ARS 02b


北上广:逃离还是坚持 Běishàng guǎng: Táolí háishì jiānchí 北上广  Běi shàng guǎng: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (a representation of first-tier cities in China)

逃离  táolí: escape

坚持  jiānchí: persist

Beishangguang: Escape or persistence
北京,上海,广州这样的一线城市是很多老百姓心中的“高处”。 běijīng, shànghǎi, guǎngzhōu zhèyàng de yīxiàn chéngshì shì hěnduō lǎobǎixìng xīnzhōng de “gāo chù”. 一线城市  yīxiàn chéngshì: first-tier city

老百姓  lǎobǎixìng: common people

高处  gāochù: high place

First -tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are the “highs” in the hearts of many people.
年轻人希望通过奋斗在这里得到一片属于自己的天地。 Niánqīng rén xīwàng tōngguò fèndòu zài zhèlǐ dédào yīpiàn shǔyú zìjǐ de tiāndì. 通过  tōngguò: through

奋斗  fèndòu: struggle

属于  shǔyú: belong to

自己的天地  zìjǐ de tiāndì: own world

Young people want to get a world of their own through struggle.
然而,在这些城市奋斗数年后,不少年轻人选择重新回到二,三线城市发展,这种现象被称为“逃离北上广”。 Rán’ér, zài zhèxiē chéngshì fèndòu shù nián hòu, bù shào niánqīng rén xuǎnzé chóngxīn huí dào èr, sānxiàn chéngshì fāzhǎn, zhè zhǒng xiànxiàng bèi chēng wèi “táolí běishàng guǎng”. 然而  rán’ér: however

奋斗  fèndòu: struggle

数年后  shù nián hòu: several years later

不少  bùshǎo: a lot of

重新  chóngxīn: again, anew

二,三线城市  èr, sān xiàn chéngshì: second and third-tier cities

发展  fāzhǎn: development

现象  xiànxiàng: phenomenon

However, after several years of struggle in these cities, many young people choose to return to the development of the second and third -tier cities. This phenomenon is called “escape from Beishangguang”.
哪些原因造成了他们逃离呢? Nǎxiē yuányīn zàochéngle tāmen táolí ne? 原因  yuányīn: reason

造成  zàochéng: cause

他们  tāmen: they

What causes them to escape?
一方面,外地人在大城市越过越难。 Yī fāngmiàn, wàidì rén zài dà chéngshì yuèguò yuè nán. 一方面  yī fāngmiàn: on one hand

外地人  wàidì rén: people from other places

大城市  dà chéngshì: big city

越过越难  yuèguò yuè nán: increasingly difficult

On the one hand, it is difficult for foreigners to get through in big cities.
越来越多的外地人进入一线城市,但城市的公共服务却没有同时得到发展,教育,医疗等公共资源提供不足,尤其是向中低收入群体和流动人口提供不足。 Yuè lái yuè duō de wàidì rén jìnrù yīxiàn chéngshì, dàn chéngshì de gōnggòng fúwù què méiyǒu tóngshí dédào fāzhǎn, jiàoyù, yīliáo děng gōnggòng zīyuán tígōng bùzú, yóuqí shì xiàng zhōng dī shōurù qúntǐ hé liúdòng rénkǒu tígōng bùzú. 越来越多  yuè lái yuè duō: more and more

外地人  wàidì rén: people from other places

进入  jìnrù: enter

一线城市  yīxiàn chéngshì: first-tier city

公共服务  gōnggòng fúwù: public service

同时  tóngshí: at the same time

教育  jiàoyù: education

医疗  yīliáo: medical treatment

公共资源  gōnggòng zīyuán: public resources

提供不足  tígōng bùzú: insufficient provision

尤其是  yóuqí shì: especially

中低收入群体  zhōngdī shōurù qúntǐ: middle and low income group

流动人口  liúdòng rénkǒu: floating population

More and more foreigners have entered first -tier cities, but the public services of the city have not been lacking in public resources such as development, education, and medical care, especially to provide insufficient low -income groups and migrant population.
根据一份来自网络的统计,54.7%的80后选择“逃离北上广”,最直接的原因是飞涨的房价使年轻人在一线城市安居乐业变得越来越难。 Gēnjù yī fèn láizì wǎngluò de tǒngjì,54.7%De 80 hòu xuǎnzé “táolí běishàng guǎng”, zuì zhíjiē de yuányīn shì fēizhàng de fángjià shǐ niánqīng rén zài yīxiàn chéngshì ānjūlèyè biàn dé yuè lái yuè nán. 根据  gēnjù: according to

一份  yī fèn: a piece of

来自  láizì: come from

网络  wǎngluò: network

统计  tǒngjì: statistics

选择  xiǎnzé: choose

最直接  zuì zhíjiē: most direct

原因  yuányīn: reason

飞涨  fēi zhǎng: soar

房价  fángjià: house price

安居乐业  ānjūlèyè: live and work in peace and contentment

变得  biàn de: become

According to a statistics from the Internet, 54.7 % of the post -80s chose “Escape from Beishangguang”. The most direct reason is that the soaring house prices make young people getting more and more difficult to live in first -tier cities.
31%的“逃离者”认为受户口影响,一线城市存在社会福利不公平的現象。 31%De “táolí zhě” rènwéi shòu hùkǒu yǐngxiǎng, yīxiàn chéngshì cúnzài shèhuì fúlì bù gōngpíng de xiànxiàng. 认为  rènwéi: think

受  shòu: subject to

户口  hùkǒu: household registration

影响  yǐngxiǎng: influence

存在  cúnzài: exist

社会福利  shèhuì fúlì: social welfare

不公平  bù gōngpíng: unfair

31 % of the “escape” believed that due to hukou, first -tier cities have the phenomenon of unfair social welfare.
另外,一些人认为大城市竞争激烈,工作压力大,消费高,不值得留下来。 Lìngwài, yīxiē rén rènwéi dà chéngshì jìngzhēng jīliè, gōngzuò yālì dà, xiāofèi gāo, bù zhídé liú xiàlái. 另外  lìngwài: furthermore

一些  yīxiē: some

竞争激烈  jìngzhēng jīliè: fierce competition

工作压力  gōngzuò yālì: work pressure

消费高  xiāofèi gāo: high consumption

不值得留下来  bù zhídé liú xiàlái: not worth staying

In addition, some people think that big cities are competitive, work pressure, high consumption, and not worth staying.
另一方面,二,三线城市对年轻人的吸引力增强。 Lìng yī fāngmiàn, èr, sānxiàn chéngshì duì niánqīng rén de xīyǐn lì zēngqiáng. 另一方面  lìng yī fāngmiàn: on the other hand

吸引力  xīyǐnlì: attraction

增强  zēngqiáng: strengthen

On the other hand, the second, third -tier cities have increased attraction to young people.
随着城市的发展,中小城市提供越来越多的社会资源,就业机会和公共服务。 Suízhe chéngshì de fǎ zhǎn, zhōngxiǎo chéngshì tígōng yuè lái yuè duō de shèhuì zīyuán, jiùyè jīhuì hé gōnggòng fúwù. 随着  suízhe: along with

发展  fāzhǎn: development

中小城市  zhōng xiǎo chéngshì: medium and small cities

提供  tígōng: provide

社会资源  shèhuì zīyuán: social resources

就业机会  jiùyè jīhuì: employment opportunity

公共服务  gōnggòng fúwù: public service

With the development of cities, small and medium cities provide more and more social resources, employment opportunities and public services.
同时,在这里工作竞争压力相对小,购买商品房相对容易,户口问题也相对容易解决。 Tóngshí, zài zhèlǐ gōngzuò jìngzhēng yālì xiāngduì xiǎo, gòumǎi shāngpǐnfáng xiāngduì róngyì, hùkǒu wèntí yě xiāngduì róngyì jiějué. 同时  tóngshí: simultaneously

竞争压力  jìngzhēng yālì: competitive pressure

相对小  xiāngduì xiǎo: relatively small

购买  gòumǎi: buy

商品房  shāngpǐn fáng: commercial housing

相对容易  xiāngduì róngyì: relatively easy

户口问题  hùkǒu wèntí: household registration issue

解决  jiějué: resolve

At the same time, the competitive pressure here is relatively small, it is relatively easy to buy commercial houses, and the problem of hukou is relatively easy to solve.
究竟应该走还是留?这个选择并不容易。 Jiùjìng yīnggāi zǒu háishì liú? Zhège xuǎnzé bìng bù róngyì. 究竟  jiūjìng: in the end

应该  yīnggāi: should

走  zǒu: leave

还是  háishì: or

留  liú: stay

选择  xiǎnzé: choice

不容易  bù róngyì: not easy

Should I go or stay? This choice is not easy.
于冬是公司白领,他认为离开了大城市,就意味着放弃了出人头地的机会,这使他内心很矛盾。 Yú dōng shì gōngsī báilǐng, tā rènwéi líkāile dà chéngshì, jiù yìwèizhe fàngqìle chūréntóudì de jīhuì, zhè shǐ tā nèixīn hěn máodùn. 公司  gōngsī: company

白领  báilǐng: white-collar worker

离开  líkāi: leave

大城市  dà chéngshì: big city

意味着  yìwèizhe: means

放弃  fàngqì: give up

出人头地  chū rén tóu dì: stand out

机会  jīhuì: opportunity

内心  nèixīn: inner heart

矛盾  máodùn: contradiction

Yu Dong is a company’s white -collar worker. He believes that leaving the big city means giving up the opportunity to get out of place, which contradicts him.
即使这个城市让他感到有巨大的压力,他也没有说走就走的勇气。 Jíshǐ zhège chéngshì ràng tā gǎndào yǒu jùdà de yālì, tā yě méiyǒu shuō zǒu jiù zǒu de yǒngqì. 即使  jíshǐ: even if

巨大的压力  jùdà de yālì: great pressure

勇气  yǒngqì: courage

Even though the city made him feel tremendous, he didn’t say the courage to leave.
当然,大城市有大的难处,小城市也有小的烦恼。 Dāngrán, dà chéngshì yǒu dà de nánchu, xiǎo chéngshì yěyǒu xiǎo de fánnǎo. 当然  dāngrán: of course

难处  nánchù: difficulty

烦恼  fánnǎo: trouble

Of course, big cities have big difficulties, and small cities have small troubles.
也有的人逃离了北上广,几年后又逃回来了。 Yěyǒu de rén táolíle běishàng guǎng, jǐ nián hòu yòu táo huíláile. 几年后  jǐ nián hòu: a few years later

逃回来了  táohuílái le: ran back

Some people fled from Beishangguang, and after a few years, they fled back.
原因是他们回到小城市后,却发现自己并不适应那儿的生活,因为越小的地方越是一个“熟人社会”,做事情更要讲关系,论人情,发展更难,观念上的差别更大。 Yuányīn shì tāmen huí dào xiǎo chéngshì hòu, què fāxiàn zìjǐ bìng bù shìyìng nà’er de shēnghuó, yīnwèi yuè xiǎo dì dìfāng yuè shì yīgè “shúrén shèhuì”, zuò shìqíng gèng yào jiǎng guānxì, lùn rénqíng, fāzhǎn gèng nán, guānniàn shàng de chābié gèng dà. 原因  yuányīn: reason

发现  fāxiàn: discover

适应  shìyìng: adapt

熟人社会  shúrén shèhuì: acquaintance society

讲关系  jiǎng guānxi: talking about relationships

论人情  lùn rénqíng: discussing human feelings

观念上的差别  guānniàn shàng de chābié: difference in concept

The reason is that when they returned to the small city, they found that they were not adapted to the life there, because the smaller the place, the more “acquaintance society”. It is more to talk about relationships, human feelings, more difficult development, conceptual differences More.
_____________ Běishàng guǎng: Táolí háishì jiānchí   ______________




北上广 Běi shàng guǎng: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (a representation of first-tier cities in China)
逃离 táolí: escape
坚持 jiānchí: persist
一线城市 yīxiàn chéngshì: first-tier city
老百姓 lǎobǎixìng: common people
高处 gāochù: high place
通过 tōngguò: through
奋斗 fèndòu: struggle
属于 shǔyú: belong to
自己的天地 zìjǐ de tiāndì: own world
然而 rán’ér: however
奋斗 fèndòu: struggle
数年后 shù nián hòu: several years later
不少 bùshǎo: a lot of
重新 chóngxīn: again, anew
二,三线城市 èr, sān xiàn chéngshì: second and third-tier cities
发展 fāzhǎn: development
现象 xiànxiàng: phenomenon
原因 yuányīn: reason
造成 zàochéng: cause
他们 tāmen: they
一方面 yī fāngmiàn: on one hand
外地人 wàidì rén: people from other places
大城市 dà chéngshì: big city
越过越难 yuèguò yuè nán: increasingly difficult
越来越多 yuè lái yuè duō: more and more
外地人 wàidì rén: people from other places
进入 jìnrù: enter
一线城市 yīxiàn chéngshì: first-tier city
公共服务 gōnggòng fúwù: public service
同时 tóngshí: at the same time
教育 jiàoyù: education
医疗 yīliáo: medical treatment
公共资源 gōnggòng zīyuán: public resources
提供不足 tígōng bùzú: insufficient provision
尤其是 yóuqí shì: especially
中低收入群体 zhōngdī shōurù qúntǐ: middle and low income group
流动人口 liúdòng rénkǒu: floating population
根据 gēnjù: according to
一份 yī fèn: a piece of
来自 láizì: come from
网络 wǎngluò: network
统计 tǒngjì: statistics
选择 xiǎnzé: choose
最直接 zuì zhíjiē: most direct
原因 yuányīn: reason
飞涨 fēi zhǎng: soar
房价 fángjià: house price
安居乐业 ānjūlèyè: live and work in peace and contentment
变得 biàn de: become
认为 rènwéi: think
受 shòu: subject to
户口 hùkǒu: household registration
影响 yǐngxiǎng: influence
存在 cúnzài: exist
社会福利 shèhuì fúlì: social welfare
不公平 bù gōngpíng: unfair
另外 lìngwài: furthermore
一些 yīxiē: some
竞争激烈 jìngzhēng jīliè: fierce competition
工作压力 gōngzuò yālì: work pressure
消费高 xiāofèi gāo: high consumption
不值得留下来 bù zhídé liú xiàlái: not worth staying
另一方面 lìng yī fāngmiàn: on the other hand
吸引力 xīyǐnlì: attraction
增强 zēngqiáng: strengthen
随着 suízhe: along with
发展 fāzhǎn: development
中小城市 zhōng xiǎo chéngshì: medium and small cities
提供 tígōng: provide
社会资源 shèhuì zīyuán: social resources
就业机会 jiùyè jīhuì: employment opportunity
公共服务 gōnggòng fúwù: public service
同时 tóngshí: simultaneously
竞争压力 jìngzhēng yālì: competitive pressure
相对小 xiāngduì xiǎo: relatively small
购买 gòumǎi: buy
商品房 shāngpǐn fáng: commercial housing
相对容易 xiāngduì róngyì: relatively easy
户口问题 hùkǒu wèntí: household registration issue
解决 jiějué: resolve
究竟 jiūjìng: in the end
应该 yīnggāi: should
走 zǒu: leave
还是 háishì: or
留 liú: stay
选择 xiǎnzé: choice
不容易 bù róngyì: not easy
公司 gōngsī: company
白领 báilǐng: white-collar worker
离开 líkāi: leave
大城市 dà chéngshì: big city
意味着 yìwèizhe: means
放弃 fàngqì: give up
出人头地 chū rén tóu dì: stand out
机会 jīhuì: opportunity
内心 nèixīn: inner heart
矛盾 máodùn: contradiction
即使 jíshǐ: even if
巨大的压力 jùdà de yālì: great pressure
勇气 yǒngqì: courage
当然 dāngrán: of course
难处 nánchù: difficulty
烦恼 fánnǎo: trouble
几年后 jǐ nián hòu: a few years later
逃回来了 táohuílái le: ran back
原因 yuányīn: reason
发现 fāxiàn: discover
适应 shìyìng: adapt
熟人社会 shúrén shèhuì: acquaintance society
讲关系 jiǎng guānxi: talking about relationships
论人情 lùn rénqíng: discussing human feelings
观念上的差别 guānniàn shàng de chābié: difference in concept

