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1 Holy Shit! 我的妈呀! Wǒ de mā ya!
  Cagliari, capital of Sardinia, on the second floor of a building in the historic Marina district. Leonardo spent the night at his grandfather Sebastiano’s home. 卡利亚里,撒丁岛的首府,在历史悠久的滨海区的一栋大楼的二楼。莱昂纳多在他祖父塞巴斯蒂安诺的家里过夜。 Kǎlìyàlǐ, Sàdīngdǎo de shǒufǔ, zài lìshǐ yōujiǔ de bīnhǎi qū de yí dòng dàlóu de èr lóu. Lái’ángnàduō zài tā zǔfù sàibāsīdì’ānnuò de jiālǐ guòyè.
  Leonardo, wake up! 莱昂纳多,快醒醒! Lái’ángnàduō, kuài xǐng xing!
  Please, Grandpa, let me sleep. I have a very bad headache. 求你了,爷爷,让我睡觉吧。我头疼得很厉害。 Qiú nǐle, yéye, ràng wǒ shuìjiào ba. Wǒ tóuténg de hěn lìhai.
  Yeah, you’ve been smoking again! 是啊,你又抽烟了! Shì a, nǐ yòu chōuyānle!
  Of course not, Grandpa. I don’t like tobacco. 当然没有,外公。我不喜欢烟草。 Dāngrán méiyǒu, wàigōng. Wǒ bù xǐhuān yāncǎo.
  But you like smoking weed. 但你喜欢抽大麻。 Dàn nǐ xǐhuān chōu dàmá.
  He takes out the rest of a joint from an ashtray. 他从烟灰缸里拿出剩下的一根大麻。 Tā cóng yānhuīgāng lǐ ná chū shèng xià de yì gēn dàmá.
  I told you a hundred times that you have to know how to manage marijuana. How do you want to study if you can’t concentrate and… 我告诉过你一百次,你必须知道如何控制吸大麻的量。如果你不能集中精力,你想怎么学习,而且… … Wǒ gàosu-guo nǐ yì bǎi cì, nǐ bìxū zhīdào rúhé kòngzhì xī dàmá de liàng. Rúguǒ nǐ bù néng jízhōng jīnglì, nǐ xiǎng zěnme xuéxí, érqiě… …
  Stop it, I know the song. Weed prevents me from concentrating and softens my brain. In short, I will never be a brilliant student. 别说了,我知道这首歌。大麻使我无法集中注意力,使我的大脑变得迟钝。简而言之,我永远不会成为一个出色的学生。 Bié shuōle, wǒ zhīdào zhè shǒu gē. Dàmá shǐ wǒ wúfǎ jízhōng zhùyì lì, shǐ wǒ de dànǎo biàn de chídùn. Jiǎn ér yán zhī, wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù huì chéngwéi yí gè chūsè de xuéshēng.
  Bullshit! I didn’t say anything like that. Weed will not interfere with your studies and will not prevent you from becoming a good doctor, but on the one condition that you exercise moderation! Come on, get dressed! It’s 11 o’clock. 胡说八道! 我没有说过这样的话。大麻不会影响你的学习,也不会妨碍 你成为一名好医生,但有一个条件,那就是你要有节制!来吧,穿上衣服!现在是11点。 Húshuō bādào! Wǒ méiyǒu shuō-guo zhèyàng de huà. Dàmá bú huì yǐngxiǎng nǐ de xuéxí, yě bú huì fáng’ài nǐ chéngwéi yì míng hǎo yīshēng, dàn yǒu yí gè tiáojiàn, nà jiùshì nǐ yào yǒu jiézhì! Lái ba, chuān shàng yīfú! Xiànzài shì 11 diǎn.
  What? 11 o’clock? Damn it, I had an appointment with Hannah. 什么?11点钟?该死的,我和汉娜有个约会。 Shénme? 11 Diǎn zhōng? Gāisǐ de, wǒ hé hànnà yǒu gè yuēhuì.
  Before that, go to the balcony. 走之前先去阳台看看。 Zǒu zhīqián xiān qù yángtái kànkan.
  What is so important to see there? 那里有什么重要的东西可看? Nàli yǒu shénme zhòngyào de dōngxi kě kàn?
  There is a cruise ship that dropped anchor at the entrance to the harbour. 有一艘游轮在港口的入口处抛锚了。 Yǒu yì sōu yóulún zài gǎngkǒu de rùkǒu chù pāomáole.
  Leonardo goes out onto the balcony which overlooks the roofs of the Marina, the port and the Angels Gulf. 莱昂纳多走到阳台上,那里可以俯瞰码头的屋顶、港口和天使湾。 Lái’ángnàduō zǒu dào yángtái shang, nàlǐ kěyǐ fǔkàn mǎtóu de wūdǐng, gǎngkǒu hé tiānshǐ wān.
  So what? 那又怎样? Nà yòu zěnyàng?
  That cruise ship is full of English people. It is in quarantine and not allowed to enter the port. 那艘游轮上都是英国人。它正在接受隔离,不允许进入港口。 Nà sōu yóulún shang dōu shì yīngguó rén. Tā zhèng zài jiēshòu gélí, bù yǔnxǔ jìnrù gǎngkǒu.
  What happened? 发生了什么事? Fāshēngle shénme shì?
  They say they have an Ebola case on board. 他们说船上有一个埃博拉病例。 Tāmen shuō chuánshàng yǒu yígè Āibólā bìnglì.
  Holy shit! 我的妈呀! Wǒ de mā ya!
2 Kill Facebook 杀死Facebook Shā sǐ Facebook
  Leonardo is on the balcony of the Marina apartment. He dials Hannah’s number. Hannah is a 22 -year-old French student from Paris. She is in Cagliari for a 9-month Erasmus course. 莱昂纳多在滨海公寓的阳台上。他拨通了汉娜的电话。汉娜是一个22岁的法国学生,来自巴黎。 她在卡利亚里参加为期9个月的伊拉斯谟课程。 Lái’ángnàduō zài bīnhǎi gōngyù de yángtái shang. Tā bōtōngle Hànnà de diànhuà. Hànnà shì yí gè 22 suì de fǎguó xuéshēng, láizì Bālí. Tā zài Kǎlìyǎlǐ cānjiā wéiqī 9 gè yuè de yīlāsīmó kèchéng.
  Hannah, is that you? I’m calling from my grandpa’s cell phone. I just woke up. 汉娜,是你吗?我在用我爷爷的手机打电话。我刚刚醒过来。 Hànnà, shì nǐ ma? Wǒ zài yòng wǒ yéye de shǒujī dǎ diànhuà. Wǒ gānggāng xǐngguolái.
  Well that’s just great! We had an appointment at 9 o’clock. I’ve been trying to call you for two hours! 那真是太好了。我们在9点钟有一个约会。我一直想给你打电话,已经两个小时了! Nà zhēnshi tài hǎole. Wǒmen zài 9 diǎn zhōng yǒu yí gè yuēhuì. Wǒ yìzhí xiǎng gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà, yǐjīng liǎng ge xiǎoshíle!
  My phone was dead. Sorry. 我的手机没电了。对不起。 Wǒ de shǒujī méi diànle. Duìbuqǐ.
  Sorry, huh! As always, you’re never on time. Make up your mind, man: does the meeting on climate change interest you or not? We are preparing for next Friday’s march. Damn, don’t you understand that our future is on the line? 对不起,嗯!像往常一样,你从来没有准时过。你要想好,亲爱的:关于气候变化的会议你到底感不感兴趣?我们正在为下周五的游行做准备。该死的,难道你不明白我们的未来就在眼前? Duìbuqǐ, én! Xiàng wǎngcháng yíyàng, nǐ cónglái méiyǒu zhǔnshíguò. Nǐ yào xiǎng hǎo, qīn’ài de: Guānyú qìhòu biànhuà de huìyì nǐ dàodǐ gǎn bu gǎn xìngqù? Wǒmen zhèngzài wèi xià zhōu wǔ de yóuxíng zuò zhǔnbèi. Gāisǐ de, nándào nǐ bù míngbai wǒmen de wèilái jiù zài yǎnqián?
  Stop screaming! I will go to the meeting next week. By the way, have you heard about the English ship? 不要再叫了!你知道吗?我下周会去参加会议。对了,你听说过英国船的事吗? Bù yào zài jiàole! Nǐ zhīdào ma? Wǒ xià zhōu huì qù cānjiā huìyì. Duìle, nǐ tīngshuōguo yīngguó chuán de shì ma?
  Everyone is talking about it. There’s a bit of a panic in town since a patient from the ship was taken to Is Mirrionis hospital by helicopter. 每个人都在谈论它。镇上有点恐慌,因为船上的一个病人被直升机送到了Is Mirrionis医院。 Měi gè rén dōu zài tánlùn tā. Zhènshang yǒudiǎn kǒnghuāng, yīnwèi chuánshang de yí gè bìngrén bèi zhíshēngjī sòngdàole Is Mirrionis yīyuàn.
  Panic? 恐慌? Kǒnghuāng?
  People say there are patients escaping from the hospital. Do you think it’s serious? What’s going to happen now? 人们说有病人从医院里逃出来了。你认为这很严重吗?现在会发生什么? Rénmen shuō yǒu bìngrén cóng yīyuànlǐ táo chūláile. Nǐ rènwéi zhè hěn yánzhòng ma? Xiànzài huì fāshēng shénme?
  No idea. 不知道。 Bù zhīdào.
  By the way, if you had woken up earlier, you could have accompanied Martina to the doctor. 顺便说一句,如果你早点醒过来,你可以陪玛蒂娜去看医生。 Shùnbiàn shuō yíjù, rúguǒ nǐ zǎodiǎn xǐngguolái, nǐ kěyǐ péi Mǎdìnà qù kàn yīshēng.
  So she decided to abort? 所以她决定流产了? Suǒyǐ tā juédìng liúchǎnle?
  Didn’t you expect that? 你没有想到吗? Nǐ méiyǒu xiǎngdào ma?
  Sure I did, but I know someone who is going to be furious. 我当然想到了,但我知道有人会很生气。 Wǒ dāngrán xiǎngdàole, dàn wǒ zhīdào yǒu rén huì hěn shēngqì.
  Kevin’s opinion doesn’t matter and Martina has probably made the right choice. 凯文的意见并不重要,玛蒂娜可能已经做出了正确的选择。 Kǎiwén de yìjiàn bìng bù zhòngyào, Mǎdìnà kěnéng yǐjīng zuò chūle zhèngquè de xuǎnzé.
  And now? 那现在呢? Nà xiànzài ne?
  Come on, get moving. If you hurry, you will arrive in time for the presentation of the Kill Facebook project. It’s at noon at the MEM*. I have to go to San Benedetto market with Francesco. 来吧,快走吧。如果你抓紧时间,你会及时赶到 杀死Facebook 项目的介绍会。中午在MEM*。 我得和弗朗西斯科去圣贝内代托市场。 Lái ba, kuàizǒu ba. Rúguǒ nǐ zhuājǐn shíjiān, nǐ huì jíshí gǎn dào shā sǐ Facebook xiàngmù de jièshào huì. Zhōngwǔ zài MEM*. Wǒ děi hé Fúlǎngxīsīkē qù Shèngbèinèidàituō shìchǎng.
  Go to the market? To do what? 去市场?去做什么? Qù shìchǎng? Qù zuò shénme?
  To buy food, for example. Did you forget our picnic in Chia? 去买食物。你忘了我们要在奇亚的野餐吗? Qù mǎi shíwù. Nǐ wàngle wǒmen yào zài qíyà de yěcān ma?
  Oh no! Our picnic at the beach! Completely forgot! Is it tomorrow or the day after? 哦,不!我们在海边的野餐!完全忘了!是明天还是后天? Ó, bù! Wǒmen zài hǎibiān de yěcān! Wánquán wàngle! Shì míngtiān háishì hòutiān?
  Tomorrow, pea brain. Come on, hurry up now! Let’s Kill Facebook! 明天,你这个臭脑子。来吧,现在快点!让我们杀死Facebook吧! Míngtiān, nǐ zhè ge chòu nǎozi. Lái ba, xiànzài kuài diǎn! Ràng wǒmen shā sǐ Facebook ba!
  * MEM: Mediateca del Mediterraneo, via Mameli 164, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, Europe, Planet Earth, Solar System, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way, Local Group    
3 MI6 军情六处 Jūnqíng liù chù
  Hannah and Francesco (Martina’s ex-boyfriend, a 24-year-old architecture student from Milan) meet at the San Benedetto market. 汉娜和弗朗西斯科(玛蒂娜的前男友,一个24岁来自米兰的建筑系学生)在圣贝内代托市场相遇。 Hànnà hé Fúlǎngxīsīkē (Mǎdìnà de qián nányǒu, yígè 24 suì láizì Mǐlán de jiànzhú xì xuéshēng) zài Shèngbèinèidàituō shìchǎng xiāngyù.
  What a motherfucker, that Leonardo. He missed the meeting for Friday’s demonstration. 真是个混蛋,那个莱昂纳多。他错过了周五的示威会议。 Zhēn shi ge húndàn, nàge Lái’ángnàduō. Tā cuòguòle zhōuwǔ de shìwēi huìyì.
  Still high? 还在嗑药? Hái zài kèyào?
  I’m afraid so. It can’t go on like this. He’s messing up completely! 应该是的。不能再这样下去了。他完全搞砸了! Yīnggāi shì de. Bùnéng zài zhèyàng xiàqùle. Tā wánquán gǎo zále!
  Forget it! For now, we should be thinking of fruit and vegetables. Tomorrow at Chia we can lay into him. By the way: any news about the cruise ship? 算了吧!现在,我们应该考虑的是水果和蔬菜。明天在奇亚,我们再骂他。顺便问一下:有关于游轮的消息吗? Suànle ba! Xiànzài, wǒmen yīnggāi kǎolǜ de shì shuǐguǒ hé shūcài. Míngtiān zài Qíyà, wǒmen zài mà tā. Shùnbiàn wèn yíxià: Yǒu guānyú yóulún de xiāoxī ma?
  Yeah, it’s the “Britannica Tropica”, 5,000 people on board. Almost all of English nationality. 有,是 “不列颠热带雨林” 号,船上有5000人。几乎都是英国国籍的人。 Yǒu, shì “Bùlièdiān rèdài yǔlín” hào, chuánshang yǒu 5000 rén. Jīhū dōu shì Yīngguó guójí de rén.
  So there will be 5,000 dead tourists? 那么会有5000名死去的游客吗? Nàme huì yǒu 5000 míng sǐqù de yóukè ma?
  Of course not! Leonardo told me that Ebola does not spread like the flu. Direct contact is required. 当然不会! 莱昂纳多告诉我,埃博拉不像流感那样传播。需要直接接触。 Dāngrán búhuì! Lái’ángnàduō gàosu wǒ, Āibólā búxiàng liúgǎn nàyàng chuánbò. Xūyào zhíjiē jiēchù.
  So you’d have to sleep with someone, like AIDS? 就像艾滋病一样,必须要与感染的人睡才能被感染? Jiù xiàng Àizībìng yíyàng, bìxū yào yǔ gǎnrǎn de rén shuì cáinéng bèi gǎnrǎn?
  Unfortunately not. Ebola is more easily transmitted. To become contaminated, you just have to come into contact with bodily fluids – blood, saliva, urine, semen, sweat, faeces, vomit. 可惜不是。埃博拉病毒更容易传播。被传染,你只需接触体液–血液、唾液、尿液、精液、汗液、粪便、呕吐物。 Kěxī búshì. Āibólā bìngdú gèng róngyì chuánbō. Bèi chuánrǎn, nǐ zhǐ xū jiēchù tǐyè–xuèyè, tuòyè, niào yè, jīngyè, hànyè, fènbiàn, ǒutù wù.
  Do we know anything about the patient? 我们对病人的情况有了解吗? Wǒmen duì bìngrén de qíngkuàng yǒu liǎojiě ma?
  Apparently, he’s an ex-MI6 officer. 显然,他是一名前MI6官员。 Xiǎnrán, tā shì yī míngqián MI6 guānyuán.
  What is MI6? 什么是MI6? Shénme shì MI6?
  The British Secret Services. Three weeks ago he returned from an epidemic-ridden area. 英国的秘密机构。三个星期前,他从一个疫区回来。 Yīngguó de mìmì jīgòu. Sāngè xīngqī qián, tā cóng yígè yìqū huílái.
  Really? Talking about fluids – what wine should we buy? 真的吗?说到体液的–我们应该买什么酒? Zhēn de ma? Shuō dào tǐyè de–wǒmen yīnggāi mǎi shénme jiǔ?
  Santadi red is not bad. Or do you prefer white? 桑塔迪红葡萄酒还不错。还是你更喜欢白葡萄酒? Sāngtǎdí hóng pútaojiǔ hái bùcuò. Háishì nǐ gèng xǐhuān bái pútaojiǔ?
  I’d rather have red. Now take care of the fruit and the vegetables. I’ll get the bread and cheese. 我更喜欢红葡萄酒。现在看好水果和蔬菜。我去拿面包和奶酪。 Wǒ gèng xǐhuān hóng pútaojiǔ. Xiànzài kānhǎo shuǐguǒ hé shūcài. Wǒ qù ná miànbāo hé nǎilào.
  Okay. See you later. 好的,回头见。 Hǎo de, huítóu jiàn.
  Hannah walks away, then turns around. 汉娜走了,然后转身。 Hànnà zǒule, ránhòu zhuǎnshēn.
  By the way, why didn’t you go to the doctor with Martina? 对了,你为什么不和玛蒂娜一起去看医生? Duìle, nǐ wèishéme bù hé Mǎdìnà yìqǐ qù kàn yīshēng?
4 Abortion 堕胎 Duòtāi
  Martina and Alejandro walk together under the arcade of Via Roma. Martina is a 25-year-old journalist from Sardinia. Alejandro is a 22-year-old Spanish guy from Seville. 玛蒂娜和亚历山大一起走在罗马路的拱廊下。玛蒂娜是一个来自撒丁岛的25岁记者。亚历山大是一个来自塞维利亚的22岁的西班牙人。 Mǎdìnà hé yàlìshāndà yīqǐ zǒu zài luómǎ lù de gǒng lángxià. Mǎdìnà shì yígè láizì Sādīngdǎo de 25 suì jìzhě. Yàlìshāndà shì yígè láizì Sàiwéilìyà de 22 suì de Xībānyá rén.
  Have you thought it through? 你想清楚了吗? Nǐ xiǎng qīngchǔle ma?
  Yes. 是的。 Shì de.
  Did you tell Francesco about it? 你跟弗朗西斯科说了吗? Nǐ gēn Fúlǎngxīsīkē shuōle ma?
  No. He has nothing to do with it. 没有,他与此毫无关系。 Méiyǒu, tā yǔ cǐ háo wú guānxi.
  But he’s the father. 但他是孩子的父亲。 Dàn tā shì háizi de fùqin.
  No, he is not the father since there will be no child. Let’s say he could have been the father if we had planned to live together. 不,他不是父亲,因为不会有孩子。这么说吧,如果我们计划在一起生活,他可能是父亲。 Bù, tā búshì fùqin, yīn wèi bú huì yǒu háizi. Zhème shuō ba, rúguǒ wǒmen jìhuà zài yìqǐ shēnghuó, tā kěnéng shì fùqin.
  So, you didn’t plan to stay together? 那么,你们没有计划在一起生活? Nàme, nǐmen méiyǒu jìhuà zài yìqǐ shēnghuó?
  Not at all. Never. And even if we had, do you think that this is the right time to have a child – 25 years old and no secure job? Do you see yourself with a kid to raise? 根本就没有。从来没有。即使我们在一起了,你认为现在是生孩子的好时机吗?25岁没有稳定的工作,你能想象自己有一个孩子要养吗? Gēnběn jiù méiyǒu. Cónglái méiyǒu. Jíshǐ wǒmen zài yìqǐle, nǐ rènwéi xiànzài shì shēng háizi de hǎo shíjī ma? 25 suì méiyǒu wěndìng de gōngzuò, nǐ néng xiǎngxiàng zìjǐ yǒu yígè háizi yào yǎng ma?
  Actually no. 想象不到。 Xiǎngxiàng búdào.
  A street vendor offers a special edition of the local newspaper, The Islander’s Union. Alejandro buys a copy. Headline: “Panic aboard the Britannica Tropica”. 一个街头小贩提供了一份当地报纸《岛民联盟》的特刊。亚历山大买了一份。标题。”不列颠号上的恐慌”。 Yígè jiētóu xiǎofàn tígōngle yífèn dāngdì bàozhǐ “Dǎomín Liánméng” de tèkān. Yàlìshāndà mǎile yífèn. Biāotí. ” Bùlièdiānhào shang de kǒnghuāng”.
  Can you imagine the panic! They say that some people tried to abandon ship and swim ashore. 你能想象这种恐慌吗?他们说,有些人试图弃船游上岸。 Nǐ néng xiǎngxiàng zhè zhǒng kǒnghuāng ma? Tāmen shuō, yǒuxiē rén shìtú qì chuán yóu shàng’àn.
  So what? 那又怎样? Nà yòu zěnyàng?
  They were caught by the police and brought back to the ship. 他们被警察抓住了,并被带回了船上。 Tāmen bèi jǐngchá zhuā zhùle, bìng bèi dàihuíle chuánshàng.
  What does the newspaper say? 报纸上说什么? Bàozhǐ shang shuō shénme?
  The Englishman who is suspected of having Ebola was born in June 1964. Ex-secret agent, converted into an arms dealer, fell ill a week ago. A group of twenty passengers took care of him during the crossing. 被怀疑患有埃博拉病毒的英国人出生于1964年6月。前秘密特工,转为军火商,一周前病倒。一个由20名乘客组成的小组在过境期间照顾了他。 Bèi huáiyí huàn yǒu Āibólā bìngdú de yīngguó rén chūshēng yú 1964 nián 6 yuè. Qián mìmì tègōng, zhuǎn wéi jūnhuǒ shāng, yì zhōu qián bìngdǎo. yígè yóu 20 míng chéngkè zǔchéng de xiǎozǔ zài guòjìng qíjiān zhàogùle tā.
  Twenty people are therefore potentially infected. 因此,20人有可能被感染。 Yīncǐ, 20 rén yǒu kěnéng bèi gǎnrǎn.
  It’s possible! It would be better if the Britannica bunked off. Don’t you agree? 这是有可能的! 如果“不列颠号”离开会更好,不是吗? Zhè shì yǒu kěnéng de! Rúguǒ “bùlièdiān hào” líkāi huì gèng hǎo, bùshì ma?
  They arrive in front of a large red building. A bronze plaque indicates a doctor’s office. 他们来到一座红色的大楼前。有一块铜牌,这表明是医生的办公室。 Tāmen lái dào yī zuò hóngsè de dàlóu qián. Yǒu yíkuài tóngpái, zhè biǎomíng shì yīshēng de bàngōngshì.
  Here we are. Are you coming with me? 我们到了。你要和我一起去吗? Wǒmen dàole. Nǐ yào hé wǒ yìqǐ qù ma?
5 Weed 杂草丛生 Zá cǎo cóngshēng
  Grandfather Sebastiano and Grandmother Béatrice (of French origin) talk about their grandson. 爷爷塞巴斯蒂安诺和奶奶贝亚特丽斯(法国籍)谈论他们的孙子。 Yéye Sàibāsīdì’ānnuò hé nǎinai Bèiyàtèlìsī (Fǎguó jí) tánlùn tāmen de sūnzi.
  Leonardo worries me. Since the beginning of the year, he has not been the same. 莱昂纳多让我很担心。从今年年初开始,他就不一样了。 Lái’ángnàduō ràng wǒ hěn dānxīn. Cóng jīnnián niánchū kāishǐ, tā jiù bù yíyàngle.
  The drug trial he’s been involved in is no picnic*. Then there’s this thing with Hannah. Was it really a good idea to move in with her when they’ve been in crisis for a year? 他卷入的非法药品案可不是个野餐*。然后是与汉娜的这件事。当他们一年来一直处于危机之中时,搬去和她一起住真的是个好主意吗? Tā juànrù de fēifǎ yàopǐn àn kěbù shìgè yěcān*. Ránhòu shì yǔ Hànnà de zhè jiàn shì. Dāng tāmen yìniánlái yìzhí chǔyú wēijī zhīzhòng shí, bānqù hé tā yìqǐ zhù zhēn de shìge hǎo zhúyì ma?
  In any case, he can’t really focus on his studies anymore. 不管怎么说,他都无法真正专注于他的学习了。 Bùguǎn zěnme shuō, tā dōu wúfǎ zhēnzhèng zhuānzhù yú tā de xuéxíle.
  To study well, you have to be serene, and to be serene it’s better to know if you have a relationship with someone or not. 要想学习好,你必须要心静,而要心静,最好知道你是否与某人有关系。 Yào xiǎng xuéxí hǎo, nǐ bìxū yào xīnjìng, ér yào xīnjìng, zuì hǎo zhīdào nǐ shìfǒu yǔ mǒurén yǒu guānxi.
  Not to mention his “regular” anxieties. He is very afraid of the future. 更不用说他的 “常规 “焦虑了。他对未来非常恐惧。 Gèng búyòng shuō tā de “chángguī “jiāolǜle. Tā duì wèilái fēicháng kǒngjù.
  Ah yes! Living serenely in today’s world is an art. 啊,是的! 在今天的世界上平静地生活是一门艺术。 À, shì de! Zài jīntiān de shìjièshang píngjìng de shēnghuó shì yī mén yìshù.
  Lack of serenity isn’t any excuse to get high several times a week. Do me the favor of speaking to him about this. 心不平气不和并不是每周嗑药数次的借口。帮我个忙,跟他说说这个问题。 Xīnbùpíng qìbùhé bìng búshì měi zhōu kèyào shù cì de jièkǒu. Bāng wǒ ge máng, gēn tā shuōshuo zhège wèntí.
  If only he would smoke less! 如果他能少抽点烟就好了! Rúguǒ tā néng shǎo chōu diǎn yān jiù hǎole!
  You mean, like us, in the good old days? 你是说,像我们一样,在过去的好日子里? Nǐ shì shuō, xiàng wǒmen yíyàng, zài guòqù de hǎo rìzi lǐ?
  Not everything was rosy, not by a long shot. Utopias, struggles… 不是所有的事情都是美好的,不可能。乌托邦,斗争… Búshì suǒyǒu de shìqíng dōu shì měihǎo de, bù kěnéng. Wūtuōbāng, dòuzhēng…
  We’ve not lost all the battles. Thanks to us, society has evolved. 我们并没有输掉所有的战斗。多亏了我们,社会已经进化了。 Wǒmen bìng méiyǒu shūdiào suǒyǒu de zhàndòu. Duōkuīle wǒmen, shèhuì yǐjīng jìnhuàle.
  And women have obtained the right to abortion and lesbians and gays can marry. 而且妇女已经获得了堕胎的权利,同性恋者可以结婚. Érqiě fùnǚ yǐjīng huòdéle duòtāi de quánlì, tóngxìngliàn zhě kěyǐ jiéhūn.
  Beatrice takes a book from the library and shows it to Sebastiano. 贝亚特丽斯从图书馆拿了一本书,给塞巴斯蒂安诺看。 Bèiyàtèlìsī cóng túshū guǎn nále yì běn shū, gěi Sàibāsīdì’ānnuò kàn.
  Look, the first foreign language book we wrote! Almost 40 years ago! Do you remember the text about legalizing marijuana? 看,这是我们写的第一本外语书! 差不多是40年前! 你还记得关于大麻合法化的内容吗? Kàn, zhè shì wǒmen xiě de dì yī běn wàiyǔ shū! Chàbuduō shì 40 nián qián! Nǐ hái jìdé guānyú dàmá héfǎhuà de nèiróng ma?
  Can you read it to me? 你能读给我听吗? Nǐ néng dú gěi wǒ tīng ma?
  * Leonardo had picked up a young couple hitchhiking and was about to drop them off in Via Roma when suddenly a car of the Carabinieri appeared. A search of the girl’s backpack revealed 12 bricks of hashish. Later, when they searched the girl’s house, the Carabinieri discovered 200 grams of cocaine, a precision balance and packaging material. *一对年轻夫妇搭上了莱昂纳多的便车,莱昂纳多准备在罗马路放下他们时,突然出现了一辆宪兵的汽车。在搜查女孩的背包时发现有12块大麻。后来,当他们搜查女孩的房子时,宪兵发现了200克可卡因、一台精密天平和包装材料。 *Yíduì niánqīng fūfù dā shàngle Lái’ángnàduō de biàn chē, Lái’ángnàduō zhǔnbèi zài luómǎ lù fàngxia tāmen shí, tūrán chūxiànle yíliàng xiànbīng de qìchē. Zài sōuchá nǚhái de bēibāo shí fāxiàn yǒu 12 kuài dàmá. Hòulái, dāng tāmen sōuchá nǚhái de fángzǐ shí, xiànbīng fāxiànle 200 kè kěkǎyīn, yìtái jīngmì tiānpíng hé bāozhuāng cáiliào.
6 Coitus interruptus 终止妊娠 Zhōngzhǐ rènshēn
  Hannah and Francesco left the market and find themselves in front of a large pastry shop. 汉娜和弗朗西斯科离开市场,发现自己在一家大型糕点店前。 Hànnà hé Fúlǎngxīsīkē líkāi shìchǎng, fāxiàn zìjǐ zài yì jiā dàxíng gāodiǎn diàn qián.
  Why didn’t you go with Martina to the doctor? 你为什么不和玛蒂娜一起去看医生? Nǐ wèishéme bù hé Mǎdìnà yìqǐ qù kàn yīshēng?
  You know, we’re not really together anymore. I suggested to accompany her but she preferred to go with Alejandro. 你知道,我们已经不是真的在一起了。我提议说陪她去,但她更愿意和亚历山大一起去。 Nǐ zhīdào, wǒmen yǐjīng bú shì zhēn de zàiyìqǐle. Wǒ tíyì shuō péi tā qù, dàn tā gèng yuànyì hé Yàlìshāndà yìqǐ qù.
  Well, well… 好吧,好吧… Hǎo ba, hǎo ba…
  No, there is nothing between them. By the way, do you know how an abortion is done? 不,他们之间没有什么。对了,你知道堕胎是怎么做的吗? Bù, tāmen zhī jiān méiyǒu shén me. Duìle, nǐ zhīdào duòtāi shì zěnme zuò de ma?
  The doctor will probably ask Martina if she is sure she wants an abortion and explain the different methods. After which Martina will have to wait seven days. Then she will go to the hospital. 医生可能会问玛蒂娜,她是否确定要堕胎,并解释不同的方法。之后,玛蒂娜得等七天。然后,她会去医院。 Yīshēng kěnéng huì wèn Mǎdìnà, tā shìfǒu quèdìng yào duòtāi, bìng jiěshi bùtóng de fāngfǎ. Zhīhòu, Mǎdìnà děi děng qī tiān. Ránhòu, tā huì qù yīyuàn.
  Different methods of abortion? 堕胎的不同方法? Duòtāi de bùtóng fāngfǎ?
  She will have to choose between the abortion pill and instrumental abortion. Having said that, couldn’t you have been more careful? Getting a girl pregnant at your age is really irresponsible! 她将不得不在堕胎药和器械流产之间做出选择。说了这么多,你就不能更小心一点吗?在你这个年龄让一个女孩怀孕真的是不负责任!你知道吗? Tā jiāng bùdébú zài duòtāi yào hé qìxiè liúchǎn zhī jiān zuò chū xuǎnzé. Shuōle zhème duō, nǐ jiù bùnéng gèng xiǎoxīn yìdiǎn ma? Zài nǐ zhège niánlíng ràng yí gè nǚhái huáiyùn zhēn de shì bú fù zérèn! Nǐ zhīdào ma?
  Normally I use a condom, but when I don’t have one I withdraw. But that day, it didn’t work. As for Martina, she always refused to take the pill. 通常我都会使用安全套,但当我没有安全套的时候,我就会抽出。但是那一天,它没有发挥作用。至于玛蒂娜,她总是拒绝吃药。 Tōngcháng wǒ dōuhuì shǐyòng ānquántào, dàn dāng wǒ méiyǒu ānquántào de shíhòu, wǒ jiù huì chōuchū. Dànshì nà yì tiān, tā méiyǒu fāhuī zuòyòng. Zhìyú Mǎdìnà, tā zǒng shì jùjué chī yào.
  You are real dummies! 你真是傻瓜! Nǐ zhēnshi shǎguā!
  Hannah points to the shopping bag. 汉娜指着购物袋。 Hànnà zhǐzhe gòuwù dài.
  Show me! What did you buy? 给我看看!你买了什么? Gěi wǒ kànkan! Nǐ mǎile shénme?
  A huge buffalo mozzarella, a dry Oliena sausage, semi-mature sheep’s cheese, fresh Sinnai goat cheese and carasau bread. And you ? 一块巨大的水牛奶酪,一根干的奥利纳香肠,半成熟的绵羊奶酪,新鲜的西奈山羊奶酪和卡拉索面包。你呢? Yíkuài jùdà de shuǐniú nǎilào, yìgēn gān de Àolìnà xiāngcháng, bàn chéngshú de miányáng nǎilào, xīnxiān de Xīnài shānyáng nǎilào hé Kǎlāsuǒ miànbāo. Nǐ ne?
  Endives, carrots, fennel, celery branches and some tomatoes. 韭菜、胡萝卜、茴香、芹菜枝和一些西红柿。 Jiǔcai, húluóbo, huíxiang, qíncaizhī hé yìxiē xīhóngshì.
  No fruit? 没有水果吗? Méiyǒu shuǐguǒ ma?
  You know, there isn’t much this season. But I found strawberries that we can sprinkle with lemon juice. 你知道,这个季节没有什么东西。但我发现了草莓,我们可以撒上柠檬汁。 Nǐ zhīdào, zhège jìjié méiyǒu shé me dōngxī. Dàn wǒ fāxiànle cǎoméi, wǒmen kěyǐ sǎ shàng níngméng zhī.
  Great! What time do we meet tomorrow for the picnic? 很好 ! 我们明天什么时候集合去野餐? Hěn hǎo! Wǒmen míngtiān shénme shíhòu jíhé qù yěcān?
7 Digital Detox 戒除电子产品 Jièchú diànzǐ chǎnpǐn
  Leonardo and Jan before a meeting of the “Kill Facebook” project. Jan is an 18 years old Dutch kid and a great fan of social media. 莱昂纳多和扬在 “杀死Facebook “项目的会议前。杨是一个18岁的荷兰孩子,是社交媒体的忠实粉丝。 Lái’ángnàduō hé Yáng zài “shā sǐ Facebook “xiàngmù de huìyì qián. Yáng shì yí gè 18 suì de Hélán háizi, shì shèjiāo méitǐ de zhōngshí fěnsī.
  Leonardo, you’re not serious! An entire day at the beach without taking photos? Without posting anything on the internet? 莱昂纳多,你不是认真的吧?在海滩上一整天不拍照?不在互联网上发布任何信息? Lái’ángnàduō, nǐ bú shì rènzhēn de ba? Zài hǎitān shang yì zhěngtiān bù pāizhào? Bú zài hùliánwǎng shang fābù rènhé xìnxī?
  Listen Jan, everyone agreed on that. At our picnic there will only be one cell phone – mine. In case of emergency. Everyone else will leave their cell phones at home. 听着杨,大家都同意这一点。在我们的野餐中,将只有一部手机–我的。以防出现紧急情况。其他人都会把手机留在家里。 Tīngzhe Yáng, dàjiā dōu tóngyì zhè yì diǎn. Zài wǒmen de yěcān zhōng, jiāng zhǐyǒu yí bù shǒujī–wǒ de. Yǐfáng chūxiàn jǐnjí qíngkuàng. Qítā rén dōuhuì bǎ shǒujī liú zài jiālǐ.
  But it’s stupid and totally un-real. You are not going to change the world by spending a day without a cell phone! 但这很愚蠢,完全不现实。你不可能通过花一天时间不使用手机来改变世界!你呢? Dàn zhè hěn yúchǔn, wánquán bú xiànshí. Nǐ bù kěnéng tōngguò huā yì tiān shíjiān bù shǐyòng shǒujī lái gǎibiàn shìjiè! Nǐ ne?
  And you? What do you bring to the world by posting a selfie every day on Instagram? 你呢? 你每天在Instagram上发一张自拍,能给世界带来什么? Nǐ ne? Nǐ měitiān zài Instagram shàng fā yì zhāng zìpāi, néng gěi shìjiè dài lái shénme?
  What do you care? 你关心什么呢? Nǐ guānxīn shénme ne?
  Drop it! If we don’t start with something, we will never change anything. 放下吧! 如果我们不从某些方面开始,我们将永远不会改变任何东西。 Fàngxià ba! Rúguǒ wǒmen bù cóng mǒu xiē fāngmiàn kāishǐ, wǒmen jiāng yǒngyuǎn búhuì gǎibiàn rènhé dōngxi.
  What exactly do you want to change? 你到底想改变什么? Nǐ dàodǐ xiǎng gǎibiàn shénme?
  Reduce the influence of social networks. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok do not invite real exchange and solidarity. They are the enemy of mankind! 减少社交网络的影响。Facebook、Twitter、YouTube、Instagram、Snapchat和Tiktok不会带来真正的交流和团结。它们是人类的敌人! Jiǎnshǎo shèjiāo wǎngluò de yǐngxiǎng. Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,Instagram,Snapchat hé Tiktok búhuì dài lái zhēnzhèng de jiāoliú hé tuánjié. Tāmen shì rénlèi de dírén!
  But you must be joking! Networks are the future, it’s progress! They allow us to be at the center of the world! Look at me! I already have over 10,000 followers. Soon, I will make a living on social media. No need to waste time with studies anymore! 但你一定是在开玩笑! 网络是未来,是进步! 它们使我们能够成为世界的中心! 看看我吧! 我已经有超过10,000名粉丝。很快,我就能靠社交媒体谋生了。没有必要再把时间浪费在学习上了! Dàn nǐ yídìng shì zài kāiwánxiào! Wǎngluò shì wèilái, shì jìnbù! Tāmen shǐ wǒmen nénggòu chéngwéi shìjiè de zhōngxīn! Kànkan wǒ ba! Wǒ yǐjīng yǒu chāoguò 10,000 míng fěnsī. Hěn kuài, wǒ jiù néng kào shèjiāo méitǐ móushēngle. Méiyǒu bìyào zài bǎ shíjiān làngfèi zài xuéxí shàngle!
  Well, Mr. Influencer, the meeting is starting. By the way, why did you show up? Normally you are loyal to your tribe. 好了,网红先生,会议开始了。顺便问一下,你为什么会出现?通常情况下,你对你的“部落”很忠诚。 Hǎole, wǎnghóng xiānsheng, huìyì kāishǐle. Shùnbiàn wèn yíxià, nǐ wèishéme huì chūxiàn? Tōngcháng qíngkuàng xià, nǐ duì nǐ de “bùluò” hěn zhōngchéng.
  To say that we should not kill Facebook. 要说我们不应该杀死Facebook。 Yào shuō wǒmen bù yīng gāi shā sǐ Facebook.
8 My belly 我的肚子 Wǒ de dùzi
  Martina and Alejandro come out of the doctor’s office. They cross Via Roma to reach the small marina. 玛蒂娜和亚历山大从医生办公室出来。他们穿过罗马路,到达小码头。 Mǎdìnà hé Yàlìshāndà cóng yīshēng bàngōngshì chūlái. Tāmen chuānguò Luómǎ lù, dàodá xiǎo mǎtóu.
  So, still determined? 嗯……还是很坚定? ǹ……háishì hěn jiāndìng?
  Yes, more than ever. 是的,比以前更坚定了。 Shì de, bǐ yǐqián gèng jiāndìngle.
  Am I dreaming or did the doctor try to convince you to keep the baby? 是我在做梦还是医生试图说服你留下孩子? Shì wǒ zài zuòmèng háishì yīshēng shìtú shuōfú nǐ liú xià háizi?
  I had that impression too. 我也这么觉得。 Wǒ yě zhème juéde.
  They walk for a moment without speaking along the quay, where the boats are moored. 他们沿着码头走了一会儿,没有说话,码头上停泊着很多船。 Tāmen yánzhe mǎtóu zǒule yíhuìr, méiyǒu shuōhuà, mǎtóushang tíngbózhe hěnduō chuán.
  Are you okay? 你还好吗? Nǐ hái hǎo ma?
  Yep, I’m fine. But I still feel weird. I never imagined that my first pregnancy would end up like this. 是的,我很好。但我还是觉得很奇怪。我从未想过我的第一次怀孕会是这样的结局。 Shì de, wǒ hěn hǎo. Dàn wǒ háishì juédé hěn qíguài. Wǒ cóng wèi xiǎngguò wǒ de dì yī cì huáiyùn huì shì zhèyàng de jiéjú.
  Kevin told me that he doesn’t understand why you want to have an abortion. 凯文告诉我,他不明白你为什么要堕胎。 Kǎiwén gàosu wǒ, tā bù míngbai nǐ wèishéme yào duòtāi.
  Kevin is an idiot. Besides, when women talk about contraception or abortion, guys had better be quiet. The same in parliaments. It’s up to us to decide. Fetuses do not grow in your belly. 凯文是个白痴。此外,当女人谈论避孕或堕胎时,男人最好保持沉默。在议会中也一样。这要由我们来决定。胎儿不会在你的肚子里生长。 Kǎiwén shì ge báichī. Cǐwài, dāng nǚrén tánlùn bìyùn huò duòtāi shí, nánrén zuì hǎo bǎochí chénmò. Zài yìhuì zhōng yě yíyàng. Zhè yào yóu wǒmen lái juédìng. Tāi’ér búhuì zài nǐ de dùzi lǐ shēngzhǎng.
  You’ve turned into a true feminist! 你已经变成了一个真正的女权主义者! Nǐ yǐjīng biàn chéngle yí gè zhēnzhèng de nǚquán zhǔyì zhě!
  It makes me mad. Obviously I would have preferred to be pregnant with a man who loves me, a man I love, and at a time when we would have had the means to raise the child. 这让我很生气。显然,我更愿意和一个爱我的男人,一个我爱的男人,在我们有能力抚养孩子的时候怀孕。 Zhè ràng wǒ hěn shēngqì. Xiǎnrán, wǒ gèng yuànyì hé yí gè ài wǒ de nánrén, yí gè wǒ ài de nánrén, zài wǒmen yǒu nénglì fǔyǎng háizi de shíhou huáiyùn.
  In short, abortion is not a joking matter. But it is still a human being! 总而言之,堕胎不是开玩笑的事。它仍然是一个人! Zǒng’éryánzhī, duòtāi bú shì kāiwánxiào de shì. Tā réngrán shì yí gè rén!
  Are you on to this too? Stop it with this moralistic bullshit! You know very well that at this stage a fetus is still only the outline of a human being. I am in my fifth week of pregnancy. What do you think your “human being” looks like? 你也这么认为吗?不要再讲这种道德主义的废话了!你很清楚,在这个阶段,胎儿仍然只是一个人形的轮廓。我现在是怀孕的第五周。你认为你所说的“人”是什么样子的? Nǐ yě zhème rènwéi ma? Búyào zài jiǎng zhè zhǒng dàodé zhǔyì de fèihuàle! Nǐ hěn qīngchǔ, zài zhège jiēduàn, tāi’ér réngrán zhǐshì yí gèrénxíng de lúnkuò. Wǒ xiànzài shì huáiyùn de dì wǔ zhōu. Nǐ rènwéi nǐ suǒ shuō de “rén” shì shénme yàngzi de?
  Actually, I don’t know. 事实上,我不知道。 Shìshí shàng, wǒ bù zhīdào.
  It is as big as a lentil and looks like a larva. Come on, be reasonable! We are not in the Middle Ages and the Inquisition is long over. Let us decide alone, please! 它有扁豆那么大,看起来像个幼虫。来吧,理智点!我们不是在中世纪,宗教裁判所早已结束。请让我们独自决定吧 Tā yǒu biǎndòu nàme dà, kàn qǐlái xiàngge yòuchóng. Lái ba, lǐzhì diǎn! Wǒmen bú shì zài zhōngshìjì, zōngjiào cáipànsuǒ zǎoyǐ jiéshù. Qǐng ràng wǒmen dúzì juédìng ba
9 Seeds and Sun 种子和太阳 Zhǒngzi hé tàiyáng
  Beatrice reads aloud an excerpt from a French manual she and Sebastiano published when they were young. 贝亚特丽斯大声朗读她和塞巴斯蒂安诺年轻时出版的一本法语手册的节选。 Bèiyàtèlìsī dàshēng lǎngdú tā hé Sàibāsīdì’ānnuò niánqīng shí chūbǎn de yìběn fǎyǔ shǒucè de jiéxuǎn.
  – I don’t understand: cigarettes and alcohol are drugs, right? – 我不明白:香烟和酒精是毒品,对吗? – Wǒ bù míngbai: Xiāngyān hé jiǔjīng shì dúpǐn, duì ma?
  – Of course, and in addition, they cause a lot of illnesses. – 当然,此外,它们还会引发很多疾病。 – Dāngrán, cǐwài, tāmen hái huì yǐnfā hěnduō jíbìng.
  – And why doesn’t the state ban them like it does with other drugs? Especially when you think there is evidence that alcohol and cigarettes are far more harmful than hashish and marijuana. – 而国家为什么不像对待其他毒品那样禁止它们?特别是当你认为有证据表明,酒精和香烟的危害远远大于大麻。 – Ér guójiā wèishéme bú xiàng duìdài qítā dúpǐn nàyàng jìnzhǐ tāmen? Tèbié shì dāng nǐ rènwéi yǒu zhèngjù biǎomíng, jiǔjīng hé xiāngyān de wēihài yuǎnyuǎn dàyú dàmá.
  – That’s simple. The state cannot tax marijuana, it’s too easy to grow. For your annual consumption, you just need to plant a few seeds, water them and have enough sun. – 这很简单。国家不能对大麻征税,它太容易种植了。为了你每年的消费,你只需要种植一些种子,给它们浇水并有足够的阳光。 – Zhè hěn jiǎndān. Guójiā bù néng duì dàmá zhēng shuì, tā tài róngyì zhòngzhíle. Wèile nǐ měinián de xiāofèi, nǐ zhǐ xūyào zhòngzhí yìxiē zhǒngzi, gěi tāmen jiāo shuǐ bìng yǒu zúgòu de yángguāng.
  Beatrice puts down the book. 贝亚特丽斯放下了书。 Bèiyàtèlìsī fàngxiàle shū.
  Almost 40 years later, nothing has changed. Sebastiano, are there many countries where you have the right to grow weed in your garden? 近40年过去了,一切都没有改变。塞巴斯蒂安诺,有很多国家的人有权在花园里种大麻吗? Jìn 40 nián guòqùle, yíqiè dōu méiyǒu gǎibiàn. Sàibāsīdì’ānnuò, yǒu hěnduō guójiā de rén yǒu quán zài huāyuán lǐ zhòng dàmá ma?
  Very few. Still, weed is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. Tobacco can cause a number of complications: impotence, heart attack, stroke, lung cancer. This is not the case with marijuana, but that said, it is not without its dangers either. 很少。然而,大麻的危害比酒精或烟草小。烟草会引发一些并发症:阳痿、心脏病发作、中风、肺癌。大麻并非如此,但话虽如此,它也并非没有危险。 Hěn shǎo. Rán’ér, dàmá de wēihài bǐ jiǔjīng huò yāncǎo xiǎo. Yāncǎo huì yǐnfā yìxiē bìngfā zhèng: Yángwěi, xīnzàng bìng fāzuò, zhòngfēng, fèi’ái. Dàmá bìngfēi rúcǐ, dàn huà suī rúcǐ, tā yě bìngfēi méiyǒu wēixiǎn.
  For example? 比如说? Bǐrú shuō?
  Irritation of the lungs, increased heart rate, paranoia… 刺激肺部,心率加快,妄想症…… Cìji fèi bù, xīnlǜ jiākuài, wàngxiǎng zhèng……
  Are you referring to our friends who have become paranoid after decades of smoking marijuana? There were only a few. 你指的是我们那些抽了几十年大麻而变得偏执的朋友吗?只有少数人。 Nǐ zhǐ de shì wǒmen nàxiē chōule jǐ shí nián dàmá ér biàn dé piānzhí de péngyǒu ma? Zhǐyǒu shǎoshù rén.
  Fortunately. But today it’s different: weed is no longer weed. Today’s weed can be much stronger than what we used when we were young. So, yes, today, there’s a risk of addiction that didn’t exist in our day. 幸好如此。但今天情况不同了:大麻不再是大麻了。今天的大麻可能比我们年轻时使用的强得多。所以,是的,今天,有一种成瘾的风险,在我们那个时代并不存在。 Xìnghǎo rúcǐ. Dàn jīntiān qíngkuàng bù tong le: Dàmá bú zài shì dàmále. Jīntiān de dàmá kěnéng bǐ wǒmen niánqīng shí shǐyòng de qiáng de duō. Suǒyǐ, shì de, jīntiān, yǒu yì zhǒng chéng yǐn de fēngxiǎn, zài wǒmen nàge shídài bìng bù cúnzài.
  You mean if we were young, we wouldn’t be able to handle weed? 你的意思是,如果我们是年轻人,我们可能处理不好大麻的问题? Nǐ de yìsi shì, rúguǒ wǒmen shì niánqīng rén, wǒmen kěnéng chǔlǐ bù hào dàmá de wèntí?
  Maybe not. 也许处理不好。 Yěxǔ chǔlǐ bù hǎo.
  I must be dreaming! You cannot be telling me that you are for the ban? 我一定是在做梦! 你不会是在告诉我你支持禁令吧? Wǒ yídìng shì zài zuòmèng! Nǐ bú huì shì zài gàosu wǒ nǐ zhīchí jìnlìng ba?
  The potency of today’s marijuana might be the one reason to keep the ban in place. 今天的大麻效力可能是这项禁令得以持续的唯一原因。 Jīntiān de dàmá xiàolì kěnéng shì zhè xiàng jìnlìng déyǐ chíxù de wéiyī yuányīn.
  My God? What’s happening to us? We’re having old people’s conversations. 我的天呐?我们是怎么了?我们正在进行老年人的谈话。 Wǒ de tiān na? Wǒmen shì zěnmele? Wǒmen zhèngzài jìnxíng lǎonián rén de tánhuà.
  So what? Are we in our twenties? 那又怎样?我们是二十几岁的人吗? Nà yòu zěnyàng? Wǒmen shì èrshíjǐ suì de rén ma?
10 Adieu Britannica 再见“不列颠”号 Zàijiàn “Bùlièdiān” hào
  April, Saturday, 11 a.m. Martina drives an old Fiat 500. There are six of them inside the car. She speaks with Raquel, a 24-year-old woman from Madrid. Suddenly, Raquel points to the Britannica. 四月,星期六,上午11点,玛蒂娜开着一辆老式菲亚特500。车内有六个人。她与拉奎尔聊天,拉奎尔来自马德里,24岁。突然,拉奎尔指着“不列颠”号。 Sì yuè, xīngqīliù, shàngwǔ 11 diǎn, Mǎdìnà kāizhe yí liàng lǎoshì Fēiyàtè 500. Chē nèi yǒu liù gèrén. Tā yǔ Lākuí’ěr liáotiān, Lākuí’ěr láizì Mǎdélǐ,24 suì. Tūrán, Lākuí’ěr zhǐzhe “Bùlièdiān” hào.
  Look at the smoke! The cruise ship is moving. Stop the car! 看烟!邮轮在移动。停车! Kàn yān! Yóulún zài yídòng. Tíngchē!
  Martina stops the car at the edge of the lagoon with the flamingos. 玛蒂娜把车停在有火烈鸟的泻湖边上。 Mǎdìnà bǎ chē tíng zài yǒu huǒlièniǎo de xiè hú biān shang.
  You’re right, the Britannica is leaving the port. 你说得对,“不列颠”号正在离开港口。 Nǐ shuō de duì,“Bùlièdiān” hào zhèngzài líkāi gǎngkǒu.
  It was high time that the English left. They had nothing more to do here. Besides, they are permanent pissers. 现在是英国人离开的时候了。他们在这里没有什么可做的了。另外,他们就是个大麻烦! Xiànzài shì Yīngguó rén líkāi de shíhoule. Tāmen zài zhèlǐ méiyǒu shénme kě zuò dele. Lìngwài, tāmen jiùshìge dà máfan!
  You’re a bit strong. Think of all the passengers trapped on that ghost ship! 你这么说有点过。想想所有被困在那艘鬼船上的乘客! Nǐ zhème shuō yǒudiǎnguò. Xiǎngxiang suǒyǒu bèi kùn zài nà sōu guǐ chuán shàng de chéngkè!
  Yeah, okay. But it is still a cruise ship and as Leonardo says: “These boats are a real mess”. They pollute to high heaven. And wherever they go, they spoil the lives of the locals. 是啊,好吧。但它仍然是一艘游船,正如莱昂纳多所说:”这些船真是一团糟”。他们污染的程度能上天。而且无论他们走到哪里,都会破坏当地人的生活。 Shì a, hǎo ba. Dàn tā réngrán shì yì sōu yóuchuán, zhèngrú Lái’ángnàduō suǒ shuō:” Zhèxiē chuán zhēnshi yì tuán zāo”. Tāmen wūrǎn de chéngdù néng shàngtiān. Érqiě wúlùn tāmen zǒu dào nǎlǐ, dōuhuì pòhuài dāngdì rén de shēnghuó.
  She sings on the air of the Marseillaise: 她在《马赛曲》的歌声中唱道。 Tā zài “Mǎsài qǔ” de gēshēng zhōng chàngdào.
  Aux armes, les enfants ! Coulons les pavillons ! (To arms, children! Let’s sink the ships!) Aux armes, les enfants ! Coulons les pavillons ! (孩子们,拿起武器!让我们把船弄沉!)。 Aux armes, les enfants! Coulons les pavillons! (Háizimen, ná qǐ wǔqì! Ràng wǒmen bǎ chuán nòng chén!).
  Stop it! Once decommisioned in a port, cruise ships could be useful. Let’s convert them instead! 停! 邮轮一旦在港口被拆毁,就会变得有用。让我们把它们改装一下吧! Tíng! Yóulún yídàn zài gǎngkǒu bèi chāihuǐ, jiù huì biàn de yǒuyòng. Ràng wǒmen bǎ tāmen gǎizhuāng yíxià ba!
  I wonder what they can be useful for. 我想知道它们能有什么用处。 Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào tāmen néng yǒu shé me yòngchù.
  What if we transformed them into social housing? 如果我们把它们改造成社会住房呢? Rúguǒ wǒmen bǎ tāmen gǎizàochéng shèhuì zhùfáng ne?
  I didn’t know you were so radical, Martina. What a great idea! Social housing and student rooms! Finally, a bit of a diversity! 我不知道你是如此激进,玛蒂娜。多么伟大的想法啊!社会住房和学生宿舍! 终于有了一点多样性! Wǒ bù zhīdào nǐ shì rúcǐ jījìn, Mǎdìnà. Duōme wěidà de xiǎngfǎ a! Shèhuì zhùfáng hé xuéshēng sùshè! Zhōngyú yǒule yìdiǎn duōyàng xìng!
  In addition, the companies would have the obligation to keep the ships in good condition for 30 years to pay for all the damage they caused. 此外,这些公司将有义务在30年内保持船舶的良好状态,以支付他们造成的所有损失。 Cǐwài, zhèxiē gōngsī jiāng yǒu yìwù zài 30 niánnèi bǎochí chuánbó de liánghǎo zhuàngtài, yǐ zhīfù tāmen zào chéng de suǒyǒu sǔnshī.
  Say, are your ideas on the climate that virulent? 我说,你对气候的想法有那么强烈吗? Wǒ shuō, nǐ duì qìhòu de xiǎngfǎ yǒu nàme qiángliè ma?
  You will see when we are in Paris… 等我们到了巴黎你就知道了…… Děng wǒmen dàole Bālí nǐ jiù zhīdàole……
11 Let’s Go to Paris 我们去巴黎吧 Wǒmen qù Bālí ba
  Six o’clock in the afternoon. Hannah and Kevin, a 25-year-old French law student, meet by chance in front of the Cagliari station. 下午六点。汉娜和凯文,一个25岁的法国法律系学生,在卡利亚里车站前偶遇。 Xiàwǔ liù diǎn. Hànnà hé Kǎiwén, yí gè 25 suì de Fǎguó fǎlǜ xì xuéshēng, zài Kǎlìyǎlǐ chēzhàn qián ǒuyù.
  What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么? Nǐ zài zhèlǐ zuò shénme?
  I put a friend on the train to the airport. He is returning to Seville. 我把一个朋友送上了去机场的火车。他要回塞维利亚。 Wǒ bǎ yí gè péngyou sòng shàngle qù jīchǎng de huǒchē. Tā yào huí Sàiwéilìyǎ.
  Kevin rubs his hands. 凯文搓着他的手。 Kǎiwén cuōzhe tā de shǒu.
  In two weeks, it will be our turn. 两周后,就轮到我们了。 Liǎng zhōu hòu, jiù lún dào wǒmenle.
  Yeah… 是啊… Shì a…
  Well, aren’t you happy to be flying to Paris with me? 你不高兴和我一起飞往巴黎吗? Nǐ bù gāoxìng hé wǒ yìqǐ fēi wǎng Bālí ma?
  Look, with everything that has happened lately, I don’t really want to go with you anymore. 听着,最近发生了这么多事,我真的不想再跟你去了。 Tīngzhe, zuìjìn fāshēngle zhème duō shì, wǒ zhēn de bù xiǎng zài gēn nǐ qùle.
  Think of the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Sacré-Cœur, the quays of the Seine … that sort of thing. 想想埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、圣心教堂、塞纳河的码头……诸如此类的东西。 Xiǎngxiǎng Āifēi’ěr tiětǎ, Lúfúgōng, Shèngxīn jiàotáng, Sàinà hé de mǎtóu…… Zhūrúcǐlèi de dōngxi.
  France is not only Paris and its attractions; it is also the country of the abortion pill. RU-486, does that mean anything to you? 法国不仅是巴黎和它的景点;它也是堕胎药的国家。RU-486,这对你有什么意义吗? Fǎguó bùjǐn shì Bālí hé tā de jǐngdiǎn; tā yěshì duòtāi yào de guójiā. RU-486, zhè duì nǐ yǒu shé me yìyì ma?
  I thought we were done with this discussion. A bit of respect? 我以为这个问题我们已经讨论完了。能尊重我一下吗? Wǒ yǐwéi zhège wèntí wǒmen yǐjīng tǎolùn wánle. Néng zūnzhòng wǒ yíxià ma?
  Respect? Hypocrite! Do you think you were respectful to Martina perhaps? 尊重?伪君子! 你认为你尊重玛蒂娜吗? Zūnzhòng? Wěijūnzǐ! Nǐ rènwéi nǐ zūnzhòng Mǎdìnà ma?
  I just expressed my point of view. 我只是表达了我的观点。 Wǒ zhǐshì biǎodá le wǒ de guāndiǎn.
  You could have done it less fervently given the situation she is in. 鉴于她所处的情况,你可以做得不那么过。 Jiànyú tā suǒ chǔ de qíngkuàng, nǐ kěyǐ zuò de bú nàmeguò.
  Kevin deflects the conversation. 凯文转移了话题。 Kǎiwén zhuǎnyíle huàtí.
  By the way, did you hear? The guy who had Ebola. Well, he’s dead. 顺便说一下,你听说了吗?那个得了埃博拉病毒的人。嗯,他已经死了。 Shùnbiàn shuō yíxià, nǐ tīngshuō le ma? Nàgè déle Āibólā bìngdú de rén. ǹ, tā yǐjīng sǐ le.
  It will make one less arms dealer. There is far too much talk about English people at the moment. I can’t stand it anymore. Let’s talk about Chia instead. 这将使军火商少一个。目前,关于英国人的话题太多了。我再也无法忍受了。让我们改谈奇亚。 Zhè jiāng shǐ jūnhuǒ shāng shǎo yí gè. Mùqián, guānyú Yīngguó rén de huàtí tài duō le. Wǒ zài yě wúfǎ rěnshòule. Ràng wǒmen gǎi tán Qíyà.
  Right now, there are 16 of us. We’ll need a third car. 现在,我们有16个人。我们需要第三辆车。 Xiànzài, wǒmen yǒu 16 gè rén. Wǒmen xūyào dì sān liàng chē.
  We will have to rent it. You’ll go to the airport tomorrow morning. In general, that is where they cost the least. 我们将不得不租它。你明天早上去机场。一般来说,那是花费最少的地方。 Wǒmen jiāng bùdébù zū tā. Nǐ míngtiān zǎoshang qù jīchǎng. Yìbān lái shuō, nà shì huāfèi zuì shǎo de dìfāng.
  Ah, is it up to me? 啊,这由我决定吗? A, zhè yóu wǒ juédìng ma?
  Yes, it is. And you will be so kind as to apologize to Martina. 是的。还有,要是你向玛蒂娜道歉我会很高兴。 Shì de. Hái yǒu, yàoshi nǐ xiàng Mǎdìnà dàoqiàn wǒ huì hěn gāoxìng.
12 Chia Beach 奇亚海滩 Qíyà hǎitān
  Three cars arrive in an empty parking lot 500 meters from a huge beach. Sixteen people get out and start emptying their trunks. Vanessa, who knows the place well, directs everyone. 三辆汽车到达了一个空旷的停车场,它离一个巨大的海滩500米。十六个人下车,开始清空他们的后备箱。熟悉这个地方的瓦妮莎指挥着大家。 Sān liàng qìchē dàodále yígè kōngkuàng de tíngchē chǎng, tā lí yí gè jùdà de hǎitān 500 mǐ. Shíliù gè rén xià chē, kāishǐ qīngkōng tāmen de hòubèi xiāng. Shúxī zhège dìfāng de Wǎníshā zhǐhuīzhe dàjiā.
  Careful with the cooler! Don’t spill the dessert! And, above all, don’t break my parasol! 小心冷藏袋! 不要打翻甜点! 最重要的是,别把我的阳伞弄坏了! Xiǎoxīn lěngcáng dài! Bú yào dǎ fān tiándiǎn! Zuì zhòngyào de shì, bié bǎ wǒ de yángsǎn nòng huàile!
  You’re such a klutz, Jan! 你真是个笨手笨脚的人,杨! Nǐ zhēnshi gè bènshǒubènjiǎo de rén, Yáng!
  He dropped the beach towels on the floor. Raquel, could you take this bag, please? It has the masks and fins for diving. 他把沙滩巾掉在了地上。拉奎尔,请你拿着这个袋子,好吗?这里面有潜水用的面罩和脚蹼。 Tā bǎ shātān jīn diào zàile dìshàng. Lākuí’ěr, qǐng nǐ názhe zhège dàizi, hǎo ma? Zhèlǐmian yǒu qiánshuǐ yòng de miànzhào hé jiǎopǔ.
  Are you sure you want to go swimming? It’s only late April and the water will still be cold. 你确定你想去游泳吗?现在只是四月下旬,水还是会很冷。 Nǐ quèdìng nǐ xiǎng qù yóuyǒng ma? Xiànzài zhǐshì sì yuè xiàxún, shuǐ hái shì huì hěn lěng.
  Probably, but you won’t be disappointed. The water is absolutely crystal clear and teeming with fish. 可能吧,但你不会失望的。水绝对是清澈见底,鱼儿成群。 Kěnéng ba, dàn nǐ bú huì shīwàng de. Shuǐ juéduì shì qīngchè jiàn dǐ, yú ér chéng qún.
  Vanessa points out a large water container to Jan. 瓦妮莎指着一个大水桶给杨。 Wǎníshā zhǐzhe yí gè dà shuǐtǒng gěi Yáng.
  Jan, muscle-boy, can you take it, please? 杨,肌肉男,你能拿着它吗,谢谢? Yáng, jīròu nán, nǐ néng názhe tā ma? Xièxie.
  They all head for the beach. Vanessa, a little behind, is curious to see Raquel’s reaction. 他们都朝海滩走去。瓦妮莎有点落后,她好奇地想看看拉奎尔的反应。 Tāmen dōu cháo hǎitān zǒu qù. Wǎníshā yǒudiǎn luòhòu, tā hàoqí de xiǎng kànkàn Lākuí’ěr de fǎnying.
  What a beautiful beach! It’s magnificent! You told me that the sand in Chia was white and fine and that there were pretty dunes, but I wasn’t expecting this! I must admit that we don’t have such beaches in Spain. 多么美丽的海滩啊! 太壮观了!你告诉我奇亚的沙子又白又细,还有漂亮的沙丘,但我没料到会是这样!”。我必须承认,我们在西班牙没有这样的海滩。 Duōme měilì de hǎitān a! Tài zhuàngguānle! Nǐ gàosu wǒ Qíyà de shāzi yòu bái yòu xì, hái yǒu piàoliang de shāqiū, dàn wǒ méi liào dào huì shì zhèyàng! ”. Wǒ bìxū chéngrèn, wǒmen zài Xībānyá méiyǒu zhèyàng de hǎitān.
  Vanessa smiles. 瓦妮莎笑了。 Wǎníshā xiàole.
  Let’s put the parasols in front of the islet. And put the shopping bags in the shade. 让我们把阳伞放在小岛前面,把购物袋放在阴凉处。 Ràng wǒmen bǎ yángsǎn fàng zài xiǎo dǎo qiánmiàn, bǎ gòuwù dài fàng zài yīnliáng chù.
  What have you prepared? 你准备了什么? Nǐ zhǔnbèile shénme?
  Panini with tomatoes, raw ham and sheep’s cheese. With a little homemade mayonnaise. 西红柿、生火腿和绵羊奶酪的帕尼尼,再加上一点自制的蛋黄酱。 Xīhóngshì, shēng huǒtuǐ hé miányáng nǎilào de pàníní, zài jiāshang yìdiǎn zìzhì de dànhuáng jiàng.
  I see you followed the recipe I gave you the other day. 我看你是按照我前几天给你的食谱做的。 Wǒ kàn nǐ shì ànzhào wǒ qián jǐ tiān gěi nǐ de shípǔ zuò de.
  Vanessa smiles again. 瓦妮莎又笑了。 Wǎníshā yòu xiào le.
  What’s going on over there? It looks like Leonardo and Jan are having a fight. 那边发生了什么事?看起来莱昂纳多和杨在吵架。 Nà biān fāshēng le shénme shì? Kàn qǐlái Lái’ángnàduō hé Yáng zài chǎojià.
13 Mobile Phone at Sea 海上的手机 Hǎishang de shǒujī
  Leonardo snatches the mobile phone from Jan’s hands and enters the sea knee-deep. He holds the phone by one end and threatens to throw it into the water. 莱昂纳多从杨的手中抢过手机,进入齐膝深的海里。他拿着手机的一头,威胁要把它扔进水里。 Lái’ángnàduō cóng Yáng de shǒu zhōng qiǎng guò shǒujī, jìnrù qí xī shēn de hǎilǐ. Tā ná zhe shǒujī de yìtóu, wēixié yào bǎ tā rēng jìn shuǐ lǐ.
  I told you to leave your phone in Cagliari. No reason to have it here. You’ll see what will happen. The fish will feast. 我告诉过你把你的手机留在卡利亚里。没有理由把它放在这里。你会看到会发生什么。鱼儿会大快朵颐。 Wǒ gàosu guo nǐ bǎ nǐ de shǒujī liú zài Kǎlìyàlǐ. Méiyǒu lǐyóu bǎ tā fàng zài zhè lǐ. Nǐ huì kàn dào huì fāshēng shénme. Yú’ér huì dàkuàiduǒyí.
  You idiot! Give me my phone back now! 你这个白痴!现在把我的手机还给我! Nǐ zhège báichī! Xiànzài bǎ wǒ de shǒujī huán gěi wǒ!
  Jan enters the water. Leonardo steps back and turns the phone around. 杨进入了水中。莱昂纳多退后一步,把手机转过来。 Yáng jìnrùle shuǐzhōng. Lái’ángnàduō tuì hòu yí bù, bǎ shǒujī zhuǎn guòlái.
  It’s waterproof, isn’t it? Shall we do a test? 它是防水的,不是吗?我们做个测试好吗? Tā shì fángshuǐ de, bú shì ma? Wǒmen zuò ge cèshì hǎo ma?
  He brings the phone closer to the water. 他把手机靠近水面。 Tā bǎ shǒujī kàojìn shuǐmiàn.
  Stop it! This phone cost me a small fortune. If you screw it up… 别闹了! 这部手机花了我一大笔钱。如果你把它搞砸了… Bié nàole! Zhè bù shǒujī huā le wǒ yí dà bǐ qián. Rúguǒ nǐ bǎ tā gǎo zále…
  If you want it back, stay where you are and listen to me! 如果你想拿回它,就呆在原地,听我说! Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng ná huí tā, jiù dāi zàiyuán dì, tīng wǒ shuō!
  Jan stays put. 杨呆在原地。 Yáng dāi zàiyuán dì.
  This day in Chia was supposed to be a day of detox. We all agreed on that. Now, either you do it or you go home, you got that? 在奇亚的这一天本该是戒手机的一天。我们都同意这一点。现在,要么你遵守规则,要么你回家,你明白吗? Zài Qíyà de zhè yì tiān běn gāi shì jiè shǒujī de yìtiān. Wǒmen dōu tóngyì zhè yì diǎn. Xiànzài, yàome nǐ zūnshǒu guīzé, yàome nǐ huí jiā, nǐ míngbai ma?
  I understand. But give me my phone back first. 我明白。但先把我的手机还给我。 Wǒ míngbai. Dàn xiān bǎ wǒ de shǒujī huán gěi wǒ.
  You promise? 你保证? Nǐ bǎozhèng?
  Yes, I promise. 是的,我保证。 Shì de, wǒ bǎozhèng.
  Swear on your mother’s life. 以你母亲的生命发誓。 Yǐ nǐ mǔqīn de shēngmìng fāshì.
  I swear. 我发誓。 Wǒ fāshì.
  Leonardo throws the mobile onto the beach. Jan runs out of the water, picks up his mobile and turns it on. 莱昂纳多把手机扔到沙滩上。杨跑出水面,拿起他的手机,打开它。 Lái’ángnàduō bǎ shǒujī rēng dào shātān shàng. Yáng pǎo chū shuǐmiàn, ná qǐ tā de shǒujī, dǎkāi tā.
  And above all, don’t forget to turn it off! Detox day! 最重要的是,不要忘了关机! 今天是戒电子产品日! Zuì zhòngyào de shì, bú yào wàngle guānjī! Jīntiān shì jiè diànzǐ chǎnpǐn rì!
  Jan walks away without looking back, his gaze fixed on the screen. And mutters between his teeth: 杨头也不回地走了,他的视线定格在屏幕上,喃喃自语。 Yáng tóu yě bù huí de zǒule, tā de shìxiàn dìnggé zài píngmù shang, nánnánzìyǔ.
  Where does he think he is? In the days of the Inquisition? 他以为自己在哪里?在宗教裁判所的时代? Tā yǐwéi zìjǐ zài nǎlǐ? Zài zōngjiào cáipànsuǒ de shídài?
14 Swimming in April 四月游泳 Sì yuè yóuyǒng
  The silence of Chia is pierced by the shrill cries of a dozen youngsters running towards the sea. A few dive into the waves; others swim away. The more cautious don’t swim. Jan calls out to Inês, a 20-year-old Portuguese biology student. 奇亚的寂静被十几个年轻人奔向大海的尖叫声所打破。有几个人跳进了海浪里;其他人则游走了。比较谨慎的人不会游泳。杨叫住了20岁的葡萄牙生物系学生伊内斯。 Qíyà de jìjìng bèi shí jǐ gè niánqīng rén bēn xiàng dàhǎi de jiānjiàoshēng suǒ dǎpò. Yǒu jǐ gèrén tiào jìnle hǎilàng lǐ; qítā rén zé yóu zǒu le. Bǐjiào jǐnshèn de rén bú huì yóuyǒng. Yáng jiào zhùle 20 suì de Pútaoyá shēngwù xì xuéshēng Yīnèisī.
  Inês, aren’t you going to swim? 伊内斯,你不去游泳吗? Yīnèisī, nǐ bú qù yóuyǒng ma?
  I’m not crazy! Did you hear them screaming? The water must be ice cold. No, that’s not my thing. I only swim in July and August, that’s it. 我没疯!你听到了吗?你听到他们的尖叫了吗?水一定是冰冷的,我不喜欢。我只在7月和8月游泳,仅此而已。 Wǒ méi fēng! Nǐ tīng dào le ma? Nǐ tīng dào tāmen de jiānjiào le ma? Shuǐ yídìng shì bīnglěng de, wǒ bù xǐhuān. Wǒ zhǐ zài 7 yuè hé 8 yuè yóuyǒng, jǐncǐ’éryǐ.
  How long will you stay in Sardinia? 你会在撒丁岛呆多久? Nǐ huì zài Sādīngdǎo dāi duōjiǔ?
  Until the end of the year. 直到今年年底。 Zhídào jīnnián niándǐ.
  Great! We’ve still got the whole summer ahead of us. How about going on a few excursions together? 很好!我们还有整个夏天。一起去游玩一下怎么样? Hěn hǎo! Wǒmen hái yǒu zhěnggè xiàtiān. Yìqǐ qù yóuwán yíxià zěnme yàng?
  Jan winks at her. Inês looks away and points to Hannah and Raquel who are heading towards the dunes. 杨向她眨眼。伊内斯别过头去,指了指汉娜和拉奎尔,他们正朝沙丘走去。 Yáng xiàng tā zhǎyǎn. Yīnèisī biè guò tóu qù, zhǐle zhǐ Hànnà hé Lākuí’ěr, tāmen zhèng cháo shāqiū zǒu qù.
  I saw a sign that prohibited access to the dunes. What are they going to do there? 我看到一个标志,禁止进入沙丘。他们要去那里做什么? Wǒ kàn dào yí gè biāozhì, jìnzhǐ jìnrù shāqiū. Tāmen yào qù nàlǐ zuò shénme?
  Taking shelter out of sight… 躲在看不见的地方… Duǒ zài kàn bú jiàn de dìfāng…
  Hannah and Raquel? Are you kidding? 汉娜和拉奎尔?你在开玩笑吗? Hànnà hé Lākuí’ěr? Nǐ zài kāiwánxiào ma?
  That’s what they say. 他们就是这么说的。 Tāmen jiùshì zhème shuō de.
  I didn’t know. 我不知道。 Wǒ bù zhīdào.
  Neither did I. I found out this morning. 我也不知道,我今天早上发现的。 Wǒ yě bù zhīdào, wǒ jīntiān zǎoshang fāxiàn de.
  The others finally get out of the water. Everyone gets dressed in a hurry. 其他人终于从水里出来了。每个人都匆匆忙忙地穿上衣服。 Qítā rén zhōngyú cóng shuǐ lǐ chūlái le. Měi gè rén dōu cōngcōngmángmáng de chuān shàng yīfu.
  Any news from Martina? 有玛蒂娜的消息吗? Yǒu Mǎdìnà de xiāoxi ma?
  Her mother would prefer that she keep the child. She would help her raise it. 她的母亲希望她能留下这个孩子。她会帮她抚养。 Tā de mǔqīn xīwàng tā néng liú xià zhège háizi. Tā huì bāng tā fǔyǎng.
  Once the children have grown up, many mothers only dream of one thing: becoming a grandmother. Do you think this is normal? 一旦孩子长大了,许多母亲只梦想一件事:成为祖母。你觉得这正常吗? Yídàn háizi zhǎng dàle, xǔduō mǔqīn zhǐ mèngxiǎng yí jiàn shì: Chéngwéi zǔmǔ. Nǐ juédé zhè zhèngcháng ma?
  Normal or not, I’m hungry as a wolf. Let’s go and see how the picnic is going. 无论是否正常,我都饿得像只狼。我们去看看野餐的情况吧。 Wúlùn shìfǒu zhèngcháng, wǒ dōu è de xiàng zhī láng. Wǒmen qù kànkan yěcān de qíngkuàng ba.
15 Thirty Years in the Mines 矿区三十年 Kuàngqū sānshí nián
  Tim, a 23-year-old German medical student, walks away from the group and beckons Leonardo to join him. They walk along the beach. Small waves lick the sand. It’s a windless day. 蒂姆,一个23岁的德国医科学生,从人群中走了出来,招手让莱昂纳多加入他。他们沿着海滩走去。小浪拍打着沙滩。这是一个无风的日子。 Dìmǔ, yí gè 23 suì de Déguó yīkēxuéshēng, cóng rénqún zhōng zǒu le chū lái, zhāoshǒu ràng Lái’ángnàduō jiārù tā. Tāmen yánzhe hǎitān zǒu qù. Xiǎolàng pāidǎzhe shātān. Zhè shì yí gè wú fēng de rìzi.
  So how did our little Jan behave at the Kill Facebook meeting? 那么,我们的小杨在杀死Facebook会议上的表现如何? Nàme, wǒmen de xiǎo Yáng zài shā sǐ Facebook huìyì shàng de biǎoxiàn  rúhé?
  Always equal to himself. Excited, very enthusiastic, a magnificent devil’s advocate. 总是跟他自己往常一样。兴奋,非常热情,是个了不起的魔鬼代言人。 Zǒng shì gēn tā zìjǐ wǎngcháng yíyàng. Xīngfèn, fēicháng rèqíng, shì gè liǎobuqǐ de móguǐ dàiyánrén.
  Did he manage to blow up the meeting as he had announced? 他有没有像他宣布的那样在会议上大发雷霆? Tā yǒu méi yǒu xiàng tā xuānbù de nàyàng zài huìyì shàng dàfāléitíng?
  Of course not! In the end, he even made the whole assembly laugh. 当然没有。最后,他甚至让整个大会上的人都笑了。 Dāngrán méiyǒu. Zuìhòu, tā shènzhì ràng zhěnggè dàhuì shàng de rén dōu xiào le.
  A breath of air in a dark context. 在黑暗的环境中,他是一股清流。 Zài hēi’àn de huánjìng zhōng, tā shì yì gǔ qīngliú.
  The atmosphere was not good and the proposals were rather fanciful. One student went so far as to say that GAFA* executives should be made to work in the coal mines. 气氛并不好,提案也相当虚幻。一个学生甚至说,应该让GAFA*的高管在煤矿工作。 Qìfēn bìng bù hǎo, tí’àn yě xiāngdāng xūhuàn. Yígè xuéshēng shènzhì shuō, yīnggāi ràng GAFA*de gāo guǎn zài méikuàng gōngzuò.
  Excellent! For Sardinia, this would be a good opportunity to restore the Montevecchio mines. 很好! 对于撒丁岛来说,这将是一个恢复蒙特韦基奥矿区的好机会。 Hěn hǎo! Duìyú Sàdīngdǎo lái shuō, zhè jiāng shì yí gè huīfù Méngtèwéijī’ào kuàngqū de hǎo jīhuì.
  Do you want to turn Montevecchio into a penitentiary? 你想把蒙特韦基奥变成一个监狱吗? Nǐ xiǎng bǎ Méngtèwéijī’ào biàn chéng yí gè jiānyù ma?
  For all those who have chosen to pay shareholders rather than fund research. And for all those who prefer to shelter hundreds of billions of dollars in tax havens. 我想把所有那些选择支付股东而不是资助研究的人,和宁愿在避税天堂庇护数千亿美元的人送进监狱。 Wǒ xiǎng bǎ suǒyǒu nàxiē xuǎnzé zhīfù gǔdōng ér bú shì zīzhù yánjiū de rén, hé nìngyuàn zài bìshuì tiāntáng bìhù shù qiān yì měiyuán de rén sòng jìn jiānyù.
  Wow! 哇! Wà!
  I would also put the heads of Uber, Airbnb and Netflix in there. Just to make them understand the process of “creative destruction” they have been talking about for years. 我还会把Uber、Airbnb和Netflix的总裁放在里面。只是为了让他们明白他们多年来一直在谈论的 “创造性破坏 “的过程。 Wǒ hái huì bǎ Uber, Airbnb hé Netflix de zǒngcái fàng zài lǐmiàn. Zhǐshì wèile ràng tāmen míngbai tāmen duōnián lái yìzhí zài tánlùn de “chuàngzàoxìng pòhuài “de guòchéng.
  They continue their walk laughing. 他们继续边走边笑。 Tāmen jìxù biān zǒu biān xiào.
  Coming back to Jan, you know, he’s still young. The selfies, the followers, celebrity dreams, all that is due to his age. 说回到杨,你知道,他还很年轻。自拍、粉丝、明星梦,所有这些都是他的年龄所致。 Shuō huí dào Yáng, nǐ zhīdào, tā hái hěn niánqīng. Zìpāi, fěnsī, míngxīng mèng, suǒyǒu zhèxiē dōu shì tā de niánlíng suǒ zhì.
  But will he be able to live on that? 但他能靠这个生活吗? Dàn tā néng kào zhège shēnghuó ma?
  Maybe a few years. But in ten years, no one will be interested in him anymore. 也许这样生活几年没问题。但十年后,没有人会再对他感兴趣了。 Yěxǔ zhèyàng shēnghuó jǐ nián méiwèntí. Dàn shí nián hòu, méiyǒu rén huì zài duì tā gǎn xìngqù le.
  And then what? 然后呢? Ránhòu ne?
  Since he won’t have built anything, he’ll live on odd jobs. 因为他不会有任何建树,他将靠打零工生活。 Yīnwèi tā bú huì yǒu rènhé jiànshù, tā jiāng kào dǎ línggōng shēnghuó.
  And welfare. 还有福利。 Hái yǒu fúlì.
  If there is any left. 如果还有剩余的话。 Rúguǒ hái yǒu shèngyú dehuà.
  * GAFA: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon *GAFA:谷歌、苹果、Facebook、亚马逊 *GAFA: Gǔgē, Píngguǒ, Facebook, Yàmǎxùn
16 Little Secrets from Italy 来自意大利的小秘密 Láizì Yìdàlì de xiǎo mìmì
  After the picnic, Leonardo puts the leftovers in the cooler, and Kevin sorts out the waste. Inês serves the last drop of wine. Meanwhile, Vanessa is about to give Tim his first Italian cooking lesson. 野餐结束后,莱昂纳多把剩菜放进冷藏袋,凯文把垃圾分拣出来。伊内斯倒出最后一滴酒。与此同时,瓦妮莎准备给蒂姆上他的第一堂意大利烹饪课。 Yěcān jiéshù hòu, Lái’ángnàduō bǎ shèng cài fàng jìn lěngcáng dài, Kǎiwén bǎ lāji fēn jiǎn chūlái. Yīnèisī dào chū zuìhòu yì dī jiǔ. Yǔcǐtóngshí, Wǎníshā zhǔnbèi gěi Dìmǔ shàng tā de dì yī táng Yìdàlì pēngrèn kè.
  Your first lesson, Tim, cooking pasta. 你的第一课,蒂姆,烹饪意大利面。 Nǐ de dì yīkè, Dìmǔ, pēngrèn Yìdàlì miàn.
  Cooking pasta? Are you kidding? Nothing’s easier. You boil some water and then throw the pasta in. After the time indicated on the packet, you drain it and serve it directly onto the plates. Everyone adds as much sauce as they like. 烹饪意大利面?你在开玩笑吗?没有什么比这更简单了。你烧开一些水,然后把意大利面扔进去。煮到包装上注明的时间之后,你把它沥干,然后直接端到盘子里。每个人都可以根据自己的喜好添加酱汁。 Pēngrèn Yìdàlì miàn? Nǐ zài kāi wánxiào ma? Méi yǒu shé me bǐ zhè gèng jiǎndān le. Nǐ shāo kāi yìxiē shuǐ, ránhòu bǎ Yìdàlì miàn rēng jìnqù. Zhǔdào bāozhuāng shàng zhù míng de shíjiān zhīhòu, nǐ bǎ tā lì gàn, ránhòu zhíjiē duān dào pánzi lǐ. Měi gè rén dōu kěyǐ gēnjù zìjǐ de xǐhào tiānjiā jiàng zhī.
  The Sardinians burst out laughing. 撒丁岛人突然大笑起来。 Sàdīngdǎo rén tūrán dà xiào qǐlái.
  Poor Tim, you’re not there at all. Read me the recipe! 可怜的蒂姆,你根本就不知道怎么做。给我念一下菜谱吧! Kělián de Dìmǔ, nǐ gēnběn jiù bù zhīdào zěnme zuò. Gěi wǒ niàn yíxià càipǔ ba!
  Vanessa hands him a sheet of paper. Tim starts to read out loud. 瓦妮莎递给他一张纸。蒂姆开始大声朗读。 Wǎníshā dì gěi tā yì zhāng zhǐ. Dìmǔ kāishǐ dàshēng lǎngdú.
  First, the pasta – whether it’s spaghetti, farfalle, fusilli, or penne – must be cooked in a pot full of boiling salted water. About a litre of water per person. 首先,意大利面–无论是意大利面、蝴蝶面、螺旋意大利面还是通心粉–必须在一个装满沸腾的盐水的锅里煮熟。每个人大约一升水。 Shǒuxiān, Yìdàlì miàn–wúlùn shì Yìdàlì miàn, húdié miàn, luóxuán Yìdàlì miàn háishì tōngxīnfěn–bìxū zài yí gè zhuāng mǎn fèiténg de yánshuǐ de guō lǐ zhǔ shú. Měi gè rén dàyuē yì shēng shuǐ.
  He hesitates. 他犹豫了一下。 Tā yóuyù le yíxià.
  What? One litre of water per person? What a waste of energy! 什么?一人一升水?多么浪费能源啊! Shénme? Yì rén yì sheng shuǐ? Duōme làngfèi néngyuán a!
  Before complaining, keep reading the recipe! 在抱怨之前,请继续阅读菜谱!首先,将意大利面扔进沸腾的水中。 Zài bàoyuàn zhīqián, qǐng jìxù yuèdú càipǔ! Shǒuxiān, jiāng Yìdàlì miàn rēng jìn fèiténg de shuǐzhōng.
  Second, after throwing the pasta into the boiling water, stir it regularly with a wooden spoon. 第二,将意大利面扔进沸水后,用木勺时不时搅拌一下。 Dì èr, jiāng Yìdàlì miàn rēng jìn fèishuǐ hòu, yòng mù sháo shíbùshí jiǎobàn yíxià.
  Third, prepare the pasta sauce in a large, deep pan. 第三,在一个大而深的锅中准备好意大利面酱。 Dì sān, zài yí gè dà ér shēn de guō zhōng zhǔnbèi hǎo Yìdàlì miàn jiàng.
  Fourth, after draining the pasta al dente, pour it immediately into the pan and quickly mix it with the sauce. 第四,将有嚼劲的意大利面沥干后,立即将其倒入锅中,并迅速与酱汁混合。 Dì sì, jiāng yǒu jiáojìn de Yìdàlì miàn lì gān hòu, lìjí jiāng qí dào rù guō zhōng, bìng xùnsù yǔ jiàngzhī hùnhé.
  Tim looks up. 蒂姆抬起头向上看。 Dìmǔ tái qǐ tóu xiàngshàng kàn.
  Oh really, do we mix it before serving? 哦,真的,我们要在上菜前混合吗? Ó, zhēn de, wǒmen yào zài shàng cài qián hùnhé ma?
  Absolutely. Fifthly, unless otherwise specified, the garlic clove added to the sauce must not be minced. 当然是这样。第五,除非另有规定,加入酱汁中的大蒜丁不能是碎的。 Dāngrán shì zhèyàng. Dì wǔ, chúfēi lìng yǒu guīdìng, jiārù jiàng zhī zhōng de dàsuàn dīng bùnéng shì suì de.
  There, now you know the basic secrets of Italian pasta cooking. Tomorrow night we’re all meeting at Tim’s for dinner. Right, Tim? 好了,现在你知道意大利面食烹饪的基本秘密了。明晚我们都要在蒂姆家聚餐。对吗,蒂姆? Hǎole, xiànzài nǐ zhīdào Yìdàlì miànshí pēngrèn de jīběn mìmìle. Míng wǎn wǒmen dōu yào zài Dìmǔ jiā jùcān. Duì ma, Dìmǔ?
  Everyone rolls their eyes wide in horror. 每个人都惊恐地翻着大白眼。 Měi gèrén dōu jīngkǒng de fānzhe dà bái yǎn.
17 The Idiot 白痴 Báichī
  Kevin walks up to Martina and asks if he can talk to her. She hesitates, then follows him. 凯文走到玛蒂娜面前,问他是否可以和她谈谈。她犹豫了一下,然后跟着他。 Kǎiwén zǒu dào Mǎdìnà miàn qián, wèn tā shìfǒu kěyǐ hé tā tántan. Tā yóuyù le yíxià, ránhòu gēnzhe tā.
  Martina, please, why don’t you stop the massacre? 玛蒂娜,拜托,你为什么不停止屠杀呢? Mǎdìnà, bàituō, nǐ wèishéme bù tíngzhǐ túshā ne?
  What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? Nǐ zài shuō shénme ne?
  Suppressing a defenceless life. Face it, Martina, abortion is not an acceptable practice. 压制一个毫无防备的生命。面对现实吧,玛蒂娜,堕胎并不是一种可接受的做法。 Yāzhì yí gè háo wú fángbèi de shēngmìng. Miàn duì xiànshí ba, Mǎdìnà, duòtāi bìng bú shì yì zhǒng kě jiēshòu de zuòfǎ.
  Martina looks at Kevin in disbelief. 玛蒂娜不相信地看着凯文。 Mǎdìnà bù xiāngxìn de kànzhe Kǎiwén.
  Don’t tell me you’re starting again? 不要告诉我你又开始了? Bú yào gàosu wǒ nǐ yòu kāishǐle?
  Just listen to me for two minutes. Human life begins at the moment of fertilization. Embryos and fetuses have a right to live. 就听我说两分钟。人类的生命从受精的那一刻开始。胚胎和胎儿都有生存的权利。 Jiù tīng wǒ shuō liǎng fēnzhōng. Rénlèi de shēngmìng cóng shòujīng de nà yí kè kāishǐ. Pēitāi hé tāi’ér dōu yǒu shēngcún de quánlì.
  So there you go, my embryo would be a human being like you and me? 所以你的意思是,我的胚胎会像你和我一样是一个人? Suǒyǐ nǐ de yìsi shì, wǒ de pēitāi huì xiàng nǐ hé wǒ yíyàng shì yí gè rén?
  Obviously. 显然是这样。 Xiǎnrán shì zhèyàng.
  Where did you hear that sung? In church, I bet. 你在哪里听到的?在教堂,我打赌。 Nǐ zài nǎlǐ tīng dào de? Zài jiàotáng, wǒ dǎdǔ.
  Among other places. 在其他地方。 Zài qítā dìfāng.
  It’s funny. In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church claimed, in order to justify the slave trade, that Africans had no soul. 真有意思。在十六世纪,天主教会为了证明奴隶贸易的合理性,声称非洲人没有灵魂。 Zhēn yǒuyìsi. Zài shíliù shìjì, tiānzhǔjiàohuì wèile zhèngmíng núlì màoyì de hélǐ xìng, shēngchēng fēizhōu rén méi yǒu línghún.
  That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了。 Nà shì hěnjiǔ yǐqián de shìle.
  If the church allowed the beating and killing of human beings, explain to me why a pile of cells would be worth more than a human life. 如果教会允许殴打和杀害人类,请向我解释为什么一堆细胞会比人的生命更有价值。 Rúguǒ jiàohuì yǔnxǔ ōudǎ hé shāhài rénlèi, qǐng xiàng wǒ jiěshì wèishéme yì duī xìbāo huì bǐ rén de shēngmìng gèng yǒu jiàzhí.
  The church has evolved. 教会已经进化了。 Jiào huì yǐjīng jìnhuàle.
  Martina raises her eyes to the sky. 玛蒂娜举目望向天空。 Mǎdìnà jǔmù wàng xiàng tiānkōng.
  The embryo you want to save is as big as a little wart. 你想拯救的胚胎就像一个小疣子一样大。 Nǐ xiǎng zhěngjiù de pēitāi jiù xiàng yí gè xiǎo yóu zi yíyàng dà.
  It is still a human being. 它仍然是一个人。 Tā réngrán shì yí gè rén.
  An outline of a human being. 它只有个人的轮廓。 Tā zhǐ yǒu gè rén de lúnkuò.
  Who would become your child. 他将成为你的孩子。 Tā jiāng chéngwéi nǐ de háizi.
  Stop talking about my child. 不要再谈论我的孩子了。 Bú yào zài tánlùn wǒ de háizi le.
  She looks at him with compassion. 她用同情的眼光看着他。 Tā yòng tóngqíng de yǎnguāng kànzhe tā.
  A newborn baby cries out for attention, waits to be enveloped in a loving gaze and we have to answer for them for a long time. 一个新生的婴儿哭喊着寻求关注,等待着被爱的目光所笼罩,一个婴儿需要我们随时随地应答。 Yí gè xīnshēng de yīng’ér kūhǎn zhe xúnqiú guānzhù, děngdài zhe bèi ài de mùguāng suǒ lǒngzhào, yí gè yīng’ér xūyào wǒmen suíshísuídì yìngdá.
  So what? 所以呢? Suǒyǐ ne?
  Unfortunately, I can’t offer him any of this. 不幸的是,我不能为他提供任何这些。 Búxìng de shì, wǒ bù néng wèi tā tígōng rènhé zhèxiē.
  Kevin starts to get angry. 凯文开始生气了。 Kǎiwén kāishǐ shēngqì le.
  But how can you say such a thing? You are monstrous! 但你怎么能说这种话呢?你是个怪人! Dàn nǐ zěnme néng shuō zhè zhǒng huà ne? Nǐ shì gè guài rén!
  Martina, exasperated, slaps Kevin. Everyone runs over and Martina tells them about the discussion. Alejandro grabs Kevin by the collar. 玛蒂娜气急败坏地给了凯文一巴掌。大家都跑过来,玛蒂娜告诉他们讨论的情况。亚历山大抓住凯文的衣领。 Mǎdìnà qìjíbàihuài de gěile Kǎiwén yì bāzhang. Dàjiā dōu pǎo guò lái, Mǎdìnà gàosu tāmen tǎolùn de qíngkuàng. Yàlìshāndà zhuā zhù Kǎiwén de yī lǐng.
  We told you to leave Martina alone! What’s in your head? Come on, the day is over for you. Now, get out of here. Take your things and go home! 我们告诉过你,让你离玛蒂娜远一点!?你脑子里想什么呢?来吧,这一天对你来说已经结束了。现在,离开这里。带上你的东西,回家去! Wǒmen gàosu guò nǐ, ràng nǐ lí Mǎdìnà yuǎn yìdiǎn! ? Nǐ nǎozi lǐ xiǎng shénme ne? Lái ba, zhè yì tiān duì nǐ lái shuō yǐjīng jiéshùle. Xiànzài, líkāi zhèlǐ. Dài shang nǐ de dōngxi, huí jiā qu!
  Go home? But how? 回家?但是怎么回家? Huí jiā? Dànshì zěnme huí jiā?
  Hitchhike. We don’t want to drive back home with a trouble-maker. 搭顺风车。我们不想和一个麻烦制造者一起开车回家。 Dā shùnfēng chē. Wǒmen bù xiǎng hé yí gè máfan zhìzào zhě yìqǐ kāi chē huí jiā.
  Kevin walks away mumbling incomprehensible phrases. The others look at each other, puzzled. Alejandro puts his arm around Martina’s neck. 凯文走了,嘴里念叨着令人难以理解的句子。其他人面面相觑,不解其意。亚历山大把胳膊环在玛蒂娜的脖子上。 Kǎiwén zǒule, zuǐ lǐ niàndaozhe lìng rén nányǐ lǐjiě de jùzi. Qítā rén miànmiànxiàngqù, bùjiěqíyì. Yàlìshāndà bǎ gēbo huán zài Mǎdìnà de bózi shàng.
18 Danger to Democracy 对民主的威胁 Duì mínzhǔ de wēixié
  While Martina and Kevin were talking, Jan and Raquel sat down in front of the small islet about 100 metres from the beach. Annoyed, Jan started to dig a hole in the sand with his foot. 当玛蒂娜和凯文交谈时,杨和拉奎尔在离海滩约100米的小岛前坐下。恼火的是,扬开始用脚在沙子上挖洞。 Dāng Mǎdìnà hé Kǎiwén jiāotán shí, Yáng hé Lākuí’ěr zài lí hǎitān yuē 100 mǐ de xiǎo dǎo qián zuò xià. Nǎohuǒ de shì, Yáng kāishǐ yòng jiǎo zài shāzi shàng wā dòng.
  Can you explain to me what you all have against social networks? 你能向我解释一下,你们都对社交网络有什么不满吗? Nǐ néng xiàng wǒ jiěshì yíxià, nǐmen dōu duì shèjiāo wǎngluò yǒu shénme bùmǎn ma?
  They are a danger to democracy. 它们是对民主的一种威胁。 Tāmen shì duì mínzhǔ de yì zhǒng wēixié.
  What do you mean by that? 你这话是什么意思? Nǐ zhè huà shì shénme yìsi?
  Listen, Jan, get out of your bubble. Read the press, look at what’s going on around you. Aren’t you tired of looking at your own photos on Instagram? No wonder you don’t understand anything in the world. 听着,杨,从你的圈子中走出来。读读报纸,看看你周围发生了什么。你不厌倦在Instagram上看自己的照片吗?难怪你不了解世界上的任何事情。 Tīngzhe, Yáng, cóng nǐ de quānzi zhōng zǒu chūlái. Dúdú bàozhǐ, kànkan nǐ zhōuwéi fāshēng le shénme. Nǐ bú yànjuàn zài Instagram shàng kàn zìjǐ de zhàopiàn ma? Nánguài nǐ bù liǎojiě shìjiè shàng de rènhé shìqíng.
  Understand what? 理解什么? Lǐjiě shénme?
  Entire countries are going down the drain. Several heads of state would never have been elected if it weren’t for the lies circulating on social networks. 整个国家正在走向衰败。如果不是因为社交网络上流传的谎言,好几个国家的元首永远不会当选。 Zhěnggè guójiā zhèngzài zǒuxiàng shuāibài. Rúguǒ bú shì yīnwèi shèjiāo wǎngluò shàng liúchuán de huǎngyán, hǎo jǐ gè guójiā de yuánshǒu yǒngyuǎn bú huì dāngxuǎn.
  The very ones you call “rogue presidents”? 就是那些你称之为 “流氓总统 “的人? Jiùshì nàxiē nǐ chēng zhī wèi “liúmáng zǒngtǒng “de rén?
  That’s right! The ones who puke their 280 Twitter characters all over the world. Not to mention Brexit, which had only one aim: to divide and weaken Europe. 没错!就是这些。那些把他们的280个推特字符吐到全世界的人。更不用说英国脱欧了,它的目的只有一个:分裂和削弱欧洲。 Méi cuò! Jiùshì zhèxiē. Nàxiē bǎ tāmen de 280 gè Tuītè zìfú tǔ dào quán shìjiè de rén. Gèng bú yòng shuō Yīngguó tuō’ōu le, tā de mùdì zhǐyǒu yí gè: Fēnliè hé xuēruò ōuzhōu.
  But who would have an interest in weakening Europe? 但谁会对削弱欧洲有兴趣呢? Dàn shéi huì duì xuēruò ōuzhōu yǒu xìngqù ne?
  You really have no idea? 你真的不知道吗? Nǐ zhēn de bù zhīdào ma?
  No. Let me think. 不知道,让我想想。 Bù zhīdào, ràng wǒ xiǎngxiǎng.
  It’s all very well to think. But above all you should read, inform yourself. Read, I tell you. Read the written press! 思考是很好的。但最重要的是你应该阅读,了解自己。阅读,我告诉你。阅读书面新闻! Sīkǎo shì hěn hǎo de. Dàn zuì zhòngyào de shì nǐ yīnggāi yuèdú, liǎojiě zìjǐ. Yuèdú, wǒ gàosu nǐ. Yuèdú shūmiàn xīnwén!
  Jan keeps digging in the sand. At the bottom of the hole, water begins to appear. After a long silence, he looks up at Raquel. 杨继续在沙子里挖。在洞的底部,开始出现水。沉默了很久之后,他抬头看了看拉奎尔。 Yáng jìxù zài shāzi lǐ wā. Zài dòng de dǐbù, kāishǐ chūxiàn shuǐ. Chénmòle hěnjiǔ zhīhòu, tā táitóu kànle kàn Lākuí’ěr.
  What for? I get all my information from Facebook and Twitter. 为了什么?我的所有信息都来自于Facebook和Twitter。 Wèile shénme? Wǒ de suǒyǒu xìnxī dōu láizì yú Facebook hé Twitter.
  Well, that’s one of the reasons why you’ll always be an idiot. 好吧,这就是为什么你永远是个白痴的原因之一。 Hǎo ba, zhè jiùshì wèishéme nǐ yǒngyuǎn shìgè báichī de yuányīn zhī yī.
  You know, I’m suspicious of mainstream news. They only express the truths of the elites. Right? 你知道,我对主流新闻媒体很怀疑。他们只写那些社会精英想让你相信的东西。对吗? Nǐ zhīdào, wǒ duì zhǔliú xīnwén méitǐ hěn huáiyí. Tāmen zhǐ xiě nàxiē shèhuì jīngyīng xiǎng ràng nǐ xiāngxìn de dōngxi. Duì ma?
  Then Raquel and Jan hear Kevin screaming. They turn around just as Martina slaps Kevin. 然后拉奎尔和杨听到凯文的尖叫。他们转过身来,正好看到玛蒂娜打了凯文一巴掌。 Ránhòu Lākuí’ěr hé Yáng tīng dào Kǎiwén de jiān jiào. Tāmen zhuǎnguò shēn lái, zhènghǎo kàn dào Mǎdìnà dǎle Kǎiwén yì bāzhang.
19 Suicide Generation 自杀的一代 Zìshā de yídài
  It´s ten o’clock in the evening. Francesco arrives at the house in Via San Saturnino that Hannah has been sharing with Leonardo, Inês and Tim for a few months. 现在是晚上十点。弗朗西斯科来到汉娜与莱昂纳多、伊内斯和蒂姆合住了几个月的圣萨图尼诺街的房子。 Xiànzài shì wǎnshang shí diǎn. Fúlǎngxīsīkē lái dào Hànnà yǔ Lái’ángnàduō, Yīnèisī hé Dìmǔ hé zhù le jǐ ge yuè de Shèngsàtúnínuò jiē de fángzi.
  This house is really beautiful. You inherited it, didn’t you? 这座房子真的很美。你继承了它,是吗? Zhè zuò fángzi zhēn de hěn měi. Nǐ jìchéng le tā, shì ma?
  Yes, from my grandmother. But how sad! Rather than having the house, I’d prefer she were still alive. 是的,从我祖母那里。但这是多么可悲啊。 与其拥有这座房子,我更希望她还活着。 Shì de, cóng wǒ zǔmǔ nàlǐ. Dàn zhè shì duōme kěbēi a. Yǔqí yōngyǒu zhè zuò fángzi, wǒ gèng xīwàng tā hái huózhe.
  She goes down the three steps of the staircase that leads to the large living room on the ground floor. 她走下通往一楼大客厅的楼梯的三个台阶。 Tā zǒu xià tōng wǎng yī lóu dà kètīng de lóutī de sān gè táijiē.
  Follow me! We’re going to sit down at the big table. Have you got any new slogans for Friday’s demo? 跟着我。我们要在大桌子旁坐下。你为周五的游行准备了什么新口号吗? Gēnzhe wǒ. Wǒmen yào zài dà zhuōzi páng zuò xià. Nǐ wèi zhōu wǔ de yóu xíng zhǔnbèi le shénme xīn kǒuhào ma?
  No, I think we’ll use the same ones: “Our house is on fire!”; “We want you to panic!”; “We want you to act.” 没有,我想我们会用同样的口号。”我们的房子着火了!”;”我们要你恐慌!”;”我们要你行动。” Méiyǒu, wǒ xiǎng wǒmen huì yòng tóngyàng de kǒuhào. ” Wǒmen de fángzi zháohuǒ le!”;” Wǒmen yào nǐ kǒnghuāng!”;” Wǒmen yào nǐ xíngdòng.”
  Isn’t that boring in the long run? Spreading panic only makes things worse. And those who did not act yesterday will not act tomorrow. 从长远来看,这不是很无聊吗?散布恐慌只会让事情变得更糟。而那些昨天没有行动的人明天也不会行动。 Cóng chángyuǎn lái kàn, zhè bú shì hěn wúliáo ma? Sànbù kǒnghuāng zhǐ huì ràng shìqíng biàn dé gèng zāo. Ér nàxiē zuótiān méiyǒu xíngdòng de rén míngtiān yě bú huì xíngdòng.
  So what do you propose? 那么你的建议是什么? Nàme nǐ de jiànyì shì shénme?
  We need an image that strikes the minds, an image that shakes up the world. 我们需要一个震撼人心的形象,一个撼动世界的形象。 Wǒmen xūyào yí gè zhènhàn rénxīn de xíngxiàng, yí gè hàndòng shìjiè de xíngxiàng.
  Looks like you have an idea running through your head. 看起来你的脑子里有一个想法。 Kàn qǐ lái nǐ de nǎozi li yǒu yí gè xiǎngfǎ.
  I’m still hesitating. Some images can be hurtful. 我还在犹豫不决。有些图像可能会造成伤害。 Wǒ hái zài yóuyùbùjué. Yǒuxiē túxiàng kěnéng huì zàochéng shānghài.
  Come on, spit it out! 来吧,把它吐出来! Lái ba, bǎ tā tǔ chūlái!
  “Let’s end the suicide generation!” “让我们结束自杀的一代!” “Ràng wǒmen jiéshù zìshā de yí dài!”
  Suicide generation? And who would this suicide generation be? 自杀的一代?这个自杀的一代又会是谁呢? Zìshā de yídài? Zhège zìshā de yídài yòu huì shì shéi ne?
  Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Old people. 嗯,这很明显,不是吗?老人。 N, zhè hěn míngxiǎn, bú shì ma? Lǎorén.
  The old? 老人? Lǎorén?
  The over 60s, that is! 也就是60岁以上的人! Yě jiùshì 60 suì yǐshàng de rén!
  You mean those who are slightly older than our parents. 你是说那些比我们的父母稍微年长的人。 Nǐ shì shuō nà xiē bǐ wǒmen de fùmǔ shāowéi nián zhǎng de rén.
  She nods. 她点点头。 Tā diǎndiǎn tóu.
  And how do you want to get them to understand this slogan, the old folks? 那你想怎么让他们理解这个口号呢,我指的是老人们? Nà nǐ xiǎng zěnme ràng tāmen lǐjiě zhège kǒuhào ne, wǒ zhǐ de shì lǎorén men?
  By provoking discussion in the families. 通过在家庭中引发讨论。 Tōngguò zài jiātíng zhōng yǐnfā tǎolùn.
  That’s pretty strong. 这很有力。 Zhè hěn yǒulì.
  You know, old people don’t care about climate change. Do you think they feel concerned? Anyway, they say to themselves: “After me, the flood.” 你知道,老人并不关心气候变化问题。你认为他们在乎这些吗?不管发生了什么,他们都对自己说: “在我之后,管它洪水滔天。” Nǐ zhīdào, lǎorén bìng bù guānxīn qìhòu biànhuà wèntí. Nǐ rènwéi tāmen zàihu zhèxiē ma? Bùguǎn fāshēngle shénme, tāmen dōu duì zìjǐ shuō: “Zài wǒ zhīhòu, guǎn tā hóngshuǐ tāotiān.”
  Because they won’t be around when it all goes to hell? Because they’ll have been dead for a long time? 因为当这一切都变成地狱的时候,他们已经不在这儿了?因为他们那会儿已经死了很久了? Yīnwèi dāng zhè yíqiè dōu biàn chéng dìyù de shíhòu, tāmen yǐjīng bú zài zhèr le? Yīnwèi tāmen nà huìr yǐjīng sǐ le hěn jiǔ le?
  Yes, so we have to shake them up while they are still alive. While there’s still time. 是的,所以我们必须在他们还活着的时候动摇他们。趁现在还有时间。 Shì de, suǒyǐ wǒmen bìxū zài tāmen hái huózhe de shíhòu dòngyáo tāmen. Chèn xiànzài hái yǒu shíjiān.
  You want to win them over to our cause, to our ideas? 你想把他们争取到我们的事业中,争取让他们理解我们的想法? Nǐ xiǎng bǎ tāmen zhēngqǔ dào wǒmen de shìyè zhōng, zhēngqǔ ràng tāmen lǐjiě wǒmen de xiǎngfǎ?
  Absolutely! Grandparents and grandchildren united in the fight against global warming. 当然了!祖辈和孙辈团结起来,共同对抗全球变暖。 Dāngránle! Zǔbèi hé sūn bèi tuánjié qǐlái, gòngtóng duìkàng quánqiú biàn nuǎn.
20 Martina 玛蒂娜 Mǎdìnà
  Leonardo and Alejandro arrive at Tiffany’s, a small coffee bar in the Marina district. About twenty people are queuing for a table. Our friends get into the back of the line. Leonardo asks Alejandro, a computer science student and programming whiz, for advice. 莱昂纳多和亚历山大来到了蒂凡尼,这是一家位于滨海区的小型咖啡酒吧。大约有20人在排队等位。我们的朋友排到了队伍的后面。莱昂纳多向计算机科学系学生、编程高手亚历山大征求意见。 Lái’ángnàduō hé Yàlìshāndà lái dào le Dìfánní, zhè shì yìjiā wèiyú bīnhǎi qū de xiǎoxíng kāfēi jiǔbā. Dàyuē yǒu 20 rén zài páiduì děng wèi. Wǒmen de péngyǒu pái dào le duìwǔ de hòumiàn. Lái’ángnàduō xiàng jìsuànjī kēxué xì xuéshēng, biānchéng gāoshǒu Yàlìshāndà zhēngqiú yìjiàn.
  What? Your grandparents want to publish a book without going through a publisher? At their age? 你的祖父母想不通过出版商就出版一本书?在他们这个年纪? Nǐ de zǔfùmǔ xiǎng bù tōngguò chūbǎnshāng jiù chūbǎn yì běn shū? Zài tāmen zhè ge niánjì?
  Yes, they do. They’d also like to know if it’s true that you can only print a few copies. Because when they were young, they had to print at least 300 to 500 copies. 是的,他们想。他们还想知道,你只能印几份,这是不是真的?因为他们年轻的时候,至少要印300到500份。 Shì de, tāmen xiǎng. Tāmen hái xiǎng zhīdào, nǐ zhǐ néng yìn jǐ fèn, zhè shì bùshì zhēn de? Yīnwèi tāmen niánqīng de shíhòu, zhìshǎo yào yìn 300 dào 500 fèn.
  Of course it’s possible. It’s called print on demand. You print as many copies as you want, even just one. 当然这是有可能的。这就叫按需印刷。你想印多少份就印多少份,甚至只印一份。 Dāngrán zhè shì yǒu kěnéng de. Zhè jiù jiào ànxū yìnshuā. Nǐ xiǎng yìn duōshǎo fèn jiù yìn duōshǎo fèn, shènzhì zhǐ yìn yí fèn.
  At an affordable cost? 以可承受的成本? Yǐ kě chéngshòu de chéngběn?
  The price depends on the number of pages. A hundred-page book costs a few euros, a two-hundred-page book costs about twice that. 价格取决于页数。一本一百页的书需要几欧元,一本两百页的书则大约需要这个价钱的两倍。 Jiàgé qǔjué yú yè shù. Yì běn yì bǎi yè de shū xūyào jǐ ōuyuán, yì běn liǎng bǎi yè de shū zé dàyuē xūyào zhège jiàqián de liǎng bèi.
  Would you mind coming to my grandparents’ house one day and explaining them how it works? 你介意哪天去我祖父母家,向他们解释这个怎么搞吗? Nǐ jièyì nǎ tiān qù wǒ zǔfùmǔ jiā, xiàng tāmen jiěshì zhè ge zěnme gǎo ma?
  Not at all. My pleasure. 当然不介意,荣幸之至。 Dāngrán bú jièyì, róngxìng zhī zhì.
  All right, then. I’ll arrange a meeting. 好的,那我会安排你们见面。 Hǎo de, nà wǒ huì ānpái nǐmen jiànmiàn.
  He thinks for a moment. 他想了一会儿。 Tā xiǎng le yíhuìr.
  By the way, any news from Martina? 顺便问一下,有玛蒂娜的消息吗? Shùnbiàn wèn yíxià, yǒu Mǎdìnà de xiāoxī ma?
  Yes, she called me this morning. That’s it, it’s done. Everything went well. 是的,她今天早上给我打电话了。就这样了,搞定了。一切都很顺利。 Shì de, tā jīntiān zǎoshang gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà le. Jiù zhèyàng le, gǎodìng le. Yíqiè dōu hěn shùnlì.
  What a relief! So she didn’t let her mother convince her. 真是松了一口气啊! 所以她没有让她母亲说服她。 Zhēn shi sōng le yìkǒuqì a! Suǒyǐ tā méiyǒu ràng tā mǔqīn shuōfú tā.
  Her mother tried everything to change her mind. And it seems that her father even threatened to throw her out. 她的母亲想尽办法来改变她的想法。而她的父亲似乎甚至威胁要把她赶出去。 Tā de mǔqīn xiǎng jìn bànfǎ lái gǎibiàn tā de xiǎngfǎ. Ér tā de fùqīn sìhū shènzhì wēixié yào bǎ tā gǎn chūqù.
  In any case, that’s not going to happen to Hannah. 无论如何,那是不会发生在汉娜身上的。 Wúlùn rúhé, nà shì bú huì fāshēng zài Hànnà shēnshang de.
  You mean with Raquel? 你是说和拉奎尔? Nǐ shì shuō he Lā kuí’ěr?
  Those two, at least, are not at risk of getting pregnant! They can spin perfect love without fear. The lucky ones! No need for a condom. 这两个人,至少没有怀孕的风险!她们可以毫无顾忌地享受爱情。幸运的人!不需要避孕套。 Zhè liǎng gè rén, zhìshǎo méiyǒu huáiyùn de fēngxiǎn! Tāmen kěyǐ háo wú gùjì de xiǎngshòu àiqíng. Xìngyùn de rén! Bù xūyào bìyùn tào.
  Alejandro sees that Leonardo’s eyes are darkening. 亚历山大看到莱昂纳多的眼睛在变黑。 Yàlìshāndà kàn dào Lái’ángnàduō de yǎnjīng zài biàn hēi.
  Oh, excuse me. I forgot you had a relationship with Hannah. 哦,不好意思。我忘了你和汉娜有过一段。 Ò,bùhǎoyìsi. Wǒ wàngle nǐ hé Hànà yǒuguò yíduàn.
  It’s nothing. But it’s true, I still can’t get myself to believe that it’s over. 这没什么。但这是真的,我还是无法让自己相信它已经结束了。 Zhè méi shénme. Dàn zhè shì zhēn de, wǒ háishì wúfǎ ràng zìjǐ xiāngxìn tā yǐjīng jiéshùle.



