |
Do you think he will have single eyelids or double eyelids? |
@027 | . | . | @027 | |
00:26:58 | 我是双眼皮 | Wǒ shì shuāng yǎnpí | I have double eyelids | |
00:27:00 | 可你是单眼皮呀 | kě nǐ shì dānyǎnpí ya | But you have single eyelids. | |
00:27:03 | 不过你爸妈是双眼皮 | bùguò nǐ bà mā shì shuāng yǎnpí | But your parents have double eyelids. | |
00:27:05 | 会不会隔代传呢 | huì bù huì gé dài chuán ne | 隔 dài: separate; be apart
传 chuán: pass on; hand down |
Will the trait skip a generation? |
00:27:09 | 你说他头发是多是少啊 | nǐ shuō tā tóufà shì duō shì shǎo a | Do you think he has more or less hair? | |
00:27:12 | 反正我小时候头发挺多的 | fǎnzhèng wǒ xiǎoshíhòu tóufà tǐng duō de | When I was young I had a lot of hair. | |
00:27:17 | 聪睿 | cōng ruì | Cong Rui | |
00:27:19 | 你知不知道 | nǐ zhī bù zhīdào | Do you know that you’re in a very abnormal state? | |
00:27:20 | 你现在的状态很不正常 | nǐ xiànzài de zhuàngtài hěn bù zhèngcháng | ||
00:27:23 | 你是一个医生 | nǐ shì yīgè yīshēng | You are a doctor | |
00:27:25 | 现在是上班时间 | xiànzài shì shàngbān shíjiān | It’s office hours | |
00:27:27 | 你站在这儿 | nǐ zhàn zài zhè’er | But you stood here staring at others’ babies and fantasized for an hour. | |
00:27:27 | 对着别人家的孩子 | duìzhe biérénjiā de háizi | ||
00:27:28 | 幻想了一个小时 | huànxiǎngle yīgè xiǎoshí | ||
00:27:30 | 这也太不敬业了 | zhè yě tài bù jìngyèle | 敬业 jìngyè: be dedicated to one’s work | It’s very unprofessional. |
00:27:32 | 你敬业 | nǐ jìngyè | You’re professional. | |
00:27:34 | 孩子没了你跟没事人一样 | háizi méile nǐ gēn méishìrén yīyàng | The child is gone but you act like nothing happened. | |
00:27:37 | 我真的怀疑有一天要是我死了 | wǒ zhēn de huáiyí yǒu yītiān yàoshi wǒ sǐle | I really suspect that one day if I die | |
@028 | . | . | @028 | . |
00:27:40 | 是不是你该上班上班 | Shì bùshì nǐ gāi shàngbān shàngbān | you will continue to work and perform surgery as if nothing happens. | |
00:27:42 | 该加班加班 | gāi jiābān jiābān | ||
00:27:43 | 该手术手术 | gāi shǒushù shǒushù | ||
00:27:45 | 你不觉得不正常的人是你吗 | nǐ bù juédé bù zhèngcháng de rén shì nǐ ma | Don’t you think the abnormal one is you? | |
00:27:47 | 好 好 | hǎohǎo | Yes, yes. | |
00:27:49 | 我承认我不正常 | wǒ chéngrèn wǒ bù zhèngcháng | I admit I’m abnormal. | |
00:27:50 | 那你能不能承认你不正常呢 | nà nǐ néng bùnéng chéngrèn nǐ bù zhèngcháng ne | Can you admit that you’re abnormal too? | |
00:27:53 | 咱能不能把孩子的事忘掉 | zán néng bùnéng bǎ háizi de shì wàngdiào | 忘掉 wàngdiào: forget | Can we just forget about the child? |
00:27:56 | 怎么可能忘掉 | zěnme kěnéng wàngdiào | How could I? | |
00:27:58 | 你经历过流产吗 | nǐ jīnglìguò liúchǎn ma | Have you ever had a miscarriage? | |
00:28:00 | 你经历过自己的孩子从自己身上掉下来吗 | nǐ jīnglìguò zìjǐ de háizi cóng zìjǐ shēnshang diào xiàlái ma | Have you ever experienced the feeling of your child falling from your body? | |
00:28:03 | 因为你没有经历过所以你可以轻易地忘掉 | yīnwèi nǐ méiyǒu jīnglìguò suǒyǐ nǐ kěyǐ qīngyì dì wàngdiào | 轻易 qīngyì: easily, quickly | Because you’ve never experienced it you can easily forget it. |
00:28:08 | 还是你根本就不爱我 | háishì nǐ gēnběn jiù bù ài wǒ | Or could it be that you’ve never loved me nor our child? | |
00:28:11 | 也不爱我们的孩子啊 | yě bù ài wǒmen de háizi a | ||
00:28:16 | 我怎么会不爱你呢 | wǒ zěnme huì bù ài nǐ ne | How could I not love you? | |
@029 | . | . | @029 | . |
00:28:18 | 我当然爱你了 | Wǒ dāngrán ài nǐle | Of course I love you | |
00:28:21 | 但是我不喜欢你无理取闹的样子 | dànshì wǒ bù xǐhuān nǐ wúlǐqǔnào de yàngzi | 无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào: be deliberately provocative | But I don’t like when you’re being unreasonable. |
00:28:23 | 你快点回去工作吧 | nǐ kuài diǎn huíqù gōngzuò ba | Go back to work. | |
00:28:28 | 不是我无理取闹 | bùshì wǒ wúlǐqǔnào | I’m not being unreasonable. | |
00:28:28 | 是你冷血无情 | shì nǐ lěngxuè wúqíng | 冷血 lěngxuè: cold-blooded
无情 wúqíng: heartless |
You are being cold-blooded and heartless! |
00:28:37 | 来 | lái | Come on. | |
00:28:38 | 喝杯奶茶吧 | hē bēi nǎichá bā | Have a cup of milk tea | |
00:28:42 | 谢谢黄主任 | xièxiè huáng zhǔrèn | Thank you, Director Huang. | |
00:28:43 | 您以前不都让我少喝吗 | nín yǐqián bù dōu ràng wǒ shǎo hē ma | Weren’t you always telling me to drink less of this? | |
00:28:46 | 如果喝了 | rúguǒ hēle | If drinking will make you feel better go ahead. | |
00:28:47 | 能让你心情好一点 | néng ràng nǐ xīnqíng hǎo yīdiǎn | ||
00:28:49 | 那你就喝吧 | nà nǐ jiù hē ba | ||
00:28:51 | 你都知道了 | nǐ dōu zhīdàole | You knew? | |
00:28:53 | 远航给我打电话了 | yuǎnháng gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuàle | Yuanhang called me. | |
00:28:55 | 让我劝劝你 | ràng wǒ quàn quàn nǐ | He asked me to talk to you. | |
00:28:57 | 他也真是的 | tā yě zhēnshi de | He’s overreacting. | |
00:28:58 | 多大点事 | duōdà diǎn shì | It’s no big deal. | |
00:28:59 | 还要给你打电话 | hái yào gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà | He didn’t have to call you. | |
00:29:01 | 聪睿 | cōng ruì | Congrui | |
00:29:02 | 作为一个母亲 | zuòwéi yīgè mǔqīn | As a mother I understand how you feel. | |
00:29:04 | 其实我很理解你的心情 | qíshí wǒ hěn lǐjiě nǐ de xīnqíng | ||
@030 | . | . | @030 | I’m sorry. |
00:29:08 | 我在怀老二之前呢 | Wǒ zài huái lǎo èr zhīqián ne | Before I was pregnant with my second child I had a miscarriage too. | |
00:29:11 | 也流过一次产 | yě liúguò yī cì chǎn | ||
00:29:14 | 什么时候 | shénme shíhòu | When? | |
00:29:15 | 你怎么从来没跟我们说过 | nǐ zěnme cónglái méi gēn wǒmen shuōguò | Why didn’t you tell us? | |
00:29:19 | 是个意外 | shì gè yìwài | It was an accident | |
00:29:22 | 当时我知道 | dāngshí wǒ zhīdào | Back then my baby was gone my heart wouldn’t stop aching. | |
00:29:23 | 孩子没了那一瞬间 | háizi méile nà yī shùnjiān | ||
00:29:25 | 我的心一直抽着疼 | wǒ de xīn yīzhí chōuzhe téng | ||
00:29:29 | 如果没有做过母亲应该很难理解这种心情吧 | Rúguǒ méiyǒu zuòguò mǔqīn yīnggāi hěn nán lǐjiě zhè zhǒng xīnqíng ba | It’s hard for people to understand this feeling if they have never been a mother before. | |
00:29:35 | 虽然当时我很快就回来工作了 | suīrán dāngshí wǒ hěn kuài jiù huílái gōngzuòle | Although I returned to work soon after | |
00:29:39 | 但是我记得有很长一段时间我还是没有调节过来 | dànshì wǒ jìdé yǒu hěn zhǎng yī duàn shíjiān wǒ háishì méiyǒu tiáojié guòlái | 调节 tiáojié: adjust | I remember I took a long time to adjust to things. |
00:29:52 | 聪睿 | cōng ruì | Congrui | |
00:29:54 | 你想开点 | nǐ xiǎng kāi diǎn | You have to let it go. | |
00:29:56 | 一个小小的胚胎能不能成为我们的孩子是要讲缘分的 | Yīgè xiǎo xiǎo de pēitāi néng bùnéng chéngwéi wǒmen de háizi shì yào jiǎng yuánfèn de | 缘分 yuánfèn: fate | Only fate can determine if such a small embryo can become our child. |
@031 | . | . | @031 | . |
00:30:02 | 如果孩子走了就说明这个缘分没到 | Rúguǒ háizi zǒule jiù shuōmíng zhège yuánfèn méi dào | If the child leaves it means it’s not the right time. | |
00:30:07 | 我们能够做的就是尽快去调节自己的心情还有自己的身体 | Wǒmen nénggòu zuò de jiùshì jǐnkuài qù tiáojié zìjǐ de xīnqíng hái yǒu zìjǐ de shēntǐ | What we can do is adjust our mood and bodies. | |
00:30:15 | 这些道理我都知道 | zhèxiē dàolǐ wǒ dū zhīdào | I know all these principles | |
00:30:19 | 但是我真的忍不住 | dànshì wǒ zhēn de rěn bù zhù | But I really can’t help it | |
00:30:22 | 你知道我盼了这个孩子好久好久了 | nǐ zhīdào wǒ pànle zhège háizi hǎojiǔ hǎojiǔle | 盼 pàn: hope for | You know how long I have hoped for this child. |
00:30:30 | 聪睿啊 | cōng ruì a | Congrui. | |
00:30:32 | 人生很长 | rénshēng hěn zhǎng | Life is long. | |
00:30:35 | 而且人的生活重心都会转移的 | érqiě rén de shēnghuó zhòngxīn dōu huì zhuǎnyí de | 重心 zhòngxīn: center; core
转移 zhuǎnyí: shift; change |
And the focus of life will eventually shift. |
00:30:40 | 我觉得现在最重要的就是你应该要好好地当上住院总 | Wǒ juédé xiànzài zuì zhòngyào de jiùshì nǐ yīnggāi yào hǎohǎo de dāng shàng zhùyuàn zǒng | I think the most important thing now for you is to become the chief resident. | |
00:30:45 | 明白吗 | míngbái ma | Do you understand? | |
00:30:48 | 我没有兴趣 | wǒ méiyǒu xìngqù | I’m not interested in that. | |
00:30:52 | 你 | nǐ | You… | |
00:30:53 | 你怎么能说出这样的话呢 | nǐ zěnme néng shuō chū zhèyàng dehuà ne | How could you say that? | |
@032 | . | . | @032 | … |
00:30:56 | 孩子没了连事业都不要了 | Háizi méile lián shìyè dōu bùyàole | Now that your child is gone you want to abandon your career too? | |
00:30:58 | 这是我的学生该说的话吗 | zhè shì wǒ de xuéshēng gāi shuō dehuà ma | Is this what my student should say? | |
00:31:06 | 对不起 | duìbùqǐ | I’m sorry. | |
00:31:11 | 苦读八年 | kǔ dú bā nián | 苦读 kǔ dú: study hard | You studied for eight years for this. |
00:31:13 | 就因为孩子没了眼睁睁看着别人跑在前面你甘心吗 | Jiù yīnwèi háizi méile yǎnzhēngzhēng kànzhe biérén pǎo zài qiánmiàn nǐ gānxīn ma | 眼睁睁 yǎnzhēngzhēng: look helplessly | Now that your child is gone are you just going to watch as other people overtake you? |
00:31:18 | 人生不止这一个坎儿 | Rénshēng bùzhǐ zhè yīgè kǎn er | 坎 kǎn: ridge (obstacle) | This is not the only obstacle in life. |
00:31:20 | 这个过不去其他的还过不过 | zhège guòbuqù qítā de háiguò bu guò | If you can’t get over this one how will you get over the others? | |
00:31:35 | 醒啦 | xǐng la | You’re awake. | |
00:31:37 | 手术很顺利 | shǒushù hěn shùnlì | The operation went well. | |
00:31:50 | 都醒啦 | dōu xǐng la | You’re all awake. | |
00:31:52 | 刘主任 感觉怎么样 | liú zhǔrèn gǎnjué zěnme yàng | Director Liu, how do you feel? | |
00:31:56 | 还可以 | hái kěyǐ | Not bad. | |
00:31:57 | 那先吃一点抗排异的药 | nà xiān chī yīdiǎn kàng pái yì di yào | 抗 kàng: anti-
抗排异 kàng pái yì: anti-rejection |
Take some anti-rejection medicine first. |
00:32:00 | 我估计没什么问题 | wǒ gūjì méishénme wèntí | I think it’ll be fine. | |
00:32:02 | 毕竟是亲儿子的 | bìjìng shì qīn érzi de | After all, it’s your son’s. | |
00:32:05 | 你们的配型度还是很高的 | nǐmen de pèi xíng dù háishì hěn gāo de | 配 pèi: match
型 xíng: type 配型度 pèi xíng dù : matching degree |
Your compatibility is quite high. |
00:32:07 | 谢谢 | xièxiè | Thank you. | |
@033 | . | . | @033 | |
00:32:09 | 能给盛济著名的神经外科专家做手术 | Néng gěi shèngjì zhùmíng de shénjīng wàikē zhuānjiā zuò shǒushù | 神经 shénjīng: nerve
外科 wàikē: surgery |
To operate on the famous specialist of Shengji’s Neurosurgery Department. |
00:32:13 | 我可是很荣幸 | wǒ kěshì hěn róngxìng | 荣幸 róngxìng: honored | my honor. |
00:32:14 | 不过大家都知道您的海量 | bùguò dàjiā dōu zhīdào nín dì hǎiliàng | 海量 hǎiliàng: tolerance; magnanimity | However everyone knows you drink a lot. |
00:32:17 | 以后这酒啊是一点也不能喝了 | yǐhòu zhè jiǔ a shì yīdiǎn yě bùnéng hēle | From now on no more drinking. | |
00:32:20 | 您放心 我会看着他的 | nín fàngxīn wǒ huì kànzhe tā de | Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him. | |
00:32:22 | 林医生我看你像他们家大儿子一样 | Lín yīshēng wǒ kàn nǐ xiàng tāmen jiā dà érzi yīyàng | Dr. Lin. You’re like the eldest son of the family. | |
00:32:26 | 天天跑前跑后的 | tiāntiān pǎo qián pǎo hòu de | You’re always looking out for them. (You’re always running around.) | |
00:32:28 | 幸亏是自家医院 | xìngkuī shì zìjiā yīyuàn | Fortunately, it’s our own hospital | |
00:32:30 | 这边有事的时候我就来看一下 | zhè biān yǒushì de shíhòu wǒ jiù lái kàn yīxià | When something happens here I’ll come and check. | |
00:32:32 | 班还是照常上 | bān háishì zhàocháng shàng | 照常 zhàocháng: as usual | I still work as usual |
00:32:33 | 这不回去还要手术呢 | zhè bù huíqù hái yào shǒushù ne | I have to go back to surgery | |
00:32:36 | 都不容易 | dōu bù róngyì | We all have it hard. | |
00:32:38 | 那我走了 | nà wǒ zǒule | I’ll be on my way | |
00:32:39 | 他俩没问题 你放心 | tā liǎ méi wèntí nǐ fàngxīn | They’ll be fine. Don’t worry. | |
00:32:42 | 我跟您一起走 | wǒ gēn nín yīqǐ zǒu | I’ll go with you. | |
@034 | . | . | @034 | |
00:32:43 | 让他们父子俩好好聊聊 | Ràng tāmen fùzǐ liǎ hǎohǎo liáo liáo | Let the father and son talk. | |
00:32:44 | 好 | hǎo | Okay. | |
00:32:46 | 好好说话 | hǎohǎoshuōhuà | Be nice. | |
00:32:51 | 你以前到底喝了多少酒 | nǐ yǐqián dàodǐ hēle duōshǎo jiǔ | How much did you drink before? | |
00:32:52 | 跟你没关系 | gēn nǐ méiguānxì | It’s none of your business. | |
00:32:54 | 以前我觉得你只是对妈妈和我不负责任 | Yǐqián wǒ juédé nǐ zhǐshì duì māmā hé wǒ bù fù zérèn | I used to think you were just irresponsible towards mom and me. | |
00:32:57 | 对患者还是负责任的 | duì huànzhě háishì fù zérèn de | .. still responsible towards your patients. | |
00:32:58 | 现在看来一个主刀医生喝成肝癌 | xiànzài kàn lái yīgè zhǔdāo yīshēng hē chéng gān’ái | Now I know you’re a surgeon who drank to the point of liver cancer. | |
00:33:01 | 不知道有多少患者成了刀下冤魂 | bù zhīdào yǒu duōshǎo huànzhě chéngle dāo xià yuānhún | 冤 yuān: injustice; enmity
冤魂 yuānhún: ghost of injustice |
Who knows how many patients have died by your hands. |
00:33:06 | 你可以污辱我 | nǐ kěyǐ wūrù wǒ | 污辱 wūrù: insult | You can insult me but don’t insult my profession. |
00:33:09 | 但是绝不许 | dànshì jué bùxǔ | ||
00:33:11 | 污辱我的专业 | wūrù wǒ de zhuānyè | ||
00:33:14 | 怎么了 怎么了 | zěnmele zěnmele | What’s wrong? What’s wrong? | |
00:33:17 | 天哪 | tiān nǎ | Oh my God! | |
00:33:17 | 您血压怎么那么高 | nín xuèyā zěnme nàme gāo | Why is your blood pressure so high? | |
00:33:19 | 我现在就叫医生 | wǒ xiànzài jiù jiào yīshēng | I’ll call the doctor now. | |
00:33:21 | 赶紧滚回你的实验室 | gǎnjǐn gǔn huí nǐ de shíyànshì | Get your ass back to your lab. | |
@035 | . | . | @035 | . |
00:33:25 | 从此我们俩永不相见 | Cóngcǐ wǒmen liǎ yǒng bù xiāng jiàn | 从此 cóngcǐ: after that
相见 xiāng jiàn: see again, meet |
Never come into my sight again. |
00:33:33 | 我就不 | wǒ jiù bù | I refuse. | |
00:33:36 | 帝帝 | dì dì | Di. | |
00:33:38 | 恭喜你终于出院了 | gōngxǐ nǐ zhōngyú chūyuànle | Congratulations on being discharged. You can go back to your friends. | |
00:33:39 | 可以回到 | kěyǐ huí dào | ||
00:33:39 | 小伙伴们身边了 | xiǎo huǒbànmen shēnbiānle | 伙伴 huǒbàn: companion | |
00:33:41 | 我保证 | wǒ bǎozhèng | I promise I’ll visit you often. | |
00:33:42 | 我会经常来看你 | wǒ huì jīngcháng lái kàn nǐ | 经常 jīngcháng: often | |
00:33:44 | 不过我也要 | bùguò wǒ yě yào | But I have to apologize to you. | |
00:33:45 | 跟你说声对不起 | gēn nǐ shuō shēng duìbùqǐ | ||
00:33:47 | 我没有能力养你 | wǒ méiyǒu nénglì yǎng nǐ | I can’t support you. | |
00:33:49 | 你的猫粮 罐头 | nǐ de māo liáng guàntóu | 罐头 guàntóu: tin | Your cat food and canned food are more expensive than my usual meals. |
00:33:51 | 比我平时的 | bǐ wǒ píngshí de | ||
00:33:51 | 一顿饭还要贵 | yī dùn fàn hái yào guì | 顿 dùn: [meal] | |
00:33:54 | 我也没有精力养你 | wǒ yě méiyǒu jīnglì yǎng nǐ | I don’t have the energy to support you either. | |
00:33:56 | 我是住院医师 | wǒ shì zhùyuàn yīshī | I am a resident | |
00:33:58 | 动不动就要二十四小时值班 | dòngbùdòng jiù yào èrshísì xiǎoshí zhíbān | 值班 zhíbān: be on duty | I’m always on duty 24 hours a day. |
00:34:00 | 你自己待在家里 | nǐ zìjǐ dài zài jiālǐ | It’ll be lonely and boring for you to stay at home alone. | |
00:34:02 | 又孤独 又憋屈 | yòu gūdú yòu biē qū | 孤独 gūdú: solitary | |
00:34:06 | 我不是一个好主人 | wǒ bùshì yīgè hǎo zhǔrén | I’m not a good owner. | |
00:34:08 | 你也知道你不是个好主人 | nǐ yě zhīdào nǐ bùshìgè hǎo zhǔrén | So you know you are not a good owner. | |
@036 | . | . | @036 | You know that. |
00:34:14 | 我说你怎么这么好心把它带回去收养 | wǒ shuō nǐ zěnme zhème hǎoxīn bǎ tā dài huíqù shōuyǎng | 收养 shōuyǎng: adopt | I was just wondering why you would so kindly adopt it. |
00:34:17 | 本来对你还有点改观了 | běnlái duì nǐ hái yǒudiǎn gǎiguānle | 改观 gǎiguān: take a new look | I almost changed my view on you. |
00:34:19 | 没想到它刚出院你就把它送回来了 | méi xiǎngdào tā gāng chūyuàn nǐ jiù bǎ tā sòng huíláile | I didn’t expect you to send it back as soon as it was discharged. | |
00:34:22 | 你是要遗弃它吗 | nǐ shì yào yíqì tā ma | 遗弃 yíqì: abandon; desert | Are you abandoning him? |
00:34:23 | 我没有遗弃它 | wǒ méiyǒu yíqì tā | I’m not abandoning it. | |
00:34:24 | 它的家本来就在这儿 | tā de jiā běnlái jiù zài zhè’er | This is its home. | |
00:34:26 | 它刚过了几天有饭吃有窝睡的日子 | tā gāngguòle jǐ tiān yǒu fàn chī yǒu wō shuì de rìzi | 窝 wō: nest; home | It just enjoyed a few days of good food and lodging. |
00:34:29 | 病还没有好你就给它送回来了 | bìng hái méiyǒu hǎo nǐ jiù gěi tā sòng huíláile | But you sent it back here before it could fully recover. | |
00:34:31 | 你连只猫都不会养都不会爱 | nǐ lián zhī māo dōu bù huì yǎng dōu bù huì ài | You don’t even know how to raise or love a cat. | |
00:34:33 | 你心是铁做的吗 | nǐ xīn shì tiě zuò de ma | 铁 tiě: iron; weapon | Is your heart made of steel? |
00:34:36 | 你不养我养 | nǐ bù yǎng wǒ yǎng | If you don’t keep it, I will. | |
00:34:42 | 等一下 | děng yīxià | Wait a minute. | |
00:34:44 | 你是不是永远都不会原谅我了 | nǐ shì bùshì yǒngyuǎn dōu bù huì yuánliàng wǒle | 原谅 yuánliàng: forgive | Will you never forgive me? |
@037 | . | . | @037 | . |
00:34:55 | 帝帝和睿睿以后再也不能一起玩了吧 | Dì dì hé ruì ruì yǐhòu zài yě bùnéng yīqǐ wánle ba | Looks like Di and Rui can never play together again. | |
00:35:19 | 杜帝 | dù dì | Du Di | |
00:35:20 | 干吗去 | gànma qù | Why are you going? | |
00:35:21 | 你今儿不用去计划生育那边了 | nǐ jīn er bùyòng qù jìhuà shēngyù nà biānle | You don’t have to go to the Family Planning Department today. | |
00:35:23 | 为什么 | wèishéme | Why not? | |
00:35:23 | 黄主任说的 | huáng zhǔrèn shuō de | Director Huang said so. | |
00:35:24 | 说让你在这儿等着 | shuō ràng nǐ zài zhè’er děngzhe | She wants you to wait here. | |
00:35:25 | 田主任一会儿有重要的事要跟大家说 | tián zhǔrèn yīhuǐ’er yǒu zhòngyào de shì yào gēn dàjiā shuō | Director Tian has something important to tell everyone later. | |
00:35:28 | 有什么重要的事应该都跟我没关系吧 | yǒu shéme zhòngyào de shì yīnggāi dōu gēn wǒ méiguānxì ba | Whatever it is it should have nothing to do with me. | |
00:35:31 | 我一个专做流产手术的医生 | wǒ yīgè zhuān zuò liúchǎn shǒushù de yīshēng | I specialize in abortion surgeries. | |
00:35:33 | 一个月下来清宫术刮宫术突飞猛进 | yīgè yuè xiàlái qīnggōng shù guāgōng shù tūfēiměngjìn | 刮宫术 guāgōng shù: curettage
猛 měng: fierce, brave; suddenly 突飞猛进 tūfēiměngjìn: advance by leaps and bounds |
In the past month surgery techniques have improved greatly. |
00:35:36 | 都可以闭着眼睛给人打胎了 | dōu kěyǐ bì zhuó yǎnjīng gěi rén dǎtāile | I can even perform abortions with my eyes closed now. | |
00:35:39 | 这听着怨气可不小啊 | zhè tīngzhe yuànqì kěbù xiǎo a | 怨气 yuànqì: frustration | You sound very resentful. |
@038 | . | . | @038 | . |
00:35:41 | 杜帝呢 | Dù dì ne | Where’s Dudi? | |
00:35:45 | 我在这儿 | wǒ zài zhè’er | I’m here. | |
00:35:46 | 你从今天开始回病房吧 | nǐ cóng jīntiān kāishǐ huí bìngfáng ba | Go back to your ward from today. | |
00:35:47 | 不用去计划生育那边了 | bùyòng qù jìhuà shēngyù nà biānle | No need to go to the Family Planning Department anymore. | |
00:35:50 | 谢谢田主任 | xièxiè tián zhǔrèn | Thank you, Director Tian. | |
00:35:52 | 还有跟大家隆重介绍一下啊我们妇产科新来的实习医生刘念白 | Hái yǒu gēn dàjiā lóngzhòng jièshào yīxià a wǒmen fù chǎn kē xīn lái de shíxí yīshēng liú niànbái | 隆重 lóngzhòng: solemn | Hái yǒu gēn dàjiā lóngzhòng jièshào yīxià a wǒmen fù chǎn kē xīn lái de shíxí yīshēng liú niànbái
00:35:59 | 小刘是约翰·霍普钮斯毕业的医学博士 | xiǎo liú shì yuēhàn·huò pǔ niǔ sī bìyè de yīxué bóshì | 约翰·yuēhàn: John | Liu is a medical doctor from Johns Hopnews University. |
00:36:03 | 也是刚刚通过规培生的入院招聘 | yěshì gānggāng tōngguò guī péi shēng de rùyuàn zhāopìn | 招聘 zhāopìn: recruitment | He has also just passed the admission examinations. |
00:36:06 | 小刘以前主攻的方向不是我们妇产科 | xiǎo liú yǐqián zhǔgōng de fāngxiàng bùshì wǒmen fù chǎn kē | 主攻 zhǔgōng: main | Liu’s area of expertise was not in the OB-GYN department. |
00:36:08 | 但是现在呢主动要求来到我们科室 | dànshì xiànzài ne zhǔdòng yāoqiú lái dào wǒmen kēshì | 主动 zhǔdòng: voluntary | But now he volunteered to come to our department. |
00:36:11 | 所以我决定亲自做他的带教老师 | suǒyǐ wǒ juédìng qīnzì zuò tā de dài jiào lǎoshī | So I have decided to be his clinical teacher. | |
@039 | . | . | @039 | . |
00:36:15 | 并且让我们临床最强的住院医师杜帝对他实行一对一的传帮带 | Bìngqiě ràng wǒmen línchuáng zuì qiáng de zhùyuàn yīshī dù dì duì tā shíxíng yī duì yī de chuán bāng dài | 并且 Bìngqiě: and, also | I will also let Du Di our best clinical resident carry out one on one tutoring with him. |
00:36:22 | 田主任 我不愿意 | tián zhǔrèn wǒ bù yuànyì | Director Tian, I don’t want to. | |
00:36:25 | 我没有在征求你的意见 | wǒ méiyǒu zài zhǐqiú nǐ de yìjiàn | 征求 zhǐqiú: solicit | I’m not asking for your opinion. |
00:36:26 | 以后你们师姐师弟好好相处 互相学习 | yǐhòu nǐmen shījiě shīdì hǎohǎo xiāngchǔ hù xiàng xuéxí | 师 shī: teacher; division
相处 xiāngchǔ: get along |
From now on get along and learn from each other. |
00:36:30 | 走了 查房去 | zǒule chá fáng qù | Let’s go check the wards. | |
00:36:38 | 师姐好 | shījiě hǎo | Hello, sister. | |
00:36:39 | 走开 | zǒu kāi | Go away! | |
00:36:40 | 这人什么来路啊 | zhè rén shénme lái lù a | Who’s this guy from? | |
00:36:42 | 不知道 来头肯定不小 | bù zhīdào láitóu kěndìng bù xiǎo | 来头 láitóu: connections | I don’t know. He must be a big shot. |
00:36:43 | 先别得罪吧 | xiān bié dézuì ba | Don’t offend him yet. | |
00:36:46 | 田主任 我不想带他 | tián zhǔrèn wǒ bùxiǎng dài tā | Director Tian, I don’t want to take him. | |
00:36:47 | 要不您还是把我调回计划生育那边做手术 | yàobù nín háishì bǎ wǒ diào huí jìhuà shēngyù nà biān zuò shǒushù | 调 diào: transfer | Why don’t you transfer me back to the Family Planning Department instead? |
00:36:52 | 看看 | kàn kàn | Let’s see. | |
00:36:53 | 一个月被投诉六次 | yīgè yuè bèi tóusù liù cì | Six complaints in a month. | |
00:36:55 | 医务处跟我说了这个叫杜帝的医生还想不想当医生了 | Yīwù chù gēn wǒ shuōle zhège jiào dù dì de yīshēng hái xiǎng bùxiǎng dāng yīshēngle | 医务处 yīwù chù: medical office | The medical department asked me whether this doctor named Du Di still wanted to be a doctor. |
@040 | . | . | @040 | . |
00:37:00 | 如果不想当让我赶紧处理掉 | rúguǒ bùxiǎng dāng ràng wǒ gǎnjǐn chǔlǐ diào | If you don’t I’m told to get rid of you. | |
00:37:03 | 你有什么解释吗 | nǐ yǒu shé me jiěshì ma | Do you have any explanation? | |
00:37:04 | 那些人有的对女朋友不负责 | nàxiē rén yǒu de duì nǚ péngyǒu bù fùzé | Some of those people are irresponsible to their girlfriends. | |
00:37:06 | 有的对老婆态度不好 | yǒu de duì lǎopó tàidù bù hǎo | Some treat their wives badly. | |
00:37:08 | 有的完全不在乎女性的身体 | yǒu de wánquán bùzàihū nǚxìng de shēntǐ | Some don’t care about women’s bodies at all. | |
00:37:10 | 还有的人 | hái yǒu de rén | And then there are those who | |
00:37:11 | 你是警察吗 | nǐ shì jǐngchá ma | Are you a cop? | |
00:37:13 | 这跟你有什么关系 | zhè gēn nǐ yǒu shé me guānxì | What does this have to do with you | |
00:37:16 | 我是一名女医生 | wǒ shì yī míng nǚ yīshēng | I am a female doctor | |
00:37:17 | 我不能眼看着男性损害女性的身体和利益 | wǒ bùnéng yǎnkànzhe nánxìng sǔnhài nǚxìng de shēntǐ hé lìyì | 眼看 yǎnkàn: look on
损害 sǔnhài: damage, hurt 利益 lìyì: benefit |
I can’t let a man damage women’s body and interests |
00:37:20 | 却还装作那件事很正常 | què hái zhuāng zuò nà jiàn shì hěn zhèngcháng | and pretend it’s nothing wrong. | |
00:37:22 | 你是个医生在先 | nǐ shìgè yīshēng zài xiān | You’re a doctor first. | |
00:37:24 | 女医生在后 | nǚ yīshēng zài hòu | and female doctor second. | |
@041 | . | . | @041 | . |
00:37:26 | 现在各大医院都在狠抓医患沟通的问题 | Xiànzài gè dà yīyuàn dōu zài hěn zhuā yī huàn gōutōng de wèntí | 抓 zhuā: tackle, take control; grab
医患 yī huàn: doctors and patients |
All major hospitals are trying to tackle communication problems between doctors and patients. |
00:37:30 | 你的职责是什么 | nǐ de zhízé shì shénme | What is your duty? | |
00:37:31 | 医生的职责是什么 | yīshēng de zhízé shì shénme | What is your duty as a doctor? | |
00:37:33 | 是治愈病人而不是批判他们 | shì zhìyù bìngrén ér bùshì pīpàn tāmen | 批判 pīpàn: criticize | It’s to heal the patients instead of criticizing them. |
00:37:36 | 为了治愈他们我们就应该更好地跟他们沟通 | Wèile zhìyù tāmen wǒmen jiù yīnggāi gèng hǎo de gēn tāmen gōutōng | In order to heal them we should better communicate with them | |
00:37:39 | 让他们理解医生在做什么 | ràng tāmen lǐjiě yīshēng zài zuò shénme | and make them understand what doctors are doing | |
00:37:42 | 而不是对人家的性格态度和私生活指手画脚 | ér bùshì duì rénjiā dì xìnggé tàidù hé sīshēnghuó zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo | 私生活 sīshēnghuó: private life
指手画脚 zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo: pointing fingers, pick fault with |
instead of criticizing their character, attitude |
00:37:45 | 光治愈他们的身体没用 | guāng zhìyù tāmen de shēntǐ méi yòng | It’s useless just healing their bodies. | |
00:37:48 | 那些丑恶的心灵只会让他们一而再再而三地去伤害别人的身体 | Nàxiē chǒu’è de xīnlíng zhǐ huì ràng tāmen yī ér zài zài ér sān de qù shānghài biérén de shēntǐ | 丑恶 chǒu’è: ugly
心灵 xīnlíng: soul; mind 一而再再而三地 yī ér zài zài ér sān de: over and over again |
Their corrupted souls will only let them hurt another person’s body again and again. |
00:37:55 | 你把我们在学校里背过的誓言背一遍 | nǐ bǎ wǒmen zài xuéxiào lǐ bèiguò de shìyán bèi yībiàn | 背 bèi: recite
誓言 shìyán: oath |
Recite the oath we told you to memorize in school. |
@042 | . | . | @042 | … |
00:38:00 | 背啊 | bèi a | Recite it. | |
00:38:07 | 我将非常尊重和学习 | wǒ jiāng fēicháng zūnzhòng hé xuéxí | I will respect and learn | |
00:38:09 | 我们的医学前辈 | wǒmen de yīxué qiánbèi | 前辈 qiánbèi: older generation | Our medical predecessors |
00:38:10 | 历尽千辛万苦 | lìjìn qiān xīn wàn kǔ | 辛 xīn: bitter; laborious | go through all kinds of hardships |
00:38:11 | 所获得的科学成果 | suǒ huòdé de kēxué chéngguǒ | 获得 huòdé: obtain; gain
成果 chéngguǒ: achievement |
to obtain the scientific results |
00:38:13 | 以及医学知识 | yǐjí yīxué zhīshì | 知识 zhīshì: knowledge | and medical knowledge |
00:38:14 | 我也将十分乐意 | wǒ yě jiāng shífēn lèyì | 十分 shífēn: very | I will also be very happy to |
00:38:16 | 传授这些知识 | chuánshòu zhèxiē zhīshì | 传授 chuánshòu: pass on | to pass on this knowledge |
00:38:17 | 给我的后来者 | gěi wǒ de hòulái zhě | to those who come after me | |
00:38:18 | 以及未来的医生 | yǐjí wèilái de yīshēng | and future doctors | |
00:38:19 | 为了病人本人的利益 | wèile bìngrén běnrén de lìyì | 本人 běnrén: oneself | For the benefit of the patients themselves |
00:38:21 | 我将采取一切必要的诊断和治疗的措施 | Wǒ jiāng cǎiqǔ yīqiè bìyào de zhěnduàn hé zhìliáo de cuòshī | 采取 cǎiqǔ: adopt
措施 cuòshī: measure |
I will take all necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures |
00:38:24 | 同时 | tóngshí | at the same time | |
00:38:25 | 我一定要避免 | wǒ yīdìng yào bìmiǎn | I must avoid | |
00:38:27 | 两种不正当的倾向 | liǎng zhǒng bù zhèngdàng de qīngxiàng | 正当 zhèngdàng: legitimate
倾向 qīngxiàng: tendency; incline |
two unjust tendencies. |
00:38:28 | 即过度治疗 | jí guòdù zhìliáo | 即 jí: namely; mean | namely overtreatment |
00:38:29 | 和无作用治疗 | hé wú zuòyòng zhìliáo | and useless treatment | |
00:38:30 | 我将牢记 | wǒ jiāng láojì | 牢记 láojì: keep in mind | I will keep in mind that |
00:38:31 | 尽管医学是一门严谨的科学 | jǐnguǎn yīxué shì yī mén yánjǐn de kēxué | 尽管 jǐnguǎn: even though | although medicine is a serious science |
@043 | . | . | @043 | . |
00:38:34 | 但医生本人对病人的爱心 同情心以及理解有时比外科的手术刀和药物还要重要 | Dàn yīshēng běnrén duì bìngrén de àixīn tóngqíng xīn yǐjí lǐjiě yǒushí bǐ wàikē de shǒushù dāo hé yàowù hái yào zhòngyào | 同情心 tóngqíng xīn: sympathy | the doctor’s love and understanding for the patient is sometimes more important than the scalpel and drugs. |
00:38:43 | 继续 | jìxù | Continue | |
00:38:45 | 我不知道的时候 | wǒ bù zhīdào de shíhòu | When I don’t know | |
00:38:46 | 要说我不知道 | yào shuō wǒ bù zhīdào | To say I don’t know | |
00:38:47 | 我不该因此而感到羞愧 | wǒ bù gāi yīncǐ ér gǎndào xiūkuì | 因此而 yīncǐ ér: and therefore
羞愧 xiūkuì: ashamed |
I shouldn’t be ashamed of it |
00:38:49 | 如果有其他的专业人士可以帮得上我病人的忙 | rúguǒ yǒu qítā de zhuānyè rénshì kěyǐ bāng dé shàng wǒ bìngrén de máng | 人士 rénshì: figure, person | If other professionals can help my patients |
00:38:53 | 我将请求他的帮助 | wǒ jiāng qǐngqiú tā de bāngzhù | 请求 qǐngqiú: ask | I will ask for his help |
00:38:54 | 我将尊重病人的隐私 | wǒ jiāng zūnzhòng bìngrén de yǐnsī | 隐私 yǐnsī: privacy | I will respect the patient’s privacy |
00:38:56 | 我知道他们告诉我的关于疾病的情况别人不应该知道 | Wǒ zhīdào tāmen gàosù wǒ de guānyú jíbìng de qíngkuàng biérén bù yìng gāi zhīdào | I know that no one else should know about the information they tell me about their sickness. | |
00:39:01 | 极为重要的是我的工作常常与病人的生死有关 | Jíwéi zhòngyào de shì wǒ de gōngzuò chángcháng yǔ bìngrén de shēngsǐ yǒuguān | 极为 jíwéi: extremely
有关 yǒuguān: be about; be relevant |
Most importantly my job is often related to the patient’s life and death. |
@044 | . | . | @044 | . |
00:39:06 | 如果经我治疗救回一条命我将感谢所有帮助过我的人 | Rúguǒ jīng wǒ zhìliáo jiù huí yītiáo mìng wǒ jiāng gǎnxiè suǒyǒu bāngzhùguò wǒ de rén | 经 jīng: through
感谢 gǎnxiè: thank |
If my treatment could save a life I will thank those who have helped me. |
00:39:10 | 如果病人经我治疗无效而死 | rúguǒ bìngrén jīng wǒ zhìliáo wúxiào ér sǐ | 无效 wúxiào: ineffective | If the patient dies from my ineffective treatment |
00:39:13 | 这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心地检讨自己的不足 | Zhège fēicháng zhòngdà de zérèn yīngdāng cùshǐ wǒ xūxīn dì jiǎntǎo zìjǐ de bùzú | 重大 zhòngdà: major; heavy
应当 yīngdāng: should 促使 cùshǐ: press for 虚心 xūxīn: open-minded; humbly 检讨 jiǎntǎo: examine 不足 bùzú: insufficiency, shortcoming |
the heavy responsibility shall convince me to humbly reflect on myself and my shortcomings. |
00:39:17 | 同时我要记住我是一名医生而不是上帝 | Tóngshí wǒ yào jìzhù wǒ shì yī míng yīshēng ér bùshì shàngdì | 上帝 shàngdì: God | At the same time I am a doctor not God. |
00:39:25 | 我 | wǒ | I | |
00:39:26 | 我什么我 | wǒ shénme wǒ | I what I | |
00:39:28 | 我不应该因为病人的罪恶而耽误他的治疗 | Wǒ bù yìnggāi yīnwèi bìngrén de zuì’è ér dānwù tā de zhìliáo | 罪恶 zuì’è: crime | I shouldn’t delay my patient’s treatment because of his sin |
00:39:33 | 这个誓言修改了很多版本 | zhège shìyán xiūgǎile hěnduō bǎnběn | 修改 xiūgǎi: alter
版本 bǎnběn: edition |
This oath went through many alterations. |
00:39:36 | 知道为什么吗 | zhīdào wèishéme ma | You know why? | |
00:39:38 | 要让医生牢牢记住自己的使命 | yào ràng yīshēng láo láo jìzhù zìjǐ de shǐmìng | 牢牢 láo láo: firmly
使命 shǐmìng: mission |
It’s to help doctors firmly remember their missions. |
@045 | . | . | @045 | … |
00:39:41 | 你是张主任最后的一个博士生 | nǐ shì zhāng zhǔrèn zuìhòu de yīgè bóshì shēng | You are the last doctor under Director Zhang’s mentorship. | |
00:39:44 | 我对你抱有很大的希望 | wǒ duì nǐ bào yǒu hěn dà de xīwàng | I have great hopes for you | |
00:39:46 | 如果你学不会冷静和客观学不会好好地跟家属沟通 | Rúguǒ nǐ xué bù huì lěngjìng hé kèguān xué bù huì hǎohǎo de gēn jiāshǔ gōutōng | If you can’t learn how to be calm and objective and if you can’t learn how to communicate with patients’ families | |
00:39:50 | 你手术做得再好 | nǐ shǒushù zuò dé zài hǎo | no matter how good your surgery skills are | |
00:39:52 | 我也不能留你 | wǒ yě bùnéng liú nǐ | I can’t keep you | |
00:39:54 | 杜帝 | dù dì | Du Di | |
00:39:55 | 我是第一次和你这么严厉地说话 | wǒ shì dì yī cì hé nǐ zhème yánlì de shuōhuà | This is the first time I’m being so strict with you. | |
00:39:57 | 如果有第二次就是你走的时候 | rúguǒ yǒu dì èr cì jiùshì nǐ zǒu de shíhòu | If there is a second time it will be your time to go. | |
00:40:04 | 出去吧 | chūqù ba | Get out | |
00:40:06 | 好好带刘念白 | hǎohǎo dài liú niànbái | Take good care of Liu Nianbai. | |
00:40:09 | 他对咱们妇产科很重要 | tā duì zánmen fù chǎn kē hěn zhòngyào | He’s very important to our OB-GYN department. | |
00:40:14 | 你对我们妇产科非常重要 你知道吗 | nǐ duì wǒmen fù chǎn kē fēicháng zhòngyào nǐ zhīdào ma | You are very important to our OB-GYN department | |
00:40:16 | 我不知道 | wǒ bù zhīdào | I don’t know. | |
00:40:17 | 你 能给我们妇产科带来很多新的科研项目 | nǐ néng gěi wǒmen fù chǎn kē dài lái hěnduō xīn de kēyán xiàngmù | You can bring us many new scientific research projects. | |
@046 | . | . | @046 | … |
00:40:20 | 以后科研项目做起来了我们就可以争取更多的床位 | Yǐhòu kēyán xiàngmù zuò qǐláile wǒmen jiù kěyǐ zhēngqǔ gèng duō de chuángwèi | When the research project is developed we can get more beds. | |
00:40:24 | 护士长姐姐 | hùshì zhǎng jiějiě | Sister Head Nurse | |
00:40:25 | 你这剧本不错 | nǐ zhè jùběn bùcuò | 剧本 jùběn: script | your script is pretty good. |
00:40:27 | 我努力按你的情节演 | wǒ nǔlì àn nǐ de qíngjié yǎn | 按 àn: press; push down | I’ll do my best to follow your script. |
00:40:28 | 你叫我什么 姐姐 | nǐ jiào wǒ shénme jiějiě | What did you call me, sister? | |
00:40:30 | 我可是你阿姨 | wǒ kěshì nǐ āyí | I’m your aunt. | |
00:40:31 | 叫阿姨多显老啊 | jiào āyí duō xiǎn lǎo a | 显 xiǎn: be apparent; display | You’re too old to be called auntie |
00:40:33 | 叫姐姐年轻 | jiào jiějiě niánqīng | Sister is young | |
00:40:34 | 而且你这么年轻漂亮 | érqiě nǐ zhème niánqīng piàoliang | And you are so young and beautiful | |
00:40:36 | 就得叫姐姐 | jiù dé jiào jiějiě | I should call you sister. | |
00:40:37 | 这话怎么听着这么舒服呢 | zhè huà zěnme tīngzhe zhème shūfú ne | Why do your words sound so comfortable? | |
00:40:40 | 对了 | duìle | By the way | |
00:40:41 | 我爸爸是刘正华这事你可千万得保密啊 | wǒ bàba shì liúzhènghuá zhè shì nǐ kě qiān wàn dé bǎomì a | 保密 bǎomì: keep secret | you must keep it a secret that my dad is Liu Zhenghua. |
00:40:44 | 你叫我保密 | nǐ jiào wǒ bǎomì | You want me to keep it a secret? | |
00:40:46 | 这么说吧 | zhème shuō ba | Let me put it this way. | |
00:40:47 | 你应该问问我能传给多少人知道 | nǐ yīnggāi wèn wèn wǒ néng chuán gěi duōshǎo rén zhīdào | You should be asking how many people I can tell that to. | |
@047 | . | . | @047 | … |
00:40:50 | 求求你了 护士长姐姐 | qiú qiú nǐle hùshì zhǎng jiějiě | Please, sister nurse. | |
00:40:52 | 你看我本来临床就不行 | nǐ kàn wǒ běnlái línchuáng jiù bùxíng | I’m not good at clinical practice. | |
00:40:54 | 我就想好好学 | wǒ jiù xiǎng hǎo hào xué | I just want to study hard. | |
00:40:56 | 要让别人知道我爸爸是大主任 | yào ràng biérén zhīdào wǒ bàba shì dà zhǔrèn | If the others know that my dad is the chief director | |
00:40:58 | 一来别人看不起我是个菜鸟二来我要是做得不好别人也不告诉我 | iī lái biérén kànbùqǐ wǒ shìgè càiniǎo èr lái wǒ yàoshi zuò dé bù hǎo biérén yě bù gàosù wǒ | 看不起 kànbùqǐ: look down on
菜鸟 càiniǎo: rookie |
people will look down on me for being a rookie. And if I don’t do well no one will tell me either. |
00:41:05 | 你放一百二十个心 | nǐ fàng yībǎi èrshí ge xīn | Don’t worry. | |
00:41:06 | 你不想想 | nǐ bùxiǎng xiǎng | Think about it. | |
00:41:07 | 你带教老师是谁 | nǐ dài jiào lǎoshī shì shuí | Who is your teacher? | |
00:41:08 | 杜帝 | dù dì | Dudi. | |
00:41:10 | 她永远会看不起你的 | tā yǒngyuǎn huì kànbùqǐ nǐ de | She will always look down on you. | |
00:41:12 | 她永远会告诉你 | tā yǒngyuǎn huì gàosù nǐ | She will always tell you that | |
00:41:13 | 你做得不好 | nǐ zuò dé bù hǎo | you have done a terrible job. | |
00:41:19 | 谢谢你 护士长姐姐 | xièxiè nǐ hùshì zhǎng jiějiě | Thank you, head nurse | |
00:41:21 | 千万别说我天天给你们买奶茶 | qiān wàn bié shuō wǒ tiāntiān gěi nǐmen mǎi nǎichá | Please keep it a secret. I’ll buy milk tea for you every day. | |
@048 | . | . | @048 | . |
00:41:24 | 还贿赂我 | Hái huìlù wǒ | 贿赂 huìlù: bribe | You’re bribing me now? |
00:41:27 | 我还就真吃这一套 | wǒ hái jiù zhēn chī zhè yī tào | That works for me. | |
00:41:29 | 行 我不说 | xíng wǒ bù shuō | Okay, I won’t say anything. | |
00:41:30 | 不过纸包不住火啊 | bùguò zhǐ bāo bù zhù huǒ a | But you can’t hide it forever. (But paper can’t hold fire.) | |
00:41:31 | 大家迟早会知道 | dàjiā chízǎo huì zhīdào | Everyone will know sooner or later | |
00:41:33 | 晚一天是一天 | wǎn yītiān shì yītiān | The later the better. | |
00:41:34 | 刘念白 | liú niànbái | Liu Nianbai. | |
00:41:37 | 师姐 我在这儿 | shījiě wǒ zài zhè’er | Sister, I’m here. | |
00:41:41 | 八床漏尿漏大便 | bā chuáng lòu niào lòu dàbiàn | 漏 lòu: leak
大便 dàbiàn: poop |
Senior Bed 8 is leaking pee and poop. |
00:41:42 | 清理一下 | qīnglǐ yīxià | 清理 qīnglǐ: clean, tidy up | Clean it up. |
00:41:43 | 那不是护士干的事吗 | nà bùshì hùshì gàn de shì ma | Isn’t that what nurses do? | |
00:41:45 | 谁说是护士干的事 | shéi shuō shì hùshì gàn de shì | Who said it’s the nurses’ job? | |
00:41:47 | 医生也做的 | yīshēng yě zuò de | Doctors do it too. | |
00:41:48 | 这位姐姐 | zhè wèi jiějiě | Miss | |
00:41:49 | 你还喝着我的奶茶呢 | nǐ hái hēzhe wǒ de nǎichá ne | you’re still drinking my milk tea. | |
00:41:50 | 我去发奶茶了 | wǒ qù fā nǎichále | I’m going to distribute the milk tea. | |
00:41:51 | 你好好跟老师学 | nǐ hǎohǎo gēn lǎoshī xué | Learn from your teacher. | |
00:41:55 | 还不去 | hái bù qù | Go. | |
00:41:57 | 好的 师姐 | hǎo de shījiě | Yes, teacher. | |
00:42:07 | 医生 | yīshēng | Doctor | |
00:42:08 | 那个挺不好意思的 | nàgè tǐng bù hǎoyìsi de | I’m sorry about that. | |
00:42:10 | 让你一个医生 | ràng nǐ yīgè yīshēng | You’re a doctor. | |
00:42:11 | 帮我擦屎擦尿 | bāng wǒ cā shǐ cā niào | 屎 shǐ: shit, excrement | Wipe my shit and urine for me |
@049 | . | . | @049 | It’s okay. |
00:42:12 | 没事 应该的 | Méishì yīnggāi de | It’s okay. It’s my duty. | |
00:42:14 | 你别太有负担 | nǐ bié tài yǒu fùdān | Don’t feel too burdened. | |
00:42:16 | 医生 我还想问一下您 | yīshēng wǒ hái xiǎng wèn yī xià nín | Doctor, I want to ask you something else. | |
00:42:18 | 就是我这种情况什么时候才能好啊 | jiùshì wǒ zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng shénme shíhòu cáinéng hǎo a | When will I recover from this condition? | |
00:42:22 | 该不会是我以后都这样了吧 | gāi bù huì shì wǒ yǐhòu dōu zhèyàngle ba | Don’t tell me I’ll be like this from now on? | |
00:42:25 | 你会阴撕裂比较严重 | nǐ huìyīn sī liè bǐjiào yánzhòng | 撕 sī: tear
裂 liè: split 会阴撕裂 huìyīn sī liè: perineal tear |
Your perineal tear is quite severe |
00:42:26 | 伤到肛门了 | shāng dào gāngménle | 肛 gāng: anus | and injured the anus. |
00:42:28 | 不过没关系 | bùguò méiguānxì | But it’s okay. | |
00:42:29 | 我们过几天做一个小手术 | wǒmen guò jǐ tiān zuò yīgè xiǎo shǒushù | In a few days we will give you a minor surgery. | |
00:42:31 | 手术完就会好很多 | shǒushù wán jiù huì hǎo hěnduō | You’ll feel much better after the surgery. | |
00:42:34 | 生孩子太苦了 | shēng háizi tài kǔle | Giving birth is too hard. | |
00:42:36 | 辛苦了 | xīnkǔle | It’s hard. | |
00:42:38 | 你是个伟大的妈妈 | nǐ shì gè wěidà de māmā | You’re a great mother. | |
00:42:46 | 我是不是说错话了 | wǒ shì bùshì shuō cuò huàle | Did I say something wrong? | |
00:42:48 | 我疼的这些天 | wǒ téng de zhèxiē tiān | I’ve been in pain for days. | |
00:42:50 | 他从来没有跟我说一句辛苦了 | tā cónglái méiyǒu gēn wǒ shuō yījù xīnkǔle | But he not once thanked me for my efforts. | |
00:42:54 | 我这不 | wǒ zhè bù | I’m not… | |
00:42:55 | 忙着照顾孩子呢吗 | Mángzhe zhàogù háizi ní ma | I’m busy taking care of the kid! | |
00:43:00 | 你过来 | nǐ guòlái | You come here |
Previous entries
物 wù: thing; produce; creature
命运 mìngyùn: fate
醒 xǐng: wake up
生物学 shēngwù: biology
沙子 shāzi: sand
命运 mìngyùn: fate
赔 péi: make good
鬼 guǐ: ghost
进展 jìnzhǎn: progress
情绪 qíngxù: mood
顺便 shùnbiàn: on the way
失败 shībài: fail
开放 kāifàng: open; bloom
没准 méizhǔn: maybe
故意 gùyì: deliberately
尴尬 gāngà: embarrass
坚持 jiānchí: persistent
营养 yíngyǎng: nutrious
锻炼 duànliàn: toughen, work out
理性 lǐxìng: reason
胖 pàng: fett
接触 jiēchù: come into contact with
坚决 jiānjué: resolute
追求 zhuīqiú: seek, chase after
震 zhèn: shake; earthquake
摸 mō: touch; stroke
闲 xián: idle
结束 jiéshù: end
和好 héhǎo: reconcile
实在 shízài: really; honest
馆子 guǎnzi: restaurant
好歹 hǎodǎi: anyway
休息 xiūxí: rest
功劳 gōngláo: contribution
轮转 lúnzhuǎn: rotation
叫做 jiàozuò: be called
弄 nòng: make; lane
推 tuī: push
状态 zhuàngtài: condition
怀疑 huáiyí: suspect; doubt
承认 chéngrèn: acknowledge, recognize
经历 jīnglì: experience
劝 quàn: advise, encourage
作为 zuòwéi: as
之前 zhīqián: ahead, before
瞬间 shùnjiān: moment, second
抽 chōu: convulse
尽快 jǐnkuài: as soon as possible
心情 xīnqíng: mood
道理 dàolǐ: sense, principle
兴趣 xìngqù: interest
甘心 gānxīn: be willing, be satisfied
不止 bùzhǐ: more
感觉 gǎnjué: feel, sense
魂 hún: spirit, soul
滚 gǔn: roll; boil
粮 liáng: food
精力 jīnglì: energy
憋 biē: suppress; feel suffocated
屈 qū: bend; wrong; injustice
好心 hǎoxīn: kindness
计划生育 jìhuà shēngyù: family planning
实习 shíxí: practice
要求 yāoqiú: demand, request
实行 shíxíng: perform; put into practice
传 chuán: pass on; hand down
互相 hùxiāng: mutually
得罪 dézuì: offend
投诉 tóusù: complain
完全 wánquán: complete, completely
装 zhuāng: pretend
职责 zhízé: responsibility
治愈 zhìyù: healing
苦 kǔ: miserable; suffer from
后来 hòulái: afterwards
利益 lìyì: benefit
一切 yīqiè: all
诊断 zhěnduàn: diagnose
过度 guòdù: excessive
严谨 yánjǐn: strict, meticulous
关于 guānyú: on
记住 jìzhù: keep in mind
耽误 dānwù: delay
冷静 lěngjìng: quiet, cool-headed
客观 kèguān: objective
争取 zhēngqǔ: strive for
床位 chuángwèi: bed
情节(演) qíngjié (yǎn): plot
传 chuán: pass on; hand down
迟早 chízǎo: sooner or later
擦 cā: wipe clean
负担 fùdān: bear; burden
会阴 huìyīn: perineal
伤 shāng: injury
伟大 wěidà: great
14 December
剧本 jùběn: script
按 àn: press; push down
显 xiǎn: be apparent; display
保密 bǎomì: keep secret
看不起 kànbùqǐ: look down on
菜鸟 càiniǎo: rookie
贿赂 huìlù: bribe
漏 lòu: leak
大便 dàbiàn: poop
清理 qīnglǐ: clean, tidy up
屎 shǐ: shit, excrement
撕 sī: tear
裂 liè: split
会阴撕裂 huìyīn sī liè: perineal tear
肛 gāng: anus
13 December
眼看 yǎnkàn: look on
损害 sǔnhài: damage, hurt
利益 lìyì: benefit
抓 zhuā: tackle, take control; grab
医患 yī huàn: doctors and patients
批判 pīpàn: criticize
私生活 sīshēnghuó: private life
指手画脚 zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo: pointing fingers, pick fault with
丑恶 chǒu’è: ugly
心灵 xīnlíng: soul; mind
一而再再而三地 yī ér zài zài ér sān de: over and over again
背 bèi: recite
誓言 shìyán: oath
前辈 qiánbèi: older generation
辛 xīn: bitter; laborious
获得 huòdé: obtain; gain
成果 chéngguǒ: achievement
知识 zhīshì: knowledge
十分 shífēn: very
传授 chuánshòu: pass on
本人 běnrén: oneself
采取 cǎiqǔ: adopt
措施 cuòshī: measure
正当 zhèngdàng: legitimate
倾向 qīngxiàng: tendency; incline
即 jí: namely; mean
牢记 láojì: keep in mind
尽管 jǐnguǎn: even though
同情心 tóngqíng xīn: sympathy
因此而 yīncǐ ér: and therefore
羞愧 xiūkuì: ashamed
人士 rénshì: figure, person
请求 qǐngqiú: ask
隐私 yǐnsī: privacy
极为 jíwéi: extremely
有关 yǒuguān: be about; be relevant
经 jīng: through
感谢 gǎnxiè: thank
无效 wúxiào: ineffective
重大 zhòngdà: major; heavy
应当 yīngdāng: should
促使 cùshǐ: press for
虚心 xūxīn: open-minded; humbly
检讨 jiǎntǎo: examine
不足 bùzú: insufficiency, shortcoming
上帝 shàngdì: God
罪恶 zuì’è: crime
修改 xiūgǎi: alter
版本 bǎnběn: edition
牢牢 láo láo: firmly
使命 shǐmìng: mission
12 December
从此 cóngcǐ: after that
相见 xiāng jiàn: see again, meet
伙伴 huǒbàn: companion
经常 jīngcháng: often
罐头 guàntóu: tin
顿 dùn: [meal]
值班 zhíbān: be on duty
孤独 gūdú: solitary
收养 shōuyǎng: adopt
改观 gǎiguān: take a new look
遗弃 yíqì: abandon; desert
窝 wō: nest; home
铁 tiě: iron; weapon
原谅 yuánliàng: forgive
刮宫术 guāgōng shù: curettage
猛 měng: fierce, brave; suddenly
突飞猛进 tūfēiměngjìn: advance by leaps and bounds
怨气 yuànqì: frustration
隆重 lóngzhòng: solemn
约翰·yuēhàn: John
招聘 zhāopìn: recruitment
主攻 zhǔgōng: main
主动 zhǔdòng: voluntary
并且 Bìngqiě: and, also
征求 zhǐqiú: solicit
师 shī: teacher; division
相处 xiāngchǔ: get along
来头 láitóu: connections
调 diào: transfer
医务处 yīwù chù: medical office
11 December
调节 tiáojié: adjust
缘分 yuánfèn: fate
盼 pàn: hope for
重心 zhòngxīn: center; core
转移 zhuǎnyí: shift; change
苦读 kǔ dú: study hard
眼睁睁 yǎnzhēngzhēng: look helplessly
坎 kǎn: ridge (obstacle)
抗 kàng: anti-
抗排异 kàng pái yì: anti-rejection
配 pèi: match
型 xíng: type
配型度 pèi xíng dù : matching degree
神经 shénjīng: nerve
外科 wàikē: surgery
荣幸 róngxìng: honored
海量 hǎiliàng: tolerance; magnanimity
照常 zhàocháng: as usual
冤 yuān: injustice; enmity
冤魂 yuānhún: ghost of injustice
污辱 wūrù: insult
滚 gǔn: roll; boil
10 December
投诉 tóusù: complain
扣 kòu: deduct
巧 qiǎo: skilful
拙 zhuō: clumsy
弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō: be too clever for one’s own good
书签 shūqiān: bookmark
嘟嘟 dūdū: doodle
细长 xìcháng: slender
单眼皮 dānyǎnpí: single eyelid
双眼皮 shuāng yǎnpí: double eyelid
隔 dài: separate; be apart
传 chuán: pass on; hand down
敬业 jìngyè: be dedicated to one’s work
忘掉 wàngdiào: forget
轻易 qīngyì: easily, quickly
无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào: be deliberately provocative
冷血 lěngxuè: cold-blooded
无情 wúqíng: heartless
9 December
坚定 jiāndìng: steadfast, firm
前提 qiántí: premise, precondition
信念 xìnniàn: belief
迷路 mílù: to be lost
转 zhuǎn: turn
平常 píngcháng: usually
家伙 jiāhuo: gosh
地址 dìzhǐ: address
闲情逸致 xiánqíngyìzhì: be in a carefree mood
逸 yì: leisurely; escape
寻思 xúnsi: ponder
直 zhí: straight
得罪 dézuì: offend
撮合 cuòhé: mediate; matchmake
你们说不定 nǐmen shuō bu dìng: you might
炒 chǎo: stir-fry; speculate
快捷 kuàijié: quick
开间房 kāijiān fáng: economy hotel ??
铺 pù: lay; spread
地铺 dìpù: on the floor
吃苦 chīkǔ: put up with hardship
惯 guàn: be used to
屋顶 wūdǐng: roof
8 December
避孕 bìyùn: contraception
药房 yàofáng: pharmacy
效果 xiàoguǒ: effect; have an impact
复合 fùhé: get back together
随便 suíbiàn: casual; thoughtless
急急忙忙 jí ji máng mang: in a hurry
念 niàn: read
功劳 gōngláo: contribution
搭配 dāpèi: combine, pair up
省心 shěng xīn: not need to worry
7 December
扑 pū: beat; rush at
主宰 zhǔzǎi: dominate
惨 cǎn: tragic; severe, cruel
酒后 jiǔhòu: in a drunken state
清白 qīngbái: innocence; clean
拆 chāi: tear open; dismantle
损坏 sǔnhuài: damage
警告 jǐnggào: warn
弄死 nòngsǐ: kill
味 wèi: smell, taste
毫无 háowú: none; not at all
规矩 guījǔ: well-behaved; norm
礼数 lǐshù: ritual
爹 diē: Dad
教 jiào: teach
斗 dou: fight
激动 jīdòng: excite
股 gǔ: [gas]
灵 líng: effective
洗澡 xǐzǎo: have a bath
6 December
感激 gǎnjī: grateful; appreciate
遍 biàn: all over
喜悦 xǐyuè: happy; joy
背负 bèifù: carry on one’s back
引来 yǐn lái: attract
期待感 qídài gǎn: anticipation
泡 pào: bubble
超级 chāojí: super
吉祥 jíxiáng: lucky; auspicious
方案 fāng’àn: plan
枕头 zhěntou: pillow
扛 káng: shoulder
幼稚 yòuzhì: childish; young, naive
拍 pāi: shoot
装备 zhuāngbèi: equipment
防 fáng: prevent; defend