Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Chinese military exercises.

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23 August 2022

佩洛西访台 中国军演 德媒怎么说?

Pèi luò xī fǎng tái zhōngguó jūn yǎn dé méi zěnme shuō?


Audio and transcription source: Deutsche Welle


各位好,欢迎眼光独到的您点进了我们最新一期的德媒怎么说。 Gèwèi hǎo, huānyíng yǎnguāng dúdào de nín diǎn jìnle wǒmen zuìxīn yī qí de dé méi zěnme shuō. 眼光   yǎnguāng: vision

独到   dúdào: unique

德媒  dé méi: German Media

Hello and welcome to our latest edition of What the German Media Say.
0:05 0:05 0:05
暑假过去后,我们终于又和您见面啦。 Shǔjià guòqù hòu, wǒmen zhōngyú yòu hé nín jiànmiàn la. 过去  guòqù: pass by

终于  zhōngyú: finally

啦  la: contraction of 了啊,indicating exclamation

After the summer break, we finally see you again.
0:08 0:08 0:08
这段时间最大的事情,莫过于美国众议员议长佩洛西访台,中国军队强势推出环岛实弹军演的事情了。 Zhè duàn shíjiān zuìdà de shìqíng, mò guòyú měiguó zhòng yìyuán yìzhǎng pèi luò xī fǎng tái, zhōngguó jūnduì qiáng shì tuīchū huándǎo shídàn jūn yǎn de shìqíngle. 事情  shìqíng: matter

莫  mò: nothing, nobody

过于  guòyú: too

众议员  zhòng yìyuán: House of Representatives

议长  yìzhǎng: speaker

访  fǎng: visit

军队  jūnduì: troops

强  qiáng: strong, stubborn

势  shì: force, gesture

推出  tuīchū: bring out

环岛  huándǎo: around the island

实弹  shídàn: with real ammumition

军  jūn: military



The biggest event during this period was the visit of the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, and the Chinese military launched a live-fire military exercise around the island.
0:17 0:17 0:17
德语媒体在这段时间是怎么看待这次火药味极浓的,可以说是「第四次台海危机」的危机呢?我们给您一一道来。 Déyǔ méitǐ zài zhè duàn shíjiān shì zěnme kàndài zhè cì huǒyàowèi jí nóng de, kěyǐ shuō shì `dì sì cì táihǎi wéijī’de wéijī ne? Wǒmen gěi nín yīyī dào lái. 媒体  méitǐ: media

看待  kàndài: observe, view

火药  huǒyào: gunpowder

火药味  huǒyàowèi: smell of powder; belligerence

极  jí: extreme

浓  nóng: strong, great

危机  wéijī: crisis

How did the German-speaking media view this very strong smell of gunpowder during this period of time, which can be said to be the crisis of the “fourth Taiwan Strait crisis”? We will bring you one by one.
0:30 0:30 0:30
我们先来看看瑞士《新苏黎世报》在佩洛西访台的前几天,是怎么评论她当时还在计划中的台湾之行的。 Wǒmen xiān lái kàn kàn ruìshì “xīn sūlíshì bào” zài pèi luò xī fǎng tái de qián jǐ tiān, shì zěnme pínglùn tā dāngshí hái zài jìhuà zhōng de táiwān zhī xíng de. 瑞士  ruìshì: Switzerland

苏黎世  sūlíshì: Zurich

评论  pínglùn: comment, review

当时  dāngshí: at that time

计划  jìhuà: plan

Let’s take a look at how a few days before the Switzerland’s “New Zurich” in Pelosi, how she commented on her planned trip to Taiwan at the time.
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该报这篇文章的中心思想是:这场未知的旅程可能导致美国与中国发生「不必要的危机」。 Gāi bào zhè piān wénzhāng de zhōngxīn sīxiǎng shì: Zhè chǎng wèizhī de lǚchéng kěnéng dǎozhì měiguó yǔ zhōngguó fāshēng `bù bìyào de wéijī’. 该gāi: above-mentioned

篇piān: [written text]

文章wénzhāng: article

思想sīxiǎng: thought, idea

未知wèizhī: unknown

旅程lǚchéng: travel, trip

导致dǎozhì: lead to

The central idea of the article is that this unknown trip could lead to an “unnecessary crisis” between the US and China.
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并批评华盛顿没有好好权衡这趟 「纯象征意义的台湾之行」的成本和收益。 Bìng pīpíng huáshèngdùn méiyǒu hǎohǎo quánhéng zhè tàng `chún xiàngzhēng yìyì de táiwān zhī xíng’de chéngběn hé shōuyì. 并  bìng: simultaneously

批评  pīpíng: criticize

华盛顿  huáshèngdùn: Washington

权衡   quánhéng: weigh up

趟  tàng: [action]

纯  chún: pure

象征  xiàngzhēng: symbol

意义  yìyì: meaning

成本  chéngběn: cost

收益  shōuyì: benefit


He also criticized Washington for not properly weighing the costs and benefits of this “purely symbolic trip to Taiwan”.
0:53 0:53 0:53
作者Andreas Rüesch认为:「政治危机有三种不同的类型: Zuòzhě Andreas Rüesch rènwéi:`Zhèngzhì wéijī yǒu sān zhǒng bù tóng de lèixíng: 作者  zuòzhě: author

认为  rènwéi: think

政治  zhèngzhì: politics

类型  lèixíng: type

According to author Andreas Rüesch, “There are three different types of political crises.
0:57 0:57 0:57
有些是政府完全没有想到的;有些则是酝酿多年,像烫手山芋一样从一个领导人传到另一个领导人; Yǒuxiē shì zhèngfǔ wánquán méiyǒu xiǎngdào de; yǒuxiē zé shì yùnniàng duōnián, xiàng tàngshǒu shānyù yīyàng cóng yīgè lǐngdǎo rén chuán dào lìng yīgè lǐngdǎo rén; 政府  zhèngfǔ: government

完全  wánquán: completely

没有想到  méiyǒu xiǎngdào: unexpected

则  zé: then

酝酿  yùnniàng: brew

烫手  tàngshǒu: scalding

山芋  shānyù: sweet potato

领导  lǐngdǎo: leader

传  chuán: hand down


Some were completely unexpected by the government; others were years in the making and passed from one leader to another like a hot potato;
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还有一些则纯碎是由于政治家们的无能而一手造成的。 Hái yǒu yīxiē zé chún suì shì yóuyú zhèngzhì jiāmen de wúnéng ér yīshǒu zàochéng de. 纯  chún: pure

碎  suì: break, smash

由于  yóuyú: as a result of

而  ér: and, but

一手  yīshǒu: skill

造成  zàochéng: cause


And then there are those that are purely and simply caused by the incompetence of politicians.
1:11 1:11 1:11
而这第三类就包含美国国会领导人佩洛西计划访台的相关争议」。 Ér zhè dì sān lèi jiù bāohán měiguó guóhuì lǐngdǎo rén pèi luò xī jìhuà fǎng tái de xiāngguān zhēng yì’. 类  lèi: kind

包含  bāohán: contain, include

国会   guóhuì: parliament

相关  xiāngguān: related to

争议  zhēng yì: controverse


The third category includes controversies related to the planned visit of US Congressional Leader Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan.”
1:17 1:17 1:17
评论文章指出,这位美众议院议长想要表态对台湾的支持,当然值得称赞, Pínglùn wénzhāng zhǐchū, zhè wèi měi zhòngyìyuàn yìzhǎng xiǎng yào biǎotài duì táiwān de zhīchí, dāngrán zhídé chēngzàn, 指出  zhǐchū: point out

表态  biǎotài: make one’s position known

支持  zhīchí: support

值得  zhídé: be worth

称赞  chēngzàn: praise

The commentary pointed out that the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives wants to express his support for Taiwan, which is certainly laudable.
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「但是这种做法似乎非常笨拙,并因拜登政府混乱的信息政策而变得更加不堪。 `Dànshì zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ sìhū fēicháng bènzhuō, bìng yīn bài dēng zhèngfǔ hǔnluàn de xìnxī zhèngcè ér biàn dé gèngjiā bùkān. 做法  zuòfǎ: method

似乎  sìhū: apparently

笨拙  bènzhuō: clumsy, stupid

因  yīn: because

拜登  bài dēng: Biden

混乱  hǔnluàn: chaotic, disordered

信息  xìnxī: information

政策  zhèngcè: policy

变得  biàn dé: become

更加  gèngjiā: even more

不堪  bùkān: not able, cannot stand



“But the approach seems very clumsy and made worse by the chaotic information policies of the Biden administration.
1:31 1:31 1:31
这造成的结果是,美国现在只有两个选择——要么向中国屈服,要么毫无意义地助长台海冲突」。 Zhè zàochéng de jiéguǒ shì, měiguó xiànzài zhǐ yǒu liǎng gè xuǎnzé——yàome xiàng zhōngguó qūfú, yàome háo wú yìyì dì zhùzhǎng táihǎi chōngtú’. 结果  jiéguǒ: result

要么  yàome: either…or

屈服  qūfú: give in, capitulate

毫  háo: tiny

毫无意义地  háo wú yìyì dì: meaninglessly, pointlessly

助长  zhùzhǎng: foster, encourge

冲突  chōngtú: conflict


As a result, the U.S. now has only two options—either capitulate to China, or uselessly fuel the conflict across the Taiwan Strait.”
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作者认为:北京已经发出了威胁,西方国家不应该被这种威吓吓到。 Zuòzhě rènwéi: Běijīng yǐjīng fāchūle wēixié, xīfāng guójiā bù yìng gāi bèi zhè zhǒng wēihè xià dào. 发出  fāchū: give out, send out

威胁  wēixié: threat

西方  xīfāng: West

威吓  wēihè: intimate

吓  xià: scare, frighten



The author argues that Beijing has made a threat and the West should not be intimidated by it.
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毕竟,中共领导层极不可能采取公开的好战行为、击落佩洛西的飞机。 Bìjìng, zhōnggòng lǐngdǎo céng jí bùkěnéng cǎiqǔ gōngkāi de hào zhàn xíngwéi, jíluò pèi luò xī de fēijī. 毕竟  bìjìng: actually

中共  zhōnggòng: PRC

采取  cǎiqǔ: adopt

公开  gōngkāi: public; overt

战  zhàn: war

行为  xíngwéi: behavior

击落  jíluò: shoot down


After all, it is highly unlikely that the Communist leadership would engage in overtly belligerent behavior and shoot down Pelosi’s plane.
1:52 1:52 1:52
更主要的问题其实是:「(美国)这样公开秀出肌肉究竟有多智慧? Gèng zhǔyào de wèntí qíshí shì:`(Měiguó) zhèyàng gōngkāi xiù chū jīròu jiùjìng yǒu duō zhìhuì? 秀  xiù: outstanding

肌肉  jīròu: muscle

究竟jiùjìng: actually

智慧  zhìhuì: intelligence, reason

The main question is really: “How smart is it (for the U.S.) to put on such a public show of muscle?
1:58 1:58 1:58
美方到底想通过这样的访问达到什么目的呢? Měifāng dàodǐ xiǎng tōngguò zhèyàng de fǎngwèn dádào shénme mùdì ne? 通过  tōngguò: by means of

访问  fǎngwèn: visit

目的  mùdì: intention, aim

What exactly does the US want to achieve through such a visit?